If Corbyn gets voted out, I'm holding all you "Lexit" fuckers personally responsible.
If Corbyn gets voted out, I'm holding all you "Lexit" fuckers personally responsible.
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He obviously wanted to get out of the EU because he knows the TTIP is going to suck.
It's not his fault that the blairites want to coup him for not being enthusiastic enough about globalistic capitalism.
This. If Corbyn can play this right and finish off the Blairites once and for all, I'd SO happy.
It's just mad Blairites. Ousting Corbyn an bringing in someone else would be a huge mistake. Considering a Blairite leader would just seek to re-negotiate Britain membership into the EU.
what other capitalisms are there?
The Blairites would of just used something else to try and take him down, they have been trying for some time now.
They better not fuck this up. I was very sceptical towards Brexit since it seems an obvious hard-right coup attempt, and it's pretty obvious that there was a great deal inferior-Holla Forums astroturfing here, but if we can get some shift to left from the simultaneously authoritarian neo-liberal shithole we have now, than I might concede that the Leave side might have had some legitimate value putting aside the blatant lying and misrepresentation of the issues. A Blair 2.0 would be absolutely terrible and would basically confirm my initial feelings that a Leave vote under the current climate was premature and suicidal.
Are you incapable of thinking more than ten seconds in advance?
Of course, but I'm also not interested in pie-in-the-sky ideals which won't even affect me in my own lifetime (which is what a lot of Eurosceptic rhetoric was about since right now it's still mainly a toothless bureaucracy right now rather than the federalized authoritarian nightmare it's been made out to be). I want to at least start seeing at least a 'shift' in the political narrative before the EU exit conditions are finalized. Hoping something good can come out of this, but right now everything just seems to be heading to something much worse. I'd honestly love to be completely wrong about this.
Well, he came out and supported remain so….
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
No, that sounds like the Leave camp. Apparently if we didn't vote to leave RIGHT NOW we'd never get another chance because fucking magic faeries would prevent future leftist governments from holding another referendum.
Fuck that. I want them to leave, and then I'll go and join them.
They would support a federal and republican Britain, though.
I wrote that because Podemos say that they support a Catalonia independence referendum, but want them to stay.
Corbyn voted to leave Europe back in the 1970s it's obvious he wanted to get out but had to pretend to be in the remain camp to appease blairites.
Scenario 2a
Scenario 2b
It's going to be appalling over the next couple of years, certainly. Look how quickly the far-right are tearing up their promises, though. Right lied to get into office and they've lied to the electorate again during this referendum.
Actually, I thought it sounded more like Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commissioner and architect of Amazon's tax whizz…
Going to have to wait for that secret ballot.
Both factions have the weekend to prepare.
He can't. You'd think he'd know how, after playing things right for so long…
Scenario 2 doesn't sound so bad, unless Corbyn goes full Hollande/Tsipras. But that's unlikely sine he isn't pushed by the EU.
Also I don't see Scottish referendum happening,what the fuck is Scotland going to o outside Britain with those oil prices?
Corbyn is not the leader of New Labour+ in Scenario 2
Fucking rats