What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

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iirc that character had abusive parents and the show wasn't glorifying it.

couple seasons later the show went full tumblr though

I had never heard of this show, but idea of loli with a penis piqued my interest. So is she a girl or a boy?

… boy.

But… the character is played by a girl.


So the actress is a girl, character is a boy.

So much confidence in their delusion. there is always that hardware store lesbian women and shes always either white or spic.

how fitting that the show is called shameless.

So wait,

children can consent to portray degenerates or decadents in front of millions of people and have their performance recorded, but they can't consent to intercourse with a loving adult?

That's weird…



It's because antipedokikes don't want Aryan men to gain the power of cunny, which has proven magical capabilities.

Because that portrayal don't demand nudity nor being pounded in the ass. That's why

Behind the scenes it does


People tend to get outraged by those things. The people who make it would argue it isn't real, there's no real sex taking place, thus no harm's done, but I'm not going to defend it.

Children can't consent because their brains literally have not finished developing. You can convince a child a monster is real, or use your position of authority to make them do whatever you want. This betrayal corrupts all future sexual relationships for them, can cause physical damage, and leads to horrendous emotional conditions. The girl in "child of rage" tortured animals and tried to kill her brother and foster parents because she'd been molested. That's why any adult who would have sex with a child is by definition not "loving".

Looks like Alex Jones was right about you, pedokike. Eat any good foreskins lately?

So children can't consent to anything, yet they can "consent" to have sex with each other, to take part in financial transactions, to work, to go through medical procedures, to go to school, to move to another country etc… they just can't consent into having sex with adults.

Isn't this weird?

No retard, "going to school" is to help their brains developing. They require parental consent for medical procedures, child labor laws prevent them from working, they can't enter into legal contracts, they require a legal guardian before 18.

They can't drive, join the military, get a piercing, smoke or drink alcohol. If two children sext one another, they can both end up charged as sex offenders for producing/distributing child pornography.

If you won't understand why society views sex the way it does, how could you ever fix western societies?

This needs to stop.
This needs to be stopped.
This isn't a joke anymore.

Holy crap, dude.

source to documentary?

That's huge, how the hell do they handle tor and all the other encryption techniques they use to trade CP online? Do only the stupid pedophiles get caught?

Then why are women allowed to have sex?

Pretty sure that user meant two kids fucking eachother without sending lewd photos.

I like how I can tell just from the thumbnail something is wrong

Probably. The stupid ones, and the ones who aren't protected.

Left-handed manlets confirmed pedophiles, lol

What did she mean by this?

I'm sorry, I'm not a retarded pedophile and I have better taste than to watch (what I assume is) one of the Walking Dead shows. As you clearly fall into both categories, can you explain what I'm supposed to be seeing here?

It's a little girl sitting on a couch in pajamas. She's not doing anything remotely sexual in those images you creep.

All pedophobes are closeted pedos tbh

Why not just post the video?


Go to some arab country where you can fuck kids and animals in the street, then.
Like it or leave it.

Of course, but not in camera, that's what I'm saying

Holy shit man.

I ain't clicking that shit.


I like girls who masturbate to black and white films

that still makes us better than regular pedophiles, because we know how sick it is and still want to stop it

That's not why but feel free to delude yourself. You can have sex before 21 or 22 can't you? Exactly,

Seriously, how did AMC not get shit for this? I didn't hear jack about it until now.


You have much to learn.


Remember that episode of Law & Order SVU with the boy tranny?

I liked Truthseeker better.

He's right though. Hollywood actresses are as a majority trannies that were raised that way. Denial does not make this go away.

Oh man, that shota was insufferable

There's been enough leaked nudes that prove you wrong.

Oh, user, how silly of you. Who praytell did the leaking? They are deceiving you for a reason.

Hell, I wish it was true because it would be sexy as hell in a deviant way, but it's complete bullshit

what is the point then?

they call this progressive?!

Typical shill.

What a travesty.


but is her girl penis cut or uncut?
that's the real topic.

oh it's gonna get cut alright…


Cut. Unless she's some kind of dirty euro-nigger.

don't fucking start with that shit.
dainty uncut penises are the best