So, what's on your "to watch" list? I like to watch something while eating meals...

So, what's on your "to watch" list? I like to watch something while eating meals, and I'm always looking for films I haven't seen yet, I like to keep a decent list so I'm not left with nothing to watch come my next meal.

I just watched Dead Heat, it's the movie that gif of the two guys shooting eachother with uzis over and over comes from. tl;dr: Mad scientist creates machine that revives the dead as quickly decomposing zombies and forces them to commit crimes to stop the process. Pair of 80's action cops get killed and have to fight zombies with zombies.

Up next:

Blame! (2017 version)
Six-String Samurai
Dust Devil
Late Phases
Graphic Sexual Horror
Doctor Mordrid
Beyond the Gates
We Are Still Here

Also, still have to watch the second half of "The Bling Ring" as some user mentioned it a few days ago in my "favorite comedies" thread. So far, to be honest… it's not for me.


Six String Samurai is bretty good.

If you need a rec guys, just ask me

Give me a good detective/crime movie/series that doesn't feel weak when compared to Heat and True Detective s1.

get out

The Full Moon stuff is pretty enjoyable.

Mordrid was a Dr Strange movie until they lost the rights.

This. Straight goofy though.

au hasard balthasar
Great mouse detective

The Bling Ring is satire and pure kino lad, you are a brainlet

I don't watch tv but Brick was a good film, cant really think of detective stuff.

Try Manns The Insider if you havent already

Emma Watson is a cunt, I hate flat teen Hollywood starlets, I hate everything about California culture, none of the characters are remotely likable, there have been no jokes in this "satire" every single scene just sounds like the audio you'd hear in any random car full of teenagers driving home after school, there is no protagonist as I don't give a shit about anyone in the film, there was a five minute black and white scene of the fag in the scarf recording himself singing and sort of dancing by himself. The film feels like some wealthy California socialites had access to some mansions and tried to build an entire movie out of filming scenes in these mansions.

It's rubbish.

Fixed your image.

nothing at all. I've seen everything I want to see in this life.

The world always contains future delights to behold.


not if I kill it first

Stopped reading are you seriously this fucking dense that you don't get that somethings intentional?

I dont think the film medium is for you lad, you are so fucking dumb, no shit you arent supposed to like any of the shit tier AMERICAN characters that represent SHIT

Entirely on purpose and reflective of the point of the film which is that these type of assclowns exist. Went all over your head………….
Gonna vent because you like most of the brainlet audience can't think about anything but the plot

I actually liked itand I don't like Coppola, all her films are almost the same thematically but this one had a purpose.

I think it succeeded in portraying a vapid meaningless society, its criticisms basically are it doing this too much and some scenes not going anywhere or even being repetitious. But that's all supposed to be a reflection. There's progression its just with the satire. Example when Nicki starts to imitate being a celebrity up until breaking the fourth wall is all art imitating life.

It's not just about this emulation and hating the characters. Coppola wants us to see this, but this is called The Bling Ring. Even though we have just seen these unsympathetic characters on screen and hate them and everything they represent as well as the importance of celebrity status, the high life that hangs over it is a desire. I think what Coppola was trying to do was make you disgusted yet at the same time immediately after the credits roll you absolutely want to do coke get wasted, party and or rob and not give a shit. Basically making the viewer a hypocrite. You talk shit about people who are that empty and materialistic yet that's what you want. You'll say the acting sucks yet its an accurate representation, you'll say Hollywood sucks but it's you that sucks.

The satire and directing was good, it kind of rings too true. The acting was good, I was laughing more than I thought I would given its Coppola but it fit nicely. Not like a funny haha laugh but a hahah hahaha fuck me and everyone laugh

She's the very character she plays here. Remember her retarded UN speech? Her "#HeForShe" campaign? Virtually every statement she's made regarding politics?

And why would I want to spend two hours with characters I don't care about being boring shits? Saying "It's satire" isn't some magical fucking wand that justifies the film being shit silly, Spinal Tap was satire and the characters were assholes, but they were still hilarious and sympathetic. The jokes were on point, watching the venues they perform in get smaller and more humiliating was tragic, seeing the clash of their metal image with their real lives, that scene where they hear themselves on the radio and it's followed with the DJ saying "from the 'where are they now?' file, whatever happened to those guys?" and the comedy was on point.

Same with Four Lions, that's a satire about a pack of sociopaths who just want to blow people up, generally they're totally miserable but a couple of them are sympathetic because they're just incredibly stupid and going along with things because of a group mentality and wanting to support one another.

Bling Ring is just rich kids breaking into rich people's houses and being vapid and faggy. There are never any stakes. I don't care whether they succeed or get caught.

The wire
The killing, the old movie not the tv series
Homocide life on the streets


It's not though, I don't think it's fair to say it's what audiences want either. I'd say even those "icky people in the flyover/red states" California so despises at worst want likable characters to entertain them for 90 minutes.

I don't think the acting sucked, I think the material was boring and uninteresting. Californians are the least interesting people. All these kids do is party, steal and talk about their wonderful expensive futures. It's the same issue with a film like Unforgettable where characters just randomly run into eachother walking down the street, and every other scene is a congratulatory dinner or characters doing something vapid like eating a bowl of strawberries with a glass of wine while relaxing on the couch and looking at their ipad. It's like people in California have no life experience and no idea what normal people fill their time with every day.

It's definitely Hollywood that sucks. Your whole state honestly. Obsessed with the environment yet completely covered in smog, shitty billboards for vapid garbage everywhere, every fucking bellhop, gas station attendant and street hooker thinks they're already a big famous star and you're just a peon blocking their spotlight.

You are a retard so predictable, your life is all memes, she isn't anything like the character faggot. Enjoy your shitty detective movies

Dude you didnt even get through the entire film, if you cant get through 90 min you are cancer im done talking to you.

Stop watching for the plot anytime, film is poetry

Just, watch this. I'm not even linking to one of the dozens of response videos ripping this to shreds.

This is Emma in her own words congratulating herself for a hashtag movement, and it's wonderful accomplishment of… someone creating a "heforshe" account on urbandictionary and creating their own definition for it -which of course, is heavily thumbed down.

A campaign which is advertised as being an attempt to make feminism appeal to men, but in the freaking name actively suggests them being servants to women. Would she be fine with a SheForHe campaign?

Ive seen it faggot and guess what she said nothing wrong and has been an advocate for fair trade and goodwill since way before the speach that triggered little bitches like you, you are so off base it isnt even funny

I feel like im talking to a high schooler. He for She implies that a she is given in return you are a cherrypicking idiot who takes offense like a tumblrina

But thanks for making this thread cancer and moving the goalposts like a typical brainlet

I just powered through all of star trek. Will either of these scratch my itch?

Feminism itself is wrong. Pretending a hashtag is making a difference is vapid and empty.

What, like Hope and Change? Peace and Love? These are empty platitudes.

That's an awful lot of out of place buzzwords. The entire campaign is dumb garbage. She says right in that speech that Hillary needs to get elected JUST because she has a god damned vagina. Do we really need to just lay it all out? Do you really need it explained why feminism is garbage and always has been, and has never accomplished anything of merit or value, and the very measurable harm it's done and continues to do to western civilization? Do we need to talk about valeria solanas, the suffrage movement, the white feathers, prohibition and communism?

Yes they will. Especially Stargate.

Stargate and Stargate Atlantis are a lot of fun. Not every single episode is a 10, but the shows strength is definitely their characters and good sense of humor.

Babylon 5 is good as well, it's what inspired DS9 so it has kind of a similar feel to it and overall it's a great series, but in some respects it's aged poorly.

Also check out Farscape and Lexx.

I dont wish to get into a political discussion with someone who I perceive to be dense and overlooking many things so Ill say this and leave it at be, how many actresses have you heard of talk about mens mental health and suicide? She specifically stated feminism is too often seen as man hating and has championed her father and the importance of fatherhood which is overlooked. If you think shes a cunt then Im wasting my breathe but shes not an evil person. She to me seems like one of the only vocal feminists who gives an ounce of anything. Feminism is just a word and you getting this upset proves it is still needed. She has done many charities for poor people and campaigned for fair trade involving goods being sold and made by women and whomever in other nations. Again, the world is a shitty place and it isn't up to her to fix that, but she is sincere. If you ever paid attention to her she was always well spoken from a young age and actually is meek irl.

Staragate is excellent and definitely worth watching. The first season has a few weak episodes but it's pretty consistently good thereafter.

I've got a fairly sizeable backlog of anime to sit through but I'm mainly looking forward to finally watching Twin Peaks. I've also got Animal House and Swingers on the list at the recommendations of a couple buddies

Man, Emma's fanboys are the maximum expression of autism.

OK fam

The only one who is triggered is the Emma fanboy.

It's kind of the complete opposite at this point, it's too easy to be the sperg who complains about Emma Watson and too easy to say the one who doesn't submit is an autist. She get's so many (You)s it is kind of inspiring, if you want to be a well thought contrarian you'd see that.

You contradict yourself. If it's just a word, why is it needed? Fine though, a history lesson it is.

-1674, British women petition the king to outlaw coffee shops asserting men are spending too much time alone together and shouldn't be allowed to gather and think for themselves.

-World War I, early British feminists start the "White Feather" movement to shame men who do not join military action or dodge the drafe.

-1911, the Women's Suffrage movement argues women should have the right to vote, but however -despite these being the same women behind the White Feather movement- argues women should be exempt from the draft, the very draft that justified men having the right to vote. All the privileges, none of the responsibilities. Ads before this era show marketing was some decades earlier already aimed largely at women who largely controlled their husbands money and made the major decisions.

-1920's, feminists push for prohibition of alcohol with ads threatening the withholding of sex if men choose to drink.

-1967, Valerie Solanas publishes the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, in which she outlines how men are "walking abortions" who must be brought down to 1% of the population and kept as slaves for breeding purposes. Feminists claim this is satire, but she uses real bullets to shoot Andy Warhol. His crime? Being a gay man who had no need for women. "She's an isolated nut" you might say, but various mainstream feminist organizations notably the National Organization for Women protest and campaign for her release arguing she's a patriot and a martyr for feminism. This alone should close the book on feminism, but…

-1969, Mallory Millet is invited by her sister to attend a NOW meeting. Millet was a reformed "true believer" who had actually married a Communist and moved to China with him. Witnessing the horrors there, she was shocked to discover NOW's message was all the same, it's intent clear. Tear down men and western civilization by destroying the family unit and promoting promiscuity to achieve "revolution".

-1970's on: Despite women's place in the workforce, laws favor them in all regards. Women get child support and alimony despite initiating the vast majority of divorces and having jobs. Feminists promote female domestic abuse shelters while attacking anyone who tries to found one for men. Men are circumcised for profit while women rail against it as a crime for women. Women face considerably shorter jail sentences for the exact same crimes men commit. If a man buys a sex toy he's a creepy pervert and a loser who can't get laid, if a woman buys a sex toy she's sexually liberated, free and in touch with her body.

-2000+, feminists now dominate the media despite less than a fifth of women identifying as one. They push ridiculously oversexualized and highly muscled visions of men while demanding no women with breasts larger than B ever appear on television or film (despite worldwide average being D) hypersexualising children and preaching of "toxic masculinity". They pretend things like online harassment are female issues caused by men despite every study and statistic showing women are just as likely to be the harassers and men are more likely to be harassed. Tons of useless nonsense terms which put the blame for non-gendered issues squarely on men with gendered insults are made: manspreading, mansplaining, toxic masculinity, the male gaze, etc. Feminists complain about attractive women appearing on a rocket scientists shirt and force him to tearfully apologize for it despite a woman having made it for him.

All the while, year after year women report being less and less happy in this system of their creation which leaves them empty, alone and unfulfilled, and Sweden noted as the single most feminist country on Earth has become the fucking rape capital of the world.


And where does that leave us today?

For the marxist takeover.

I don't see it, sure the other dude is a bit of an autist too, but judging by the way the emma fag was answering he seemed very butthurt and defensive.

Emma told Company magazine: "I have very strong family values and I definitely hope that will be in my future. I can't wait to be a mum and have my own family one day."

I mean saying the world is ending because of feminism is like niggers saying they are oppressed and virgins saying they are being oppressed

I don't see how her pulling the stereotypical "some day I'll be a mum, maybe" and waiting until her ovaries have dried up and adopting from the third-world in any way remotely undoes the mountain of damage feminism has done to society.

Not the world, just the West and it has already demolished it together with other brands of cultural marxism.


The west is fucked for many many reasons not just one

She has had several long term relationships it seems she is trying to find someone to marry right now. That quote wasn't new and it wasn't steroptyical she was just answering some question

Prohibition was the best idea anyone could have come up with too, prove me wrong, drunks are cancer

Whoa, excuse the fuck out of YOU, did you just like, assume someone's gender? I can't. I can't even. I literally can't even you transmisogy-homofiend. I hope the thought police demonitize your patreon and you're sent away for permanent re-education.

I refuse to watch movies or anime when I eat. I waste all the effort put into it by looking away 25% of the time while I eat. I will watch TV shows though, they do not focus so much on quality cinematography. Do you not hate missing some scenes or expressions OP?

And yet many of those women end up unhappy compared to women against feminism.

It's how I was raised. My mother loves movie theaters, even now whenever she visits its all she wants to do. So I grew up used to having a hot dog and popcorn with a drink and possibly a candy. Even now though I've no need to I enjoy sneaking food into the theater.

If I miss something I go back. I actually look at it the other way. See, I like to cook. I hate when I spend an hour cooking something, and then it's gone in five minutes. If I'm watching something, I take my time. I add more flourish, I savor every bite. Still rarely lasts the whole movie, but meals can last 40 minutes this way. A movie generally lasts me two meals. And if I miss something, I just go back.

No man, don't get me wrong. I love watching stuff when I'm eating, and as I said, I watch TV shows, episodes. From when I was a kid I always ate something when I watched something (I'm not a fatass), it's just habbit. But I'm just saying, if you're watching something really great, maybe it's best to give full attention to it or you're missing out.

For example, I watch youtube videos, documentaries, shows, when I eat. But I don't know, I just feel bad when I watch anime for example. Some guys slaved up drawing every single frame and I'd look away for entire minutes, lol

Sure thing pal

No, studies say so. Feminism has directly lead to women being less and less happy year after year.

My mother is conservative and a feminist and is happy

t. typical feminist


What happened around 1995?

That chart has nothing to do with feminism, perhaps it has to do with everything compounded or multiple things compounded

Oxymoron. I suppose you could be a cuckservative snivelling liberal who votes for less gibsmedat and be a female chauvinist though.

What did /r/the_donald mean by this?

but the left ones still wear panty's..?


oh rly? have you seen this?


cutest looking just ive seen tbqh
