I just realized something terrible
chelsea tranning is going to become the next big voice against trump
I just realized something terrible
chelsea tranning is going to become the next big voice against trump
Other urls found in this thread:
no shit einstein Trump wanted them to die in jail
Literally who?
And what does it have to do with technology?
And no I'm not clicking that instantshit link.
sometimes I am jelous of people like you.
Government-treason whistleblower who was caught and left to rot in solitary confinement, gradually going insane until they cut their own genitalia off. Brainwashed to dance to the leftist fiddle, even though they were tortured entirely at the hands of the Obama administration and released during the last week of his presidency as a PR move.
This is very sad. i think the left wing twitter privacy activists will push Manning over the edge.
Manning stay out of this shit!
manning is a traitor... to neocons and israel.
they let him free because he will be good anti-american propaganda, which is 1000% due to his homosexuality.
the media will portray him as the cutting edge architypical american nu-male.
I just wish he could be cured and forgotten.
Proof or GTFO
Bradley Edward Manning
He's a whistleblowers
He transformed into a tranny after some time under torture either because he wanted the protection of the political tranny universe or because he went insane.
People are going to blame Trump while the guy was tortured under the Obama administration.
People are actually praising Obama while he's the one responsible to not let him out before.
The world is insane.
Whistle Blowing perhaps ?
Not a lot related to tech beside wikileaks.
I too user
I just wish that people with mental and genetic problems would be cured instead of alienating more fragile people.
Kinda late for that. What's he gonna do, cut his own dick off?
I can't even.
Well he is a dude, man
Real name Bradley Edward Manning
It's just political bullshit.
If it wasn't Obama it would have been trump that would have done it.
Smart/dick move from Obama tho by doing that he has left Trump with less possible actions to have support from people.
I know. It was ironic reddit speak.
According to the chatlogs he was already a le born in the wrong body faggot when he first started leaking:
It sounds like the whole reason he did it in the first place is the faggotry and other guys bullying him:
What's funny to me is that he could've waited a few years and not only would the army stop caring about his faggotry, but he'd get awards and bonuses for it.
And another interesting bit:
Sounds like basically all he cared about is attention whoring as a le qt3.14 cuteboy ^_^. Being "misgendered" is worse than death or torture, lol what a drama queen.
Even more evidence of his mental situation.
This is sad.
Holy shit guys, calm down. Aren't we supposed to be all for personal freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and privacy? Why the hell do you care what some person does with it's genitals or whether or not he supports Trump?
She may be the voice against authoritarian leaders and trump might just fit in this category.
I honestly just hopes she would at least remind everyone of what Obama had done.
2011 called and they want their Ron Paul memes back.
Why don't you trying taking your own medicine and tolerating our viewpoint, shitlord?
Yes and ?
People aren't saying that the guy should STFU or die.
Bradley Edward Manning has done what he had to do and I don't blame him.
But people praising him because of his mental health issues instead of the leaks that he did is bullshit.
Because of politic and gender identity that is killing the hacker community.
where in this thread is it said that X support trump ?
Read again take your time and interpret correctly what was said.
Honestly I think that Manning is going to an hero himself at some point between his gender dysphoria and torture there is little chance that he'll live.
you don't understand what is happening in this world. if people just had different views it would be fine.
I rate it 6/10.
Is this Holla Forums now?
It's not killing it. Libreboot is one of the very few cases of that, and they ended up apologizing.
Then again, why are there so many posts of "X is gay/trans/cuck" lately? Why are there so many posts bashing any attempt to include a demographic in programming? For a community that supposedly cares about freedom, it seems like there's a big group trying to control who can and can't become a part of it.
It just propagating cancerous CoCs in all project but it's not killing it.
Do you smoke weed ?
It was already debated
Francis never excused himself, it was a proxy guy who made the excuses for him and when there's something like this
"With all of this in mind, were the allegations against the Free Software Foundation true? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Though the FSF may make mistakes from time to time, so do we."
That means that there's no excuses.
Francis hasn't paid back what he still owns money to raptor engineering and others companies.
(read it entirely there's the old libreboot team the raptor engineering team in it and Francis (libreleah)
Literally the first comment and the only one saying this shit.
Imo I don't think Manning even wants to approach politics for some time after the shit he went trough
Maybe you aren't aware of what is happening but some people who think they uphold the one and only truth are trying to get control of important project for X bullshit reasons and impose their credo (some believe that they are CIA spooks or drones).
Because it doesn't matter.
Does it make you a better programmer if you're female ? gay ? straight ? black ? etc...
No it doesn't.
Like in all jobs it's a question of liking it.
Stay neutral and help the ones who are interested that's all.
Most of the people that are for inclusion and similar are the same people who are going to reeeeee because they weren't called she/he or any other bullshit terms, they are creating useless amount of drama instead of making code.
And even when it's not related to the project they are making trouble to the people helping in it just look what happened in the drupal community for god dam sake.
Karoly Négyesi (chx) ousted from the Drupal community:
Arguing is trying to control ?
Again get our head out of the trash be more aware of what is happening and stop being a humongous faggot.
Yes we care about freedom that's why we don't like authoritarian/zealot people who bans others on mere accusations or just plain bullshit.
These people who twist reality just because they don't like what X said or when they force people out of the community by trying to shame them by regrouping other brain dead people to crusade against the people who wrongthink.
The free software community will always be open to those who respects the freedom of each other.
That's argumentation, otherwise Bill Gates could have said that free software is taking away is freedom to sell his software or that it's oppressing the market by making people the masters of their computer.
At some point if too much people say that your ideas are bad you need to verify them, free software is fortunately very valid (aka:RMS was right).
hang yourself you retarded faggot. go back to /g/ or wherever this is acceptable
jesus what a faggot
If you like normalfags and their worldviews so much, why dont you go hang out with them, irl or on facebook?
What's the problem exactly? Did you really think Trump would be any less of an enemy to privacy and freedom than Bush or Obama?
he was going to make anime real, but the anime turned out to be ghost in the shell, and everyone knows it fucking sucks in live action.