Ridley Scott's journey to Blacked

Why does this otherwise impeccable white guy like blacking himself and his audience so much? I mean, is it any coincidence we get full on Blacked in both of his recent films?

I think its just a coincidence.

sage negated

I keep forgetting to erase it in the field. I honestly think it's a coincidence. Or just has a 25% chance of happening or what have you. I mean its not like they are gonna pair women with asians. Its gonna be two white people or a black and a white. Right? We dont notice when its whites but only when theres a nigger because he stands out

Vid related explains it pretty well. It's not directly about him but it's still related.


I unironically on a different plane of existence than you. There's nothing you can do to erase putting black people in films. And there are films with white romances, as long as they are outlawed then ok. But trying to fight it is pointless tbqh what do you plan to do?

I wonder who wrote this post.

I hate watching television and I only watch things I perceive as having kino potential. But, easily impressionable people are always going to be easily impressionable and those who aren't won't be when the watch Prometheus and wont get triggered by seeing Idris Elba flirting with Charlize theron

scott is a patrician

back to your containment board
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Next movie is going to dedicate at least 10 minutes to BLACKED scene, I will put money on that.

So you're one of those alpha cucks who doesn't get triggered by spooks like finding a nigger fucking your girlfriend bad, good for you. So enlightened by your own intelligence that you can watch explicit fag sex and be okay with it. That's real strength right there, being a degenerate is so brave and admirable.

I just can't figure it out

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Scott is layering the thematical motif, the Alien series has always been about a big black penis.

I voted for trump though. And I can't wait to see him impeached. Let Pence have a go.

Thats obviously bad and I would protect my girlfriend or wife with a gun from a nigger or any other thug.

I have had a couple black friends during school who were completely normal and truly almost fucking white themselves, they werent niggers. Of course I still fucking hate niggers though. But im not a triggered little fag no, especially with FILM as a medium

Tolerance of kikery isn't a virtue. Watching films with interracial shit in them just makes you a cuck.

on a scale of 1 to 10 how much does this trigger you drumpfcucks

Just whores getting fucked for money, so doesn't trigger me.

I just find it amusing that a leftycuck shitter like yourself loves the BBC so much. You're like every single Louis CK copypasta, except you're real. It's pretty funny how pathetic you are really.



Even sadder.

We own the website.
Keep mining reddit's Nov 8th liberal tears though, one day you'll make it!



You live a sad sad existence, and everyday we should all pay our thanks that we will never be as pathetic as you are.



They get obliterated almost every time they try to actually argue with somebody, it's not surprising that they resort to posting nigger porn. It is pretty surprising that they think it still pisses people off after they have been doing it for years though.

Reminds me of the plebbit post from some gay ass antifa subreddit, where this antifa faggot bragged about posting nigger porn as a way to fight white supremacists? Then some fag says that's exactly how Karl Marx said to fight the bourgeois or some shit like that. That's unbelievably autistic.


Who these are you?

Call me crazy but I dont give a fuck

None of the films I watch have sex scenes with black and white

Cuck porn is always gay. The focus is on the niggers as much as it is on the women. I can understand non whites watching this trash as a self insert but white men who watch it are crazy. It is literally the fetishisation of our destruction as a people.


Why do they call them blacks when they're really dark brown?
Space is black

Was this a subtle way to beg for louisposts?

Much sadder than expected

Well that's why they watch it. They hate themselves so much it's to the point of sexual fetishism.

Interracial porn is so hot

For jew(s).

Alien has been shitty feminist propaganda since the first film, adding cuck shit doesn't even ruin it, it was already bad.


It only improves it.

It's actually beyond autistic. I'm pretty sure if you are a communist in the modern era you have to be retarded.

At this point I have to agree. Ridley is serving some sort of hollywood jewish agenda about feminism and race-mixing + gays which were competely meaningless in this movie.
But he made a terrible mistake. The alien kills all the gays and the kangs. By mastake he created the strongest KKK nazi. The alium nazi. With christian motives to boot.

reported for posting bestiality

Interracial in movies is just part and parcel for this post-modern degenerate society we live in now.

prometheus was shit

well of course they were fucking whites with their BBC, the point was if they were fucking your own girlfriend

If ridley was cuck, then why was the white xeno stronger and black xeno a KKK nig-remover ?
Check mate cucks.

Alien: Covenant is so bad even my local cinema won't play it.

If he wants to stay at the helm of the Alien franchise he has to comply with the current year agenda.

Needs a xenomorph hand in that picture.


Does a black aylium penis split open to have a smaller one pop out?


I'm dying


Seriously though, the original Alien was about black cock and how it spreads AIDS. It was a take down of the free love era and casual sex. The whole franchise is about STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

You are an idiot if you believe that. Ridley wanted to shock the audience, Gieger + one more guy's designs were unnerving enough and already full of phallic symbolism but far from messages against casual sex.

Now this is kino.

I just finished this movie, was it suppose to be a b rated jew comedy movie? That was fucking pathetic. People pay for this shit?

Dan O'Bannon was the mastermind behind Alien, Ridley was just a hired hand.

I remember O'Bannon saying he was furious because Dark Star had tanked in the cinemas. So in his next script he went for the audience - the male part of, to be specifically. He wanted the men in the theaters to cross their legs.

Both the race mixers in the shower scene were brutally slaughtered. Stop reaching.


muh shock value has always been cheap, and shallow

They're both taking way too much credit. If it wasn't for Giger's designs none of that psychosexual rape shit would have been in Alien. After the fact they then pretend it was all their idea.

The only sex scene in the movie is between a white woman and a black man. She is also the most attractive woman in the cast; the lead looks like a prepubescent boy.

Early in the film, the camera lingers for a moment on another female crew member so we can see her Star of David necklace.

Two of the supporting characters, both men, are revealed to be a gay couple in an incidental scene. Their relationship adds nothing to the story, it's just indicated for no reason.

Fun movie though. Great visuals.

So was everyone else, what's your point? Almost everybody dies in these movies, doesn't matter if we're supposed to sympathize with them or not. Seems to me you're the one reaching.

Yeah, great visuals. Unfortunately that's all this movie had.
But great visuals. And Michael Fassbender is a good actor.

It was a collaborative effort. O'Bannon wanted it to be more straight forward shock horror. Ridley is the one who helped take it up a notch in regards to it cinematic scope and more intellectual tone. If you want a comparison for another horror movie O'Bannon did, he made Return of the Living Dead.

Greater than the sum of its parts. The production team complemented each others' flaws greatly.


I doubt they needed to do even that much, he's so old and senile he thought he put it in the script once Goldberg inserted the very specific blacked scene.

If Ridley wanted to actually shock people and wasn't a complete fucking pussy he would've gone with Geiger's original suggestion that the alien literally rapes women and the fetus eats its way out of them. That was a bit too dark for him though so instead they went the unisex facehugger route.

Doubt that would have made it past the censors without earning Alien an X rating. Besides the facehugger was a huge success and still scared the shit out of people. If he just wanted to be shocking the whole movie could have been the alien impaling babies with its dick like a shishkabob then the crew hacks it up with an axe and fucks the acid wounds melting off their dicks while they puke in each others assholes. Wouldn't have made it good.

See theres the "holy shit this is scary" horror and the "this is beyond fucked up" horror. Being raped by an alien hits the second kind a lot harder than a crab grabbing your mouth.


It's well known fact that only reason women haven't historically made 40% of every military (and 40% for males and 20% for intersexed people) is male perpetuated instituted inequality.

Proof: some rich women have been buried with expensive items, some of which happened to be weapons, so women were always warriors.

It is possible that alium was secretly full on cuck tier.
The original alium was supposed to be a ship with only men on it, kind of like: the thing. But the jews made changes to the original script.
See 2:40.

So I continued to read this pile of fuck and apparently fucking time travel is a thing in Alien now. There's a very good possibility that Scott's vision on why we were hated by the Engies so much is because weren't seeded by the Engies. No, we were seeded by ourselves. Bunch of humans ended up back in time with an Engie ship and accidentally goo'd some of themselves to earth's ecosystem. So basically humanity would be a biological version on a grand scale of that story where the guy goes back in time, fucks his mom and becomes his own dad. We are an anomaly of motherfuckers all. That's why the Engineers fucking hate us.

And this, my friends, is the true final boss of Ridley Scott's Wild Ride.