Which one was too much?
Which one was too much?
Fun fact; The animation for that movie was outsourced to a Japanese studio called Topcraft (Rankin Bass themselves used to be called Videocraft to co-respond to the Japanese studio. Topcraft eventually became Studio Ghibli after Miyazaki, one of Toocrafts employees, bought the studio after it went bankrupt in the mid 1980s
Now go shitpost on /a/ with this newfound knowledge and tell them Santa Clause is Coming to Town is the best anime.
Heat miser best
Snow miser a fag
That explains why Rankin Bass was involved with the Japanese King Kong movie.
Wasn't it both of them? One was TOO hot, the other was TOO cold.
I love those Christmas Specials and I know a few people in my family do to. Did they ever make a box set of all of them?
Their mom was hot.
Get the fuck out of here
Wouldn't the be the other way around? Heat Miser would hoard heat while Snow Miser hoards snow?
Then again I've never actually seen this.
Haven't seen that in years, but I'd say Heatmiser since Snow Miser was somewhat friendly.
Do you even have to ask?
I really want to meet this dude and asked him about how he feel being in one of a big blockbuster movie and yet his legacy is a bunch of memes.
Considering he's playing a character on Game Of Thrones, I don't think he's that concerned.
Those collections don't have Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.
He's Little Finger? Wow, shaving his mustache and a haircut change everything. I was hoping for more movie roles for that whore from Highgarden
2016 rolls on as Heat Miser joins his brother and Santa beyond the rim….
George S. Irving (November 1, 1922 – December 26, 2016)
I guess he really was too much.
I guess 2016 was just too much
F ;__;7
/bane/ must be stopped!
Is our thread killed him? Holy shit OP you jinxed him!
Is that the one where Santa is raised by fairies and lives in the forest? I used to love that one.
I prefer this one
Why they made a live action version, I'll never know.
Did the Trump curse claim another life?
The animated version was better. and I still cannot belive it was written by the author of the wizard of oz series
Surprises me that they didn't make a sequel where he actually gets the girl.