True Socialism = Fascism

When are you going to realise that the continuation of the socialist revolution is, in fact, fascism?

Fascism is literally evolved socialism that discards the myth of the dialectical class struggle and promotes collaboration between class to its advantage; promotes class ascension, and amalgamates what would be harmful capitalism into state corporation to limit it from degenerating the public or turning them into mindless consumers. It protects their right to reap the benefits of what they sew (literally) while also protecting their national and individual morality, and ensuring that the state has control over a powerful military industry to protect its borders and interests.

The greatest minds of the 20's and 30's realised this and fascism and Not Socialism were born, though it was only in its baby-steps.

If you're going to argue that "real communism has never been tried", the logical equivalent is that "real fascism has never been implemented", precisely because it was a revolutionary political system that never completed itself, and was given only a decade to do so unhindered by war.

fascism and Not Socialism* were born


Nice pasta m8

I literally wrote it as I posted.

It's funny that, in the original pic, the left and center panels are supposed to represent capitalism and socdem, respectively

You're a funny guy

What are you implying?
There absolutely was a middle-class in Tsarist Russia.

Now it is a pasta.

I will use it wisely to shitpost in here.

Autarchic social democracy for spooked individuals is not socialism.

Why are you so obsessed with non-material things?

It was a very small minority. The majority were peasants an industrial workers.

Jesus christ comrade.

Fascism is NOT the turd position

You aren't even trying

It literally is, by its own self-defining terms and by all genuine analysis of economic and social politics.


Every fascist has been a socialist in the past. Don't try to cover up your lies.


Fascists don't want to end the wage system, they are capitalists.

Fascism and Not Socialism takes elements of socialism and capitalism and infuses the two together. Of course it isn't opposed to private property or enterprise. If you had payed attention to anything in Germany at the time, you'd see that the Reich heavily limited free enterprise.

he didn't even say that you idiot

Why aren't you guys saging this half-assed shit?

Read Adorno.

Not today schlomo. Go read Evola.

modernity sugs! right the tiger!
t. ebola

fascism is just capitalism in decay

No thank you kind sir.


Kill yourself Nazi trash.

Then it's not socialism. Fuck off.


fucked it up god dammit.

Were workers paid wages?
Centralizing a business doesn't make it "socialist".

We are well aware of fascist economic policies. You guys are almost identical to socdems.

The fascism that proceeds socialism is only a transitory state. When the workers are in lock step with the objective of collectivism there must be no tolerance for descent. It is only though subversion and violence that we can change the nature of man's governance.

Which is totes not a way to subjugate the working class by glorifying their exploitation.

Fascist Italy was a fucking pathetic joke of a state. A platoon of literal retards could have matched their military capability.