It's finally almost Halloween again

It's finally almost Halloween again.
Help me decide which costume to wear- red heels with devil horns or leopard print with cat ears?
My boyfriend is having a poker party next Saturday for a few of his guy friends. He wants me to be the cocktail waitress as I'll be the only girl there.
Help me decide
























































Goddamn SAGE user, you sure do work hard at your autism



Honestly, babe, the party hat on its own suits you just fine.



My halloween outfit :^)

i don't think you're real.

Is that a post-op trap?


Was about to play but then
You know the rules. Post yourself boy and not you're mom.

Wedding ring in the 1st pic.

How does your husband feel about you waitressing at your boyfriend's party?

Just go as a filthy, lying whore. That way you can just go as yourself and save money on buying a costume.

Wow i got banned for that ?

Totally non-nude. What the fuck ?

Why isn't your pussy shaved? Also your kneecaps look hilarious.

Timestamp and we'll let you know what we think. We may even give you a /_/ friendly internet gang bang so you can cuck your gay boyfriend squeeze that you use to deter straight men which is ultimately why you're most likely here.