"Don't Compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler: lt Belitlles Hitler"

New article from the (((Washington Post))) by writer (((Shalom Auslander))).


TL;DR stop comparing Trump to Hitler, don't forget muh 6 gorillion, and Trump is just a con man.

Every fucking time

Is this an onion article?
Because Auslander, or Ausländer means foreigner.

Yes, it's an opinion article.

Now they realize it, I've been saying they've been very quickly undoing their own conditioning from the start of Trump's campaign.


I think we give these (((people))) too much credit sometimes.

tbh most onion articles are closer to reality than what these insane fucking jews believe

They are putting the idea into peoples' heads that Hitler wasn't that bad of a guy. If they like Trump and Hitler is like Trump, then obviously they must also like Hitler as well.

You gotta be fucking shitting me

Not since they bought the Onion.

"I'm Brian, and so is my wife."

"Hitler did nothing wrong goys." – Hello Foreigner (he anglicised his name in anticipation of the nativist backlash)

Its fucking name is "Shalom".

Probably an insincere satire piece intended to rustle our jimmies. There's no way that kikes can be this retarded.


my sides




I thought yeah, this has to be satire. There's no way anyone like this could possibly exist. But fuck no, the book is on Amazon and the kike is real.

CTR all over the comments

My foreskin laments being cut off.

The author's book synopsys:

Hitler comparisons are a fossil fuel. Society gained a limited reserve of scary Hitler comparisons after WWII, and without further global events could not develop more. We've been running low for a while now, and had to start cutting the supply with lower-grade comparisons to make it last. The writer is advocating for the conservation of this precious and limited resource in the face of near-terminal overuse against the Trump campaign.

The meme's, Jack

2016 confirmed for best year

Liberals have godawful banter skills

This is the German e-book cover.

They don't have a clue.

the fucking audacity of this kike to act like he's the poor oppressed one.

Heil Hitler dubs confirm

How long until prominent rabbi Shlomo Shekelburg becomes meme'd into the fray?

You've got to be shitting me.


no goy, this is real life.

you can't make this shit up

I swear, every single kike is a whiney, delusional lunatic.

Trump was already fabulously wealthy and has been famous for a solid 30 years. He could've bought up or created media outlets in the past were he interested in that.

They still think this is all a big publicity stunt.

Probably an alias of some sort, authors do that all the time. He published his book in 2016 after all.

We have to dig for his true name.

Sure, probably is.

So he changed his name to sound MORE like jewish? Top kike

So can we convince libtards to "identify" as Holohoax survivors? The shit storm would be amazing .

Tbh I like Moshe Shekel's book more.

the memes

(((rebel media)))

probably not, but we can false flag it until it becomes real

Shalom, auslander

Are they fucking with us?

Nope. This the world we live in.

Who honestly cares at this point?

The Washington Post is an absolute joke.

They've been a cancerous bunch of faggots for years but at least they used to have a pretense of objectivity. I for one have been thoroughly enjoying watching them implode over the past year. It's really unprecedented to see a major, old line news outlet go completely berserk and they don't seem to be slowing down at all.

This is true for different reasons.

Trumps accumulation of wealth is absolutely nothing of actual value. I think Trump has potential, but I don't think he has that much potential.

Obviously the medias perspective in making the comment is totally inverse, in that they're comparing what they consider relatively equivalent levels of "evil" whereas I'm speaking from the perspective of Hitler's greatness.

oy vey

Shalom Ausländer = Refugees Welcome

Implying this isn't true


Shalom, Auslander. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Wonder when they'll have the opposing viewpoint from guest columnist Ausländer Raus?

Doesn't that translate as "Greetings outsider?"

I dont know what is real anymore. The memes are converging and changing fabric of reality.


Trump will never be a anything close to the genius Hitler was, it's like the Greatest Political leader of all time v a guy who stumbled on to good policies we like but sort of know he won't actually be liked in office.

Trump is good because he uniquely opposed Globalism publicly, for an American Republican nominee that is mental, but because he isn't actually a man like Hitler who was consumed by conviction an love of his people, it's hard to know what the fuck he thinks.

Truly interesting times we are living in. Never know what to expect from tomorrow.

I still hope the holohoax will be exposed to the public some day

Hello, foreigner

His fucking name is about inviting foreigners.

It takes a jew to realize just how good they had it with hitler lol


Am I even alive? These memes are starting to get ridiculous.

no, no, user.

he asked about onion, not opinion.

ONION, because modern journalism is indistinguishable from satire.

I know.

I'm going full retard here, but:

does anyone else feel as if the lizard-kikes made the whole CERN shit in order to further their cause, and accidentally unleashed a Berenstein universe ruled by KEK where the memes are real..?

well fucking played you idiots

The author feels the "Drumpf is literally Hitler" meme has backfired on them and is signaling the Regressives to stop using it because it is polarizing undecided voters against their preferred candidate.

was that in the comments?

Is this real life?

This could literally be straight out of a right wing version of the Onion


Really, how do you get more Jewish than this.


This need to be satire.
his last name means foreigner/alien on german

fuck you kike don't denigrate my favourite song REEEEEEEEEE


This is gold. Thanks for posting it.

So, the golem and it's creator have now come full circle and are unironically saying that Hitler did nothing wrong?


Well yeah, every time you compare someone to Hitler you belittle the Führer.

Strong. This is some strong propaganda. Saved, thanks for posting.

Every ad and shit that has attempted to stump the trump has only in turn further made him stronger.

Holy autism that fucking ad!!!

Hitler was one of the greatest men who ever lived, all Trump's doing is shifting the overton window.

I can't believe the guy who made that ad and the super deluxe guy (who made all of the Jeb goalhorn videos) are lefties. Don't they get how this shit is going to backfire on them?

But a strong leader should be terrifying! HOW IS THIS NOT WORKING, OY GEVALT

I am displeased by the quality. Have this.

Can't say i completely disagree. Although Trump is no con-man.

Is he not right? Trump will be great but to suggest that anyone can top Hitler? I'd feel belittled.

You do know Sanae's a kike, right?

Ya'know, I hate jews, but I hate atheist/humanistic virtual signaling jews more than I hate orthodox kikes.

Not sure why, since they both seem to do the same subversive shit.

Note the deliberate wording of this post. It tries to imply Romans were the ones who killed Jesus, as opposed to you-know-who-it-was-the-jew


So they've escalated from "literally hitler" to "literally worse than hitler"

I'm suprised it took them this long.

What else will they pull out of their ass?

"Ok last time we said he was worse than hitler but we really mean it now!"