Cam You explain to me why defragmentation of the EU is a good thing, leftypol?
Cam You explain to me why defragmentation of the EU is a good thing, leftypol?
Because the EU is just a means of consolidating global capital.
Not to mention, it's a big "fuck you" to neoliberalism from the British people.
Because it will somehow lead to socialist revolution even though the far right is massively stronger than the left and we're just sliding towards fascism.
IMO it's not bad or good, it just is.
Some people in here like to see shit that doesn't exist in it, such as
Yeah. Sooooo many anti-UE Europeans are concern about "global capital" and not immigration.
I'm sure that We'll have a socialist paradise in Europe any time now. Just wait. Any time.
Whose fault is it again?
Portugal's Left-wing is Anti-EU so they will be fine when they leave, you have nothing to blame but yourselves for letting the right be the face of the Anti-EU narrative.
The EU is just another tool for breaking down borders. The idea of breaking down borders isn't new, and has been seriously discussed since at least the early 19th century. But it's only become a reality now (through the Schengen Area and the rise of illegal economic migration) because world capitalism encourages it. Why? To more optimally distribute labor. To treat labor just like capital: a resource to be moved and allocated in such a way as to maximize the bourgeoisie's profit. Did you think it was a mere coincidence that the bourgeoisie are pro-immigration? It has nothing to do with a cosmopolitan worldliness, even though they like to affect that. The material root of things like the EU is the exploitation of labor.
This. The British Left is a joke and you the British are the only to blame.
To be fair the left being a joke is not exclusive to any nation.
No, but the British case is a desperate one.
t. A sander's voter.
because the EU is working to building a slave state for the bourgeois not a socialist utopia. Opening the borders only hurts us by creating reactionaries who fear for their economic well being by bolstering the right. They are also not wrong to protect their jobs and families, they are just the first victims of the new ruling class the EU is creating.
It could be.
If Germany stoped thinking she owns EU. And France grew some balls and didn't only want to enforce neoliberalism. And the south united. And the north wasn't blaming the south for being "lazy". And we all started thinking "you know what? Maybe capitalism isn't working!".
But, alas, it will not. Not before it's too late.
Fascism is just capitalism at its most desperate. It will not last. Fascism is built to fail quickly.
left bloc voters are pro EU, and their leaders always present an ambiguous speech on the issue since they are opportunist socdems, Miguel Portas used to be for a federalist Europe. As a former Left Bloc member it's quite funny how they thwart their political agenda to fit a more populist narrative. Only PCP has been coherent on the issue.
And their voters got all triggered with brexit since they get their political news from John Oliver and other media.
we moved the EU to a solid state drive, it doesn't need defrag any more
See what you did there?
This, lol.
Or you could just use a non-shit filesystem like ext.
Does not matter if their entire left-wing isn't 100% anti-EU, at least the conservatives don't control 100% of the dialog.
Whoever wrote Portugal's constitution was an idiot.