Have you CIANiggers seen Mister Metokur's video on Terry? youtube.com
Have you CIANiggers seen Mister Metokur's video on Terry?
This guy has a big channel, Terry will reach a lot of people. Is this the year of the Temple OS Desktop?
God seems to favor it over Linux.
There's more important Terry news than some GG e-celeb faggot talking about him.
Wew lad.
It's just a restating of everything anyone who's lurked would know. The main point at the end being that mental illness chews people up and eliminates any potential they really had. Just a sad story with the comedic relief of a guy talking about the stack in one sentence and calling someone a nigger in the next one.
First of all hacking is for oval-teen, spooge drinking, nigger fuckers; ok. As a matter of fact they have to- I don't even know how to do sys-entry to be quite honest. (Types) I have to use for it. (Single key press) it's a protection mode; (key presses) it's ring three faggotry. I want fucking ring zero, I don't want fucking ring- go - don't give me fucking ring three. Fuck ring three man, I want ring zero. Ever since I was a system programmer at TicketMaster, fuck yeah man, i'm a king man, I fucking programmed in ring zero. Ring three is ghetto, f-fuck ring zero, that's for ghetto peasants. Peasants program in ring-fucking-three man. I fucking (short pause) Ring three is for peasants.
People still care about this cunt after he abandoned GG because it wouldn't become an idpol movement on his terms?
Those fucking normies and CIAniggers coming from this video is banning terry.
great, an e-celeb with a mostly normie-tier cuck reddit faggot audience brings massive attention to terry. now the CIAniggers will stop him from livestreaming.
He liked the video!
I hope Terry doesn't get too much of the reddit cancer and ends getting chris chan status.
let's be fair, he ditched GG because of some drama with his chink gf
Why even live.
GG became irreparable faggot shit around the 3rd month part
IA here, holy fucking shit.
Welp, no need to visit this shithole when I can get all my Holla Forums discussion on /christian/
It always was, only underage faggots care about video games, let alone video game reviewers
IA here, holy fucking shit.
Oh yes nothing about gamergate was important. I think we should all forgot about what happen those last few years and go to sleep. YAWN i am so tired let's get some rest and forget everything my friends. Sleep tight and don't let the bugs bite!
Make x something more important. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
GamerGate is one of the ways the population is reacting to our current (((trends))), it might be insignificant or dumb in the grand scheme of things, but it wouldn't make sense for it not to happen. Society decays in a relatively very slow rate, any action against it is welcomed.
Wait, that's not normal?