Would you be raped for $10,000?
If you only got $1,000 but you can choose your rapist will be, would you take it?
Would you be raped for $10,000?
If you only got $1,000 but you can choose your rapist will be, would you take it?
accepting payment would be a form of consent so that wouldnt really be rape
as long as the rapist doesn't have an std, and won't leave in lasting marks, then yea, I take the money
raped by same or opposite sex?
depends how big his dick is tbh and how much violence would be allowed
if it's just some 6 inch fag who's gonna put it in me bum then be on his way, ya i'd take the 10k to be honest
anything beyond that i wouldnt tbh. i get sleep paralysis and the thought of being restrained freaks me the fuck out
so i can get paid to have sex with any woman I want for $1000. seems like a good deal.
nice try kike
what next, advocating rape for free?
Rape isn't the same thing as sex.
Most girls like to have sex with their boyfriend. But most girls would not like to be raped by their boyfriend (or vice versa).
Sorry I meant to reply to
meep meep I do no want to be raped tbh
Fuck it, why not? I could use some disposable income. Sold.
Scarlett Johansson could get the $1K deal; anybody else would have to pay the full $10K.
Free $1,000 and sex, what kind of a question is this shit?
you guys are kinda dum tbh
hope you get prison raped by BBC no lube
How can you choose who rapes you?
There must be a lack of consent for rape to happen. If I'm accepting 1$0,000 and agreeing to it that's not rape.
It would only be rape if I was raped by someone who wouldn't be worth the amount of money I'm getting.
So no by definition?
For anyone saying its not rape by definition or its not a big deal, consider the woman is obviously going to do things she wouldn't normally do in regular sex. Otherwise she could just have sex. You're probably going to be tied, she isn't going to be gentle, possibly rough in your dick, possibly stick things up your butt, including dragon dildos, gag you or force you to lick her up.
All women fantasize about rape. Some of them don't like it when it actually happens.
it's not rape if i get paid
Well it wouldn't be rape after I agreed to it but assuming no torture, STD's, or other beyond-the-pale activities, sure. I'm desperate for money right now.
Fuck you, Jim
I would do it for free as I love pain …..
Well, I'm not normally a fan of lolidom, but I guess I could try it for $1000.
You're not very good at this, dude.
That's called having sex you retard
No because that would then constitute consent making me ineligible for the the $10,000.
Sure if I was granted immunity for the act.
If I get to choose my rapist, it wouldn't be rape.
rape does not equal sex. Usually rapists put a pretty good beating on their recipients. So if you're asking, would you want someone who's bigger and stronger than you, forcing his dick into you until you bleed, then if you resist he beats the shit out of you, knocks out your teeth, then jams his shit covered cock down your bleeding throat… then the answer is no. No price is worth it.
Hey wait, if I get to choose my rapist I would be in it for way more than $1000. I'd choose Bill Gates and sue him (settle out of court more likely) for millions!
Lol you mean porn???
You don't actually think porn stars just WANT to have that much [ridiculously strenuous, awkward, and fake] sex, right? They DON'T want to- but they get money, so they do it.
OP. Come on man.
Making lots of wrong assumptions there user
that is consensual still even under the pretense of it being a transaction for money. what are you a redditor? if you can stop the scene at any moment because the BBC is hurting your butthole, that is not rape
Can't complain. Got my bitches, got my wine.
You're the kind of retard to say drunk sex is rape huh?
Nigger you accepted payment for sex you otherwise would choose not to experience.
Being raped for money = porn.
if your accepting money then you want it. For it to be rape you can't want it
literally what? that is not RAPE, that is sex and i just explained to you the distinction, that was my entire point. you're the one shwho sounds like somebody who would say this:
Now I'm questioning whether or not you actually know what 'rape' is.
Rape is not a violent beating and painful, forced sex. Rape is sex you don't want to have.
Porn is being raped for money. It is a very, VERY simple concept. Please inform where you are getting lost and I will help you
Do you even try?
I'd get raped for free if I could choose my rapist tbh
No, as this is a consensual transaction, it is not a nigger.
Getting raped by a female is basically my fetish
With normal sex, you can choose to stop it any time you want. If you want to switch positions or do something else, you can always ask the other person because normal sex is supposed to be mutual (and vice versa). Think of it as driving a car with two drivers behind two steering wheels. In order for the car to go forward/left/right, both drivers need to be in agreement. Otherwise the car won't move.
With (paid) rape, if you want to take a break or stop, then that's not possible. If you want to switch positions or do something else, the rapist will probably ignore you because they only care about their own needs. You're a passenger in a car and the rapist is the only one behind the wheel.
So by choosing to accept the deal, you would be basically stepping into a car where you are the passenger.
I'd beg to differ.
I had a girlfriend who's fetish was to constantly tell me to stop while we weir making love, one day she even took it as far as dialing nineoneone while we were having sex just to take her rape fantasy to the next level.
Not rape if you consent, accepting payment is consent, and no, I wouldn't.
My gf doesn't complain too much. I put a few shots in her…then do what I do. She bitches me out over breakfast, but rape is life and she knows what she's for. No foul.
For 1k, sure. I get to pick someone I like, get money, and just pretend it's rape roleplay. I wouldn't just get raped by a random person for 10k though.
id take a thousand, pick a beautiful loli and let her rape me sensually
i win