Ukrainians are NOT white

You lefties keep calling them white
white muh privilege and all
but you're all dead wrong
they aren't even white, faggots
so what that tells me is ya'll motherfuckers starved all those niggas cause you be racist!
das right!
ya'll racist, motherfucka!
checkmate, ya commie scum! I'm on to you now








Oh no!
Ukrainians are not white.

Now what?


It's over lads, socialism is finished.

Now you see that it's the left who are real racists, not the rightwingers

Non-white people cannot be racist
Also Makhno is a faggot


tostin bred

Yes. Yes, they can.

Shut up, nigger.



there is no such thing as ukranians

Go to wikipedia and fucking edit the goddamn thing then

'cept Ukrainians are not mongols
they ain't white though

Well then go to wikipedia, faggpt, and git those citations up in this bitch

I knew Russian dicksuckers are in here




What is your point?

What are you trying to prove?

What is the point of your fucking existence?

Commies are the real Nazis.
That's my point.

I don't follow.


Holodomor therefore Stalin henceforth Communism


Sage racecuck threads.

Holodomor, because of that, Stalin, from this point forward, Communism


You commie bastards killed non-whites
You are fucking Nazi

In fact, ukrainians killed themselves. Kulaks burned the crops when they realized that their high status in society was going to come to an end.

Also, you're talking to an ancom, retard.

russian propaganda at its finest


None of these groups have anything to do with us.
You're talking about Russians.

What are you, aliens?

Also, you have strong mixture of grecos in the south and some ural in the eastern parts

ethnic Russians live there
and yes there are some urums in Mariupol