Ecofascism thread #1 - Kill all the mud people edition

Only white people care about the environment.

Poo-in-loos, chinks, the heavily mud-infested USA and greedy kikes are responsible for the vast majority of environmental problems in the world, because keeping worthless mud people fed and their dicks slightly less dysfunctional is somehow more important than preserving coral reefs, ancient tropical forests and flagship species.

What's worse is that cuckservatives keep telling us that not wanting all of our goods produced in some shitty sweatshop in South East Asia makes us "unprincipled". God forbid you can't buy a new phone every three months instead of every six months. You might even - gasp - prevent a company from offshoring and produce their goods locally, instead of having them needlessly shipped all around the world, no matter the damage it might do to the environment.

Then you have the greedy kikes who insist on designing technological products with an artificially limited useful life, forcing people to keep buying new versions of said products because the kikes would rather make more shekels instead of preserving precious metals. As noted in the DNC email leaks, Hispanics are "the most brand loyal consumers in the world". This is why kikes love to import them so much - they make better consumers than whites, and will gladly keep buying whatever new products Jew-owned companies keep pumping out, no matter what the cost to the environment is.

This is why we should outright commit genocide on most of the world's non-white population. Not only could we fix so many problems related to immigration in white countries, but actually get rid of the environment-wrecking muds in third-world countries as well.

Imagine what a paradise Africa would be if its population was over 95% white. We could save some of the last remnants of the culture of the colonialist era and set up small white communities that would help to preserve so many endangered species, instead of letting chinks steal all the resources and mass-produce >muh dik pills. We might even be able to reintroduce some extinct species into the wild the help of cloning.

Wouldn't it be great if white South Africans would have to build fences around their homes to keep out actual wild animals, instead of the niggers?

Other urls found in this thread: simonovic



Cull 95% of the global population. Create global Aryan imperium run on permaculture.


that picture of that choking chinese smog kills me inside.


Did you guys know that the West African black rhino and Baiji dolphin were officially declared to be (functionally) extinct last decade?

I've sperged out about the myriad problems with industrial-scale farming in the Bayer thread already, but environmentalists (for all the rest of their shitlib nonsense about climate change etc) really are onto something in pushing for major agricultural reforms in ending industrial agriculture in favour of agroecology, permacultures etc.


Damn didn't know.

After we gas the kikes and genocide Africa, maybe we could breed them from frozen DNA or something.

Who Pentti Linkola here?

Read his books and recognize the necessity of global genocide.

To start:

I haven't read it yet, but I'm definitely interested in reading ecofascist works. Any other suggestions?




Glad to know I'm not the only fag for environmental issues. Something about the landscape of our beautiful world and its many species suffering at the hands of subhumans upsets me greatly.

I think only Can Life Prevail? A Radical Approach to the Environmental Crisis is translated to english.

Here's a good quote from it:

He sounds pretty based (I think I've got a pdf or epub of that book somewhere on my hard drive).

I think one of the major problems of American conservatism is its knee-jerk defense of capitalism as a hangover from the Cold War years, as its fundamentally incompatible with conservatism.

As one example you have giant agri-factories in "Red" states importing hundreds of thousands of illegals to pick crops who will (or their children will) vote for "Blue" policies - but that's alright, because Joe Taxpayer can pick up the bill for the food stamps that they use!

This is just unfair. We here in Europe have to save energy, "go green", drive electric gay ass cars and in the meanwhile niggers and chinks are blowing more Co2 into the atmosphere tha ever before!

Why us? Why does the world police alias USA don't do anything about those faggots?

Let alone anything involving the environment, which inevitably devolves into "evil BIG GUMMINT commies attempting to squash free enterprise! Back to the USSR with you, Commissar Boris"

American conservatism can be so incredibly cancerous. I'm really glad Trump is reforming it.

Because white nations are the rich ones and with the best quality of life to bleed.

Ironic, since the communists were/are shitting up the environment just as badly as the globalist, unhinged crony capitalism does.

Fascism is the only viable option for our planet's survival.

Want more proof to support your claim? Many communist groups in Mexico (they are a big thing in central and south America, Google "zapatistas" or "EZLN"), land preservation is viewed as a capitalist invasion of their culture. The EZLN and other groups like it want to use all possible land for farming, and yet they still claim to be "greener" and "more in touch with nature" than the west.


I'm sick of the mudnorities

Honestly this is one of my biggest reasons, as a Canadian, for opposing mass nonwhite immigration. They say we have so much land… but most of it is wilderness, so the globalists are basically telling us to murder our country to make room for suburbs for Wong, Pajit, Nkumbe, Abdul, Jose, and of course Shlomo, all of whom hate nature.

Does anyone have some good farming methods?
I don't want to strip the soil with fertilizers and such.


Makes me anxious just looking at it to be honest.


Suburbs suck the souls out of people. That's why suburbanites are so bland, gullible, and weak.

That shit exists mostly in Arizona, and Nevada, places like that, aside from just regular cities you cant get much beyond that.

bet you posted that from your 1 bedroom apartment on the 14th floor

rotate with potatoes is the easiest way, they are easy on the soil and the ones that are missed during harvest create a natural compost.

Nope, I live in the deep south in a semirural area.
I figured crop rotation was the best way to go.
I've also been told certain plows aren't good for soil condition, how true is this?

I've only ever heard of plow depth being an issue and that comes down to the layering in the area, eg some places have a layer of clay close to the surface, having too much clay in the soil for example will cause rooty plants as they seek out pockets where they get proper oxygenation which in turn fucks the soil.

I use the same plow my grandfather did and the only time we have had bad crops is due to floods, fire etc.
We rotate Lucerne, potatoes and will once every half dozen crops, rest it for a cycle.

Linkola is based as fuck

Duly noted.
My family used to farm a couple generations ago, but it fell out after the 60s and things began industrializing around here.
I'm tempted to start growing a small crop rotation partially to get off the market jew and make a little money on the side if possible.
Next step in mind is to either get real chummy with a butcher/rancher/hunter or go hunt myself.

Find someone who farms cattle in the area.
I found a guy locally, get to pick the beasts I want, pay a fraction of what you pay in the shoppingjew and it's all hormone free, grass fed, slaughtered properly and then butchered by me.

If you are looking to go with smaller plots for a better variety, chicken shit is one of the best thing for veggies and more fruiting plants (you get it for free from your chickens too, which you should be looking at getting if you dont have them already)and saves you having to sequence plant so the crops come off around the same time to rotate efficiently if you are looking to do smaller sectional grows
Also look into complimentary plants, you can cover the pest control aspect by planting lavender or chrysanthemums and even using clover as a ground cover.

It all depends on how big you are planning to go.

Another eco-fascist in a similar vein of thought = simonovic

sensible chuckle =

Look into companion planting. You can greatly reduce pest and vermin with it.

Sorry if I crashed the topic. Stupid phone…

He gets pissed -→

>88 checked

Why does this picture instill me with fear?

fascism is already eco-friendly enough. Take your thread into the chamber with you.


What do you guys think about Ted Kaczynski?


Lack of diversity (in a good way) and/or creativity.
Everything the same - robotic society,
reminds me of the intro from the series Weeds.

If it weren't for (mostly) white people's conservation efforts, many more species would be going extinct right now.

Yeah, I was at the zoo the other day and they had an Amur tiger. Said there were only a few hundred left in the wild because chinks hunt them and make penis pills out of their bones or something.

Why is it the whites are the ones who seem to give a fuck about nature.

makes me sad

Non-whites (for the most part) only seem to care about >muh gibs and >muh dik.

They don't care about corruption, they don't care about the environment, and they most certainly don't care about exploring the galaxy.

Linkola/Kaczynski 2020


I tried to introduce this concept on 4pol several times. I don't know exactly why, but Germans were very receptive of this, more than any other nationality. Basically, I think most Americans on 4pol are so thoroughly cucked by the government and love sucking the feds' cocks so much, that they also just love corn subsidies. So I make the case that corn is vulnerable to drought, has shallow roots thereby allowing soil erosion and puts us on a path to a second dustbowl, and yields very low nutrition compared to woody perennial polycultures, and that in countries with populations as high as the US, wasting massive amounts of land and food on feeding animals for slaughter is unsustainable and inefficient. The Americans only respond with "Well it tastes good." Meanwhile Germans consistently agree. Omniggers, I tell ya, they have to be black Americans, because whites are traditionally masters of agriculture, and only a nigger would be retarded enough to disagree.

This is very important, bump. If we do away with all of the incessantly breeding shitskins, White (and therefore world, at this point) population will stabilize, while technology continues to advance. This will result in effectively infinite resources, eventually culminating in freeing the White (and therefore Human) race from labor and shortage altogether, enabling us to purse cultural and scientific accomplishments at will, for millions if not billions of years.

What I'm getting at is that if we win the metapolitical battle of the next 5-10 years, and thereafter institute environmentally friendly policies and technologies (because we recognize that pure profit and infinite corporate growth are secondary to the needs of the People, the State, and the planet), we win. Mankind survives and advances as far as he wishes.

This should impress upon you the critical importance of this fight. If we lose, the planet goes with it, and with that goes billions of years of evolution towards consciousness. Evolution will be undertaken again, somewhere, someday- but we are the greatest and last chance of that occurring here. Shitskins will never be gods.

Alot of Americans are against environmentalism because it has become so strongly associated with liberalism. That's not to say that most liberal politicians actually care about the enviorment, rather they only care about giving subsidies to the "green" companies that fund their campaigns, who are of course just in it for profit and aren't really producing anything that actually helps the enviorment.

any good books on permaculture? I've wanted to learn about it for a long time, but I have no idea where to start.

This guy in the UK runs a great blog about small farm practices, and he references, reviews, and responds to a number of books on the subject, so reading through some of his posts points to recommended reading, he also authors or co-authors several publications himself which are listed on the site:

I personally don't do anything that could be called farming, but I am a forester and take an interest in it, especially the use of fruit and nut trees in the land.

Thanks, user.


It is just sort of how Americans are. They live to serve the economy, and anything that isn't practical to that end is worthless to most. If it doesn't increase the size of some kike's bank account, then most Americans want nothing to do with it. It is like the extreme form of Protestant work ethic and Anglo materialism hit with Jewish culture domination.

Then the left has successfully associated "green" with "dirty smelly hippy Marxists" so that people are turned off of it all. Just look up our "green party" and see that it is all globalism and feminist social justice bullshit hiding under the cloak of environmentalism.


It's the same with socialism. Some social policies aren't bad, but become unaffordable when non-whites start to leech off white tax payers.

Oh yeah, I know, pal. I mean, I'm an American as well, didn't mean to imply I wasn't, and I consider myself a patriot in the sense that, I admire the historical American character, that idea of doing what it takes to make a better life for ourselves–as soon as I finished highschool, before I ever went to college, I moved out of state and spent a few years living and working for myself and frankly, I learned that it was a dead attitude. A lot of Americans are simply born and raised by welfare, the government is their alpha male that provides for them, etc. I like meritocracy, I like the idea of a government that skims what it needs off the top to keep everything stable, and then lets the economy reward its contributors accordingly, and this is a concept that has existed in 20th century socialism for decades, and yet the American socialists reject it. I never exactly liked Sanders, but I liked that he highlighted the need for a better socialist party, because the Green party is useless. And even if people don't like a lot of their ideas, it's been found that higher levels of intellectual diversity create better collective intelligences; ironically, evidence indicates that having prominent socialists in the economy would bolster the market, because you need buyers and sellers, and no matter what their ideology, everybody is buying or selling something.


Good idea OP,let's attack multiple nations that possess nuclear weapons,that will fix the planet.


they dont care about corruption because the corruption benefits them. ethics, rights, morality; all naturally foreign to the shitskin mind.

Very much this, and it's idiotic because a lot of what the left tends to propose for environmental concern is completely idiotic. You have them push for these big international agreements that have no way to be enforced and that everyone but white nations ignore. You have this huge push against nuclear power despite it being fairly clean and fairly cheap, yet at the same time a push for "green" energy that's highly resource intensive and polluting to create. You have all these environmental groups that end up exterminating species that they try to protect.

Consumerism and profit principle are the root behind environmental damage. Since you have the dogma that people must "work" (that work being strictly productive and profit generating) and consume (to keep the economy running), you get the situation that we have today.

If a factory produced indestructible boots that would last you for 10 years, countless factories and complementary industries (shops, transport, marketing) would go out of business soon, and that would have a spiral negative effect on the economy, at least in it's current form. That's why you get fresh junk produced every year.

We already live in a post-scarcity economy.

That's his only English translated book, right?

I've read it.

It's good and worth a read. I find Kaczynski more interesting though.

The other environmentalists tend to be Anarchist faggots tbh.

Based as fuck.

"Industrial society and its future" is required reading.

Also this is worth a read

It's pretty kek worthy and blunt.

I'm not copy pasting it lads.