Spider Gwen thread

Spider Gwen thread.
So what do you think of Spider Gwen's success? Why do you think it's taken off and become so popular/successful?

It's a shame. It's an okay concept but came out too hipster then went full SJW. It took off because hipsters. That's kinda it. There's not much that makes it unique or lovable. It ain't Gwenpool. Doesn't have a lovable art style or a cute protag. Even though they're the same person. It could've been great had they not gone full SJW and just tried to play it straight as an alternate Spider-man/woman.

It's fanfic shit, tbh.

Sauce on claims? I haven't read everything out.

As Landis would say, "she's a hashtag" which is to say, she's not an interesting story or a character in her own right. She's something that exists because the executives and editors are scrambling to find something that will boost sales and keep the lights on for another month.

She was originally just a one-off gimmick, as part of the clusterfuck that was the Spider-verse mini event. They perceived some twitter and tumblr spasming as positive and assumed that 10,000 tumblr notes and twitter likes would be the same as 100,000 sales per book.

Sauce? On what? I really can't think of any other reason for it's popularity than pandering to hipsters and SJW's that think race swapping is the best way to make compelling characters.

Considering what I read so far IS a unique and interesting story, and your claiming it's a hipster, SJW gender swap of Spide-Man, I'd say sauce IS IN FACT required.
Preferably tomato.

Ah, I see what this is. It's just a shill thread. That's a shame.

Trends, my friend. It's [CURRENT YEAR] Marvel comics. Why wouldn't they create yet another carbond copy gender-swap of an established character if not for SJW brownie points.

Not like Gwen Stacy has a long and storied history of being a goddamned superheroine.

Shill? No. I like the comics, I know actual hard-core comic nerds who like it. I came to ask what comic experts think makes it seemingly so popular, but then everyone says it's terrible, so I want to know why, since my experience with how people feel about it is so different.

I haven't seen a carbon copy so far.

Miles Morales has a few powers that Peter didn't. He's a little different and he acts like it.

Spider-Gwen is just Spider-Man, except it's Gwen Stacy with all the powers. Identical origin too, in case you weren't aware.

So you hate alternate universes is all then?

What-if universes are great because they show all kinds of possibilities and things that an established character would never do. Having a character that is in every way identical to Spider-Man except it's Gwen Stacy, is just lazy and boring.

Have you considered going to cuckchan Holla Forums and asking? I think most of the population of this board stopped reading Marvel comics entirely a while ago.

I sure am excited for when Marvel gets bored and makes "Uncle Spider-Ben"

It's less about SJW like that guy said (he's probably just angry at female spiderman) and more about nerds are salivating over sexy spidergirl with skintight costume. Why do you think cosplayers cosplay Spider Gwen? Because nerd can't get enough of her.

Spider Gwen was successful because the costume looked cool, it's basically a gender bent, that isn't a "fuck you men, women are funny, deal with it"

Of course it nose dived like a Kamikaze, but there it is.

Am I the only one who progressively started hating Max Landis less and less because. I don't know. I just wanna be the guy's friend for some reason.


Dude's still a crazy lefty. Don't forget that. SJWs just tend to eventually turn on each other due to one thing or another. Landis is no different. He's turning on them because he's realizing things aren't that great right now. Maybe after Power Rangers bombs he'll actually wake up and get rid of that stupid haircut.

What? Like her peers Silk, Miles Morales, and current year Spider-Woman, she's barely relevant outside of her own contrived AU comic book and vapid attempts at baiting for attention. She's not just a fucking hashtag, she's a cosplay costume for female normies to wear or draw fan art of, and then post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.

If Spider-Gwen's "popular", it's almost certainly because she's concentrated attention bait. She's a alternate Spidey that happens to also be a long-dead character that was irrelevant until she was in the recent Spidey movie. Compared to the other AU showcased in Edge of Spider-Verse, she's pretty bland.

What did he say about power rangers?

There's a small crowd of people who rush to cosplay things because they are popular or new, and they were all Homestuck fans. Women tend to cosplay characters with really cool and cute designs or characters that make them feel sexy. They aren't typically out to collect nerd boners.

t. cosplayer with 15 years of con-going experience and

It's about the only thing they did right for the character and the only thing people can sincerely say they like about her.

Max is like that friend who keeps making bad decisions that you want to save from himself. You know he's a cool guy and he could be doing so much better for himself, but he's just deadset on making bad choices.

Max is a fucked up Hollywood child that knows how fucked up he (and the rest of Hollywood) is. What he doesn't know, is how normal, decent human beings operate. He genuinely tries to not be terrible and it's that sincerity and self awareness that makes him somewhat endearing, even when he says completely stupid shit in an attempt to be a good person.

That's my point. I hate SJWs too but Spider Gwen is way less SJW centric character compared to other obvious ones. It seems that some people lumping her with SJW characters is because they are using carpet bombing tactic. Hate everything and salt the land until nothing grow on it.

Men have a hard time understanding the difference between appreciation for beauty and wanting to get people hard.

I want to help him user.

She's not Squirrel Girl or Hellcat, that's for sure.. But her existence is predicated on bad logic and should not be rewarded or allowed to continue until they prioritize strong and interesting storytelling, instead of diversity quotas.

Just because you think it's a bad logic doesn't mean she need to be erased from the continuity. Based on your opinion the entire Marvel MC2 are not allowed to exist.

Did I say erased? That would just be another shitty retcon and more bad writing. I'm saying they need to do better instead of being so goddamned fucking lazy and thinking that "Spider-Man, but female" is enough of a selling point when a dozen other characters that fit that description exist AND are written for more interestingly than Spider-Gwen.

He could not possibly.

Because he hasn't stolen a nuclear weapon and leveled the entire fucking city.

So you're saying he's a real life Bojack Horseman?

because the hood makes her face look like a clitoris.

Why the fuck is everyone here acting as if Spider-Gwen is popular? It got good sales first week because of a media blitz, but that shit is selling sub-30k. If Marvel wasn't so obsessed with CURRENT YEAR it'd have been canceled like 2 months ago.

It's not selling notably more than Spider-Girl did, which was like the redheaded stepchild of Marvel that they kept trying to cancel over and over again. They're just obsessed with Gwen lately for some reason, which is depressing to those of us who actually liked old Gwen Stacy who is now fucked forever by all of this useless pandering to morons who never even knew who she was before The Amazing Spider-Man films.

Personally I have not read anything Marvel in years unless you count the odd story time here but in the wave of shitty new character and redesigns I find her the most tolerable. That might help a lot with the people who are still hanging on to the big two.

I wish she'd come back.

Except for hot fellow faux-nerds. Otherwise they'd dress to "feel sexy" when home alone.

That probably depends on the type of beauty and presentation thereof

Woman logic, I guess.

Sure. Wearing a trashy cardboard outfit that exposes your ass to a crowd is about the appreciation of beaty.

Another example of a better written, more interesting spider-lady.

Woman logic again. It's harassment and cat calling, right up until it's a sexy, attractive man doing it.
Lingerie, cute clothes, make up, style hair.. Women do this.

Since it's apparently so hard for most people to get and stay /fit/, a woman who worked hard for her body typically wants to be acknowledged.

There are women who put on make-up when they're home alone?
And how have you observed this behavior?

By making people's dicks hard, right.

So what is the count of the people running around with spider powers now?

It's not selling well, but then literally nothing at marvel sells well anymore
Shes only popular with cosplayers as you can see itt

Too bad


*calories ffs

While it might not be on Iron Nigglet level it was the comic that gave us MODOK Trump and one of its creators was bitching about Frank Cho drawing Gwen in the Manara Spider-Woman pose saying, "Your drawing dirty pics of one of my kids. Be lucky your never around me."

So, fuck this character. She's still cancer.

Have you met the average american woman?

So? Cho's respond is to draw MORE of her yelling "OUTRAGE!" and they are pretty funny. Hate the creator, not the character.

Why not both? What is there to like about this nothing of a character? Her entire existence is because tumblr creamed themselves over her, admittedly cool, costume and Marvel current push of anything with a vagina. But that's all she is, is a costume. She deserves to be hated for that alone. Her "creators" being cunts just makes it easier.

You know what we should have a comic book off? Japanese Spider-man and his giant mecha.

Or..have him and Electric Company Spider-Man in an annual book.

Didn't all those other Spider-Men get killed off in a Crisis-type event with that family of vampires that eat spider-totems? And Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends Spidey, and Twinkies Spidey? And Spider-Ham?

Japanese Spidey and Electric Company Spidey didn't bite it (Leopardon did appear…and got wrecked, fuck you Slott and Electric Company Spidey was mentioned off hand but didn't appear)


Whoops hitting the wrong button.

Because she's not creator owned character. She's Marvel property and a good writer can make her a good character. Fuck the creator, let him wallow in anger but he can't do nothing. Stop getting into spiral of anger, those tumblrtards are not worth your blood pressure. Frank Cho already did that, he make Spider Gwen as his weapon to fight those SJW cunts, and he did amazingly.

Because you have shit taste and you know people with shit taste,

It's nothing new. It brings nothing to the table that we haven't seen in previous spidey comics, and it doesn't develop Gwen as a character beyond the superficial and what we already know about her.

Tell me, why DO you like it? What about it do you think is unique or interesting? I know you're wrong, but I need to know in what way you are wrong.