Other urls found in this thread: have twice as many female ancestors




t. male feminist

cowards that are too afraid to take the loli pill


you are too much of a faggot to take the milf pill

Tradcuckery is just as gynocentric as Feminism.

smdh tbqfh fam

Anti-anti-feminism is feminism.

Anti-anti-ANTI-feminism is anti-feminism feminism.

This is an obvious contradiction. One user put it best when he said the following:
"anti-feminism isn't a male form of feminism
in the same way that: -
water isnt a liquid form of fire
medicine isn't a healing form of disease"

But keep making excuses for why combating feminism and gynocenticism isn't your cup of tea.


Do they supply the lube at mgtow meetings or do you have to bring your own ?


Yes, yes you hate women, we know.
Tell us about the sodomy.

Since you're so interested in men's sex lives, MGTOWs are more likely to just have uncommitted sex with women.


Most homosexuals are on your side and you don't even realize it. They have more feminists than any other group. So, I really doubt MGTOWs are gay.

Why not become gay or a trap then?

You mean why not become a feminist?

Don't you become a male feminist by going MGTOW?


Be honest how many of you are on there?

I fail to see the connection, user.


You are going your own way?

In a sense, yes. I don't feel obligated to marry or be in a relationship.

Who obligates other men to marry or be in a relationship?

If you don't see the pressure on men to have a wife or a girlfriend, especially, these days, a girlfriend, I don't know what to tell you.

I date teens. I don't see any pressure. How the fuck can you be pressured? Any seriously, you're on Holla Forums, at least it means you are not that pressured by society to conform to standards. What's your fucking problem? You don't want to fuck women or you don't like the current state of women and want to protest?

I think you know it's the latter. I'm not interested in talking about fucking women here because there's endless sites that will do that for me.

Why does a man need to date or provide for women at all? It's not consistent with male nature– which is not monogamous.

You can still fuck women while being MGTOW

But this is the great thing about 2018, you don't need to provide. At least not in the way you think. Everyone provides. But it's an exchange. This is why you should date teens. They offer more than you give. You profit from all of it. It's true that women after finishing college are broken goods and have nothing to provide, so no need to provide anything.

This may be true, but the reason I'm MGTOW is that I feel we live in a one-sided, gynocentric society that's rigged against men. It may not seem like it at times, but it becomes apparent in many situations. A woman could commit a heinous crime against a man and receive 10%, if she's unlucky, of the sentence that he would receive if he committed the same crime against her. And we still live in a culture that encourages men to spend everything on women to receive sex in exchange, which is the reason I consider nearly all women to be prostitutes – although more expensive than the ones of the street variety.

You need to be able to get that date in the first place though


No, I think men should stop whiteknighting women. It's a shame that having sex with women and liking them is considered the same thing.

I almost grabbed a loli ass in walmart today lord help me it was inches away from my dick and the mom was obese as shit how do I get away with it?

So are you a bitter dateless virgin or one of those dumb fucks who jumped on the first cunt that talked to you and got heartbroken when it went bad ?

No but that's true. All women are prostitutes.

What I don't understand is what stops you from exploiting them. You find no joy in it? Be honest. You don't like fucking tight pussy? You would not like beating and making cry worthless holders of vaginas?

Why hold back? You are conceding defeat to a degenerate society that is dying. Fuck it while you are living brother.

Neither. I've observed discrimination against men and mindless promotion of women in nearly every facet of life.

If you could look at life asexually for one moment, how would you view women?

Yeah, that's life.
Why did you decide to whine like a little boy about it though ?
Have you considered just toughening the fuck up ?

This is about you not me. About MGTOW. I asked you if you want or not to fuck women. You might have a low T level!

And what did you not understand from my previous posts? A female value is only her youth and her offering of a tight pussy, once that's gone she is dead. The betas are welcome to become necrophiliacs and fuck the dead.

Ah man the other day I fucked a chink hooker who was flabby and had floppy tits it's like all the life was fucked out of her long ago and I actually paid some little fuckwit chink for that shit damn homie

Really, life is all about prime JING

Not everything is a sexual matter, user. You don't understand that women are using sex as a way to manipulate and enslave men. They're not being exploited, as so many people believe, but they're prostitutes and perverts who enjoy degrading mankind. You think fucking a woman in the pussy is putting her in her place? Also, I'm a bit too old to have to "prove" my sex drive; I'm not in 7th grade anymore.

Sheeet brother, everything is better FRESCH ain't it. That hoe will age in a standard hapa.

I don't like paying whores to fuck them. Unless they are special, like 14 or something. But that's over for now, moved out from the town of that supplier.

So with same money I buy a bottle of vodka, a fat bottle of beer and a big pizza (kek) and make a good date with some high school bitch.

Mankind? Mankind! Please.

Fuck you. Are you divorced or what? This is not about proving, this is about enjoying it. Enjoying what the current society has to offer. The finer goods.

You can leave her whenever you want. She is your slave. She will come crying at your door asking for more fucking and abusing.

Why are virgin threads now called MGTOW threads?
Is this a meme?

I think if you fuck a woman, she simply enjoys it. I don't see how men are exercising dominance in doing so. It's normal, yes; dominant, no.

Just grab her and run, dodge anyone who tries to steal her, and finally ground her in the goal area.

You are hamstering now and finding excuses I guess.

How many women you fucked until now? It's why you should do it. It's not only about the sex.

What you think "going your own way" achieves? Waste of time.

No I'm not. Men by nature fuck women. But don't confuse the act with dominance. Knocking somebody out unconscious would be a better example of dominance, IMO.

You are avoiding a lot of answers.

Booze and fucking. She'll fall asleep while you cum on her face.

What I am interested is you. What's your fucking problem? Are you ugly? Poor? Or just a coward?

I'm tired of women and white knights. They are both basically the same. Women have the upper-hand with sex, because it's the only reason men care at all about them, and white knights prevent men from being the dominant gender in this society.

It wouldn't matter if I was ugly or a coward, because women are prostitutes.

They're more a mix of virgin threads and gay community threads tbh

They don't stop you from approaching women and taking the pussy for yourself.

It matters. Why is she not giving you her pussy for free?

Have you considered the idea that it's the fact that you're a whiny no-balls pussy that prevents YOU being the dominant anything ?

Why would you really have any assumptions about me at this point?

there are so many lose whores online, "getting laid" is not an accomplishment at all. even the ugliest, fattest loser can pull pussy these days. the bar has never been lower and the whores have never been sluttier.
but "you can't get laid" is always the fall back shaming tactic for roasties who can't banter on a man's level

Many times they do, but even when they don't, there's no point. Using a prostitute makes more sense and it's cheaper in the long run.

Because women are prostitutes. They don't do it for free; they charge you in some way.

That's.. depression. What the fuck is that? Whiteknights getting in your way? LOL

You can do that, but there are other ways. Don't you want to try them? You gave up? You will fuck used pussy all your life?

We already agreed on that. I told you the trick is to make them do it for free.

Tell me how you think a female exploits you.

why are you so invested in trying to get someone to chase pussy like you, thirsty bitch?

To be real honest, I don't even like pussy that much; I prefer oral from women, which is the reason pursuing a street prostitute would make more sense. Now with that said, I do understand why other guys may want something more. But everything else I have said, from women being favored in society to men being manipulated by them through sex, remains the reason why I'm MGTOW.

Because there might be something I can use.

That makes no sense. What I get is that you are a coward. At least say you are ugly, fine with being MGTOW if that's the case.

I was explaining that the first part doesn't relate to the other comments in this thread.

I'm actually pretty average looking. I've never been called ugly in my life.


That's because you never approached women. Maybe you would be called ugly.. or good looking.

But I told you that I do have contact with them. I'm average looking, not that looks even matter to women.

What matters to women?

You're an ugly cunt

this thread is low energy


Money, comfort, status, or maybe just having men around to fuck with.

What can you offer to women?

I don't know if you're using "you" universally or referring to me; But I would say for the former, men have much more to offer women than the reverse, and that's the reason women are more interested in relationships.

Have fun with your 3DPD , fucking white knights

how do these people use the toilet?

they have someone like to help them out


Cool. So why you have to pay women to have sex with them if you have more to offer?

But as I've told you, women almost always receive some form of payment in return. In marriage they most certainly do because the man is insurance to the woman and he is constantly providing for her, even if she does work. And with boyfriend and girlfriend relationships it's the same thing: the boyfriend pays for most of her living expenses as well as protecting her and what not. And in both cases the only thing that the man receives in return is sex. As a MGTOW, I'm revolting against this kind of mediocrity and instead seeing women for what they are – as less convenient versions street prostitutes.


versions *of street prostitutes

Fuck off to your containment board

cool board

The thing I don't get about mgtow is that you don't follow the gtow bit.
I mean, if you want to give up on women that's fine, I couldn't give a shit.
But why do you feel the need to tell other people about it all the time ?
Is it to make sure others know it's a personal choice and not just that you can't get a woman ?

You seem a bit behind on all of this. Read the thread and you might catch up.

I just think of it as something to identify men, as well as file system, so it easier to find and learn about things as such as hypergamy, gynocentrism, and things that will put an end to gynocentrism.

Nah, tldr

Ah, so you have massive autism, gotcha.

Then stay left behind. It makes no difference to me.

you don't?

I see
do you have anything to say or here to white knight.

I'm pretty certain he/she does. They claim to not care about MGTOW yet they felt the need to participate in this thread.

They're here to white knight. They think they can drop some easy insults, anybody could have thought up, without giving a reason for why we should think the way they do


won't even have to do that
give men sexbots out of the uncanny valley, and a way to reproduce without the need of a 3DPD, and every 3DPD will be learn what it is to be equal with men.
at least in the first world anyway


Yeah really. It makes more sense to just replace them, because they will never learn anything.

checked but they're replacing us atm

No they're not. They are not capable of truly impersonating men. They would be, at best, very poor male substitutes.

the amount of money and robots to would take to replace men isn't something that can be done, and it not result in an AI god that has no reason to not kill humans

So do you guys think the 2 mgtowfags in this thread are the samefag or it's 2 different fags jerking each other off ?

all i know is i'm jerking myself off.

i'm not so mgtow that i'd jerk someone else off.

MGTOW is stupid. Most women may not be deserving of a relationship, love and affection or loyalty, but most guys aren't either. There's always a few good ones out there, but most do suck I agree with that but who cares? If you get emotionally invested after knowing the shit and horrid situation it's your own fault. You can still go bang women or pay for sex. If you are put off by women to the point that you don't even want to have sex with them that is another thing entirely, but if that is the case why bother trying to spread MGTOW? Go your own way and shut the fuck up about it.

men need to know about female's hypergamy, and the gynocentric laws they risk breaking just by talking to a 3DPD

Fuck off (((cunt)))

Is that really relevant to the aim of MGTOW?

You are a sad, strange little woman. And you have my pity.


This tbqfh

Triggered feminists



the loli pill is the sweetest pill

I fucking know you bump these threads, and delete the bump post

Triggered virgin

school work is done
I could spam it with my gfd captions again

might have been another thread


what is the pepe on the left holding?

it is on his lap




Thread made here in case dysnomia acts like a faggot and deletes this thread.

What is this?

It's because me wch was filtered into SORECHAN. Just change 'SORECHAN' into me wch without the space in the middle.

WTF? Did he just delete his own response?

Yes he did

And yes I did change SORECHAN to, but it still got a 404.

Probably because people on here take too damn long to respond.

No you nigger, you're supposed to change it to, not

Okay, I'm on. What's special on here?

Well, it's not much different from this place except for less rules, live posting feature, and having it's own radio station and ftp server.

Do these threads prune? If so, when?

They only prune when they reach the bottom of the catalog and when the thread count reaches the limit. Moderators aren't cucks who delete good threads just because they can.

How long does that generally take? I like threads that aren't permanent or even long lived on a board, hence the reason I come on here.

Also, is it always this busy on there? I like that.

Well, I'd say it takes a somewhat long time. I can't really judge since the website is fairly new.

Plus the activity on there fluctuates during certain times of the day. Sometimes the posting will be really fast, while at other times it can be slow.

Okay. I'll use it.

Cool! See you there!

I've already participated in it. The only thing I'm not used to is no longer seeing (you) in responses.

Daily reminder that MGTOW and Feminist activists are the two extremes killing the West.

Contribute to society. Get a wife, buy a house, have children and raise them properly with good values. Don't get brainwashed by the MGTOW cuckery.

Not sure we even need to go past cartoonish waifu bots for the first generations user. Since the same bunch that already like animu and mango will also be the same bunch that will be the early adopters of /robowaifu/s, then I don't see a problem of just going with you're pic related style at first tbh.

Tits or GTFO

How can you do this by being a normie who is taught to surrender everything – time and resources – to females?

shouldn't that be M.G.T.O.T. user?

good point. years ago when i first started lurking i was somewhat skeptical about the value of imageboards in general–especially boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /k/. now I'm convinced they may be one of the very few pastimes for men that actually contributes in a positive way to this bluepill-af 'society' we live in.

Its called being a family. Both parents put their time and resources together for the better good, as our ancestors have done for thousands of years. The child grows up to be a proper human being and repeats the process for the next generation.

What is it you hate about women, and how does MGTOW and feminist activists positively contribute to society besides destroying old family values?

How much more could you want out of them?

I love women, when they are in their positive and designed roles as obedient and faithful daughters, wives, and mothers. I loathe females who have decided that what they actually should be is stronk, indepyndynt actors. Hatred I reserve for Satan and his (((minions))) manipulating the simple minds of women. BTW, did I mention a single thing about women friend?

As to the meat of you're question the answer is simple: almost no other online activity for men helps them out with understanding the insidious manipulations, and the absolutely precarious situation the Western world teeters above the brink of oblivion into.

this. the old ways need to be destroyed.

Could you explain?

So, in other words all women?

Women already did this, user, by dissolving the nuclear family with their greed. MGTOW knows this already occurred and that there's nothing men can do but move on from this ideal.

Anybody else detect some female "critics" in this thread?


Sure, given my preconditions, why not? I personally would never engage in miscegenation, my only interest personally is in White women–the more Nordic, the better. As to the rest, let the muds take care of their own. If they can find any females like that, more power to them.

I'm well aware of the collapse of femininity in the West, sonny. However, it's still up to you in you're own life to simply be the best man you can be and don't worry about others. If that means being a MGTOW, then again, more power to you. Admittedly, there are very few white women these days worth having that aren't already taken. But the search will be worth it if you ever succeed. Good luck.

You're in the wrong thread, bud. Race has nothing to do with MGTOW.

Heh, you're just a little left of Holla Forums's center friend. >>>Holla Forums is more you're speed perhaps? :^)

I'm OP, retard. MGTOW is about men regaining power. It's not going to become a race issue just because you've decided so. I don't give a fuck about "white women."

No, I couldn't.

If you're full of shit, who gaf if you're OP? and it's literally irrelevant what you think of me or my views kiddo. and if you don't give a fuck about white women, then you are the problem.

1 in 4 men would fuck a sexbot
that is a lot, and most likely don't want to fuck a cartoon.
+ their AI and movement still have a long way to come

There are still tons of normal well-functioning families out there, user. By becoming MGTOW you're not doing anything good besides promoting bad values and contributing to our decline.

Conservatism and MGTOW does not go hand in hand, even though both consider themselves to be 'redpilled'. You have to pick a side.

It's funny that you call me a leftist while you pontificate about faithful daughters, wives, mothers, and every other faggot thing. You're in the wrong thread, cuck. I'm so liberal that I think you should hang by your neck until you're dead. Kek.

You literally have no understanding of conservative values.

You literally have no understanding of intelligence. There's nothing conservative about promoting self-serving, egotistical, female pigs of any race or color.

the redpill is just information
both sides can be redpilled, and decide to not do the same thing with it.
Conservatism knows about 3DPD's true nature, and seeks to keeps it under control with ways that have worked in the past, not under this setting, but it has worked
MGTOW knows about 3DPD's true nature, and wants nothing to do with them. They either the world to burn, they want a technological alternative to 3DPD, or they want to be left alone with their own circles.
I do wish conservatism would fuck off with "you are the problem" shit. 3DPD are the bottleneck in reproduction. 80% of men could go MGTOW, and there wouldn't be a problem. You want to save the west and the white race, then talk to 3DPD, not us.

This is completely retarded. These comments are incorrect biologically and statistically.

men can have 1000s of 3DPD pregnant at any given time, while 3DPD can only be pregnant by one man every 9 months.
They are a bottleneck.
see above, the only thing 3DPD would care about is that 20% of men still around was the top 20%, and how she is going to find a beta male to help her with her children

Without the male's sperm they would not exist to be the "bottleneck," nor would their offspring.

This doesn't make any sense. They would simply run out of men. 80% of men dropping out of the game would turn the world of women on its ear.

a man can have more then one women pregnant at a time.
men don't die after sex

I understand your thought process, but you also admitted to not giving a fuck about our society as you want to be left alone and watch it burn. Am i wrong for criticizing that? Your movement haven't come up with any solution other than pouring more fuel on the fire.

I often times see some conservatives in the MGTOW circles, and the reason i started replying to this thread was to convince them that this is not the right path to support their views. You can't be MGTOW and a conservative at the same time.

Yes, no kidding, but there are other factors that you're not considering; such as the following: First, the dramatic decrease in genetic diversity would lead to all kinds of diseases; second, some men are impotent or sterile or both; third, many men are gay and a few are asexual; fourth, men are not so potent that they could impregnate so rapidly a population of women that outnumbers them so dramatically without there being some risk of extinction.

Face it, MGTOW has the ability to affect all of womankind. And in your hypothetical scenario, women, if they did not wind up extinct, would be irreparably altered by such a dramatic change.

yeah, we aren't the borg yet, and I don't really want to stop you from doing your thing. just don't get in way of cartoon porn, sexbots, and technological alternatives to 3DPD, and I don't really care what you guys do. I can hold conservative values, and still be a MGTOW.

we are talking 1 male to every 4 female, that is enough genetic material for a viable population
okay, some men will have 5 3DPD, still enough genetic material
they are never been relevant in reproduction, so nothing has changed. I am talking about if 80% of straight, able to perform men went MGTOW.
most men are able to make 4 3DPD pregnant

I will face the fact that wouldn't care if 3DPD would be happy with this dramatic change.

You do not realize how dramatic of a reduction that is, do you?

Once again that is a significant decrease in genetic diversity.

Gay men certainly are.
That seems to be cheating, to say the least. How could you ever assume that?

At once? They would also be bringing more women into this world as well as other impotent, asexual, or gay men.

genetic diversity
it wouldn't be enough to cause problems
nor were other group either
because those men have to deal 3DPD + children, so those men would have reason to go MGTOW, if things are as they are now
and men that will grow up to replace the 20% after the %20 die off

A lot of these guys are missing the point of what has happened and what will happen since the 1 to 1 ratio has been destroyed. If you look at history, men with no families do not care about maintaining society. Men do not care about children or women or community if they do not have any of those. These men will become more aggressive as they try to seek some stability in a society that shuns them. This has happened in the middle east and other nations that where once stable. Already this effect is starting to grow in the west and other nations that used to have traditional values. Murders rise, greed and other secondary effects that are caused by people unable to obtain a meaningful life. Children and relationships give meaning for a man and something to leave behind.

yeah, but when 3DPD have too much power, it stops being worth it to men, and the reason the west is falling apart is because the governments of the west are importing low QI niggers to try to get more debt slaves, and tax payers, not because western men are getting more aggressive because they don't have a 3DPD in their lives

A huge swath of japanese men have already gone mgtow. They call them "herbivore men" over there.

70% of jap men have dropped out of the race and women barely even noticed. They never cared about these guys to begin with. They may as well be invisible to women.

I'm sorry, but I entirely disagree, and neither of us could truly predict the end result of such a change in population. Also I think you overestimate male potency. There's a reason sperm donors are told not to have sex or masturbate before their donation. The most women I've ever heard of a man impregnating at once were two. I sincerely doubt five would be feasible.

But people will resort to any argument to convince themselves that women do not need men, despite how absurd it is.

Djingis Khan
are you troleing?

Say what?

If thinking somebody has a terrible argument is troleing, then, yes, I most certainly am.

look him up
I really hope you aren't this stupid

I'm not going to take tales about Genghis Khan serious in terms of biology, or in terms of anything. Are you females posting the kind of things as seen in your previous posts? I'm trying to figure out why a male would spread this kind of cancer.

Genghis Khan had 1000s of children, so men are able to have a shit ton of children easily, 4 isn't that big of a deal
spreading facts about biology is now cancer.
MGTOW is understanding why humans do the things they do, and how the world can be hard against men, and soft against 3DPD
if you can't accept facts, and will disregard reality, then you're the cancer. not just to MGTOW, but to the world in general.

Not him, but do you not understand that lines like these are why people laugh at you ?

this isn't even a MGTOW thing
your feelings don't do anything to reality, and if you must have feelings about something, at least base your feelings off reality.
and fuck off with "hehe people laugh at u" I couldn't give a shit if I tried

According to the legend, it was hundreds. Which is a big difference. And you were also talking about males impregnating five at once. You are also making too many assumptions about the fertility of the women in your "20% of males" scenario.

It's obvious that, even in reproduction, women are dependent on a large male population. Therefore, MGTOW has a potentially tremendous influence on them.


Come back with some OC. I think you're going to bore most people here.

4 over their lifetime, and the biggest thing 3DPD would be worried about is how they are going to be provided for.

This is different than what you've said.

The children or themselves? And how does this even relate to what I've said?

you misinterpreted what I said
both but mostly themselves
males don't matter in reproduction, they are disposable, 3DPD wouldn't be affected by having such a small pool of males to breed with, but they would be affected when males take away their utility from them, therefore that is the only thing 3DPD would care about.

Once again, you have no understanding of reproduction or population dynamics.

Although I agree with this, it's also extremely obvious, and it doesn't make up for this other cancer your posting.

By implying that only women can be indifferent to men, you make it sound as if men are full of concern for women.

males are disposable in reproduction, and you're a fucking tard if you don't acknowledge it, and there this enough genetic diversity with one male to every 4 females, so there wouldn't be a problem with a ratio, so you're just wrong and stupid
things you don't agree with isn't cancer, you fucking cunt. people like you have cancer to everything they infest
the 20% of men would be happy, and the 80% of MGTOW woudn't care, fuck that would probably provide enough demand and brainpower for sexbots to get good within a less then a life-time, and asexual means of having a family would come about as well.

people like you are cancer to*

I questioned your elementary views on gender and reproduction, and now I'm witnessing one of the most autistic hissy fits I've ever seen on here.

Both genders are disposable, and you're naive if you think most men view women as anything more than hole.

If you identify as MGTOW, I ask that you resign from our online community before you give people a wrong idea of what we're about.

MGTOWs could already have this brainpower if they united and became serious enough.


I meant holes

Oh, yes. A man will be real spiritual if he surrenders everything to a woman.

your view is just wrong, and fucking stupid
males more so, and if something is disposable or not is determined by math, not individuals.
you think any of these cucks are going to respect you or MGTOW?
MGTOW isn't very big when compared to the general population, and the amount of effort and money it would take to make a sexbot on a level sophistication to 100% replace a 3DPD in every way would be staggering, but we are making headway
my concern is AI, it is far too narrow for things I want to do with it.

Without women you wouldn't even be here to complain about them and you're not even a man until you become a father of a son and give your pointless life meaning.

without men, the human race would still be living in grass huts, and you would probably die by the smallest cut

I don't even know why people argue with these retards. People who have swallowed the MGTOW pill must be removed from the gene pool. MGTOW is a self-correcting problem.

Brilliant rebuttal.

I would say both. And either will suggest that both genders are disposable in sexual reproduction.

MGTOW, absolutely. It's beside the point whether or not they respect individual members. Also, you can't be a "cuck" if you're not in a relationship with a female.

No, but neither are most groups. Nevertheless, MGTOW is appearing in all western societies, and it's growing by the day, if not the hour.

Are you saying MGTOW is too narrow? Because I'm pretty sure it would inspire men, who are no longer distracted by women, to expand this field and then some.

It's funny that even you acknowledge that fathering a son is superior to fathering a daughter. I would more than agree. Sons > daughters.

doesn't fucking need to be with you, I am done talking about this with you, you're too stupid to get it is seems
okay… I consider men who white knight to be cucks as well
fine, I can agree with that
this is why I think you're fucking stupid, the artificial intelligence for the sexbots is too narrow(stupid) for my taste.

Yes, but you call everyone who doesn't immediately agree with you about everything a white knight.
I guess that makes it easier to hold onto your delusional fantasy world

I haven't called anyone a white knight in this thread.

Well, I suppose we agree on something.

I understood half of that – that you were talking about AI being too narrow. I think you need to work on your writing skills. That way you won't have to repeat yourself and people can actually understand what you're trying to say the first time. But, I suppose, what's the point of reasoning with an autist.

it's me, it isn't because you're too stupid to read and infer things without having it spelled out for you.

There's such a thing as both clarity of speech and ambiguity of language. Otherwise we could ignore grammar altogether and still express our ideas.

maybe if you weren't so stupid, then maybe we could.

If we abandon grammar, there will be endless interpretations of everything. But I suppose your ideas aren't worth interpreting.

This thread is clear proof that mgtow have literally nothing else to do all day other than sit around sperging about mgtow

you know, I think you're autistic
>calls others autistic an autistic would know how shitty being around an autistic would be

this isn't even about MGTOW anymore

A member of a group is discussing his group. How strange.

MGTOW = My Gay Thoughts On Women

Now you're just shit posting. Pic is probably related; you probably still watch cartoons.

And the only person changing the thread topic is you right now.

Anything that doesn't agree with you has to be "gay," right?


Do you watch Rozen Maiden?

I have the zone porn flash

These fags are just wizards with politics.
Their default defence is always "you're just not intellijunt enough like me to understand"
At least some of the wizards acknowledge how fucked up they are though.

MGTOW still have sex, if they want to deal with all that comes with it

Kys tbh fam

I'm certain that they have many defenses.

Same with atheists. Most MGTOW are probably atheists as well.

Yes, but without the annoying habit of constantly talking about how they are.

Don't read too much into it. They're just sour grapes.

Sure. Attaining some woman is so difficult, and that's the reason over 90% of people have either a wife or a girlfriend.

and 10% are MGTOW

That's right. Men have girlfriends and wives. Very good.
Beta faggots have their hand, plushies and pillows with anime characters on them.
The grapes are always sour when you're bitter beta.

beta males have gfs and wives as well
the 3DPD are 30+ years old, and have children from other males

Yeah, but not the bitter betas. They can't even afford a prostitute, let alone attract a second-hand wife.

I hope your trying out your old bait to get rid of it because your going to need new for the big guys.

This is why we have such a massive problem with degradation to society. It's not just on one part but on two ends. One end you have chads pump and dump thus destroying stable future relationships for other men and on the other end you have these men willing to pick up the left overs of chads. The men who support the leftovers help those broken women to push new ideals they would not be able to if they didn't have the support those men's wealth.

Do i have to attend a MGTOW meeting to find these rich and and attractive betas who traded their girlfriends for plushies and anime pillows?

No because most of them are on constant vacations or traveling. They also do their own hobbies since they have plenty of funds. Only people I've heard go to MGTOW meetings are chads that cant get women anymore because they are broke or guys that are upset they still want 3DPD but cant pump and dump anymore because all the baggage they built up. MGTOW started out with a good cause but like any movement it become subverted.

if you consider males that don't want chad's leftovers to be a lower status beta then the ones that do, then I don't know what do tell you.
I wouldn't want a new 3DPD, even I were rich enough to get one, and I know what you're going to say. You if 3DPD to determine the stats of a male, so I can disregard anything you say.

you use 3DPD to determine*

No. I'm certain 10% are not yet MGTOW, so that's a foolish response.

This. All their problems would be solved.

Yes, user. In fact, they're the most likely to have them because women prefer betas that will never argue with them, but these retards ignore that fact for the sake of attempting to shame MGTOWs.

Just look at how pathetic this reply was

As if there's a difference, blue-pilled user. Plus, all wives and all women are "second-hand," at very best.

what the fuck is that


ITT: Holla Forums transvestites post cultural marxist trash

can confirm 100%

MGTOW would not fucking this because muh divorce

anyone who would has 0 self respect though

wtf does that even mean

Intelligent men are the only reproductive bottleneck in the human species. They alone determine the carrying capacity of the species.

This has been the case as long as the term 'sapien' could be attached to the species.

They would if there's no "friendship" or "relationship" attached to doing so.


Why don't they do it already and instead whine about muh women?

I don't see what fucking has to do with men revolting against female favoritism in our society, sex-obsessed user.

That's what they do, revolt against society? How?

They revolt against gynocentrism and feminism, which happens to be a large sum of society at the present.


MGTOW would not approach this because muh revolt>

By refusing to be part of the norm – which you're most likely a part of – that brainlessly celebrates women at the expense of men.

Maybe it's because these whores think everybody is trying to rape them; or maybe it's because she might not be that important to them.

Last part was for you

who's this?

I disagree. Could you explain how?

In the beginning MGTOW was a manlet revolt against height discrimination, it was primarily fedora faggots, but then real faggots (homosexuals) joined, burned all bridged and turned the hate machine up to 11 to in an attempt to drive the insecure manlets into the claws of the gay community. Don't believe for a minute that there are straight men who despise women with such a passion.

Haven't you noticed that most real homosexuals tend to be feminists – the opposite of MGTOW? But above all, I think you're wrong about the goals of MGTOW, which is nothing more than teaching men to no longer rely on female validation, and to discover their full potential by no longer allowing women to be the god of their lives.

but female orcs are sexy tho

that would only be the case if the environment was such a way where Intelligent men did well, and were able to reproduce more successfully, while dumb men were not, and that would only last until the environment changed.
3DPD are a bottleneck as long as human reproduction stays the same.

None of this is accurate

Tits or GTFO

Tits then GTFO



I know what tits are, I just don't know why what about my post made you think I am 3DPD

I'm not him, but I'm the user from this morning, which feels more like last night. I can't figure out what you are. What is your opinion on MGTOW?

males biological response to 3DPD's behavior when 3DPD and men are put an safe environment with relative abundance of resources.
Males will also give 3DPD extra privileges in to effort to try to make the 3DPD more happy, because males want to keep 3DPD happy, so their put out more, and stick around, doesn't work this allows 3DPD to fuck things even more, because 3DPD are hyper-self centered due their biology, which is due to their role in reproduction, exacerbating the MGTOW phenomena.

Do you think this will ever end?

it will end when either civilization collapses and men and 3DPD are put back their nature environment, a temporary solution mind you, or men no longer have to deal with 3DPD in order to get emotional/physical intimacy and a family.

Here, enjoy the tits fags

This is the reason robowaifus will be needed. MGTOW should always stress the importance of them.

yeah, nothing new is being said here

You mean from me?

from both of us
everybody knows that robowaifus are our salvation, and will allow men to move on, without having to go back, and take care of 3DPD for the sake of the continuation of the species

They're not going to make me leave MGTOW.

Unfortunately not everybody does. I've posted several robowaifu threads on here and not everybody makes this obvious connection. Not to mention, not all MGTOWs see eye to eye on everything. Some are not even really against giving up 3DPD, yet they somehow still call themselves MGTOW.

Shouldn't you say: they're not going to make me become a real man and fuck women?

I will give you a real live working gf with huge tits if you leave mgtow

is this nigga serious?

I'm starting to think you're a 3DPD or a shill or both. I'm not against fucking women, but why do you think it's so masculine?


MGTOW is a response to Feminism. Time will tell what kind of response, good or bad.

Because I have far too many large breasted women in stock at the moment

So, MGTOW is just information.
different people can do different things with the same. Some men can deal the fact that 3DPD can't feel romantic love, some can't. Some think there is another way to fix things, some don't and just want everything to burn.
point is there is nothing we can do, but hope, and save up for a robowaifu


Are you sure you're not gay?


with the same information*

This is why I love being a real man.
I can look at that pic and think, goddamn, I'd love a ride on that.
Our totally not gay friend here looks and thinks "AGGGHHH GIRL GERMS !!!"

Sure there is. You can stop being an autist and go out and meet real women and fuck them instead of waiting for "robowaifu" for fucks sake!

I'm positive. I have no interest in 3DPD outside of an occasional blowjob. But even with that task I don't trust that they won't leave bite marks all over it or worse. You shill are actually pretty entertaining.

I'm going to stop taking the piss for a second and ask something about this point.
Does it not make you feel good to shag a woman till her mind is blown away ?
I fucking love it, and yes, It does make me feel manly.


ummm… no

To me it's the same as having sex with a prostitute, since most women are not far removed from that order.


I'd disagree with that sorry,It's damn hard to make a whore cum, they tend to be worn out physically and mentally.

Pussy is overrated anyways.




Question: If women are so attractive and irresistible, then why do most guys seek out porn?


It's easier?

Don't you think it has more to do with the fact that most real girls are actually ugly?

Again, this is the problem with you guys.
Same problem as the wizards and robots have.
You need to get more realistic about your standards.
I will say that you are politer and less spazmoid than the average mgtow poster so well done there, I have hope that your life will improve.


Thanks, user. I just think you will find that chasing after women, despite momentary pleasure, is ultimately an empty pursuit. It's obvious that we need women, at the present time, in order to continue as a species, but outside of that they mainly will drain men of time, thought, resources, etc. I know you'll disagree, and that you've probably heard this before in these threads, but I feel that all men should be warned.

So not only do men have to accept that women will eagerly lap up the wall-to-wall social narrative that women are oppressed and need more more! MORE! of everything (at the expense of men), the fact that women initiate 66-70% of all divorces and receive the vast majority of spousal and child support, the fact that in many states divorce courts no longer penalize adultery (as rates of adultery by women have increased dramatically in the last 3 decades), they have to accept that it's an ugly woman who is going to do all of this to them? Get the fuck outta here.

This. MGTOW can't grasp the bell curve and so fail to see that most men are morally unsound.

Care to explain?

How could you be this bluepilled?

Men at 100 IQ are already at their limit coping within Western society. Petty crime, neglect, and drug abuse abounds. No way these men and their 96.3 IQ wives can care for one another through decades of marriage.

Yes. The present system has nothing to offer the man and even expects him to be content when he's obviously being shortchanged.

But what part is MGTOW supposedly not understanding? And why do you think men are "morally unsound"?

MGTOW likes to document the misdeeds of women but skirts around the misdeeds of men. They hate female capriciousness but account for it in terms of gender determinism rather than the bell curve.

Perhaps you're talking to the wrong user. I'm not the greatest enthusiast of IQ tests. I think they provide a measurement of intelligence to a certain extent, but overlook many factors. But, in any case, I don't see what errors you're finding in MGTOW.

IQ informs moral reasoning.

But according to what you've said, wouldn't that make men more moral?

Yeah but only a little bit.


like what?

Name nearly all social maladies. 4/5 of men are unable to complete tasks as complex as using a tape measure and catalog to determine the cost of carpeting a house.

But they can measure the dick size of their wife's boyfriend. This is more of a society problem, men becoming soy boys.

Then why is it that most carpenters are men?

Because five fifths of women are unable to do so.

Reminds me of this story I heard where the wife would cheat with her lovers until she fell pregnant. The husband agreed to her baby names which were all that of her lovers. The last daughter was named Haroldette.

the indifference obviously cuts both ways

Kill all women! LOLI MASTER RACE NOW!

MGTOW is growing every day and will only get stronger until it can no longer be suppressed or ignored by normies or normie media

What are you going to do? Become trannies?

You know that whore in the picture deserved what she got. Who wants to deal with a brain-damaged cunt with a bitchy attitude just to get his dick wet?

yes but not gonna chop the dick off. butt sex is better tbh

You sound thirsty as fuck. Sad.

That is one ugly degenerate whore.





Feminism and MGTOW are two sides of the same coin, the latter being nothing more than male feminism. "Oh me, oh my, why does the matriarchy oppress us?" It is absolutely pathetic.

t. angry roastie


MGTOW isn't trying to get laws changed.

I just landed a turd that smelt so revoltingly horrific, that even Satan himself would be disgusted. My wife called an ambulance. The neighbours called the Fire Brigade. Being constipated for 4 days didn't help… it had all that time to brew, ferment and ripen. Even my dog fled, and is hiding under the house, refusing to come out. The local sanitation dept called and offered me a prize, for the Worst Turd of the Month award - they enjoyed the overtime they needed to process that beast. MGTOW wanted it banned and outlawed.

take the breadpill and become a monk

They're trying to destroy the family, which is far more contemptible. Besides, why would an insignifican stage 1 movement try to get laws changed? It's like saying that cats are not trying to eat humans. Of course they are not, they are tiny. If they were bigger, they'd eat humans for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Just admit it. The nuclear family model was a failed experiment.

the family is already destroyed, and 3DPD did it
probably not. if they were bigger, then they would probably put more resources towards technological alternatives to 3DPD. Using laws and the government to get their way is almost exclusively a 3DPD thing, while men just engineer around the problem if given enough resources, and even if they did, 3DPD are more collective in their voting, and there are more of then due to them living longer, so any effort that way would be fruitless.

You should channel your hate for your mother into something productive instead of constantly fueling your anger. Just because you grew up in a broken home doesn't mean that everyone else did.

You would like that, wouldn't you?

Really. Name one lobbying firm or interest group that is comprised of or represents women inb4 code pink. You are completely delusional, like all MGNW loons. Your hate is blinding you.

fag meep meep

not really, I don't want the west to die.
feminists, and 3DPD don't need interest groups all that much, because they make up such a large voting block

As i said, you are completely delusional, which is the norm for MGNW loons.

The sound of femshits rustling in the wind

it is like terminal patient, and you have the cure for the illness, but the patient doesn't want it because it will go against the religion of 3DPD
i can't name one off the top of my head, and 3DPD are a big portion of the population, they don't need a lobbying firms to influence government like banks and wall-street does, you fucking tard, and by all means find your NAWALT. I enjoy see idiots like you in pain.

More delusional statements from the MGNW loon


just keep blaming boogeymen, bro
I am sure you'll get somewhere, and the 3DPD will prove to be 100% innocent
not when you're 51% of the population in a democratic system with universal suffrage.
lobbying firms are for small interest groups


In France DNA testing is inadmissible in court to prove a child isnt yours and you shouldnt have to pay child support. They knowingly require betas to pay for children that are not theirs.

What the hell? I can't even see the posts on here.

Why? Do you figure that's a roastie?

Get in the delousing chamber, Judas.

There's a better chance the women are the jews, user.


Jewish Women


oy vey adopt a nigger or you're out of Hollywood

Most of the leading feminists were jewish.

Women don't like you because you're weak, fat, and ugly. Just get over it already.


You are either ignorant or deliberately ignorant if you don't see how the system favors them. I'm pretty sure any male lawyer could explain this to you.

I'm skinny, which already tells me that you know nothing about what you're talking about. Your grade school, ad hominem comments about MGTOW are not going to affect it for a moment.


How can you measure the quality of anonymous people, genius? Did it ever occur to you that maybe people have a logical reason to think the way they do?

More like: oy vey marry a cunt or get a girlfriend or you're not cool with us.

Pathetic faggots.

By the dumb shit they say, genius.

You were assuming attributes that have nothing to do with what they're saying. If you don't see how the system favors women, you are either stupid or intentionally stupid. But in either case, debating with you is utterly pointless.

The quality of a person affects the quality of his statements, but that doesn't mean that a high quality statement is suddenly wrong just because of its speaker. A broken clock is right twice a day.

more like: marry a virgin teen or get a loli girlfriend or you're a cuck

Anti-MGTOW Traditionalists ought to watch this video.

Pseud detected. Come up with something original or GTFO

What he said was true. Originality was not even the point. Also I doubt you're that original yourself.


Not even the Traditionalism described by your pic is Patriarchal enough. Watch the video before sperging out, then watch vid related.


they are still hypergamous
nice 2s tho

What the fuck is the difference? And how can you be a "cuck" if you're not in a relationship with a bitch?

Nice quads, checked. However, finding a virgin female is like finding a unicorn. Girls are having sex at age 12 nowadays, and have already fucked a dozen guys by age 15.

Not when you are a Mormon

Aren't they polygamous?

well, if you're a taxpayer you're getting cucked, because you're paying for children that aren't your's via welfare

No, that's banned doctrine. The government almost destroyed the church over it

Kek. The Mormons are still around? What makes you think marrying any female will turn out right?

if you're a weak cuckold

How so?

Cool beans but I'm not Christian and I don't want to move to Utah.

doesnt mean you should stop looking

Looking gets kind of boring.

it takes some effort from you too, but I guess its easier to whine and bitch and cry like A FUCKING CUCK!

all 3DPD hypergamous, doesn't matter how alpha the man she is with is.
she'll always be looking for a better deal

you're paying for children that aren't yours
that is what defines a cuck

You're not a cuck if they cheat on you without your knowledge and consent. Biofemales are naturally promiscuous, disloyal, and hypergamous. Nothing can change that genetic fact.

you be the better deal bitch

No it isn't. A cuck is specifically one that allows other men to fuck their woman.

I'm not. And I simply asked "how can you be a cuck if you're not in a relationship with a bitch?"

Organized religion did that until the 60s when Cultural Marxists took over USA (and used that to spread their influence over the whole western world).

A virgin female is still liable to divorce me and fuck me in court by stealing my assets and taking my children and slapping me with alimony and child support slavery. Too risky, unless you're willing to volunteer yourself as the one that takes the financial responsibility and will cover any potential debts owed.

The females in the church want to get married and raise a family above all else. Females outside the church these days don't care about such things.

It's never too late to come back to the Lord.
You don't have to move to Utah. Mormons are everywhere, there are just way more Mormons there than anywhere else. Idaho has a lot too.

by paying for children that aren't yours

won't matter, she'll look for an even better deal
can't really win with hypergamy in the long run

MGTOW here: so are men if you think about it, and probably more so.

Why would I be doing this if I avoid that?

Organized Religion most assuredly did NOT change that fact, it merely suppressed that instinct.

Get an asian then.

do you pay income tax?

That has nothing to do with paying for children.

So what? Unlike Biofemales, we have the intellectual capacity to understand that polygamy, promiscuity, etc. are damaging to Civilization. Even our own.

t. Also MGTOW

your taxes are going to welfare, and welfare goes to paying whores for their children that aren't yours

Women know only about fear. That's why you should beat them if they do something wrong. Start it from the beginning. If she accepts it, she won't do wrong, she'll know you'll kill her.

Supposedly it does. It probably goes a million other places as well.

Watch these videos so you can get a better understanding of how welfare ties into the Gynocentrism Cycle:

Sorry, but the Law doesn't allow for that. MGTOW would allow it, however.

in a penny of your money goes to them, you're a cuck.
I think we should beat them to death, and their children as well, but that is just me

I watch TFM, and already know about his theory, and agree with it for the most part

Unfortunately most of us don't. Or we wouldn't have degenerate boards like this attempting to shame MGTOWs and encourage them to fuck a bunch of women.

Start by abusing her emotionally, verbally and go then further, make her used to it. She won't do anything about it, the law won't matter.

MGTOWs should be shamed, but not because they don't fuck a bunch of women. They should be shamed because they are weak men who have been completely demoralized.

Yes but I never said all men would have that understanding. I merely said we have that capacity.

Sorry, user, but I don't buy this argument. Taxation has nothing to do with cuckoldry. The only thing that makes you a cuck is being in a relationship with a whore – aka any woman.

In that case, I agree.

Intelligent doesn't mean weak, you Tradcuck. You'll be the weakest of us all when the alimony hits.

I just consider paying for children that aren't your's to be one of the highest forms of cuckoldly

Although many of them probably don't, they would have the ability to do this even more than some cuck in a relationship. The rest of your comment seems like bait to me.

That's your opinionated definition. Textbook definition says otherwise. Either way, I went ghost by MGTOW terms.

I just consider being in "relationships" with women to be THE highest form of cuckoldry. Children have nothing to do with it.

Most of them are virgins.. so there's that. They're pathetic little manchildren.

I'm curious what comeback you people would have if there was no "virgin" retort.

Being a virgin is good, no one should have sex before marriage. What is bad is giving up on marriage, and throwing around buzzwords(hypergamy, gynocentrism, etc) and using absolutes(every woman is a whore) to justify giving up.

Modern Marriage is a suicidally stupid risk to take.

There's no point in thinking this way anymore. Nobody is one, regardless of what these cucks on this board are claiming.

hypergamy means 3DPD can't feel romantic love, and gynocentrism means the government will gladly make you her slave if she isn't 100% one day
nothing you can do about hypergamy, and not much you can do about gynocentrism, but trying to shame men into taking a risk with little to no payoff, and 0 respect, you're wasting your time, and making yourself look like white knight cuck that gets all of his value from 3DPD


Truthfully we only have 3 optios as far as I can see:

1. We forcibly remove the rights of Biofemales, lock them in chains and chastity belts, and make them submit to their men at the point of death. No possibility for them to regain their standing can be left open - they must simultaneously be considered property AND be held responsible for their own actions 100%. This is the most humane option.

2. We simply develop sexbot exowomb technology, open source and mass produced, and exterminate the lion's share of Biofemale. This is the second most humane option.

3. We continue with the status quo right to the point where economic collapse will happen. After that, vast swaths of men, women, and children will die in the most brutal fashions you can think of. Starvation will be rampant, technology lost to the winds, our modern knowledge will be forever gone, and the nations of the Earth will balkanize into small clannish bands of the most brutal savages one could find. This option is the one Feminists and Traditionalists alike will be happy to lead us to and because of how few easily accessible resources remain on the planet, we'll most likely never recover to the same level of development we're at now.


They've done studies about this. Men tend to rate women as about 50% above average and 50% below average. Meanwhile, women rate men as being like 70% below average or some crazy number like that. I forget the exact stats but you can google it. Women objectively have fucked up standards, while men, statistically, are pretty truthful in their assessments.

It's easier than option 1, but it would bind our ability to reproduce to our infrastructure which is obviously less stable than the natural method.


I agree with this. Females are in their prime around 16.


Tradcuck pls. Your QT3.14 will most likely fuck Chad behind your back too.

He made some good points. I don't agree with giving up and waiting for sexbots or shit. But a lot of females need to be killed. Think of it, any single mother, any divorced woman, any female with tattoos, any female that had more than 1 husband:


1 would work for a time, but all it take is one generation of weak men, then we're back to this, besides the way 3DPD have children is inefficient, and a bigger risk to the child, then what technology would be able to do.
2 is the forever fix

It's an indefinite fix until the local exowomb facilities are compromised, but yes that would still be less risky than option 1.

maybe we should do 1 to keep things running, until we have the tech to do 2

Off to Auschwitz you go!

Traditions are great, but the traditional relationship dynamic between Male and Biofemale is cancer that will always lead to gynocentrism and Feminism.

yes, buzzwords. realize you are a male feminist. just like the feminists before you they threw out buzzwords to justify hatred of all men as well(patriarchy, toxic masculinity). sounds familiar right?

But don't you know? If two people are having sex, and one has to give the other money in order to perform this mutually beneficial act, the one gaining money is a poor victim, and the one who loses money is an evil oppressor.

To fix the system. It's a boycott. Our society operates under a price fixing scheme to artificially inflate the value of vagina. So we'll boycott the product and lower the demand until the price regulates back to a reasonable level. A reasonable level simply being the point where men aren't treated like hated beasts of burden by a society that only treats female lives with any value.

You don't need to look at individual cases or even stats to justify MGTOW. All you need to do is point out the open discrimination against males by every major institution in western society, including every western government and legal system.

As much as MGTOW say they're indifferent, obviously they're bitter, and they should be.

Feminists already did that. They weren't happy with being NEETs who had to settle for fucking the milkman in secret. They wanted to kick the husband out of the house, take all his stuff, have him pay for the rest of their lives, and then fuck as many dudes as possible with no shame.

Only by fixing this situation can we actually have real families again. Only by teaching society that women can't be treated so much better than men and still be seen as desirable, will society actually treat men well enough, and provide women with enough responsibility, to allow families to actually function.

Sorry, what was that again? I'm having trouble hearing you through the cattle car you're inside.

You say that, yet you're the one telling people off for not wanting to be a workhorse to be used by women.

you can prove hypergamy by 3DPD's behavior, and gynocentrism can be proven by family counts alone unlike patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and male feminists are feminists as a mating strategy, anyway I just want a technological alternative to 3DPD, not an androcentric society, your 'points' are irrelevant to both to me and MGTOW

Nah, bro. I just realize that 90% of the "people" in the modern world are complete subhumans who don't deserve anything. Although I must admit it's nice to be a human in this world.

If you want to be a human, maybe you shouldn't advocate being a beast of burden.

Jews are Traditionally gynocentric like you, cuck. Your Biofemale's eventual betrayal by fucking Chad and Tyrone and stealing your house, your kids, and half your belongings in a court system that will slap you with alimony and child support payments will hurt more than the hottest oven's flames.

You tradcucks and your other white knight brethren will be the first to go on the Day of the Robowaifu. Skynet is coming for you.

"Want to?" Certainly you aren't very good when it comes to reading comprehension.

Don't get me wron here, I'm not saying that women (aka Nature's punching bag) should have any rights or ever be out of the kitchen, I'm just saying that you don't deserve to reproduce and further burden humanity with your defective genes.



You claim to be human but you shouldn't have raised the comparison to cattle, because it fits too well with yourself and anyone else who fights so hard to keep his place as a second class citizen.

This is the lie that feminism is based on.

For most of history women got the be NEETs who never had to work for anything in their lives. Now they get to do that while also hating men for being forced to provide for them. Any man who puts up with this deal is the ultimate cuck.

der untermensch


Women are nature's punching bag because God made them that way

lmao pathetic

get some pussy nerd

fuck of hipster.

lol gay

Women are made just right to get cucks like you to willingly be a second class citizen that is valued only for how well you can serve them.

You call others untermensch, but you are gladly letting yourself be a second class citizen, a beast to be valued only for labor, and not as an actual person.

You're pathetic, rin. You suck at troleing.


give it 10 years
sand niggers will drown in this shit

Description of yourself. Women value me because, unlike you, I'm a physically superior specimen. It must suck to be an ugly slave only useful for labor.

Bye virgin, going to get some pussy rn.

We should just make rape legal tbh.

What do you propose? A system of polygamy with only Chads getting the women? We already have that, it's called the post-Sexual Revolution world.

Monogamy is a cornerstone of Civilization for a reason - if you deny the majority of your men the chance to reproduce, you give them every reason in the world to work together and gut you to death, and absolutely zero reason to continue contributing to society. You want a system like that? Move to the Islamic World where terrorism is rampant, civilization is dead, and everybody hates everyone else.


hmmmmmm yes delicious more please

also just fyi isn't me I know it must be hard for you to tell because you have autism

Essentially, but only women with superior male ancestors will be allowed to reproduce. The defectives, whatever their sex, are to be disposed of.

I think I will convert. If more cucks will go MGTOW, I will have more virgins for myself. If muslims take over and lower the age of consent to 9, I will have a harem of lolis.

You say you're valued, but your government and every major institution in your society openly discriminates against you. You are objectively not valued as much as a woman. And you're happy about that. 100% cuck.

Fuck off sheltered millennial virgin. You type like a faggot and a nigger.

Not to mention the bitches themselves don't value him.

Good, GOOD! You just came clean about your Jewish hatred of White Civilization. Now go forth and contribute to our Slaanesh-dominated world of degeneracy and hedonistic promiscuity.

That hurr durr stuff gets on my nerves.

He's proposing eugenics. What's the problem?

Did you even read what he said you fucking sperg?

No he's proposing Islam-tier polygamy with all the related inbreeding and sexual tension in the majority of White Men. He deserves to be publicly hanged.

Have fun being a second class citizen. Hope you enjoy it when some random slut on the street gets you imprisoned for looking like a guy who made eye contact with her in her Women's Studies class. At least you like having objectively fewer rights due to your gender.

That's nothing special, user. Almost everybody proposes it in some form or another.

This again? I love White Civilization and only want to further it. It's YOU degenerates who are trying your hardest to destroy it.

wrong I have 11 gfs (including your mom but she was too fat so I dumped her) and get gallons of pussy nightly

Yes. I also was able to comprehend the core point he was making and attack it directly. It's really not that hard if you have a working brain.

t. millennial second-class citizen. Here, I'll make it easy for you to understand: Just because society doensn't value defectives like yourself doesn't mean they feel the same way about people broadly grouped together with you. Can you understand that, or do I need to get the crayons out?

Discussion of eugenics is taboo in our modern weak society.

Eugenics is a tool that must benefit the majority of society. If you're throwing deformed babies or Down Syndrome cretins in a pit, you're doing it right. What he's proposing is in actuality dysgenic.

Not really. But ideas on it would vary so much that I don't see why anybody would be enthusiastic by eugenics in and of itself.

There are literally laws on the books in every western country that openly discriminate against men. Every major institution, from large corporations, to schools, to every western government, openly and proudly discriminates against men. You claim to be a man. You objectively have fewer rights and fewer opportunities because of your gender. You are objectively valued less. Now of course you in particular should be valued less, because you're a stupid cuck. But that's not why they value you less. They just give out rights based on if you have a vagina or not.

It's already destroyed. The only way to fix anything is to burn it to the ground. MGTOW should be armed and given the greenlight to form death raping squads.

Why call yourself a Traditionalist when you're a PUA manwhore piece of filth? You dog scut have been working since the dawn of Civilization to bring humanity back to the days when we lived in caves.

Seems like a waste of research to me. Eugenics doesn't have to be as simple as that. But once again everybody has their own idea on it.

This. Red Skull was right.

So which one is it?

Give me a break, retard. This thread is for adults, so fuck off somewhere else or drop dead.

Both are detrimental to Civilization. Both need to hang.

Because of Jews. Also, remember that women belong in the kitchen and were happy to stay there until jews came along and told them that they were being oppressed. Destroy Jews and all our problems will go away.

Fuck off feminist.

lol butthurt

Obviously he's claiming that they need to be tamed, and you advocate letting them run rampant, which results in the destruction of civilization, since they are no longer tamed.

That's true.

You type like a girl. Are you sure you're not a twelve-year old bitch?

Manipulating emotional creatures like women is a skill and a waste of time when we could instead have a society where every man gets a woman.

You type like a girl AND a nigger. Are you sure you're not a twelve-year old bitchnigger? (YES)

Because you don't deserve happiness.

You don't deserve life you subversive anti-White worm.

says the kike

I seriously think you're underage.

So you're a traditionalist?

Isn't the civilization already destroyed?

Projection is a Jewish trait, worm. I'm the one promoting ideas that would benefit Whites as a whole while you scamper around using "Muh Aryan physique" as a facade to benefit your hedonism to the detriment of most White Men.

Because they currently run rampant.

Most of these women just have daddy issues too and think dating 20+ years ahead of their age makes them smart and mature.

herp derp RETARD hurr durr (DERP!)

You're gay

Who wants a woman that is shit? It means nothing. Women will never be good unless we take over control of the society.

Traditionalists are cucks that worship pussy and let PUA niggers fuck their wives.

And what are MGTOWs? Traditionalists need a force to enforce good morals.

MGTOWs are people who realize that the current situation is untenable and avoid propping it up.

MGTOW are what Traditionalists pretend to be. MGTOW would give us the wholesome, moral, stable society that Tradcucks want, but because MGTOW want to keep Biofemales in chains and to punish cunts when they act like cunts, Tradcucks can't accept it because they worship pussy.

I don't think we want to keep them at all.

They won't be shit because the Law will be on the Man's side, and because they'd be publicly hanged if they act up.

If we wre forced to keep them, until sexbot exowomb technology is available.

That pretty much is our society now. The difference is MGTOW doesn't want one.

So the female liberation will push men towards their own liberation which will mean the creation of the sexbot and exowomb which will lead to the extermination of the biofemales?

In that case, perhaps.

Eventually it's very likely. Until then the Biofemale is a necessary evil as far as reproduction is concerned.

Listen up you subhuman:

YOU are inferior, YOU don't deserve life, and YOU are a kike shill. We all know it. Stop with your pathetic attempts to claim otherwise.

Empty talk, you fucking kike. I bet you think you're an "intellectual" too, eierkopf. All your "ideas" would accomplish would be to hasten the destruction of the Aryan race. Women need to be controleed, lest we allow them to be seduced by foreigners and pollute the race.

Also, stop disgracing the Aryan race with your pathetic imitations. They're obviously fake because a Jew like you is incapable of understanding the thought process of an Aryan, and therefore incapable of imitating his speech pattern. I swear before the Fuhrer that a day will come when we round up all you accursed kikes and rid you from this world once and for all.

Your days are numbered, kike. Hope you enjoy your pathetic shill life while you still can.

Newsflash: Roasties prefer the Tyrone/Chad/Jamal cock carousel.

Current society is one in which women on average say 70% of men are below average. Japan went through the same thing just slightly before us, where all those men just checked out, and the women didn't care until they realized they didn't have a beta to give them money after they got bored of riding the cock carousel.

You are literally on the bottom of society, and you advocate that this continues. You are advocating being a lesser human.



I don't think you understand my ideology or what I'm advocating.

Why don't you tell me what you think I believe in so we can clear things up?


Am I being rused?

Not really. They just take anybody – beta or alpha – that will surrender everything to them.

lolololol xddddDDD you just got rused :^) xDDDDD

For what purpose?

You've repeatedly said that you think you are not under their bootheel, of course. But in order to do this you keep ignoring the fact that you objectively have less rights than them. You then get angry when people point this out. You're nothing but a white knight in a thin disguise.

That's after they've been used up and are wanting to "settle down". How do you not know these things?

because of troles like me

Yes. And that's the truth of so many critics of MGTOW.

I think they're basically prostitutes who will go with anybody with the bread.

Precisely. I have no idea what would compel a man to stoop so low as to become a Whiteknight Cuck.

Neither do I. I would say indoctrination, except even that doesn't quite explain this foolishness.

In our society, they don't have to. They can feel free to fuck braindead alphas while getting Cuck betas to pay for everything.

Not the case. Does it look like I live in the US?

Incorrect; nothing could be further from the truth

Same autistic faggot

You're saying that they have a sex drive like men, which I do not believe. I think their only motive is money or status, and a person would not have to be alpha to provide either of these things.

You may not have Guns but you're a lucky son of a bitch as far as the court system goes. Either way, by being a manwhore, you're contributing to the degeneracy of your country.


Nope. You white knights get so desperate in these conversations.

Believe what you like. At least we agree that 3D is PD.

I think the fundamental problem with most MGTOW advocates is that they can't see how Jews are responsible for the modern degeneracy of women. Once upon a time, western women were something beautiful and something to be appreciated, they were also faithful and had practical skills that were helpful in raising a family. Of course, everything was ruined when the eternal jew came along and "liberated" them from "oppression."

If you look hard enough, you'll find that most problems in the modern world were caused by Jews. This is the group you need to spend your time and energy going after. Attack the problem at its source.

Jews liberate and exacerbate a preexisting instinctual predilection to hypergamy in Biofemales. They didn't make them promiscuous - it was already there for the Roasties to be like that.

nice photoshop

Western customs managed to keep them in check until the Jews did away with those

You think I don't know what role Jews played? Gynocentrism was going to lead to Feminism with or without the Jew's help, because society was holding men responsible for the actions of women, leaving Roasties free to stamp around promoting Feminism without ever feeling any consequences. Watch these videos:

Demonstrably incorrect. We have genetic proof that we have twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors, because while some cuck was slaving away in the mines to support her, your great great great great grandmother was off fucking ye olde chad.

The old times you pine for are imagined. They never really existed. Women have simply always gotten by on a system that lets them do whatever they want and live off the labor of cucks. MGTOW have always been needed to fix this shit. It's only now people are becoming aware enough to do something about it.

It doesn't matter if you live in the US. Every western government does this. Maybe you're a third worlder where the rule of law does not apply, and lucky you for being a barbarian, but I'm sure your society is still a cucked one that makes your life shit if you don't submit to women, because that's what practically every society ever has been.

They cheat on you with chad in relative secret. They're not getting status or anything out of it. They're just impulsive and do in fact have sexual desire. They just pretend they don't as part of what is essentially a price fixing scheme to artificially inflate the value of vagina and make women serve them in order to engage in relationships that would otherwise be mutually beneficial.

I think you overestimate their intelligence. They can be cunning, but their motive is simple: they're simply after money, status, and attention. Pretending that their motive is sex is the same as pretending that a prostitute's motive is sex.




4. We might be able to fix whatever is wrong with women using genetic engineering. That CRISPR technology is getting better every day.

We just figure out what genes cause men to feel love, honor, loyalty, responsibility, and curiosity, and splice them into biocunts everywhere.

Then they wont be monsters any more, and wont even really be unhappy about it. They will just feel that this is obviously how they should behave because it would be instinctual for them, just like it is for men. I think this is the most humane option.

it is more likely that they just get rid of male and female and just make everyone a hermaphrodite, probably go to try to make everyone the same race as well
I am all for CRISPR and being super human, but I don't want to be a hermaphrodite, or a nigger thanks.

Their motive isn't sex because they take sex for granted. Their motive is of course money and status, but they still have a separate motive for sex. Just it's so easy for them to get it that it's practically moot to point it out. You don't think of yourself as having a motive to breathe, because it's so easy that you don't think about it.

Actually, it's mathematically impossible for women to have more heterosexual partners than men, since there are almost exactly as many men as women.

All the women just fuck the same chads and most men die serving these women and their bastard offspring. Most men throughout history have been literal cucks, and traditionalists want to prop this up. Feminism claims women had it bad in the past, that men treated them badly. But it's genetically observable fact that historically, women have cucked men at astonishing rates.

Men have never been anything more than cannon fodder in the eyes of society at large. I do not understand what feminists are screeching about in first world countries these days.

They are spoiled children, screeching "MORE!"

Even in the past or in crappy countries, as you said, men have always been cannon fodder and beasts of burden. Women have always lived lives of relative luxury, as non-stigmatized NEETs, that get fucked as much as they want. Life is and always has been hard for poor people, but even then, I'd rather be a poor woman than a poor man, in any society.

Welp, there is your 'math', and then there is reality. You're math just doesn't add up when stacked against reality friend.

What you are saying makes no sense and it's impossible. There is almost no difference in the number of men and women in the world, therefore the amount of sex or partners had by heterosexual men and women, from one another, must be the same. Every time a woman has sex with a man, this means a man has sex with a woman, so there would be no difference in the amount of partners for each gender.
I don't even care if you're MGTOW, like me, or not. What you're claiming is "reality" is your own mental retardation.


It's already been explained to you, dingus.

Most men never pass on their genes, most women do. It's not rocket science.

the issue isn't the demographical statistics nerd, the issue is the pussy card. you really should try to get out more tbh.

You're a complete idiot and you don't realize it. Each time a woman has sex with a man a man has sex with a woman. And they're obviously not getting fucked by the same guys or else we would all be related, and there would exist no genetic diversity.

Give me proof, bitch. Also, only retards say "it's not rocket science."

What you're saying does not make sense.

heh obviously you are either a cunt or mentally shortchanged. either way you have my pity. farewell.

Mormons are taught that marriage is eternal and lasts even after death where you will be reunited with your spouse and the rest of your family in the spirit world, it is the only religion that teaches this doctrine. This makes marriage one of the most important decisions that can be made. Mormon girls don't have sex before marriage, and are unlikely to divorce the man they marry. Why aren't your Mormon yet?

That is not a rebuttal. According to your posts we would all be related, which is fortunately not the case.

MGTOW is gay

Even with the advantage of always being seen as innocent and having free gibs, I'd rather be a man. Estrogen is enough to scare me away after seeing how it effects females.

We are all related. And we can look at our DNA and find out how far back we need to go to find our common male ancestor and common female ancestor. You don't need to go back as far to find common male ancestors because there is far less genetic diversity on that end because women have historically cucked their husbands and the other men who serve them (soldiers sent to die in war to protect/gain resources for them) and all fucked the same few chads. This is easily observable with modern tech to examine our DNA.

Yes it is.

What you attribute to estrogen is also largely just the fact that women can get away with doing whatever they want, so they do whatever they want. Being female also gives you a significantly longer life expectancy. So enjoy having a harder, shorter life where everyone hates you, as opposed to a longer, more enjoyable life where you are automatically loved and valued.

So many assumptions… lol ur like a kid

What assumptions?
Men don't have as much social assistance as women. To say nothing of the informal rules, such as social expectations which allow a woman to more easily marry a husband who will support her, in many western jurisdictions, social assistance programs openly discriminate against men and will more easily provide more help for women. Men have objectively harder lives.

I already mentioned how it's well known that men statistically have significantly shorter lives

Maybe you got hung up on the hyperbole "everyone," but it's not much of a hyperbole. I've already pointed out that the government already openly discriminates against men, and every other major institution does so as well. They all go along with the vagina quotas and such. The media is happy to go along with the idea that men are violent oppressors and women are innocent victims. Men are expected to earn love and respect (by serving women). Women are expected to get it automatically, and they get so much of it that they in fact get angry at men expressing love for them, if it's a man they don't find attractive, at least. And studies have shown that women find most men "below average," while men tend to say about 50% of women are above average and about 50% of women are below average. These are all easily googleable. But really it all comes down to women and children first, an idea that is still very much followed in every society, including the west.

Yeah, no shit. I meant related as in immediate family or close to it. You are claiming we are all brothers, sisters, cousins, etc, just to push your absurd argument.

Because you say so. Kek

Feminism is gay, my friend.

TFM strikes as being slightly on the edge recently, is he alright?

I'll take it over PMS.

No, I'm claiming that we have twice as many female ancestors as male ones, implying that out of women who reproduce, they are all doubling up on one guy, leaving the majority of guys as cucks who never pass on their genes. I never said anything about brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.

However, it does imply that a lot of people are related and don't realize it, because their moms cucked their "dads."

No you didn't, because your too stupid to realize the logical conclusion of your own arguments.

I never said that every woman in the world was only fucking one guy. I said that they are all fucking a minority of guys, leaving a majority of guys as cucks. You're too stupid to actually argue against this in any way except for misrepresenting my argument.

that makes you gay since mgtow is male feminism

Over a course of a few generations it would mean we were all inbreds. Distant, or even close, cousins, if not half-siblings.

All of them do that?

MGTOW is just acknowledging that society is openly biased against men and that relationships are openly rigged to result in something where men get nothing except (maybe) sex in exchange for giving a woman sex, money, and anything else she could want, in perpetuity. And this is not a conspiracy theory like "patriarchy," because it's openly written into law.

MGTOWs realize that the only way to win is to not play, so they don't. If enough people wise up, maybe they'll change the system to actually be something that could be attractive to non-cucked men. But white knights like yourself would rather just throw away your dignity and your own well being for head pats.

Yes, we are all distant cousins. You even admitted this a few posts ago. That is different from "immediate family or close to it." But it really all depends on how immediate you mean.

Historically and statistically, yes. We have genetic proof of this. The few outliers that don't go for chads aren't enough to throw off the numbers.

Why are you arguing with a guy that has nothing to offer but one single false argument?

You're begging the question by assuming that's correct. It's not. See

How many is a "few"? Maybe there are many good women you haven't met.

It's genetically provable that most men historically have not passed on their genes. What you think is obvious is objectively false.

Many many are "many?" I'm merely pointing out genetic fact and the implications of that. There may be outliers, but the fact remains that historically, we have more than twice as many female ancestors as male ones, and this means that most guys were either wizards or cucks, while most women were happy to share their chad with on average at least one other woman. If you're claiming there are good ones that don't do this, that only means that the remaining ones are even bigger sluts who cucked the rest of the guys even harder.

No I didn't. I said we all have the same common ancestors and dna, but this does not make us cousins. Any genealogist will tell you that "cousins" removed several generations will eventually stop being related (and, again, by related I mean immediate family).

Then later you said "distant cousins," which is what we are. "Distant" is an important word there.

This is not my usual choice of shaming, but I think you people are literal virgins. You've never fucked a bitch, so to rationalize why in your head, you spin a totally absurd "theory" – and I wish to emphasize those quotes – that most men do not have sex and beget, and women constantly get action from a minority of "chads" – whoever the fuck they even are – and most of our ancestry is maternal. None of what you say has any interest in science or commonsense. If you're MGTOW, I ask that you leave before we're confused with you.

The fact that you're resorting to shaming at all means you've already lost.

does anal count?

tbh I've had pussy and it's really not that damned special. Wet slippery warm hole. Attached to an unbearable sack of organs and blood. You have it a few times and you realize just how hard women are going to be blown the fuck out by robovags that can do shit no slag could hope to.

That distance can become so great that any relation will cease. Your argument is retarded. Even geeks have sex. There is not one nerd in my neighborhood who is not in some retarded relationship, if not marriage.

No I'm not. There was no resorting; I've already made my argument. The shaming part was simply an observation for why somebody might justify a ludicrous theory.

You're resorting to shaming because you're an angry little trad-monkey flinging his poo at the wall and shrieking bloody murder that the wall has yet to fall down.

I forgot to link that last part, but it was probably your post anyways.

I'm MGTOW, and probably more than you. Spinning bullshit theories that men don't get laid and, more importantly, that they don't pass on their genes, will not advance MGTOW's cause, or any other male cause.

"I'm more X than you so you better shut up"
get fucked tradcon
Except it's an entirely falsifiable theory which you have UTTERLY failed to falsify oh man do you hear that it's the sound of you being a massive fucking dumbass

No I didn't. It must have been drowned out by the siren of all the pseudo-science you're spewing.

you argue like a tradcon (or a feminist, either/or they pretty much end up sounding the same)

what kind of creep do you have to be to take pictures of normally-dressed girls in public places like bookstores?

I'm an honorary MGTOW, btw

It's a scary word for you because everything you've posted concerning males and genetics would be classified under it. I don't know, maybe I should reserve this scolding for MGTOW critics and not fellow MGTOWs, but I think these erroneous arguments – that women are of the more genetically successful gender – is doing an immense disservice to MGTOW.

The truth is the truth and the truth is that women fuck around a hell of a lot more than men because women are hypergamous and promiscuous by nature. The fact that you don't think their natures had any effect before the sexual revolution makes me think you have rose-tinted glasses on in regards to the traditionalist past. Women have had both the impulse to fuck around and an increased ability to do so what with not being thrown into meatgrinders hither and thither whenever the lords of the land decided to have a slappyfight. To say that you think the feminist sexual revolution is the first and only time women have ever been off the leash is to criminally underestimate how conniving and cockhungry women are.

Maybe it's not worth continuing with this. But it's obvious genetically and socially that men are as promiscuous as women; but this promiscuity is generally more innocent. There's no ulterior motive to it as in the case of female sexuality, which is generally more concerned with profit, hence the reason most women are essentially prostitutes. Nevertheless, men pass their genes as much as women, and there's no difference between the two in term of being sexual active other than the following: one gender is full of prostitutes and the other is full of male clients in this prostitution.

so, you admit 3DPD are whores

I think some of them are actually MGTOWs.

did you mean to reply to me?

What do you mean?

how would 3DPD being whores, and feeling entitled to help from men aren't the fathers of the children make 3DPD MGTOW?
Or were implying men that get cucked into taking care of children that aren't their's are MGTOWs?

I meant the posters you were responding to.

lolol virgins get some pussy nerds lolol haha pathetic lmaoing@ur life

Seriously, you again?

the posters that are white knighting ITT are young males

yeah you better be scared nerd I'm going to fuck you up the but again (no homo because I'm the most nongay person ever) lololollo phear me nerd lololololol

Perhaps. These threads get a bit muddled after a while.


There's probably some roasties in these threads as well.

maybe one, or two, but the 3DPD don't defend themselves, males defend 3DPD

Agreed. Especially in real life. If it wasn't for these fake-alpha, white knights, women would end up … who knows what?


and for some reason, I'm still happy to be a man.

me too. God gives us trials to make us stronger. embrace the trials, learn from them, and turn every bit of suffering into greater strength. there is a good woman out there for all of us, we just have to be strong enough to go and find her. the Lord will always be there to help us along the way.

no, there aren't


I'm not. I don't want to be man or woman anymore.

I agree with the trials part. I love learning/conquering shit.

What is it you'd like to be?

a hermaphrodite that is super human

Top keks.
There are no women worth the effort. Even the “good ones” turn into a cunt after a few months.
Guys think a good women let’s him have a room to do his hobby or let’s him spend one with friends. Or occasionally let’s him have a pity fuck.
A man can’t find the path to self actualization if he has to get a Women’s approval first.
When you finally embrace the mgtow life. The things that used to make you lonely now make you happy. I like going to the moves by myself. Don’t have to comprise on any aspect and can actually enjoy the film.

Not only are you full of shit friend, you're also a walking oxymoron. Sad.




not every man should pass on his genes tbh

I think he thinks god made 3DPD do shitty, so getting over how shitty they are, and being happy with them is overcoming something that makes it more worth it

goes for 3DPD as well, fag


Something better than either. Being a man should be better, but in this society it's more of a curse, and you usually have to deal with people forcing their own fucked up ideas of masculinity on you. Whatever I would be, it wouldn't be feminine, but that still allows for many things.

No woman should pass on hers.

There are good women out there, negative Nancy

Were in a bad era for being a man. It's damn near an act of defiant misogyny to be born male these days.

no, their biology makes them not good people

Yes. But it's worse than just that. Women serve no other purpose than making life difficult for men, yet certain men will look at you as gay for not wanting to spend your life pursuing this misery. And, also, as you've said, you're basically considered a misogynist for simply being a male.

You can look it up. This is biological fact, easily observed with modern technology. Stop being butthurt that people are finally realizing the game is rigged.

Well no you're still technically related, but it's far enough that people stop giving a shit. Note that through most of history cousin fucking was just a totally accepted thing. Not that it's not bad for you, but once you get to stuff more distant than second cousins, it becomes quite negligible. This does not alter the fact that we have genetic proof that more than twice as many women have passed on their genes compared to men.

Well good for them. Statistically, your area is an outlier that does not match with historical trends.

It's a theory in that gravity is a theory. It's very much observable. It's a scientific theory, not merely a hypothesis.

It doesn't have to advance any cause. Spreading knowledge is its own reward. Even if it were to somehow act against my own interests, it's still correct.

Actually, it's genetically observable fact that women pass on their genes more, which implies they have more sex.

This is just wishful thinking on your part, but it's empirically false.

Of course they are. I'm not the tradcuck trying to defend them.

That reason is because you've been conditioned since birth to dedicate your life to the service of your vaginal overlords in return for, if you're lucky, head-pats. It's objectively worse to be a male, and it's not going to get better without acknowledging this and actually trying to make it better.

Were you a woman, you could still challenge yourself. In fact, since you have less challenges in other areas of life, you could use your extra time and resources and energy to tackle bigger and more important and impactful challenges, and thus have a greater impact on the world.

Historically, less than half the men have had more than two women each, and the rest of the men had none. Now you can argue that a lot of those women weren't "good," but then that only throws down the stats even further.

The argument isn't if there are good ones out there, but that there's a good one for every man. Very different thing.

I'm MGTOW, and if you read the thread you would know that. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean I have to agree with everything that happens to be said by other claiming to be MGTOW.

The game is rigged against men, but not for the impossible reasons you're giving.

I've read you claim that, but you are clearly just a tradcuck white knight in disguise. You're the one who tries to use shaming tactics to refuse genetic proof.

Just go google it. You'll find a zillion sources. This is very well documented. It's not impossible. One guy can knock up two women. There is nothing difficult about this. Our genes prove that it is in fact how it worked through most of history. This is not difficult at all.

Stop making statements without providing any evidence. Blah blah blah. The only thing that you're providing is your own opinion. The world is full of endless opinions and I have no reason to care about yours.

The same with below
It doesn't become observable because you say it does. According to this wannabe theory, most people are paternal half-siblings. It's nonsense. I don't see how you think you're helping MGTOW with this crap.

I'm the guy who makes these threads, and you claiming that I'm a white knight destroys your credibility. I don't know why you think spreading bullshit that most men are virgins – when they're obviously the more sexual gender – is going to help the MGTOW cause. It only makes us look like butthurt virgins, which is not the case.

No, you retard. It implies that most people have half siblings. Not that they are all related to each other. Why do you keep saying that I'm saying all women are only fucking a single guy per generation? What I'm saying, what your own genes are saying, is that more than twice as many women pass on their genes compared to men.

It's literally an objective fact. It's an observable, provable fact.

See? More feminist propaganda. Say men are more sexual, encourage them to be, and pretend women are less sexual. Then men have to serve women to "earn" sex since men apparently like it more. Except this is literally provably objectively false.

If you weren't a white knight cuck, you wouldn't be spreading stereotypes like this anyway.

Since you're too stupid to use google, here you go. have twice as many female ancestors

You're gay, faggot.

If I'm a white knight, then everybody is. But you would probably call Ted Bundy and Lawrence Bittaker white knights if they dared to disagree with you on something.

You are talking way beyond your level of expertise, and I can see through this pretentiousness. You don't understand that, over the course of several generations, all women being fucked by a minority, that you're calling "chads," is going to turn the population into inbreds who will fuck other inbreds and so on. By now, everbody would share the same paternal blood.

I don't think that you're even familiar with modern day feminism. According to them, women are more sexual, which is exactly what you're saying. No sane person would believe this. However, I am not spreading any stereotype, because I also believe that there are exceptions, in this regard, because all men are different to a large extent.

Also, give me a break with the link. This is the internet. We could all find links that will be favorable to our views.

People who try to shame men for not kowtowing to women are indeed white knights. Tradcucks are white knights. "Back to the kitchen" is still a form of white knight because it's still encouraging a system where men have to do the actual work and women do jack shit except take care of their family, which just means making sure your own kids don't die, and cooking food for the person who spends all day working their ass off to earn the food. Basically it's being a NEET except your family loves you.

I do understand that. I don't disagree with it. We are all inbred to a degree. We can trace how far back we go to find our latest common female ancestor and our latest common male ancestor, and our latest common female ancestor. At a certain point, we're all related. We do all share the same paternal blood, and we also share the same maternal blood. Go back far enough and we all come from the same single cell. If anything you're getting hung up on how distant things need to get before inbreeding becomes negligible. It doesn't need to go that far before it stops being a big deal.

According to both modern feminism and tradcucks, males are rapists and females can't be rapists. This comes from their belief that men are so much more sexual than women that they should be "earning" sex from women, and some men don't go along with this and take the sex that women don't want to "give" (because women don't want sex as much), and this is the greatest crime that can be committed.

You're just 100% bullshitting at this point. Modern feminists say women like sex, but only insofar as it furthers their own goals. They then quickly turn around and operate their entire lives on stereotypes of men as sex crazed maniacs and women being pure innocent creatures.

Then don't use the link. Just google it yourself. Phrase it however you want. This is well known observable fact. There is no degree of subjectivity to this.

I like 2D but you 3DPD fags really need to fuck off to jail already.

This is definitely not my mentality. I advocate robowaifus and exowombs. This is the reason that I'm thinking about posting these threads and then abandoning them. Since you're anonymous, it's like you're constantly introducing yourself, and so there's no point in talking with people in them after a while.

Perhaps in the previous generation. But, to be honest, I don't think most people fall for this anymore, except, maybe, the most devout of white knights. According to my beliefs, women are to blame for men's obsession with sex, because they probably were the ones who originally encouraged this. Most women are essentially prostitutes. However, unlike street prostitutes, their johns are their husbands and boyfriends. So, it's in women's favor to encourage men to be brainless idiots with no self-control sexually.

what do

Well I'm glad we agree on this matter. I'm strongly in favor of robowaifus as well. Exowombs are nice but frankly, I think robowaifus are closer to reality, and will make such a huge difference that exowombs may not feel as necessary as they are right now. Still useful, to be sure, but robowaifus alone will make a huge difference, and there is very little keeping them from being a reality right now.

I strongly agree with this as well, and don't think it's a point that's brought up nearly enough. Glad to see someone finally gets it.

This is the only bit I disagree with. The fact that men are still being jailed with practically no evidence at the merest allusion of sexual misconduct shows that these beliefs are still very, very strong. Even in the cases where they aren't jailed, their lives are still ruined and most of society acts as if they only got off on a technicality, the technicality being "there is no evidence of guilt whatsoever, and also the accuser was caught lying multiple times in the course of the case." Mere lack of evidence is not enough to save you if you're accused of rape. Women are basically like that kid from the Twilight Zone who could send people to the cornfield with the merest thought.

you can go the 3rd world and pay a 3DPD to carry your child, then bring the kid back, and fill out some paperwork
I don't know if the artificial womb will come about in our life time
whatever you do, don't use a 1st world 3DPD to have your children
3rd world 3DPD aren't any better, but the don't have the government to fuck you with

Why do normalfags try so hard to convonce us and fail miserably?

Women are a waste of time, relationships are a meme, this is the way society is now
Get over it and embrace artificial wombs

You have shit taste

But with women no longer taking up men's time, we would have so much more time to focus on science.

You are right. I was overlooking the dangers associated with gender assumptions about men. And what really makes this situation hard is how white knights assume men are gay if they don't want involvement with women. Men have everything to gain by avoiding women these days. Also, that Twilight Zone episode is a good analogy of the power wielded by women in this regard.

Promote robowaifus.

Robowaifus could exist with today's technology. If only they made them cartoony instead of trying to be "realistic" and making silicone bimbos that look like Tom Hanks in The Polar Express. Just make a large anime doll, put rudimentary robotics in it (go down to Toys R Us and you'll be surprised at how good cheap robots sold as children's toys have gotten), give it a vagina, you're set. The more cartoony the better. Same goes for its AI. In all aspects, acknowledge the thing is a robot, embrace that aspect, and use artistic decisions to get around the technical limits we do have. Have her character be "autistic," to justify the limits of current AI. Say she strives to be human and yearns to learn from you and from the internet, which are both perfectly possible with current tech. Make her look like a robot on purpose to get over the uncanny valley. Maybe she even has LCD arrays for eyes and metallic hair. You'd still fuck your autistic XJ-9 and you know it. Also being as small as possible would make it easier on the energy consumption, as well as general production and shipping costs. So I guess it's gonna need to be a lolibot.

What part of the above isn't possible yet? It all is. And there are plenty of other things that I could mention that make it more practical, but you get the point. All we need to do is make people demand it. But why don't they demand it already? I say it's because people don't even think about how possible it already is, because the concept sounds so fantastic that it must be science fiction. But when you break it down, it's all possible. So spread awareness and you increase demand. Increase demand and eventually the people with the means to manufacture them will give in and take your money. Once they do, that will fund further development and tech improvements, which will make for better products with further increased demand, which further expands the market, which makes tech improve even faster. The robowaifu revolution will be exponential.

Once the robowaifus are there, they'll dry up a large portion of the supply of beta orbiters and white knights, as well as perhaps a small section of normalfags. The point is, there will be less men on the market, decreasing the artificially inflated value of vagina. This will incentivize women to not treat men as badly as they currently do. The more men turn to robowaifus, the more women will be incentivized to treat men better. As they do, at each level, a certain percentage of men may be lured back to 3DPD, a certain may go but keep their robowaifus as a couples' sex toy (honestly probably the best way to promote this product), but a portion will also simply think robowaifus are better, no matter what. Now personally I'll be happy with just getting to the level where I am treated as being equally valuable when compared to a woman, but we're nowhere close to that, so we desperately need robowaifus.

And again, all we need to do to get them is spread awareness. Spread the idea. Spread the meme. And if there's one thing we're good at, it's memes. This isn't even meme magick, it is a very simple, logical line of thought, from meme to robowaifus to social change. We crashed Germanwings Flight 4U, we got Trump elected, we slammed Kotaku and Neogaf, and now it is time for us to finally bring about the robowaifus. Just keep memeing.

Ah, so robowaifus will help us bring about exowombs and other advancements. A good point.

lol who would ever want one of these? they dont give you any of the interaction you'd get during sex with a female. i get why virgins want them but i think its gonna be a rude awakening when you realize a robot simply isnt another person and all the excitement of sex sorta leaves with that fact. it's just a sex toy - not a companion

and by that i dont mean a girlfriend, i mean an actual human with whom you have sex. is sticking it up an emotionless and devoid of reaftion robots butthole really gonna be as exciting as sticking it up a nervous and insefure females butt?


I don't see them ever being as obsessed over them as they were with women. Robowaifus would be purely sexual and with none of the psychological crap associated with women.

i meant in place of a female. i want one too tbh

no, I want one to replace a 3DPD in my life both for sex and as an companion AI still isn't there, but I can one day seeing it be there

What's the difference? Robowaifus would be better, safer, and incapable of being annoying like women.

I guess you don't get the "excitement" of maybe contracting herpes, or getting chad's cum on your dick since she was probably with him earlier that day.

How do we define emotion? There's a thread about this on >>>/robowaifu/ that is quite interesting. I think it's wishful thinking to say that we are so special that emotions are completely unreproducible.

We can make a robot react to its conditions and enter states which influence its actions and responses. The only thing that would separate it from human emotion is the complexity with which we could program it. But we'll get better at that over time. And in the mean time, we can program it to be better than "real" women. We can program it to react with something closer to love than any real female ever reacts with.

Exactly. None of the psychological crap. Unless you wanted it. You want to program your robot to be tsundere? Totally possible.

kinky sex with a robot will in no way produce the same experience as kinky sex with another person..i will allow you to reflect on why that is

I don't go out looking for head pats, I've been single for 8 years. Hooked up with 5 or 6 women over the years, but have avoided relationships after some really bad experiences in my youth.

I completely agree with that. Most of us will never find our soulmate, but I will stay in the game just in case I ever find mine. If not, who cares, my life kicks ass right now.

i feel sorry for whatever experiences you had that made you out like this, user

For me it would. Not everybody is turned by EVERY facet of women.

maybe she didn't have any bad experiences, maybe he just wants to be happy without letting himself get used by a 3DPD

I don't really understand what he is getting at
humans are really good at anthropomorphizing things
a robot that looks, talks, and acts like a human? no problem

i started doing that some time ago, not because i hate women, but because i believe they don't deserve such attention

Yeah but you're not talking about having sex with a person, you're talking about having sex with a woman.

You get the social headpat of being told you're a "man." They constantly tell you you're at the top of society, despite all the evidence to the contrary. But that's enough for a lot of people. Especially if they get to be a "real man."

I had the experience of noticing that society openly hates males, and openly discriminates against them at every turn. The faster I can check out of that system, the better. My sense of empathy for other human beings ensures I certainly wouldn't want to prop it up.

This. I suppose I was fortunate to have separated sex from any psychological aspect. I always considered sex with women as a step above masturbating. Therefore, sex with a robot could even be better than sex with a human.

Exactly. I personally don't care to be seen as a man in this society at all, because it's only a curse. I don't want to be a woman, but I also don't want to be a man.

I'd gladly be a woman if I could. Of course that's not what trannies are, they're just fags with cut up penises. But if there was some sort of procedure that could get me a real vagina, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Because who would I rather be? Some hated beast of burden that is only tolerated for the potential of serving women? Or someone who gets automatic love, protection, money, and anything else I could want, including the ability to ruin the lives of anybody I don't like with a mere unfounded accusation.

I'm beginning to think this is the reason so many men are becoming transgender. I use to think it was just faggotry, but now I see that there's probably more to it than that. However, I would never become a woman in a billion years, because I would never be able to identify with them in any respect. But it's true that a man would be better off making that transition in this society.

Just look at Chris Chan. He became a tranny because he thought it would make people treat him better and increase his chances of getting china. He still hasn't gotten the china, but can we honestly say that he's further away from his goal now than before? He has said that people do indeed treat him better now than they did when he wasn't a tranny.

If you were a woman you would have less incentive to interact with women, because, assuming you were straight, you'd be attracted to men and have a vagina, so getting heterosexual sex would mean interacting with men, who you could relate to better. You'd have much better relationships.

Also, due to your increased social power, you'd have greater ability to ensure that these men you relate to are actually treated better, you'd have more power to bring about change and create a better world for everybody.

He most likely is telling the truth. Merely resembling a woman would probably earn you better treatment.

This is all true, but psychologically I could not identify this way. I've been a male for too long and my "psyche," or whatever you care to call it, has already formed. If I woke up as a girl in another life, I would have to kill myself, despite women, as you've pointed out, having every advantage over men in this society.

This is true, though, and perhaps some transgender male will come along and use his newly acquired advantages to bring harmony to men. But I don't believe, even in this scenario, that there will ever be harmony between the majority of men and women.

Well note that Chris does not at all resemble a woman, but the important thing is that he is further distancing himself from masculinity. He always hated men, but not in ways that any random stranger could see. Now they can see that he is admitting men are bad right off the bad.

Okay, but then I also posit that lesbians still have it better than men. Either way you're trying to be romantically and sexually involved with women, so your interactions change less, but now you're treated better.

The other thing you don't seem to get is that women have much more social freedom. Women can act however they want, as masculine, or as feminine, and nobody can criticize them. Hell, they can act downright criminal and nobody can criticize them. You could act exactly the same as you do now, only you'd get treated better. You wouldn't have to change your actions at all. You could go tranny and dress as a man. The only difference is that you couldn't have heterosexual sex with women. But you could have lesbian sex with them if you wanted. And given that men are the ones expected to initiate and escalate all stages of relationships, I argue that lesbians wouldn't have it as much harder as people would think. Especially with the internet and whatnot making it easier to find others. On the other hand, if you were a straight woman, you could get sex and relationships simply by not rejecting one of the many guys who would ask you. You wouldn't have to do anything, and could enjoy the power trip of rejecting a bunch of people.

Naw, because trannies are not afforded the same opportunities as actual women. I take it you mean a male dressing as a female. They certainly don't get the same rights, they just get to be purse puppies paraded around for points as long as it's convenient. There are female to male trannies, that they call transgender male, but they are far fewer in number. They can take advantage of their female powers whenever they want to, so long as they shave their beards or whatever, and maybe a few actually have sympathy for men. But they're so few in number it's hard to tell. I'm sure many of them still hate men anyway, and did it because they see them as having more power, then when they're treated worse than when they presented as a woman, they blame it on tranny hate, instead of misandry.

Yes goyim isolate yourself from women and don't reproduce.

Maybe a nice asian or latina? But none of those fat white women. They are all feminist and all SJW's and will only take advantage of you.

Yes goyim, you exist only to serve women. Only when you work hard enough for them, and are properly thankful for their not choosing to throw you in jail for passing them on the street, will you be a real man.

I meant mentally as well as physically. I would not desire for a man to find me sexually attractive, and I don't even know why. It's just the way my personality has formed.

This is true. But to be attractive to men, they would have to assume certain roles, which may not be as limited as I initially implied, but are feminine roles nonetheless.
I meant if a man could impersonate a woman in every way, from their genitalia to every other outward attribute, as well as, perhaps, their mental state. Such a transgender I would be interested in having as a partner. I mean think about it. What would be better than a person who can impersonate a woman in every way and who was also once a man themselves and, for that reason, could understand you in nearly every way?

I'll take a compliment from anyone. If a gay guy were into me, I'd be flattered, and politely decline. Why is this so hard for women? They are so spoiled that they get mad at compliments.

I disagree. Every woman gets asked out. Even the fat, ugly, mean, stupid, bulldyke ones. Women think they have to put in effort, but they don't, and many times the effort they put in is in fact counterproductive, but not counterproductive enough to mean that they don't still get guys asking them out enough that most of them get angry about it.

Such a person would be effectively a messiah. I still hope for this. I bring it up all the time, but there's that one italian doctor, and now the Chinese government, saying that they're gonna be doing head transplants in the next couple of months. If any progress is made on this, I'll be one step closer to getting my qt loli body, and then I can really make a difference.

Yea, I don't buy into the lie, I know how I am seen and have been able to find peace and happiness my own way.

Well sure, in the same way a guy who gets all his limbs blown off in the war and can't do anything without a nurse can claim he found happiness in his own way. Good for you, I'm glad you claim you have found the will to not blow your brains out, but it's still no way to live, and we should be doing all we can to help.

I don't know what you're getting at anymore. What is it I am supposed to be doing otaside from living the way I want without letting relationships rule over me? I'd say I'm doing pretty good.

You should be a bitter faggot like me, is what I'm getting at.

I don't know. Simply because it's more commonplace for them to be hit on, as you obviously already know, and so they at least pretend to be easily annoyed by an average guy hitting them up. But this probably still doesn't explain the anger part of it. I would not get angry if a gay person found me attractive either, provided he was not too aggressive in his advances.

Yes. If they're wise, they will not tell men of their transition in order to become completely indistinguishable from that of a real woman. It might seem wrong to be dishonest about it, but I believe the end would justify the means.

So weird you bring this up. I've been researching head transplants for the last two years. It's still primitive to a brain transplant but more attainable to one for now. This will come in handy for an indeterminable amount of reasons. But I never thought about it in transgender terms. It would most definitely be ideal for an aspiring transgender.

So you would be willing to emasculate yourself?
Are you feminine now or aspiring to be?

Well the fact that I speak about these issues gets me called a fag, but I wouldn't call myself overly feminine. I'm not a tranny or whatever. But I'm also not overly attached to the idea of my body, or the idea of being called a man. If I can get a body that would make life easier for me, and make me more influential, then I would certainly take it.

Neither am I, although I do not have the same aspirations. Of all choices of female body types, why do you desire a loli body?

Cuteness will get you more sympathy and help. But mostly just because a younger body has a better chance for a longer lifespan. This also means more time to get used to the body, become known in it, learn how to use it, gain connections in it, etc.

What kind of men would you be interested in? Would you care to associate with women at all after your operation?

Well since it's my own brain I'd probably be a lesbian. I don't know how having a vagina would affect my brain and my sexual desire though.

I would definitely associate with women because I would want to influence them to be better. It's the main point of having a more influential body.

Makes sense, but how would you influence men and have them provide for you in order to reap all of the female benefits we've discussed?
You would find out first hand. I'm not sure, either, how high estrogen levels affect the brain, but I would have to believe any hormonal change would.

We dont have object recognition.

Googles AI can do it, but that requires a dedicated supercomputer and even then takes several seconds to decide what its looking at.

Last year someone came out with a solid state LIDAR unit that might help with this, but even then it wouldnt really know what its looking at. It would merely know something is there. That might be enough just to know where the edge of the bed is, where you are, and be able to navigate itself to the shower afterward.

Walking is also pretty hard for robots. You ever see Big Dog or PETman? Those walk like shit and were literally made expressly and only for walking and nothing else.

There would also be no way to give it a sense of touch outside of feedback from its servos. It might be able to do capacitance based sensing like how touchscreens work, but that wouldnt go through silicone skin worth a shit, and also wouldnt provide a sense of pressure.

Western society already has the government do that for me. However, I wouldn't want to abuse my power, and would try to only use it for good. With great power comes great responsibility. Even if I were a heterosexual woman, I would be sure to not abuse the situation and actually be empathetic with men, rather than just using them.

What I think would be more impactful is suddenly having different sexual organs. Surely that would impact sexual desire. I want to bone women now, but if I had a vagina, it would make sense if that vagina came with a feeling of craving dick. I think this would probably be a more noticeable change than the hormonal differences. Those, I think, are very overstated. People are too quick to attribute to nature what can easily be chalked up to nature. You can argue it's in women's nature to be leeches, but I'm sure the fact that they are encouraged to and enabled by all facets of society is also a very significant factor.

I'm aware there are tech limitations, but you can find creative ways around them. Artistic decisions to make the limitations more palatable.

For example, I'm aware walking is a huge hurdle. Make the robot a cripple. Holla Forums goes crazy over Katawa Shoujo, so go for that angle. Make it part of the robot's character.

The fine sense of touch is not absolutely needed, honestly. You could easily do the capacitance thing you mentioned on particular body parts though. Not every part needs to be silicone. This is why I suggested making it robotic on purpose. Granted, the parts you want to be soft are also typically parts you want to be more sensitive, but you can still have the robot tell when you're touching those parts, just not with a very detailed sense of touch. They can still react.

Now obviously the most important part for touch is the vagina. But you make the vagina short and tight, and it is surrounded by electromagnets that are moved and can generate feedback on how you're fucking it, and, I know this sounds silly, can generate a small amount of power by fucking it.

We don't have great object recognition yet, but we have face recognition. That's a major thing for a robowaifu. So fine, my robowaifu is an autistic vegetable. Still more appealing than 3DPD.

Your motives definitely sound pure, but have you fully considered the possibility that you may just joining forces with the enemy? What if you ultimately become a repeat of the current 3DPD?

Usually because people have never experienced true hormonal changes when they think they have. You most certainly would experience them; however, I would agree that a new genitalia would be much more dramatic. A real transgender would experience both of these modifications and their consequences. If the genitalia on a body remains the same, I do not consider it transgender at all.

I still have my own mind. I find it very hard to believe that possibility. However, if I did, obviously I would then think I was right. I would also have greater knowledge from more experience, so if I were somehow convinced, then I'd be convinced.

I don't see how anyone can mistrust their own future actions. Everyone knows they only do what they think is right. The problem is just other people being stupid. But not yourself. You, that is your own self, aren't wrong. If you realize you are, just stop doing that wrong thing and do the right thing instead.

But your future action involves a brain altering decision. How can you know what choices you would make when you cross over to the other side?

I would still have the capacity for logic. As much as we joke about that, women have the capacity for it, they just aren't encouraged to actually use it. Hormones affect your emotions, but not your ability to understand that 2+2=4.

I agree with this. The only probably with this is that most men would not be as attracted to you, because they seem to like stupid women. But I suppose you're planning to be a lesbian anyways, and I also suppose that most men are indifferent to a female's personality anyways.


I strongly disagree with this. Stupid people like stupid people, but everyone likes women, regardless. Smart men get picked on for being fags, smart women don't have that problem.

But most men are either thinking about the woman in sexual terms (the same could be said of most women in relation to men) or they're like me and would not talk to women long enough to evaluate their intelligence. But the truth is there are men who are probably intelligent who do not seem to want this characteristic in women. But maybe you could change all of this.

More often than not this is true.

So at worst, smart women do not gain an advantage for being smart. Though I disagree. I think this is rather a stereotype about men started to further the feminist agenda. There is no reason to not want an intelligent partner. They'd be better able to help you in your own life. Knowledge is power.

Whats that user? You don't want to mass import hundreds of thousands of poor fighting age sharia male refugees into the country?

You want to build a wall and forcibly deport 20 million illegal alien criminal invading Mexicans?


Are you a fascist Nazi bigot user?

You didn't vote for Drumpf did you? My friends on Kikebook and Twitter think you are! I will have to tell the police that you raped me after I got blackout drunk at the Frat house with Chad and Jamal.


I don't think they do as much as men in this regard, but this is the closest thing to a disadvantage I see them having. By becoming a woman, you would be more than compensated with other benefits and opportunities. I just feel that women already have an easier time in college, for example, than men because of this feminist society that constantly fears discrimination or misogyny against them in any form, even imaginary. A woman could, hypothetically, be a genius and if she's attractive, people will be distracted by her appearance; if she's ugly, they will consider her just a nerd. A woman's intelligence doesn't seem to play a critical role in people's perception of her; however, once again, you could change this by being a different kind of woman than we normally encounter in this culture. For starters, you would have the first hand knowledge of what it's like not to be a woman.

The thing is there are plenty of men that are attracted specifically to intelligent women, just these are typically men that are not valued by women anyway, so they just end up as beta orbiters while the "intelligent" woman continues fucking chads. So no, being an intelligent woman is a distinct advantage, as if gives you an avenue for useful and dedicated beta orbiters.

Women just seem to be given extra rights and opportunity by virtue of being a woman. If these privileges were deserved, as in the case of higher intelligence, I see it having little to know affect on the higher status already afforded to them.

I meant no

Well basically you're just arguing diminishing returns once you reach a certain level of power. Perhaps. It's like that in many areas of life. The better you are, the harder it is to improve. This is not at all a disadvantage, however.

No it's not. It's simply not an advantage. Some critics of what I'm saying might use politics as a counterexample, but it's obvious that most people don't make it far into politics by intelligence but through other means. The only chance I see a woman having at going above and beyond her congenital entitlements is by becoming the female equivalent of an alpha male–an alpha female. There has never been one to my knowledge.

But I should add that this would never happen, because women are not competitive among themselves as men are.

Were definitely in a downward spiral.