What's a good Anzu movie?

What's a good Anzu movie?


Sun Tzu said that


I can't believe she is a Turkroach!
She has to be removed!


She's such a cutie. Had a brief Twitter convo with her a couple of years ago about watching House MD being more important than university education. Did I mention she's cute?

Kebab lover spotted and reported



Remove her and send her to my bedroom.

She has to bring her make up and cosplay shit though.

Thank you OP for reminding me of how alone I am, and of the fact that I have wasted the last 2 years of my life since I talked to Anzu. Fuck.

Is that Evetty?


Saracens? In MY Holla Forums?

the "Turkish" today are more Greek than the "Greek" are tbh.

Why would you waste your time with this Ottoman whore?


her face has a weird shape

no, it's the greeks who are more turk


Not far from reality.

Where do they keep finding these retards, I wonder? These kinds of muslotard projecting is perhaps the only instances where the shitty "if you're so vocal against fags, that's because you're a fag yourself" meme ever correctly applies.

The "translations" are done by an Israeli company.

I want to give her pinkeye.

I want to kill her and quarter her body.

id fuck her and have her birth my kids if she wasnt such an attention whore and didnt cosplay or post on the internet which would prob mean I would never know about her but thats how it goes rly

Let's team up.


Even if she wasn't an attention whore, your kids will look like this

Isn't it strange that this thread got anchored, while Maisie threads never do and Carmen posts go undeleted?

That's because Anzu is best girl.