Why did everything go so wrong in season 2.
Why did everything go so wrong in season 2
I might like season 2 better than season 1. It's more weird David Lynch bullshit. Less Soap opera.
It was longer. So more to fill, less ideas maybe.
season 2 was kino up until episode 9
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?
You are an idiot.
They were forced to wrap up the murder plotline for ratings. So it felt rushed and ruined the show. The only saving grace post-murder investigation is 10/10 Heather Graham.
why is everything going so right in season 3?
I really thought Lynch was senile and was going to fuck this up
This little minx put the kibosh on the kino and was subsequently cursed to become something out of Eraserhead.
Wally wasn't in season 2.
Seems like he went full blown Lynch. Like in the original shows it was still trying to hold a TV friendly formula. Now, he's gone advanced abstract autismal. The weird thing is, none of the shit really makes sense to me while I'm watching it. But then I like sleep on the episodes and wake up the next day and I can understand it with a bit more clarity.
Season 2 was kino, stop copying opinions of Reddit about it.
This, I pretty much dropped the show after that confusing murder twist. I'm sure fire walk with me explains it better, but Netflix didn't have it at the time.
Season 3 is pretty great. It has a nice mix of reality and paranormal, rather than normal going right into paranormal.
There's already a TP thread.
Season 3 sucks balls. Going from city to city following different characters that have no interactions with each other is pointless. I do not care about these old as fuck characters and their shitty lives. I care about the citizens of Twin Peaks, fuck new york fuck california fuck season 3. Only the first season of Twin Peaks is good.
This, is just 4 episodes out of 18. But really guys don't cancer the place even more, we are already discussing this in other thread.
You david lynch dick suckers are delusional. There is nothing interesting about this style. 4 hours in and it's a bunch of unrelated scenes that may or may not pay off. That's still 4 hours of nothing. No real plot. It's garbage so far.
Go watch your "Deep Lore" GoTfag
I can't find a stream online anywhere that works anymore. Didn't get to see ep 4.
nvm Holla Forums needs delete button
lynchfags are the ones trying to "piece together" every scene like there is some big thing at the end when there isn't. it's unorthodox for the sake of being weird. Twin Peaks never had anything special but the small town feel and likable characters, and season 3 has none of that.
That's mutually exclusive, a real Lynchfag never tries to piece anything together.
completely subjective
Materialist detected.
Faggots detected, go over to reddit and circlejerk there about how deep and special Lynch is.
Literally no one here is saying he's deep.
Even he says he isn't deep.
no one is doing that here, stop fishing for (You)s
you only like boring soap crap we get it.
Remember when everyone was watching samureddit jack saying it was kino and by the end of it everyone had dropped it because it took them a while to realize it was garbage for plebs? Same thing is happening here.
it's literally the kinoest of kinos
Yes the behind the scenes drama fucked them over.
There's a reason she's not a part of this new season, also Moria Kelly did the role better.
Lynch hasn't worked on anything big in a long time so he had a lot of creativity bottled up.
I didn't even recognize Shelly's appearance on first viewing. She doesn't look bad actually.
meant to post this as 2nd image