help me, Holla Forums, how do I stop being so ugly?
Help me, Holla Forums, how do I stop being so ugly?
Get a better haircut, be more content with yourself and get a better style of clothing..
Lose weight, lose the unibrow, see a dermatologist about your skin, see a hair stylist about your hair, lift weights, and get nice clothes.
Stop posting my pic!
that acne can be mitigated by sucking the proverbial penis or two. get a decent buttplug and sleep on your back so it doesn't slip out. eat more of sir reginald's elixir and, if you survive, try befriending a crocodile
Get rich.
Wear a paperbag with photo of someone hot.
Become white.
Get a head transplant.
Like Patrick from Nickelodeon's TV show Spongebob Squarepants
Become a Juggalo. Bitches love Juggalos.
No. Bitches love Jesus.
*tips menorah*
Get one eyebrow.
Don't listen to these faggots. You know what you need? Grow a beard. Embrace the ugly. The beard will make you look rugged while covering your imperfections, it'll get all the feminine penises hard as diamonds.
Fucking exactly. Why do fhey just put having a nice manly beard off like this?
well you look like a fucking mongoloid so there's no helping that, the only thing you can do is start lifting and get nice a swole, losing the baby fat in your cheeks would help a lot, most importantly when you're a swole lifting nigger nobody is going to think you're a creep for having a school shooter expression on your face all the time, instead they'll just think you live a hard life
i highly doubt this city dwelling faggot with a fluoride stare can grow a respectable beard, though he's some brand of spic so maybe he can grow a nice mustache
be more white
this tbh
I also agree
you made the right choice, friend
I'm op, how go about doing this?
get eye enlargement surgery
This should do it.
Such a shitty job.
I aim to please.
fixed your fucked up skin but the technology doesn't exist to fix everything so i simulated it
Into the oven you go.
Give it 5-10 minutes and you’ll definitely come out hot op
Stop taking selfies on the train, you fucking weirdo.
Its Omnipolitics16 fucking pedo.
Cut your face off
His haircut is pretty standard and his hairline is receded so unless he wants to do a combover, his options are limited for the time being.
Just try finger-combing your hair backwards when you get out of the shower, OP. Pluck your eyebrows so they seem slightly more distant. Keep your chin up and back straight.
And most importantly
There, you are no longer ugly.
seriously, once you grow a "muscular" face and adopt more confident facial expressions and posture, you'll be a chad
Strap a bomb on your forehead and allah akbar this shit.