
I can't get into W40K because every time I start enjoying it I look at an Imperial hive world or a ship and see them littered with church windows and houses and it completely kills the immersion. It looks ugly and unaesthetic. The ships being blocky and corroded already so that doesn't help either especially when they even look that way in pre-heresy artwork. Apparently the Emperor didn't hate religion as much as he said.

Doom has a 'warp' too and you don't see them making ugly church ships. This is probably why most people prefer to play as aliens in the tabletop game.


What?? This is the same reason Elite Dangerous was garbage. People can only suspend disbelief so far man.

I demand an explanation!

I've been tipping fedora for 8 years but even I can appreciate how neat gothic architecture is.
Stop being such a massive faggot, OP


Empereor is a faget

What was that citizen? I'll need you to come with me.

I can only cum at your face

Why would you not be playing real Warhammer?
Witch elves are babes.

Oh, it's "neat" is it?
I guess that makes up for taking a giant shit all over realism and self-consistency.

you can't get into 40k because you simply aren't of the Emperor's finest tbh
Educate men without faith and you but make them clever devils

while I share your witch-elf fetish, user, 40k is undeniably superior

edgy space elves?


user, I've already had my weekly escort-ejaculation, why are you doing this 2 me?

>why do they PURGE me so?
alien filth

Faggots like OP killed 40k and thanks to soros and his 18 gorillions of shekels 40k is now a feminist clone of LOL.

pls elaboratus, fa/tg/uy

Space marines are always men because they can use just males (because the emperor is a male and all space marines are based on him, biology + not enough tech level) that slowly changed in the last dawn of war untill you had this… clone of lol without lore. Soros put all his money on "charity" that support cultural marxism, like blm or pushing feminism in every game, not troleing.

ah, that would explain my confusion. Dark Crusade is the latest iteration I've played. Are you saying DOWIII has… female Marines? Not bolter bitches but Astartes?
might as well paint all Tau red and have their names end in -ov; add a 'welfare' mechanic for Ork players.
I'll just shove my head back into Wrath of Iron, thank ye

Oh my… i was talking about the second and is slow as fuck, but 3 now is lol and they want female marines, games fagshop already told that, just search: "Games Workshop Promises better Representation in 40k", 40k is fucked, some ideas are pretty neat and solved a lot of problems, like stopped "orky cuddling" for a fungi/animal simbiotic war machine that breed with explosions, but the imperium of man is macho as fuck like degenerate eldars are cuck as fuck, you need something really neat and elaborated for just changing the basis of factions and how they fit with other pieces, its not easy and games workshop never did it in a decent and credible way (sometimes you can kill a termi with a stick, others they can kill a tank with punches and i am not talking about imperium religion), but this isnt an advance, its just gratuitous stupidity for people that dont buy a shit.

I didn't realise GW could be more obscenely cucked. I hoped you were joking.
Well, I guess the only thing left to do is meme-away the SJWs and feminists with glorious Imperial multi-lasersposting

They are basically destroying everything the alt right likes, like Pinochet, 40k or walls.

on a galactic scale, there is no left/right.
There is only the Imperium of Man and war in grim far future's darkness ofc ofc
is this standard gear for Sororitas now?

Also, why isn't this enough representation? And 5th pic here
literal babes with bolters and boobs in power armour. Must we have bulldyke supermutants for it to be 'muh equal'?

'Unequal' 40K appreciation thread tbh


Fuck that shit. I'm thinking about converting to Chaos.

just colour it in, Holla Forumsro. No need to be a hereticfag poser fam