Hillary's cordon sanitaire: Massive barriers outside her Chappaqua home as she recovers from pneumonia

Hillary's cordon sanitaire: Massive barriers outside her Chappaqua home as she recovers from pneumonia

Hillary Clinton has put physical distance between herself and her supporters as she continues to recover from pneumonia, nursing herself from inside her Chappaqua, New York, home.

But large, concrete barriers outside the property and Secret Service officers occupying large black SUVs also block gawkers from getting too close.

Onlookers and media can wander down Clinton's road until they reach the concrete structures. They must not, however, park on the street or set foot on the grass. Otherwise, police officers will come to shoo them away.

Plastic orange barriers also blocked off much of the rest of her road during Clinton's first full day inside her home. They had inexplicably disappeared by Tuesday morning.

It was similarly unable to say how long the concrete structures had been in place and why they were put there. Those semi-permanent barriers have been there for weeks, however.

One well-wishing neighbor has placed a sign on a road that connects Clinton and her neighbors to Chappaqua's city center, where press are also staked out at a Walgreens.

'Get Better Soon,' it says. 'Stronger Together! Hillary!'

Clinton's campaign admitted on Sunday that she contracted pneumonia and was diagnosed two days before by her doctor after the Democratic White House hopeful was filmed stumbling into a vehicle outside a 9/11 memorial ceremony.

She ignored her doctor's advice and kept appointments with her national security advisers and donors on Friday and Saturday.

The 'dizzy' spell, as Clinton is calling it, was brought on by dehydration, her doctor said.

During a call into Anderson Cooper's CNN's program Monday evening Clinton said she kept her illness a secret because she didn't 'think it was going to be that big a deal.'


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Holy fuck she has a whole personal army attending to her. She may honestly be fucking dying.

This does not sound like her lads…

Hm, yeah her voice sounds somewhat lower than usual. Strange.

There's already a thread on it. Wow.

It's just the pneumonia, delete your account

it'd honestly make more sense to meme Sephiroth as Hillary what with the clones and general gynocentric mania and all.

I thought it was allergies. No wait shit, it was dehydration.
Ha, nope. You right. It's pneumonia. But it's the kind that only gets transmitted your campaign staff and not little brown girls.

I didn't make the meme lad. The last time I played it was like 15 years ago. Besides cloud and co a bunch of environmental hippies. I don't even remember what the snek was.

just making an observation. pretty sure the edit was made on twitter.

Over the weekend they said she was going to drop out of the public eye all this week, even before she collapsed in NY.

She has a rough schedule of daily $5,000 a plate private dinners with donors. Don't be so harsh on her.

My God I've done it! I've cracked the code! We are literally affecting reality simply by observing & believing & I have science to back it up. Shitposting through time & space itself. My god, what have we done.




Praise Kek.

Not the thread for this shit, do try to stay on topic

heh. nothin' personal, kid

But barriers and walls don't work, user.


heh. that's actually a nodachi
*blood everywhere*

Thanks for the heads up CTR!

That was pretty obvious satire lad


Maybe because she was intubated…

Hillary is a big strong woman who don't need to breathing aides!

Don't be sexist shitlord :^)

Billy boy went airborne Patient Zero and now she's breathing AIDS.


And when they're in a conference call with the Devil.

So now it's dehydration?
How hard can it possibly be to just stick to one story?

Just keep flinging shit until something sticks. They on the same tier as monkeys.

I think the poison Putin and Trump used gave her pneumonia that"s making her allergic to water at this point

please Kek let it be true

You think she's making appeals to her Lord and Savior, Moloch?

I don't think those take that long. Maybe they need to take some time for ceremonies, but I've always viewed the kike cabal like situation from the movie Society. Completely fucked up and incestuous.
It's a B horror movie from the 80s(90s?). If you're going to watch it, don't spoil it
Incidentally I've been trying to access j-dar recently to see how kiked up some of my favorite movies are as I re-watch them and I can't view the site. Different browsers, disabling scriptsafe, etc doesn't help. Any user experiencing similar?

rolling dubs for the cunts death…

November 2nd

We should push this as a "hillary gets walls, but America cant?". Just my shilly idea.

I was thinking the same thing

is she even going to show up?

the MSM will set up a camera in Hillary's hospital room, and call her "brave" and "strong" as she slowly dies in a hospital bed. Anderson Pooper will lob softballs at her, which she will barely croak out a response to.

Anything Trump says that points out the absurdity of this situation will be called "sexist".

Meanwhile the DNC scours the country for a body double that can win the election for her.


I'm hoping she doesn't or tries to do it by video (and trump says no). It would make her look terrible. Most likely, Trump will agree to move it a few days later to a time that does not correspond with a sporting event.

user, it's entirely likely that she's dead. I wonder how that half-breed kid she coughed HIV all over in NYC is doing.

She's talking through a Passy-Muir valve. Google it.

Are there no fire hazard/ambulance hazard issues with blocking a public street? How is this legal? Put safety barricades on your own private property.

"heh, all according to keikaku"

I found this way funnier than I should have. That's the midgar zolom btw.

Trump would make a good President Shinra for what it's worth – dropping a giant wall on our Southern border to crush millions of illegal spics while dramatic classical music plays in the background.

Forgot his name, just remembered him as the fucker you need to farm for Beta.

I think the media cluing up to the alt-right and Holla Forums got them to shut it down because the only folks using it were the alt-right and Holla Forums

I didn't think of this. Didn't they say a lot of people in the Hillary campaign were giving each other a bug?

tl note: keikaku means plan.

"trump sama Kikende!"

Who the fuck are all these people

She'll be back soon.

Don't worry.

Someday you weebs are going to have to live in the real world.

She's fucking dead and (((they))) are buying some time until the next step of their keikaku.

Why the fuck else would they block an area so large? To stop onlookers.

die bitch.

She's fucked whether she shows up or not. Either way it will only confirm she's half-dead.

She ain't dead. Biden would know and you'd suddenly start seeing him making the TV circuit as her strongest advocate to get his name out there more. The fact that he's stayed put means that she's still alive. But that phone interview is fishy as fug.

My theory is that she had serious brain damage and she's currently either incapacitated beyond the public eye or they're attempting to make her a modern-day frankenstein. Watch her fall - her limbs start contracting randomly before buckling. That's a neurological problem, not a legs giving out problem. Her passing out, as evidenced by her upside down foot, only confirms it.

Back when we were making fun of Ben still, I made this audio recording with fucking Windows Movie Make off of ONE interview with Ben to make him seem alittle more reasonable to the average bluepill. If I can do that, and we know what tech ZOG has access too, we know that a fake audio recording is easily possible. Why not have a video in this day and age? It is clear Hillary is hiding something. I think she is probably bedridden or in a coma, but not dead, otherwise they wouldnt be hiding it. I am normally not conspirifag but the press being deceived + potential body double + canceled campaign events + audio only + Where the fuck is she = She is hiding something

It is just logic

So much for those two debates.


Burn in hell Clintilla the Hun