redpill me on him
Redpill me on him
He talked a good talk, held his own against other men, but wasn't able to stick to his guns when it came to the crunch and fucked up good and proper. So he's all talk for better or for worse.
Basically this. I don't know what the fuck he sees in her, she's not even an attractive black woman. It seems to have been taken down but there used to be a clip up on youtube of them arguing that summed it all up with her basically using every SJW buzzword there was, saying anyone who questions feminism is ignorant, and that people should be fired for saying shit that offends her.
She controls his money, he lives in fear of her. I wish Patrice was still around to set him straight. I remember he let out a little cry for help in some interview or podcast about how he tried this coconut water Joe Rogan gave him, but he had to order only a tiny amount even though he really liked it or his wife would yell at him.
She basically turned him into a BLM supporter and against Cumia.
he'll come around
i remember in one of his videos he's talking about jenner, and he's initially saying "he", niggress corrects him that it should be "she" and eventually even she's getting confused and saying "he"
she's there just to torture him
should i post 'sandwich' or is that still a private video
A Boston Cuck.
He's the guy that's been posting negresses.
post it
Post it.
post it
Why does that webm only have a left audio track?
He always said he his biggest fear was ending up an angry lonely guy. Nia knows this and already uses this against him in fights.
The last times I listened to his podcasts he was telling how she went rogue on him by deleting one of the series they used to watch together, after she watched it alone, claiming it was a mistake. Women don't make mistakes like that, ever. He should know this. I also heard her be a total bitch to him on the podcast too. Really putting him down, live. And he fucking took it.
I'm calling it now. It won't be long before this is over. She's going to leave him and take half his shit if not more. His fault for letting her take advantage of his fears. That's not a power a woman should be given, because they will use it against you and soon after lose all respect if it works.
Because he doesn't have a right anymore
She's hideous.
Patrice is a nigger and anyone who idolizes a niggers is still under 18. Bill Burr is just another faggot comedian who occasionally says something edgy making him "right wing". The police are trash and so is anyone who gives the police their support. The police are invading people's bedrooms and preventing beatings from taking place. The only thing that will reverse feminism is either whites being cucked out of existence or white men beating their women again. The police interfere with #2.
Fuck you their music is good.
You fucked up cucky boy.
someone post that video where he said his dad used to make fun of him for playing with dolls kthnx
A man and his dog have a special connection. I don't know a single guy who would give up his dog just because his girlfriend said so, and I know a lot of cucks.
For all his talk, he's worse than Anthony Burch.
lol only the first album, bunch of slack jawed britbombers
These videos should tell you all you need to know about the current bill bur, he is not the same anymore
the dude on the right looks like graham chapman
He might have cucked out a little, but he always had the cuck in him.
Yeah, he even said that he was very left leaning even before. It's just that he said some pretty controversial things and now he mellowed down even more, and does not practice what he preaches. So if he wasn't left enough, he is now. I no longer listen to his podcasts.
Alright, I watched 15 minutes of this and I can't do it anymore. I knew Bill was a cuck, but I never knew he was this much of a cuck. It really fucking pisses me of at how much of a bitch he is in that video.
Just shut the fuck up Bill. My head hurts from listening to that.
IT'S OVER OPIE, IT'S OVER. You just got totally owned! It's over, you just got destroyed!
Bill Burr married a burrhead. He failed at life.
Billy Redtits is proof that the Great White Dick meme is true.
How insecure, how threatened by memery do you have to be, to make these pics and spam them?
Looks like someone got triggered. We need more Great White Dick pics.
Bill is living the dream, having a submissive negress who worships his Great White Dick, unlike any run-of-the-mill white chick.
A black woman is the ideal match for a white man with a big cock. Deal with it.
I missed you stupid mong, now post maisies and say how much do you want her to step on your face
Louis pls
Get out, you don't belong on this board you humorless twat.
Too bad Bill's negress doesn't submit or worship GWD. Bill's pet monkey is controlling and a bitch.
If she's a controlling bitch wouldn't that make him the pet monkey?
Kek. He's not a monkey, he's just a pet.
Is he not Irish?
They're just albino monkeys.
it was a 2015 live set with audio only recording from what sounds like the audience
certain 'manospheres' lit up with interest , vid got heaps of views
but i think it was put to private when people pointed out comedians test out new material and putting it online would taint its later broadcast version
later broadcast version was shit to shit audience, so i'm posting it
now private, but i downloaded it back when original link
The only time he can tell her what he really thinks is on stage.
Potato is the master race tbh
He didn't vote for Trump, but then again he didn't vote for Hillary.
She also made him sell his drums, is stay at home mom that doesn't bother with any household chores when Billy is on the road, and she occasionally bitches at him for wasting time and screaming on the podcast. And she hit him in the past too.
Five to ten years is quite a while. Nia has to hang around a bit longer to get the really good money.
More like Cumia skin or sumthin'. Tssss.
They apparently reconciled. Burr even wen as far as to accidentally "pulling a plug" during the podcast recording when Nia was about to go on a rant about Cumia.
Man, ashamed to say this, but it seems Burr is a little ahead of Louis C.K.
What will happen to Bill once it's over? Will he realize what went wrong? Or will he continue to be a massive cuck?
I wish his new stand up was more like this.
Beloved of young white men with 94-105 IQs
Okay, found it. Other versions of the clip are still up. I have utterly despised his wife since I heard this argument.
It starts off with him getting a viewer question "Would you rather have a daughter who was a ho, or a gay son who was also a ho?" before Bill even has a chance to laugh about it she starts screeching about how the question is homophobic, misogynistic and sexist.
From there she starts attacking him for defending bigots and asserts they should all be fired for offending people. She further says anyone who questions feminism is ignorant and should shut the fuck up.
So, he was smart enough to see past the Trumpenstein/Clintonberg dichotomy?
Almost makes me like him, if he wasn't such a cuck in every other aspect of his life.
why do you hate jews bro they're our greatest ally, how based is it that they had the mudslimes too XD?
Who was the last president who didn't have to caress the cuck-wall anyway?
I hate to break it to you but black women make these, at least some of them. It's called 'raceplay'.
He will either turn into angry bastard and his comedy will get good again, or will turn into a skinny Lois C.K. In one of the podcasts he mentioned that he will live like a hermit
Divorce is almost certain sooner or later, since Nia's parents and grandparents were divorced and she said that it is something common in her family. And when Burr brings up divorce, she always gets extremely defensive.
The worst one by far is probably her thinking that acting bitchy towards waiting staff. And she used to work as waitress herself. She is a cunt without any empathy.
He was NEVER controversial though
Saying shit like "lol women r dum amirite?" is hardly controversial
it is in the current year
So in other words, she's a woman?
it's not really hypocritical if bill thinks women and marriage is shit, and settling with a shit woman in a shit marriage is simply the only option he has
if bill was black, he'd slap her shit by now
Then why haven't you people invented anything?
That's what differentiates actual humans from niggers after all.
Niggers invented dick knives.
what's that, klingon weaponry?
They're African throwing blades. All the extra points are to ensure contact when you hit your target.
I like him
Are they meant to be symbolic of something? Like, letters or something? They don't look to be much use as weapons, not that they wouldn't do a lot of damage but there seems to be no rhyme or reason to their construction. Like wouldn't something more like a traditional throwing axe with a single curved blade suffice?
And why do you call them dick knives? Are they meant to evoke a penis in design? Are they used for castration/some perversion of circumcision? I am very interested in these funny looking axes.
From Holla Forums
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Billy Freckles is just a pussy whipped faggot at this point. His comedy is the only thing in his life that Nia doesn't control (yet), but his specials get worse every year anyway. Only good thing coming out of this is Nia divorcing Burr for his Leprechaun gold, and Billy getting his comedic anger back.
They're called "hunga munga" and "mambele" among other things.
The Iron age parts of Africa are all blade cultures so they are important status symbols and they are customized for their owners.
They are derived from a muck more modest form like in the first picture. The crazy multi-bladed versions are basically equivalent to "Tacticool" firearms.
You can notice that near the handle of several of them there is a stylized erect phallus motif, see the second and third picture. Once again it's just a status/virility/power symbol for the owner.
Thanks for the information, I always thought the tricked out 'pimped' cars and jewellery and obsession with penises and penis size with black guys came from feelings of inferiority from slavery, but I guess that behaviour pre-dates all of that as evidenced by these weapons. Not that Europeans didn't do the same shit (like Sweden's coat of arms having a lion with a dick, or unnecessarily large codpieces)
Don't forget to add:
The feminist is almost done taming him. After which he'll be of no interest anymore and she'll start stripping him of his useful assets.