Well, what a surprise.
Can't the Sanders supporters finally feel the bern yet?
Well, what a surprise.
Can't the Sanders supporters finally feel the bern yet?
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put it in the politics thread you sperky dipshit
I think this is big enough to warrant its own thread.
All that hopes and dreams, gone.
All that wasted money too.
What the fuck is wrong with this man?
he's an expert troll
Can't believe I donated ten bucks to the guy.
How cucked do you have to be to vote for the person that cheated to win?
Sanders is a tool, not a goal. We focus on ideas, not people.
I've posted this before, and I'm doing it again. Sanders is not important. You are not important. My name is not important. What is important is that Marxism-Leninism is a science and we are improving the theory all the time.
Can I get the actual MSNBC video so I don't have to trust how these spinster hacks twist his words around to mean something else?
Leninism was tested and it failed numerous times now. Continuing to adhere to a failed theory is not scientific at all.
We revise the theory. This is science.
Yeah and the revision was to excise the Leninism component.
Sanders is doing what he has to do, everyone on the left would hate him and by extension socialism forever if he said he would not support Clinton. It's sad and it sucks but that's the reality of it. Do I feel a bit let down by it, yes, but he gave it a damn good try and got like 45% of the (possibly cheated) vote. Maybe next time round more of the boomers will be dead and we'll have a better chance.
Utter nonsense. A decent portion of his followers were always pro-democratic party clowns but he actually helped radicalize a lot of people too and he completely failed to live up to their expectations.
What the fuck
Seriously what the fuck
So Bernie agrees with Chomsky. Big deal.
Watch Bernie's "Where We Go From Here" speech here:
He's shifting focus to the local elections. He's not going to waste a ton of effort shilling for Clinton.
Jesus Christ people don't get your panties in such a knot
I think he's playing it safe for now. If he tried to go against the Democratic Party at this point they'd pile on him even harder like they did the Green Party back in 2000, and if he fully endorsed Clinton well he'd throw it all away.
If the Anti-Trumps in the Republican Party manage to stop Trump and he's still backing her then there's reason to start panicking.
You are like 2 months late with your fucktarded opinions. Anti-Trumps? What the fuck are you talking about? "NeverTrump" is dead and buried.
Bernie was a bait and switch to get young people to vote for Hillary.
He's said this literally from day one. Not news.