WHITE GIRLS FUCK DOGS: pointing white degenerates is a banable offense edition

Here it is, more evidence that the infamous hashtag coined by youtuber common filth, #whitegirlsfuckdogs, has been a veracious stament since a long time ago in several parts of the western world, and holds more and more water each day that passes.


Other urls found in this thread:





pointing it out and posting it are two completely different things you moron

Literally who?


Watch the video you moron.
There is nothing explicit.

People loathe CF in 8/pol/ for daring to claim that white leftists and a few members in the alt-right act like braindead niggers .

accusations of "degeneracy" don't really mean much coming from the people who instantly recognized and named the girl who does piss drinking porn

Don't forget their dellusions that whites can do no wrong and even if they do, it's ok as long as whites do it, specially if they are "pro-white".

Check the vid in the OP though, it's not just the wisconsin dyke.

A WF/BM relationship is also bestiality. There's nothing noteworthy or threadworthy about it.

People hate common spick for openly calling for the acceleration of whitegenocide, you fucking nigger.

Even if that accusation were true it's still a million times better, more clean and more dignified than fucking shitskins.

Also, gay thread. Forgot to sage.

I see the spic defense force is out in full sombrero today.

Common spic did not coin the hashtag he just tried to monetize it after it became popular. Also sage for stupid fucking eceleb thread.



I bet you are white girls with femenine penises too.


hello /inth/. long time no see.
did Oyyyboy decide to stop sharing his tendies with you again?


Go fuck a man in a dress or a pillow :^)

Who here actually wants this exactly?

I don't like (or pay attention to) CF, and agree with the rest of your post, but don't try to downplay the rampant faggotry in the Aut-Right.

I'm pretty sure brit/pol/ is still trap central, go ask them.

Nice arguments.

It all makes sense now.

Better a dog than a "godly nigger" tbh.


Lol nice try

Underage faggots should leave.

Kill the kikes first, see if anything changes.


Just read this thread man, you have people saying fucking dogs is a prefferable alternative, to having sex with men, or I don't know, celibacy or marriage?

Isn't it funny how the only counter argument these white niggers have is "woll m8 at leasht I'm not fucking non whites", as if pointing at white degenerates means you promote miscegenation or some shit.

He's actually been targetting brits for a while now.

Your autism is a form of degeneracy, too.

No, they loathe CF because he acts like white people are the only source of this activity while romanticizing foreign cultures and thinking they are somehow nobler and purer.

Hey guys did you know that some whites are huge degenerates? It's true.


He only seems to care about white people, then.

That's true though, at least the degenerate dogfucker wont pump out any shitskin kids. Although i really do not want to play the "x is less bad than y so it's okay" game. All degenerates, nonwhites, cucks, kikes and faggots have to go. No exceptions.

You /christian/ fuckers need to leave and stay leave.

Implying you actually put forward any argument to begin with


have fun getting banned again

You are so fucking stupid it hurts.

don't you mean actively seeking out, wallowing in, and (lustfully) fuming over the damage?

Who the fuck is CF?

Keep proving me right dog fucker faggot lover.

Daily reminder that the WN movement has plenty of room for based traps.

As long as they're qt and don't sleep around, of course. They should be traditional submissive monogamous wifeys.


Must not get out much, this place is notorious for worshiping tranny cock.

He's an autistic niggerloving christcuck virgin who blames everything on white people

Oh wow what is this the 6th time you've posted this word for word? Jesus Christ do we really need any more evidence that CFs fanbase keeps false flagging the board?

You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

I guess we better not talk about it and pretend whites din du nuffin to contribute to this situation.

Oh look…Common Cuck or one of his fangirls is trying to false flag us.

Fucking kill yourself, christcuck.

Nice try Common Cuck Internet Defense Force. This fag posted the same thing in the other CF thread (why there are so many threads about this faggot all of the sudden who knows).

They really couldn't be any more obvious.

kill yourself CF

dude cf doesnt have fans , the lonely spic has no friends

Nice try jew faggots

Because he's the only one calling you retards on your shit, you retard.

Daily reminder that #WhiteGirlsFuckDogs.

you see how you say western civs but forget to mention it's still just the jews promoting it, convincing people to join degeneracy, and pushing it with their media cabal. why are you defending CF. he is a deplorable christcuck who puts his religion above racial unity, and fucking DUMPS on whites but ignores the disgusting problems with cultures he likes to point out as "better" than mainstream american culture, and also conveniently ignores most of these "whites" doing it are spics. I mean fuck he seems like a spic who's mad at the fact 4pol started going ham on spics after the moonman songs got big and then Trump.

In other news the sky is blue

Nice rebuttal, niggerlover.

Fuck off Column Fifth, you ✡⚧

Forgot to sage.


Daily Reminder that you worship a socialist kike, christcuck.

Special kind of retard to not realize how common it is to get a fucking quint. Every thread calling outs the fags is just 100 posts of >christcuck/derailment or trap posting.

so you're basically saying white people have no agency? Way to paint an entire race as niggers.

This is some weakass shilling, christcuck. Come back after you've upped your game a bit.

Another thread by the butthurt Spic


Nice strawman you worthless faggot. Kys

It is clear that majority of Holla Forums would choose to rid the world of these degenerate white girls anyway. You reason just like CF in saying if you are proud of the accomplishments of the white race you are taking on EVERYTHING that is done by whites which is wrong. Let the other races catch up in terms of prosperity (fat chance) and I'm sure the same fucked up anomalies would occur. Nobody wants dogfuckers and faggots as their image, but you are trying to make it that way.
I can only assume you aren't white, and nobody on this Earth can fix that for you.

Fucking DIE

Also, remember to sage so we can figure out what these niggers are trying to slide.

fuck off Common Filth, go back to your Twitter account.

Most of CF's fans aren't white. Check out the people who kiss his ass on Twatter. Almost all of them are spics or niggers (usually halfbreeds)

"Hehe if whitey just goes to le church everything will be fixed xDD"

Daily reminder that atheistic communism did more to stop the spread of degeneracy than christcuckianity.

He's a christian beaner obsessed by degeneracy BUT only when white individuals do it. He deliberately ignores latino degenerates, black degenerates, etc. He clearly hates white people.

And he also spends hours looking at gay degenerate shit and he calls it 'research'.


daily reminder russia is one of the most antiwhite countries around. they've been under jewish rule for 2 centuries and still are.

It gets worse: they also fuck niggers.

What is up with that guy and fucking trannies.

Why not fucking crash it while we're at it? The 36 people in this thread will be way more than enough to smear shit on this cuck's face and let it sink in real good.

He's an autist that believes the internet is SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS. I can only imagine how much Holla Forums would trigger his soft ass.

Christianity lets rapists rape if they pay the victim's parents.

100% German, lad. The merchant sells and we keep buying. Repent or burn, fag enabler.

Hardcore fascists dig this guy's excellent work. You're a larping faggot. Bog yourself or we'll do it for you. CF's work isn't about sitting and laughing at niggers being dumb - it's to look at ourselves and see what needs to be fixed. Sitting and laughing at niggers accomplishes nothing.




It's a false flag from /christian/. Literally word for word and the same exact pictures. Everytime.

Says the deus vult larping clerical fascist retard from IM. National socialists dont like CF.

Common felch is king of logical fallacies

lol its porn dude. No one wants to see black women fucking anything, but that doesn't mean they don't fuck dogs.

You mean hardcore LARPers from Iron LARP? I can guarantee you any real skinhead or NS would beat this little spic's ass.

Truly a hive cancer, autism and wannabe school shooters.


Btw did their Laotian necrophile waifu get sentenced already?

Good, Common Filth is a loser.

Why not "ThereAreNoGoodJews", eh?

If not for Jews, you wouldn't have white girls fucking dogs.


Oh, right, because the source isn't white.

And neither is Common Filth.

Yeah I remember I got into a conversation on jewtube with slavros when I called out evalion for being a shill and he was actually defending her by saying "she's probably autistic, that's not funny" and was serious lmao.

protip- if niggers only said "WE WUZ ZULU WARRIORS" or "WE WUZ NUBIANS", it wouldn't be funny or a meme.

Common Cuck doesn't give one single solitary fuck about wanting to improve the white race, you dumb kikeworshipper.

Why not "#ThereAreNoGoodJews", eh?

In yesterday's thread, I tried explaining to the CF brigade that we criticize white degenerates all the time, and that we don't dislike CF because he criticizes white degenerates, but because he calls for white genocide.

Of course, they don't pay attention to reason, and just shriek about how everyone who disagrees with then is a fag got because they say so.

The CF brigade is mostly a bunch of shills. I say so because they spam the same stuff over and over again every day and aren't interested in sincere discussion.

This tbh fam.

Common Filth isn't white, and he doesn't address the Jew, while pushing narratives like "White girls fuck dogs" and "White genocide needs to be increased", etc.

There are those amongst you who actually buy into this Christcuck'd non-white's legitimate filth addiction, and internalize it.


Anyone with a girlfriend or a wife is actually a cuck, I will never EVER give my money to a cunt, stay and remain cucked.

Common Cuck used to talk shit about Jews a long time ago but then he went full retard.

Who cares? The site is actually run by a Uzbek who pretends to be Russian nationalist, but can't actually join any Russian nationalist organizations because they would stomp his head in. So instead he jacks off over school shootings.

Anyone remember the time when the fine art critic user claimed anime wasn't art and was then banned? Shortly after that happened, a moderator created a new sticky on Holla Forums about how great anime is. Fine art guy switched his IP and returned to systematically break down and critique every anime in the picture in the thread, which led to a subsequent ban.

I was pissed at the cuck mods but also thrilled that they got so ass blasted.


Reminds me of this image

I don't ever remember hearing him talk about Jews.

And certainly not anytime recently.

Instead, all I hear from him is crying about obscure degeneracy he finds on the ass-end of the internet, usually decrying white people, while continually, unendingly, inevitably avoiding any mention of the cause of such degeneracy.

White is Jews.

So, why does Common Filth make a bumper sticker that says #WhiteGirlsFuckDogs instead of #ThereAreNoGoodJews, eh?
Why attack the consequences and not the source?
It makes absolutely no sense.

Unless you want to attack whites, and not Jews.

Tells you all you need to know about CF right there tbh fam.

Jesus Christ, my computer has been invaded.

Which is Jews.

Typical common cuck fan and AutismMarcher:


Advocating for white genocide doesn't mean calling people out, you nigger.

That's also a pic of common filth.



Looks too white and not-obese.

Daily reminder that

It was a while ago. Nowadays, when he talks about Jews, it's always in the context of "Evil dogfucking white heathens deserve to be lorded over by Jews. FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE! I can't even, guise!"

I just don't like him because he contributes almost nothing to anything.

You can easily simulate everything he's ever done by playing a loop of somebody saying in a low octave, "Ugh, I disapprove of this" over and over while you watch gay porn.


Get it right.

Now that's a hashtag I can get behind!

Oy vey I forgots da gravy anudda shoah


Would not be surprised if literal or honorary Jew, tbh fam.

Oh boy, another CF shitfling thread.
Let's actually do things differently this time.

How many of you are gay and dislike CF for being anti-gay? Come on, be honest, this is an anonymous board. We won't hold it against you.

I really don't get your point, when a thread about a degenerate who is white gets posted here the response is always negative.

I think you're just a jealous shitskin who's buttflustered that he'll never be white.

Your the one who's obsessed with faggots, trannys and dogfuckers, that's pretty degenerate in my opinion.

You also say that you talk about these things because whites need to realize their problems but what right does a spic mongrel have to try and 'fix' the white race?

Focus on your own people shitskin, we don't need or want your help.

Straight as an arrow, sorry faggot.

How many of those who like CF are Jews or honorary Jews (aka Christcucks)?

Be honest, we won't judge, and even if we did its anonymous, so who cares, right?

So Holla Forums Zoe Quinn e-celeb, gotcha.
ill be sure to hide the the threads he makes to promote himself.

Why should he be banned for that, mod?
It's practically his civic duty to ban evade that.

So far, I've found four genuine homosexuals following me on twitter (I have a pretty big following) that are very vocal about being anti-CF. The rest of the brigade are friends of these homosexuals. Very odd.

Oh and by the way
The fucking mod spammed an anime thread and stickied it in a rage.

You have got to be trolling lad, the irony of this post is just astounding.

Dogs are still better than Niggers. No contest.

You use twitter and monitor homosexuals?

Weird bro.

Are you Common Filth?

If so, why do you hate white people and love Jews bro?


I have no love for Jews.
Jews are the ones that pushed for faggot acceptance in the west. Kinda weird how the leather-wearing fags that think they're fascists eat up Jew propaganda when it enables their pathological behavior.

And yes, I follow hundreds of people, and I see anti-CF discussions on my timeline every day from the same homosexuals and their fag-enabling friends. Funny enough, the same kind of folk that think Milo is "useful" and that traps aren't gay (liars). They know who they are.

People hate him because he's a Mexican who hates white people. That's all there is to it.

Nobody takes that position seriously that's worth a shit. Common Filth on the other hand has showed himself to be Sargon tier and his recent anti-white attacks are solely because he got trolled by Holla Forums on twitter.

It exposed him for being a sensitive little girl.


Except that stupid Whitney girl is fucking both a nigger and a dog.

So basically most of the alt-right.

It wasn't always like this, you know.
After pulse nightclub, an MPC affiliated sock-account DM'ed me and said something along the lines of "looks like the Milo sleeper cell has activated." He was on the money on that one.

So basically Richard Spencer?

the only goals you could hope to achieve by posting this thread lead me to believe you are a shill

fuck off kike everyone knows you're jsut golems

well fuck

He just thinks that be open to gays will attract normies (it won't), but he isn't really pro-gay.

Dude, MPC is full of real autists and TRS is full right wing leaning lolbergs they barely visit this board. how the fuck you get triggered by them.

Oh, you greatly underestimate the amount of cross-pollination that's happened since the "alt-right" big tent was created.

You dont get it, the british "lads" larp as them and they call its "bantz" No one in the alt-right comes to /fullpol/ just look at index we have the same number since july, no different unique ID's

I dunno where you're going with that shit man, but it sounds weird as fuck tbh.

Some of them homosexuals, as you already admitted.
And here you go again, admitting you monitor homosexuals and their friends on twitter.
Kinda weird bro.
No wonder you like CF.

Ah, so, in other words, the minority of degenerates who have infiltrated the movements you support… Its still kinda weird that you monitor them like that tbh fam.

In any case, if you've no love for Jews, you must also wonder why CF doesn't talk about Jews, eh?

I mean, I ask again:
Why "#WhiteGirlsFuckDogs" and not "#ThereAreNoGoodJews", eh?

Why focus upon the consequences and not the source?

Doesn't make sense… Unless something about source and consequence, each in turn, makes you more willing to attack the one than the other.

I like the dont tread on me one thats pretty cute

Degeneracy needs to be rooted out of the western mind

They definitely do come here, the daily shoah fags even whined about us shitting on them the other day.

Eesh, grotesque…. But, a miniscule minority.

For every white girl who fucks niggers/dogs (an activity promoted by Jews) there are like 2 dozen faggots (also an activity promoted by Jews).

I'd like to put you into a bog.

But they are not regular , they usually come to shit on us and if they get butthurt they say no punching to the right man. muh purity spiral.

Kill yourself

why is this bad?

Into the bog, faggot.


I haven't listened to TRS in a while, began to get bored with them. Ironically the only pro-white internet people (that doesn't include Holla Forums) I pay any attention to anymore, are on jewtube: Morraiku and E;R

i remain unconvinced

CF is a shitlord just like us.
With the difference that he has no idea how to actually change anything.
His fear of the left is keeping him from trying for a baby.
Some faggots in the music industry kept him from continuing his music hobby.

With a mindset like this it is no wonder that CF also thinks that the alt right will dissolve because homosexuality and degeneracy is being connected to it.

But that's not happening.
What is happening, however, that his entire show and his audience are rapidly dissolving into a meme fest, with his audience turning into blind meme spouting alpha consumers at an alarming rate.

It seems funny now, sure, but already his question threads on reddit are becoming way too memey because he's gone off the deep end.

And no, that's not criticizing white people or the alt-right, that's the norm, after all, hell, the alt right criticizes whites all the time.

There is something else. I, personally, can't put it into words, but CF puts it like "you see something and you immediately go 'NO! Bad! Wrong!' "
This is how I have been feeling about him for the past couple of months.

Others, too. "Going off the deep end" is a common thing cited at him. Why? Why not always pure autistic rage? Why do people express themselves in such a way?

It's not the critique per se, but he just seems …off the rocker.
White people fuck dogs, yes, fine, and alt-right queers are a thing (that the alt right actually combats. I know, because I do that and I'm part of the alt right, too).

But something ain't right. I am steadily losing patience with his stupid shit, and it is stupid shit.
But I'm full of food right now and I wanna digest that. I already trashed a few of his fans on his latest youtube video. Where I also explain how much of an alpha consumer they all are.

But have this little fun adaptation to round things off, anyway.

You're a glum one, Mr Filth.
You really are a heel.
While we are out there fighting you sit at home to pray and kneel.
Mr Filth. You simply cannot match our zeal.

You're a weak one, Mr Filth.
Your mind is rather plain.
While alt right mothers go through birthing pain your girlfriend bleeds in vain.
Mr Filth. Her barrenness will make her go insane.

You're a dull one, Mr Filth.
Your head is filled with hay.
While we are out to get them you think you can pray your foes away.
Mr Filth. Your actions simply have no sway.

You're a slow one, Mr Filth.
Your brain is running late.
Your reddit's full of children asking how to masturbate.
Mr Filth. You're simply not that great.

The three best words that best describe you,
Are as follows, and I quote.

I agree with you about the Jews, and that's a position CF has gotten weak on. Point is, there are a lot of subversives here trying to steer this alt-right thing to wherever they want it to go (see Milo being the media's go-to personality when discussing the alt-right, or Jews on twitter inventing the "#AltJew" hashtag). I wanted this thing to be as degenerate-free as anyone with noble intentions would've wanted, but if nobody calls a spade a spade and puts their foot down, these uninvited people will co-opt the entire thing for their own purposes.

I'm sure plenty of influential namefags from those places come here. After all, this place is the powerhouse of the entire operation.

You'll be one of the first to hang lad


I'm not trying to 'convince' you of anything, faggot.

I'm telling you that i'd like to put you - a disgusting homosexual - in a bog.
To die.
It should be obvious, then, that I don't care what you think, feel, or say going forward - you belong in the bog, and I would be quite happy to put you there.

Remember that.
Remember that everyday of your faggot life - that somewhere out there, there is an user, who would like to put you in a bog.
Any day, I might find you.
Any day, you might end up in the bog.

Remember that.

Just want to make sure we're clear here.

ok cool


Kill yourself

Gotten weak?
He's always been weak on that issue.

Full stop: Common Filth is amongst them.
He is a white-hating, Jew-ignoring e-celeb shitbag who spends his time dissecting gay pornography and the most obscure and degenerate fetish material he can find on the internet.

Common Filth is literally no better than Milo.

Then you must agree that Common Filth, with his obsession for the extremity of degeneracy and unwillingness to address the Jew (which is the primary source, in several facets, of this degeneracy), is as bad as any mincing faggot and his brigade of infectious waste receptacles.



Yep, you're a homosexual alright.

Someday, you'll end up in the bog.

You won't know when, or where… But it'll happen.

Hopefully it gets to be me that puts you in the bog, but the world is so big, it might not be.

But you will end up in the bog.

Reported for fag-porn spam.

I think there are at least as many coalburners as gays. Hard to say how many white girls fuck dogs. Just saying.


I dunno, I think there's actually probably more fags, but I could be wrong.

Also reported.

Are you still trying to convince me that you're a homosexual?

Because, as was already addressed, you are a homosexual, and belong in the bog, which is where you will end up some day.

wow! how did you figure that out holmes?

explain the reason for hate instead of reciting your stupid in-joke meme to fit in

You are a homosexual.

And you aren't in the bog.

Done and done.


I'm merely asking you why you hold these beleifs, if you are unable to back your ideas up with reasons you might be brainwashed

But OP, Brazil the bestiality capital of the world, and they are mostly niggers.

Nope, just don't like homosexuals who aren't in the bog - because the only good homosexual is the faggot in the bog.

CF before: fuck sodomites

CF now: fuck white people. they are/enable sodomites.

bestiality is gonna exist among primitives for as long as people get horny and dont have another human to fuck nearby
its a past time of the deranged and barbarous why does this thread exist?


This tbh fam.

Because the guy needs to sell his bumper stickers and common filth extra episodes.

not intimidated by you, it's cool that you have a meme that makes you feel cool and tough but you're pathetic in reality.
anti gay/whatever the fuck is about taking away peoples freedom. liberty is more important than your stupid ideas that you can't even explain why you hold.
not afraid of mods either, if they remove my right to post for defending my position against someone threatening to kill me idgaf about posting here.

Double-time into the bag, you sorry degenerate homosexual.

Out of curiosity: When were you molested, and by whom?

You are mixing up a privately owned website with the street you pay taxes for.

Your right of free speech ends where the whim of the mod begins.

I don't get it, most of those women aren't white

wtf how is that even possible?

you sound like a fucking SJW.. and I never even said anything about 1A

That's because I am using CF like "irony" instead of being clear.

None of the women on that picture are white.

See how easily you were able to argue against me?

I was relying on memes and being haha funny.

Cry all you want. Reality stands.

The content is explicit.
How can you not see that?

killyourself , you are sick

So uh… How does posting gay porn aid in your argument or is remotely related to this thread?

See, the issue, homosexual, is that you imply there is any need for a defense of desire to place homosexuals in the bog.

There is something wrong with you.
It might be physiologically-oriented, or it might be psychologically-oriented.
In both cases, it almost-certainly stems from molestation as a child, likely by a man - another homosexual.

Its a like a disease, you see?
And you are infected - likely in more ways than one, given that the vast majority of AIDS cases, for example, are within the homosexual community.
They even have a whole sub-culture surrounding the getting and passing-on of AIDS and other STDs, often with purpose.

That is, amongst other reasons, why you belong in the bog, merely for showing support for homosexuals - that was before you started showing us your collection of evidence that you are a sexual deviant, likely a pederast, who very-likely has an STD or several.

You offer/represent nothing but value - only disease, the spreading of your illnesses (both psychic and physical), and promotion of degeneration.

You belong in the bog.
So I want to put you in the bog.

That's my duty to the world and my people overriding my concern for your liberty to be a disease-ridden product-of-pederast child-molester that isn't in the bog.

I hope you understand now, and may even be willing to go into the bog on your own.

wtf i hate hwhyte gyrls now

I have no idea what you are even saying with this, explain?

guy was threatening to kill me I wanted to show him I don't fucking care and I'm not intimidated, ever.

female orangutans are super docile creatures
even if they have the strength to pull both your arms clean off they'd never do it
they end up on the black market alot or get captured and put in cages by dumb muslim indonesian farmers who slash and burn the borneo rainforests to raise cheap soy and palm oil
some of them end up being sold to pimps who shave the animals, gag them, handcuff them to beds and charge half the price of a regular prostitute for a go
poor things sometime get rescued by wildlife organisations but they can never be rehabilitated and released back into the wild
too traumatized from being sodomized by 300 tiny dicked muslim SE asians

It really didn't have that effect user.

Oh, also, please keep posting this disgusting pornographic material of non-bog'd faggots.

Its actually quite helpful, as I've reported all of your entries - and I encourage others to do likewise - and so we will see, eventually, where the mods stand on the posting of homosexual pornography spam.

If you aren't banned for your contribution, we will know our mods are homosexuals, and it will be one more piece of the evidence required to get people to move away from this board.

What does you lack of fear have to do with gay porn?
Kek/10 made me chuckle

I am not disagreeing with this, homosexuals are clearly an abnormality.
That doesn't make it a bad thing though.
You are more than welcome to marry a woman, other people being gay (or liking traps) takes nothing away from you.

all you want is to restrict other peoples freedom.

I didn't threat to kill you user, I said I'd like to put you in the bog.

And noted that, someone will very-likely end up putting you in the bog, whether myself or another, because that is where you belong.

And you spammed homosexual pornography to show me you weren't afraid?

That's a very homosexual world-view you've got there - you should probably just get into the bog now.

Its for the best.

no , we dont want to restrict other people freedom, we want to kill degenerates.

You see , you think you have a right and you are free but in reallity you dont.

did you just blow in here from an episode of Q&A?

Bogs are exceedingly inefficient. You might wanna try gassing them beforehand.


Oh I see. That explains sort it. Not only is there Anal Jihad now it turns out they have orangutan Jihad. So this is what happens when Islam exists in a country without enough goats.

Its not like she will give birth to half puppies, also unlike shitskin sperm it wont stay in her and affect all her future children.

Tbh don't see how this is any more degenerate than using a dildo.

Why don't you take your non issues to /Christian, moral fags. We have niggers and kikes to fight

shilling for bestiallity . You are getting the rope

why say this? it's a blatant lie

you are talking about restricting the freedom of same sex relationships/whatever other shit.

"degenerate" is subjective. gays aren't like cripples, they work normal jobs and get on fine.

you're just trying to be a cool hitler guy but your ideas are shit.

based on what? just pick a random thing you don't like and say those people deserve to die.

that's retarded. sensible policies are backed with reasons.

being anti-gay is counterproductive because the gays and other sexual deviant types are not the cause of the problems.

the bad thing is muslims.

I am not going to argue with you over the notion of freedom, because you are a degenerate aberration - and you acknowledge it.

By your own reasoning, you belong in the bog.

You only refuse to go because you are incapable of recognizing the reality that you belong in the bog, because you have no capacity for objective observation, likely as a result of the pederasty that was done to you and the resultant psychic trauma that has brought you to where you are today.

You belong in the bog.

I don't care about your freedom.
It means nothing to me.
What means something to me is that you are an aberration, a freak, sick in the head, and that you would seek to spread your sickness, likely to children - you are, after all, almost-certainly a pederast, who would like to have sex with young boys.

This is unacceptable.

As is your disease-ridden state.

Thus, you belong in the bog.

Defend the notion that you - along with all other faggots - do not belong in the bog, given how disease ridden you are, given your aberrancy and propensity to spread such, given your predisposition (as a group, if not as an individual) twards molestation of children.

You can't.
You won't.

You'll just cry more about your liberty or freedom.

But your liberty and freedom is an illusion provided you by the systems you likely claim to oppose.
Thus, you are a hyprocite once again.

You belong in the bog.
You know you belong in the bog.
Just get in the bog.
Its for the best.

If you will not get in the bog, you will eventually be placed in the bog.
It doesn't bother me, because I know this is your fate.


No idea what you're talking about, you might want to try checking ID retard, that's why we have them

Nah, freshly killed and bloody from the wounds inflicted by iron daggers
or garroted with rope
gotta send them fresh to the otherworld lad

aye muslims cant get enough of putting their dick in animal pooper not just kiddies

my reasoning is that you're a fucking memer idiot that can't think for himself.

you're against those things? you're a SJW

Forgot my pic about you being a pederast, created through pederasty, and thus belonging in the bog to avoid spreading your illness of the mind.

Agree. Is it fucked up? Yes. Is it going to bring about the end of civilization like Jews and Niggers? No.

Nobody said other races didn't do it faggot just that whites are the greatest purpoters of degeneracy, simply because kikes told them to, nice cherry picking lmao.

OH, my bad, you were quoting the pederastic faggot who belongs in the bog but doesn't want to go because he's brainwashed himself to believe his desire to touch children, after being touched as a child himself, and spread diseases around is acceptable.

you like mass media, concentrate on petty issues while USA is dying

I got banned for posting
and saying ben garrison is lumping Holla Forums with milo yianopolus. I went on to say I don't understand why everyone seems so okay with letting a homosexual subvert the movement.

Holla Forums is seriously touchy now.
I know I'm gonna get banned again for saying this but Holla Forums has become a hug box/ echo chamber. I mean Holla Forums is so blinded by the fact that trump memed the pepe that they can't see that under a trump presidency the war with islam will escalate and in the end US troops will be back in the middle east "fighting terror" (expanding Israel and fueling anti west sentiment)

Society is, generally, not one person.

Society emerges from people and their customs.

Their customs and views shape everything, from their village to their conduct.

This gives birth to entire civilizations.

After a few generations, culture also starts to affect and influence new generations, so there is a degree of give and take.

But ultimately, society is created by people, society is the construct, not the other way around.

The modern west emerged from many generations of heterosexual monogamy in holy christian matrimony.

There were always outliers and co, but the bulk of it grew from these people.

Most great things in the west is because of these building blocks.

By messing with this, like you are trying to do, you will not be nurturing a civilization like that.

Homosexuality is also often a hotbed of sex addiction. Even if there were no STDS involved, which they are, the sheer hedonism and ever fucking gays, which have no concept like menopause or ovulation and can fuck from boy to old man.
Well, again, that's not what the reality you are knowing at the moment was built from.

And, since we cannot find a surviving or thriving faggot civ, and, if we say that it has always been around and super natural, then we can only conclude that faggotry has always been detrimental to a people.

It stands to reason, too.
It's a warping of the circle of life. Resources needed for hedonists that cannot create new life other than new diseases, while also straining the community if it's a community that helps out one another.

Like morbid obesity is theft, by virtue of taking up more space, denying it more slender people.
Like morbid obesity is vandalism, by putting more stress on public furniture and co.
Like morbid obesity is sabotage when a surgeon, who is obliged to save your life, has to cut through needless layers of fat.

Homosexuality drills holes in bathroom stalls, spreads diseases, drains funds and steals resources.

It is not beneficial, even outside of religious context.

Fuck off.

I meant gassing them as in "method of least resistance from them", but y'know, I could be wrong. A little struggle makes it fun.

im not even lying here to try to 'win' or prove a point or anything but I was never abused and have no STDs.

anyway what is the point you're trying to make?

rapists are bad sure… whether they rape males or females they should be sentenced for it. and?

your solution is recite memes about harming gays. that's immature and ineffective.

Duty > Liberty

It is our duty to place you in the bog.
You are in no way, shape or form entitled to any sort of liberty or freedom, beyond that which we grant you.
And we grant you the freedom to go into the bog and enjoy the liberty of slowly sinking into the muddy water.

how new are you fam?

fuck off, how the fuck tolerating degeneracy will help USA . you fuckers need to die.

You and all the faggot degenerates here showing their true colors without any repercussions only evidentiates how shill infested this place has become.

Well oi vey.

that is fucking retarded and you are an idiot

drugging thems probably easier
pretend you're gay, lure them in, spike their drink get them to drink it and they'll be in the bog before they know it lad



That you belong in the bog.

Homosexuals are bad, good, we're making progress.

By your own reasoning, homosexuals - who are highly prone to rape of children of both sexes - belong in the bog.

Its not even a meme, its just a statement of how your kind used to be treated.

It was clear that you were a dangerous nuisance, and you'd be thrown in the bog for your faggotry.
Jews and pedophiles convinced the world that homosexuality was acceptable.

It is not.

There is mountains of evidence to that effect.

You claim to have never been molested, to have no STDs, but you're also a homosexual, so we have no reason to believe you in this context, and statistically you almost-certainly were molested and do have an STD.

You belong in the bog.

you can be against
* sex addiction
* hedonism

The best civilization in the world respects the right for same sex relationships: America.
Maybe you would be more suited in an islamic country?

some people are different than other people. instead of a cruel society that harms innocent people we should just create a world where everyone has autonomy to do what they want and be happy.

I'm against all this. You can be against this without having to hate gays.

no idea what this means


yeah it is……

Well according to this it's only natural that white girls are the majority of dog fuckers cuz nobody want's to watch shitskins fuck, so "google bias" is meaningless.

you too autistic to understand what priority means

You have no freedom nor rights.
You live because we allow you to live.

If we did not allow you to live, you would go in the bog.

You know this, deep down, because its what we used to do to your kind, before the Jews and pedophiles convinced folks your ilk was accepted, which it is not.

You will go into the bog.

If able, I would gladly put you there.
If not, someone else will do the job.
In time, you may even grow up enough as to realize you belong there, and do the job yourself.

In any case, you belong in the bog, you know you do at the core of your being, and so you lash out screeching about liberty and freedom, because you have no other argumentation.

You have no rights.
Your freedom is variable, and granted by us.
When we say you go in the bog, you will go in the bog.

And eventually, your kind will end up in the bog.

I don't care if that upsets you, which it clearly does, but its the truth.

Into the bog you will go, homosexual.

normalizing it would be awful, but if a few bitches keep it in the dog house its not a disaster. Its not something we need to be worrying about right now. we have bigger problems than fetishes.

unless they pay alot of attention to the animal the risk of catching diseases off them is quite high
imagine eating your pet dogs shit
would make you pretty sick wouldnt it
feces is high in bacteria but semen and vaginal fluid is also mildly high in bacteria but far higher in viral load
its stuff like this which is the reason why we had smallpox and have HIV and influenza


Are you serious nigger? The "TRS fashy goys" have been shitting up the board for months now, they stick out like sore thumbs.

Kill yourself.

ER is beddy gud, surprised to see someone else who likes him.

you're mentally ill

When were you molested, and by whom?

Bestiality is up there with pedo shit and faggotry

Holla Forums is not touchy, it's fucking dead, moderation is completely cucked and in favor of everything kike, don't worry though, they're not going to ban either of us right now to save face.

See video.
Muh coupons.

Someone had to pay for that.

About the rest of your post:
I have only seen a decline in societal fitness in countries that have turned their backs toward WASP culture and embraced "progress" and "pride".

Homosexuality is harmful to a people.
If it were intrinsically good then you would be able to argue for it at any population size.

But throw in a fag or otherwise unhealthy, biologically / life continuing unfit individual and the tribe faces quite a bit of peril.

They can do whatever they want because America is a free country but it doesn't make it any less degenerate .

If the population is small and there aren't enough evil cishet breeders to make up for the deficit.

But what can you do besides shutting down those sites? put the dogs in the bogs?

well thats a given
i can get nigger bestiality videos for you if you like but ive only ever seen them in professional quality and few in number
the vast majority of professionally made bestiality vids involve eastern european and german/dutch/danish women, then its hispanics, then asians and then niggers

most of the amateur porn though is made by americans, usually couples or in a group setting, seen a few czech and russian ones too under similar scenarios

you are mentally ill with this violence fantasy you keep posting.
this is hilarious, in your mentally ill delusions who is it you think you are? one of the founding fathers? a highly influencial politician?
in reality you're just another nobody with no power.

you must have sleep during your biology class in HS..

there is almost no diseases that can jump the species, there are few special ones and they called Zoonosis

and somehow the right way to deal with this phenomenon that occurs is to be barbaric and violentent just like mudshits?

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Hand writing a letter is very Penn. Sounds legit?

Dude your fucking retarded. You can catch all kinds of horrible infections from fucking animals. You know nothing..

Common Cuck and his fangirls hate whites because most of them are halfbreeds who wish they were full white. Another reason to never racemix….your kid will grow up to be a neurotic mess with identity issues.


Case in point:
learn programming and write yourself a conways game of life and add a homosexual state in it.
Something that adds to overpopulation death but doesn't help generate new cells.

If you keep the rate very very low then things are comparatively stable, but the more you crank it up the more everything goes apart.

Since I have done this experiment, I found out that at very high rates, the smallest ring shapes possible were the only ones that could survive the drain.

If I were a pious man then I'd make a joke about prayer circles now.

But I'm a fedora, so I don't.

I stand by my opinion that religion is better for the people than "progress" and "diversity".

But even the church is full of aids now.

This. I got banned for making fun of people who were larping too hard as vikings.


As i previously said , we should tackle this issue the same way we tackle pedo shit.
Degeneracy is degeneracy


there is a whole thing about penn being on a tv show with trump and trump trying to strongarm him into supporting him, him getting pissed off. maybe more drama about it that isn't public. it's just BS.

Its not a fantasy, it the inevitable reality.

Your kind will end up in the bog.

I may be involved, but I may not, its merely the conditions that will transpire.

The pendulum always swings back - and when it swings toward you, you will end up in the bog.

Then tell me where you live.
I'm sure I can use Jewlge to find a bog nearby.

And answer the question:

I'm not going to judge you any harder than I already do, you can admit it - you were molested as a child.
I know.
I've heard the story countless times from homosexuals.
It what makes you.
And part of why you need to go into the bog, before you spread your illness.

Lastly: It is painfully obvious you are not a native Holla Forumsack, so I ask, where did you come from?
Obviously, because of the advanced state of your psychosis, we cannot take anything you say at face value, but try to be honest.

go back to cuckchan then faggot

I don't know a right way, but I know that pride parades and the celebration of homosexuality is not exactly the best medicine you can feed a people.

Nice way of writing a lot but still agreeing with the premise.

yeah I know brucellis is one i think
mutations happen all the time, a woman banging her dog once a week for 10 years could give rise to the next fucking form of cancer causing retrovirus who knows

it mutated from a disease found in chimps and other great apes called SIRV or Simian Immune RetroVirus
jumped from apes to niggers to belgians in the belgian congo last century since the belgians created an artificial famine to cull nigger populations, niggers began eating everything in sight and ate primates, SIRV jumped from dead half eaten apes to niggers then some belgian fucks an infected nigger woman and takes it back to Europe with him

I agree that those things are awful

I didn't say its fine.

you really shouldn't bump this

Common Filth is SO fucking blackpilled that he should just delete his whole channel as a service to the movement. He's just a drag.


What does CommonKike even accomplish? Saying that white liberals are Godless degenerates while providing zero solutions.

CommonKike is a big whiner and not a solver. Not to mention himselling those bumper stickers only serves to spread degeneracy. He cares more about making TRS mad (because they got under his skin on Skype) than anything.

t. former CommonKike viewer

he can't even do a decent pepe. it isn't that hard.

being fucked by dog is literally like child diddling.

shoah yourself pedo

What about freedom and liberty, homosexual?

You're starting to send mixed messages, likely due to your constant state of psychosis as a result of your constant lying about yourself.

Homosexuality is okay because liberty/freedom… But pride parades and celebration of homosexuality (a trait you claim to espouse and which you claim ought be protected because of liberty or freedom or some shit) are awful?

Do you need a while to settle down?
Is AIDS medication inhibiting your thought processes?

Speak for yourself.

you are extremely stupid.


I hate this feeling of being a Spanish/Honduran mutt that just wants to help fix this injustice the kikes have done to white people. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was a mistake. I am a man without a nation.

Actually, it is.

Both are disgusting in that you are engaging a sub-cognitive creature in sexual relations.

Fucking a child is just as grotesque as being fucked by a child which is just as grotesque as being fucked by a dog.
In fact, at least the children are human - its still sickening and morally reprehensible, granted, but going to another species takes things to another level of degeneracy.

fuck off dog fucker

Implying this is reason to say that nationalism and racism is bad like CF says

So if your family does something bad, you disown them as your family? Why do you disown your race then? Help them you faggot!

I gave you a link with list most of thing you can catch from an animal. now compare that list to just human STD list.

and Im the one who is retard…

And you type like a goon, homosexual.

You dodge answers like a liberal, you shitpost about being a faggot, and a lolberg (which is worse I do not yet know), and send mixed messages.

You deserve the bog, and you know it.

Now answer the fucking question, you cowardly reprobate:
When were you molested and by whom?

Kill yourself dogfucker

No. One is rape.

No, nigger, BOTH are rape.

you are extremely stupid. Thinking something is awful doesn't impede freedom.

killing people for being gay does.

that simple enough for you to understand, idiot?

being objective =! shilling

a smart man can play with an idea without endorsing it



Nah, there are only like 4 vocal faggots shit talking him (one a confirmed mod) at every chance they get, the mexican thing is a mindbogingly stupid meme that comes from him uttering some words in spanish, and the anti white shit too, like yeah man, he's going to waste his time trying to expose white degenerates cosplaying as "traditionalists" because he hates white people am i rite?

Not just "leftist whites". He believes any white person who doesn't worship his magical zombie Jesus are faglovers or fags themselves

I don't give a shit about freedom, we've been over this.

Your rights are illusory, and your freedom is transitory, thus neither has particular value, certainly not compared to duty.

It is the duty of an upstanding man to inhibit such awful things from transpiring in his nation, amongst his people, if able.

You would suggest, no, we should refuse our duty, so that faggots can do awful things - things EVEN YOU as a faggot admit are awful - because freedom.

That makes no sense whatsoever, homosexual.

And you still type like a goon, and haven't answered the question:

When were you molested and by whom?

I've seen this posted about a dozen times, but nobody has told me where they got it. Please post proof.

common autist false flags Holla Forums repetitively and mods fail to bumplock slide thread.

Great pic friend.

You are so fucking degenerate , so fucking sick that you rationalize having sex with animals.
You are not being objetive , you are just a degenerate


You do nothing but expose yourself as the degenerate retard you are.


But user, he's black so therefore it's okay to let your child devolve into bestiality. :^)

This fucking thread is pure degenerate cancer, CF is anti-white, there are no buts other than the ones in his fevered dreams after doing his nightly "research".

Whoever is posting all this tranny shit is either a shill or a degenerate fag that needs to be in the same hole as CF so you can POZ each others neg holes till Doomsday

Neither are human and dogs won't steal your bike.

This tbh fam.

Nah, the Jews prefer their pedo shit to be young boys being involved with older men - not older women.

No he doesn't atheist cuck nigger.

That's the source, but I don't know if it's real, either.

Hi Commoncuck.
Slow day is it?


do you realize that most niggers and not only them have some incurable disease ?
>> surely to infect> maybe it

Look I'm not saying that we should embrace any degeneracy but lets be objective and have our goals prioritized. When it come to degenerate this one is probably one of the least harmful to society,

He doesn't seem to mind the 13 Kenyans that fucked dogs for money in Sweden either. He's obviously an ethnomasochist.

I agree.

that's not much of a source.

It's contagious because Niggers and Chimps are really damn similar.

pedo detected

Yeah, it's just the source of the picture.

I'm amused by the whole thing but I don't put that much faith in it, myself.

Doesn't really matter, anyway. It's like that fake/real moot thing from back in the days.


Where are the mods?

oh I wouldnt prioritize it over anything
I'm just making sure certain anons dont consider it a safe alternative to masturbation because it is not safe by a longshot

no 'but theres no risk of pregnancy or disease' arguments should be accepted because the possibility of disease is about the same as stuffing any raw penis up inside them

all infection is a matter of probability
if you only do heroin once you're at a low risk of catching hepatitis but that risk increases the more you use it

not really the point though
influenza is originally a virus found in birds, it crossed over to humans 13,000 years ago because our ancestors discovered chickens and began to live in close proximity to them
and chickens can catch influenza from other birds and it crossed from chickens to us
same thing happened with pigs, and now theres a three way transmission between species with the influenza virus jumping from bird to human to pig and back again creating this incredibly fast rate of mutation that renders flu vaccines out of date in about 18 months
because by about 18 months the virus the vaccine is tailored to act against has already mutated into something else thanks to the assimilation of different avian and mammalian proteins into its viral genome


He really was a kike the entire time.

And shitposting about elections, how white you are, praying to frogs and repeating digits does wonders right?

Again, literally the same as Holla Forums or any other contrarian political shitposting hub.

Here's the thing asswhipe, YOU are the solution, these places are meant to help you build character to do what you must, you are fucking stupid if you really think the solution to real life problems is found through the internet alone, but here's where CF parts ways with the politically incorrect internet sphere, he preaches what is right regardless of political leanings, while Holla Forums and such other places are compromising more and more with their once sworn enemies simply because they happen to agree on some meaningless shit about muslims or trump.

fuck, forgot pic

CF will join the mud legions soon.

the only thing missing was a SAGE in the Email field.

What is "sage"? Posters may reply to threads without bumping them to the top of the index by putting "sage" in the email field.

Lol Commoncuck is a merchant in disguise

.You argue like a bitch. All those emotionally charged terms. wewlad. Shouldn't you be "researching" homoporn?

You'll most likely end up killing yourself either willingly or through disease you disgusting pozpig.

And whilst that one user may have been the most vocal we all would like to see you and your filth drowned in the murky depths of a peat bog.

Now fuck off you don't belong here, your kind only belong in the bog.

implying Holla Forums is one person.

Faggot, that's what I use it for. The information gathered from places like here was a tremendous help and much more so than look at homosexuals give eachother aids every week. Great everyone and a while to look into the face of evil but it consumes you CF. Not mention my post here

sure here you go

Disease does spread between similar species easier though, that's just a fact.

I can't hold all that underage.

nah I like to witness the happening.

I honestly do not see the issue here, yes it sound gross but so is any sex.

Im not saying you or I should go and fuck farm animals, but getting so butthurt that some white trash letting her doggy fuck her is hilariously retarded


Best post of the thread.

I find it hilarious when dumb cucks adopt islam thinking its less degenerate than Christianity when islam is the most hypocritical abrahamic religion of the bunch

the jews do whatever they want because they think they're chosen and can do no wrong

the mudshits think they can do wrong but they're still chosen so they do whatever they want when nobodies watching

an islamic man will get drunk, eat bacon and get railed up the arse by a village people back up dancer and sleep easy at night as long as he thinks his parents wont find out about it

This is how you sound faggot,

CF really does sound like the guys who join ISIS. First: HURR EVERYTHING SUX



Daily reminder that whites have the least amount of homosexuality of all races.
Daily reminder this triggers CommonCuck and his fanboys because they're all underage shitskins with masturbation addictions.

Even more finally: MUMMY I WANT TO GO HOME


Incredibly easy how screencapping Holla Forums posts works against you.

is this supposed to make me look bad? I dont see the problem

Do you have an infograph about that?

because we can hunt and eat children, own children for live for our amusement and make them work…

comparing a property, basically an object to little human being makes you sound like pedo

Exactly what I am saying. See, this is how we will deal with "white trash". I'm referring, of course to whites who, while white, are not productive. Though, in all honestly, I think we should reclaim and rehabilitate the trashiest among us. I feel like if they are given work, a decent wage, and a decent education, even the most backwoods inbred trailer trash could be of use to society.

literally anyone could post on Holla Forums and then screencap it and say

it's almost like an imageboard that has been getting a lot of media attention lately is bound to have outsiders who have an interest in making us look bad.

Are you retarded? that literally happens in some parts of SEA jesus christ you are dumb

Consider the following:
No one gives a shit about commoncuck. Nor is he relevant here or to anyone else but himself. This thread is likely him trying to get sempai's attention.

Whites are the greatest stewards of civilization I know.
A lot of people are in cities, though, and see the worst of the worst.

Everybody goes nuts in the city, sooner or later.

Elections are important, they are part of the illusion but the guys behind it have to play along, too, or the curtain doesn't just move but fall off completely.

Pepe is a source of energy. Trump is a source of energy. Hitler was and is a source of energy.

CFs approach is faltering there because all he does is "nag" at the very core of it, but he does it from a very shakey position.

Think of a grammar nazi that acts smug and elitist and then constantly makes grammatical errors himself.

He also smooshes unrelated things together a lot of the times.
I could only stomach 10 minutes of his latest episode but he conflated watching anime with the recent changes in the Google Youtube TOS.
Ragged on a two bit life of fretting about politics and escaping into anime, this being the same as the safespace like TOS Google is enforcing.

But, as I pointed out on his comments. If he hasn't deleted them or marked them as spam.

He is reading psalms and he prays, etc.
That too, is escapism.

Also, even when he does, literally, read something that should be good, he often can't help but mock around it.

Like that doctors speaking against gender reassigment at a young age. Instead of praising he mocked, granted, not him directly, but he did his "Oy bruv, you gots to go to jail, bruv" etc.

This fragile nature that makes it easy to twist the dagger, so to speak, and his really weird streak about handling things, his generalizations, his conflations, etc.

That's what looks so defeatist and shilly.

I can't word it any better because it's a phenomenon I have not experienced before.

Because he is basically producing alt right content but now he's twisting away from it and his general anti white narrative, well, it just smells bad.

But yeah. Energy is key. CF turns people into destitude broken people afraid of way too many things, and pissing on the legs of peole who they should consider friends.

Man, his followers are so crazed. I hope my tirade about having gotten duped into becoming CFs alpha consumer will save a few of them.

Sad and depressing. CF needs to rethink quite a few things.
He will not be happy like this, I don't think. Not in the long run.

I often feel like some threads get taken over by an infiltrating communist going head to head with shills

3rd pic is fake as fuck. Any dumb fetishist cuck can write that anonymously. There isn't really anything wrong with the 2nd pic.

He also frets about the alt-right and the left that will steal his conceptual baby away because he read a poem and he is surrounded by gloom.

He should move to the countryside, poor guy.

lmao this link might help you friend

Nope just a study proving non-white races to be the most pozzed.
Sorry commoncuck, you're a member of the pozzed race. HispanicsFuckDonkeys

What I mean with all of that, he is living a two bit life, as well.
Fret about politics and escape into anime.

And that's just one of the many argumens that can be turned around to make it clear that he isn't that far off from being a degenerate himself.

You mean like this one?

I wasn't doubting it. I just wanted to save the source. I'm white.

In Latin America they don't even view this as bestiality, just boys being boys. Or what man do when there is no women around

Didn't mean you, was just saying it for commoncuck's sake because no doubt he's scouring this thread for screencaps to post on twitter for LIKES AND RETWEETS BUY MY BUMPERSTICKERS like a consumer whore.


I thought he might already be one already.
He does invest rather TOO MUCH time into researching and saving that degenerate garbage. Likely case he does indulge into those things, feels guilty afterwards and then tries to make up for it by projecting that perversion onto a group unrelated to him, e.i. white people.


so much lol


of course he's a degenerate. He spends hours a week reading disgusting homo shit so that he can "chronicle" it.
CF is a broken loser.

That third pic isn't even from Holla Forums one of the porn boards had an interracial thread and Holla Forumsacks went in and gore/canadacuck spammed it and I remember some degenerate posting that response, either that or it's shit tier copypasta


There's nothing that triggers Common Filth more than being called a "cuck" or a "christcuck" or a "christkike"

He goes full bullhurt tumblrina. Every. Single. Time.

I'm racist, does that make me a nigger?


bullhurt could work, though. Common Cuck is all about prepping the bull.

Common Filth sucks and fucks dogs and so does OP.

He also advocates for islam, which is not a western thing.
In fact, it opposes the west.

If his quest is to preserve and heal the west, he should not do so by advocating something that degenerates it.

Also, since he is someome who runs away from problems, he is leaving the tree of western civilization unwatered, especially by gloating about the destruction and by deridign the very people that came before him and put him into the position he is right now.

But, this is what CF tells his ancestors:
"Shut up, it doesn't affect you. So you died for me during various,grueling tasks to elevate our people and my bloodline to this point. But fuck all that. Me turning my back toward you doesn't affect you. You're dead. Fuck you Moms and Dads. I don't care that you had my predecessor during the worst times of your lives, during famines and sickness. The left fags will steal my child so I'll never continue where you picked up."

This, too, degenerates it.

Do homophobes regularly watch 10+ hours of gay porn a week? Because that's how much commoncuck said he watches for his show.

if hes still susceptible to it hes a fucking normie and ergo useless


So that's the story. I hate those dumb cucks. They just eat up the Jew made myth about negroids and sex just to justify their own failure and then actively subvert evolution. I wouldn't be surprised a Jew actually wrote it.

Don't have it. Hopefully another user saved it.
Until then have an intelligent comment from r/CommonFilth user 'RepentantHmo'

I have literally never heard this delusional shit.

Taking a minority of degeneracy, hedonism, homosexuality, transvestism, bestiality, self-hatred, etc. & applying it to all whites & ONLY whites in efforts to create a false appearance of normalcy is a jewish tactic, leftist tactic, cultmarx tactic. Like when the press regurgitate the same lie or half-truth in order to manipulate perceptions & make it true.

When CF is dismissed as such that should really be the end of the discussion because the same views & tactics are there plain as day.
Or you can take the bait & play with concern trolls.

Here's a more convenient graphic + archive.

The redpill comes from the matrix which was made by the wachowski brothers, both of whom are now trannies.

Kikes may push every degeneracy imaginable, but it takes someone accepting it for it to work. Its the fault of the buyer as much as the supplier. Without the demand there is no reason for a supply

There is literally nothing that isn't accurate in this comment, except for the fact that his name implies that faggots should be offered a second chance and not simply expunged from society.