
Why do you hate kali or any other pentest distro?
It's better to get a distro with stuff you will likely use instead of spending hours searching and installing shit yourself. Unless of course you are a LARPer and have unlimited time to faff about.

because pentoo exists

so any pentesting distro is fine as long as it isn't kali?

[email protected]/* */:~$ sudo pacman -S aircrack-ng reaver wireshark-cli wifiphisher nmap dirbuster dnsenum maltego-community nessus openvas-cl openvas-libraries openvas-scanner hydra rockyou john-mpi handshake-cracker metasploit-git armitage Yersinia

You will likely never find any use for 99% of the tools on Kali, anyway.


Repos are so fucking slow.

Arch is precisely the one rare scenario where having retardedly up to date packages without much supervision is a good thing given the need for up to date tools and the fact that security on a pentesting system doesn't matter

Be honest, OP, you only know how to use maybe 6 of the tools Kali includes, and have only found practical use for 2 or 3. Kali is fine for throwing on a pendrive with TAILS, some rescue discs and other live-cds, but it's shit for a daily driver. If you are going to spend most of your time in a system, you might as well put in the time to set things up properly. Plus, since the devs figure that 90% of their users are using it as a live image, if upgrading to a new release breaks shit, they won't care unless it's trivial to fix, since it will effects no one except people not using the distro "as intended".

how about you install a penistesting distro instead you homolord?

Maybe I don't want to install 5gb of tools when I only use a couple, or maybe I'm more used to Arch, who knows. It's a valid use case.

stop replying to me you pedophile

Hello, Goon. Now go back to SA.

Be a man and take it you faggotron.



You're right. This board must be about crying about something that doesn't affect discussion at all, has been present since forever, and whining that ends up derailing actual Holla Forums discussion for trivial matters. We should all cater to your sensitive fee fees here.

I don't hate it, I just laugh at anyone either stupid enough to use it as a desktop distro or who think they're h4xx0rz because they leeched their neighbor's wifi with Kali.

Nice sage, retard. Go back to Reddit.


Do you wanna see real pedo weebshit?

Basically as a general use operating system Kali is shit and insecure. You also get a whole bunch of tools that you probably don't know how to use. Instead of spending hours looking for the correct software you are actually probably just going to go of what you need then and there. There is no reason to load up your OS with loads of useless H4X0R tools that you aren't going to use.

If you are just learning pen-testing and reversing then all you will probably need is gdb (comes with virtually every system), a text editor (comes with virtually every system), a web browser (comes with virtually every easy install system), a pdf viewer (comes with your browser) and a wifi cracker (the only thing that you actually need that comes with Kali.

Kali is only useful as a distro for trainers to set up so that all of their students are on the same page. If you are self learning H4X0R1NG then there is virtually no point.

If it just so happens that you use a significant number of the tools in Kali (unlikely even if you are a cracker) and you don't need any kind of defensive security (unlikely if you browse the web or work at some kind of company or 3 letter agency) then Kali might just be the OS for you.

Anime is shit and you know if, faggot.

Then how to properly become a h4x0r?

sudo ping -a -fs 9001

Is it posible to DDos yourself?

For what purpose?

its fine, i use it on my daily basis

Install Pentoo.

I can understand having large amounts of bloat from everything that is on it, but how is it insecure? Isn't Kali-Linux based upon Debian? I'd just rank it as the same security level of a normal Debian or Ubuntu install.

The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
t. based whoppix or backtrack, i can't remember

I don't think Kali is a problem, the problem is the large amount of people that use Kali.
Kali is not meant to be a home distro, but a pentest distro, which suits only those who master the art of security testing

To run ping with the -f switch you must be root. User cannot run it.
Example given

backtrack faggot

I loved this sentence. It is so much like me.

that user is just talking out of his ass, ignore him

holy fuck this triggers me. What smug little shit added this feature, thinking he knows best? He should be punched in the face. I never knew about this because I just run everything as root. Reminds me of VLC which wont start as root unless you set a compile flag, and thunar puts some stupid fucking banner warning you that you are root.


Does nobody know what this fucking term means anymore?

but user, these "security" linux distros are literally made for LARPing

Holy shit. I like this guy.

Its live action role playing. in Holla Forums context I assume this amounts to anyone posting here with alterior motives.

This was a primary reason why Windows was so insecure, use a luser account for everything except what you need root for. I do the same on Windows since they added UAC.

If your Firefox gets compromised by the 0day of the week, the adversary has access to all of ~, and no matter how you switch to root or any other user (sudo, different virtual console, etc), the malware you got from Firefox can hijack that. There's literally no point in running non-root if you're using Linux as a desktop unless you're scared of shooting yourself in the foot somehow (never happened to me in my over 10 years).

Well you could run as a different user with less privileges, and then they'd need some way of escalating. This would be nice. I realize there is the issue of your important stuff being at the same security as everything you run day-to-day, while the OS itself doesn't matter all that much.

Really makes you think.

Pentesting distros are mostly good for virtue signaling, since you won't use 99% of the packages that are included with them, its better to just install Arch and add the Black Arch repos, then install what you want from there.

A distro dark enough for my edgy soul.

This is just common sense. But that's dead now anyway.


Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just install Jack The Ripper on Ubuntu?

I really wish the smug posters would leave or find new content. It's not even fresh anymore. It's just an excuse to stop having unique, interesting content.

Is this a desperate cry for more smug?

sure is fun running as root

Let's hope there is no script hiding in this pdf.



You may not know it, but I didn't even bother to click your webm. That's how dreadfully tired I am of the whole thing. I wish I could express just how bad you are at comedy, but I am sure any facts I point out would be drowned in bad smug memes.

pic related - average smug™ weeabo

How would you run Firefox as a less privileged user? The only way to do this is in a VM or on a different machine. Nobody does that, and so they'd be better off just running everything as root

this is bait

That's stupid. If you run as root you're bypassing the standard access control features in your friggin' operating system. You could have say, a user "firefox" with only access to its own directory and possibly a shared one for saving files to for everyone. Then it needs to have your regular user permissions (or more likely, kernel) to see anything outside of that.

How butthurt can one person be about something so easy to ignore it's meaningless?
Seriously. This guy probably lives in San Fran raising his wife's black son.

Let's imagine I juste posted the pic with Miia smugging in a wide closeup to annoy your retarded ass, because I'm using Tor. Fuck this site for not allowing images via Tor.

Let's imagine I juste posted the pic with Miia smugging in a wide closeup to annoy your retarded ass, because I'm using Tor. Fuck this site for not allowing images via Tor.

what? you can't run Firefox as a different user. If you give it access to your X server it can control and read your keyboard and mouse. This isn't about being perfect or not, it's a gaping hole that renders the user separation useless. Nevermind I'll just leave you morons to your own devices, less work ffor me.

You can run more than one X server at a time on the same host. Just login as the other user at the text console and tell xinit to start on :1 instead of :0. Switch between the two with whatever Control-Alt-Fx type bindings are used in your OS. Or just run one at a time, that's fine if you rarely use Firefox (you can use screen or tmux to keep your original user's stuff running detached in background).
It might be also be possible to do something with Xnest, but it probably won't be as safe. The other methods are better.

I ignore your kind's autistic comedic styles 9 times out of 10. The fact I respond this one time is only me expressing how utterly bad the whole thing is. I guess in an attempt to get you to clean up your act. I'm sure it'll never happen though. Smug poster's heads are so far up their own ass they aren't even smelling farts anymore.