Honestly thought I was at least somewhat traditional.
Honestly thought I was at least somewhat traditional
aaaaaaand dropped
What's your point?
political tests were a mistake
economy section is shit on this test tbh.
forgot to post.
Shit, got the free speech ones backwards. Updated.
So blue….
Hurray for anarchism amrite
Clicking on thoses but the highlighting doesn't seem to work seem to change…
Most of these questions are completley irrelevant to the anarchist. Why the fuck is there even a scale for libertarianism when every single question assumes you support the exsistence of a state?
On the whole economy shit, I put zero regulation because you can't regulate something that doesn't exist. I don't think the test understood.
this is the worst one I have ever seen.
The economy questions alone were so cancerous that i didn't even bother finishing.
for "private" just imagine it's publically owned by worker federations.
oh shit I skipped over the euthanasia question, just imagine I advocated Anastasia
That picture to the right is such bullshit. Anyways, agorism is just a counter-economics method against the state. It really isn't an ideological position but could be used by anybody for their own purposes.
Lol this thing is stupid. You can change to 'no votes for women' and it gives you like a 1% change..
I too was once 15
No dude. You're either a socialist or a capitalist. Agorism is not an ideology. It's just a tactic If you're a socialist you're with us regardless of whether you support agorism or not. Anti-state capitalists are fools consciously or unconsciously looking to defend the powerful.
Come on dude, who cares.
The Gommunist criticizing me for not believing in fairy tales.
Fuck off.
here we go again…
Leave it at that man ,I have had this endless debate before.
Just out of curiosity. What's you're basic claim?
secular = sensible government
irreligious = fedora prison camps
Towards , I mean.
Forgot to say: some of these make no sense
If you have universal basic income and socialism, you dont need a minimum wage. You also dont need a pension cause its the same. And income and consumption tax would be silly if you have a working socialist system. If eeryone makes somewhat the same, why tax them twice, just increase coporate tax.
And affirmative action is not modernism or collectivism, its racism.