Worst movie poster ever?

worst movie poster ever?

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It's pretty bad that Iron Man is in the foreground and Spidey is in the back like he's a minor character or villain.

Is this a real poster? Reminds me of the shit I did in photoshop class back I '99.

looks like every movie poster ever



That would actually be cool.

Yes, but it looks even more like an amateur collage. I think it has to do with choice of images, the lighting on the edges and overall composition.

Do we really need both peter park, tony stark and vulture in and out of their suits? Do we really need those small images of support characters, just because they are top-billed in the movie? How big of a role will fucking Aunt May have? Why is iron man in the foreground when spider-man should be the lead character.

If I was going to do a quick fix. The bigger image of spider-man would be in the foreground with a slight angle transparency as it shows the images of the main characters within that transparency back. Get rid of the double character images and small images. I might try to fix the different image lighting and choose a different image instead, since the focus lighting seems to be coming from the sun under spider-mans chin.

Even though still bad, the suicide squad poster had a better focus than this.

Bollywood Spiderman.

Unless this bubble bursts, we might someday get a Superior Spider-Man movie. It was a short-lived event where Doc Ock brain-jacked Spidey's body and went on to live Peter Parker's life better than he ever did, while being a ruthlessly efficient Spidey. It was pretty great right up until they decided to just undo all of it.

the question is will the batman guy play the birdman?

its like poetry

It has to be this one, it looks so boring and dumb.


There's no fucking way that's an actual thing. That shit looks like a parody.

Mein sides ^^

..wait, that's real…

It's hard to believe the first Iron Man is 17 years old already…

t. Common Core Math



I was in the thread with the Badminton one thou, that is real good

Are you saying there's something wrong with my calculations? I just use what they provide me with.

How did they manage you misspell "Iron Man 4"?…oh, wait.

Drew Struzan does photoshop now?


Would random numbers along with other symbols be funny?

Absolutely. Maybe put in a question/answer on the top and bottom of the star like "how many sides does this star have" with the answer being "5, of course!" or something else that's blantantly incorrect.


every single marvel poster is shit

Fucking perfect, user. 10/10.

Come on, step it up, feller.


Looks like the Force Awakens poster. Honestly, I've been noticing this for a while but are these photoshops meant to evoke a Drew Strewzan style?

the birdman guy will play the birdman

Its like the orange and blue thing, they think it will attract viewers

like pottery

Might be intentional since Sony may fuck up the Spidey deal due to Pascal/Rothman fucking everything up (just like they did with GB16). Don't wanna put something potentially transient in the limelight.

proof that birdman was shit



What the fuck did they do to Holland's face? He looks like a PS2 character.

This is a far superior post in my opinion.


why is Jubilee wearing a mask?

Much better idea. Unless there's theming of the superhero being separate from the man in this film.

Very nice. Reminds me of the banned spider-man commercial.

This guy sure kisses Marvel's ass a lot. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Yeah the new kid playing Spiderman ok
I know all these names.
Who the fuck is this?

I like how Zendaya doesn't have a last name

it's not like it's untrue tbh, i don't like the MCU anymore than TV does but I'd rather have one series of Marvel capeshit as oppose to three, one of which is a Sony produced one with the combined fuck ups of (((Tom Rothman))) and (((Amy Pascal)))

A nigger. She's going to get the BWC in this movie. BLEACHED

Zendaya is Mary Janiqua, they're keeping it under wraps until the film premieres.

That was a great movie. And what man doesn't love remote-controls?

What's the deal with Marvel and cramming everything on a movie poster?

Only The Incredible Hulk got a good poster.

I still believe they should've went full retard and just made Spooderman Miles Morales, a gay niggerspic. That'd be the ultimate progressive movie.

Photoshop wasn't just a mistake, it was a fucking tragedy.
