Human Sacrifice

There's a reason that blood sacrifices are seen throughout history. The Jews, the Norse, the Egyptians, the Aztec's, Islam and even the Hindu's all practiced forms of blood sacrifice.

Blood sacrifice, by ending a human consciousness in the name of a diety or concept, is the most powerful way to influence the memetic resonance which builds reality. It is the ultimate form of meme magic.

By ending a human consciousness in the dedication of something, all the memetic power of the sacrifice is etched into the fabric of reality, rather than the small amount of memetic power that simple worship and cognition can achieve.

Your average civilized person in the Western World thinks blood sacrifice is a practice that has been ended and is buried in the barbaric past, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Blood sacrifice hasn't been ended, rather it has simply been restricted to a few chosen groups.

The rise of Christianity in Europe signaled the end of the accepted forms of blood sacrifice in Rome, both the lesser (unsanctified) blood sacrifices of the Gladiatorial Spectacles, and the greater (sanctified) blood sacrifices of the Cults.

The abolition of blood sacrifices among the Christian peoples was the cause of the fall of Christian Rome, and its defeats in the south by the forces of Islam (which practiced lesser unsanctified blood sacrifices) and defeats to the north by the numerically tiny Nordic people (which practiced a powerful form of sanctified blood sacrifice). Without memetic energy, no empire can continue. Order is unnatural, and bringing order forth from the chaos requires great memetic power. The physical manifestations of an empire are downstream from the metaphysical power of reality being shaped by consciousness.

The Christian abolition of blood sacrifice was also an important part in the meteoric rise of the Jewish people within the Christian world, when any rational analysis of the Judean diaspora would conclude they should have been absorbed by other populations and forgotten to history. The separate blood sacrifices of both occult Ba'al worship and kabalistic child sacrifice gave the Jewish people the memetic power required to not only survive their exile, but thrive in the royal courts of Christendom.

It is also important to realize that the Islamic world, which explosively burst into existence by consuming unimaginable swaths of civilization in a few years, and conquered almost entire entire known world in only a few centuries, began to decline when the Ottomans began to reject the battle-sacrifices that Islam had practiced since the life of Muhammed. A half millennia later, Islam resurged with the rise of modern Jihad, which reintroduced Islamic unsanctified blood sacrifice.

In the modern world, the most powerful forces are those which practice some form of blood sacrifice. The Jewish people primarily gain their power from the Jewish-run abortion industry, which performs unsanctified blood sacrifices in the Kabalistic tradition by the millions every year. Cult of Ba'al sanctified blood sacrifices still occur in more occult settings and are also an important source of memetic power.

The Cult of Minerva, an ancient occult tradition that inspires such groups as the Bohemian Grove, also practices sanctified blood sacrifices, in some of the most memetically powerful rituals known to man. The influence of the Cult of Minerva was revealed to some degree in the Clinton email leaks as references to "Minerva" and "Owl".

These two groups, which have some crossover, have incredible influence over the United States and its government policies despite being small in number. A feat they have accomplished through the power of blood sacrifices.

Islam, with the modern rebirth of Jihadist unsanctified blood sacrifice, has become the primary other player in shaping the world we live in through the reality-making power of memetic energy.

The early rise of 4chan as something more than an internet subculture can be traced to an interesting phenomenon: The accidental implementation of unsanctified blood sacrifice by influencing several people to commit suicide. This, combined with the cognition of occult Kek worship, is why 4chan/Holla Forums are now shaping American politics despite being tiny, relatively unknown groups. We have begun forging our own reality via memetic energy, remaking the world in our image.

But now we are at a turning point. We have attracted the attention of the other memetic forces in the United States. We are now in competition with them. It is a battle to see who has the strongest and best applied memetic energy.

We all know what comes is required to shape reality in the image of Pepe: Blood sacrifices. Sanctified blood sacrifices.

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Blood sacrifices are for shitdick pedos in gay little robes.


Does it count if we sacrifice the kikes?

It would.

No smart occult group sacrifices from its own ranks (with a few tiny exceptions to this rule).

sacrifice yourself, OP.

Norse didn't do human sacrifice you fucking lying kike.
Criminals getting executed in the name of Tue is just as much 'human sacrifice' as a nigger on death row in the name of Lady Justitia

Those that engage in blood sacrifice are running the world and shaping history.

We Order of Nine Angles Nao!

You pretend that the Norse did not practice powerful Battle Sacrifices.

1) They sacrificed captured enemies in santification to their gods, often in very painful ways (which extracts more memetic power when done correctly).

2) They sacrificed their foes on the battlefield in an unsactified manner in the name of their gods.

3) They sometimes sacrificed themselves in battle, in a santified manner and willingly, which is very powerful. Hence Berserkers.

Read an Edda nigger.

Read the culling texts.

Yes, we did.

Because there's always some massive cunt that everyone wants an excuse to kill.

They also blow each other and wear little dresses like a bunch of fags.

Sucking another man's cock and dressing up like a woman isn't gay. Are you fucking retarded?

Raid cuckchan and make them all suicide. They're a bunch of kike nigger inbreds like the shill saging this thread

Keep larping cocksucker. You're a joke.

10/10 interesting thread

Bump for meme magic bloodlust

This is a disgusting Jewish /fringe/ thread. Vikings/Celts killed criminals… Human "sacrifice" is Semitic as fuck… a manipulation technique to demoralize and scare a population mind fucked by a slave cult. That's why they (romans and later Jew worshipers) accused Europeans of this.

List of groups who didnt do blood sacrifice:

Kek cultist

What do all three of these have in common? mnemonic teachings.

Also Stoics… the high Aryans of memes (aka the Logos)


I cull you!

You're a shit philosopher or wizard who can't understand basic concepts because you live in a /fringe/ video game reality like a stupid fucking man child.
There is nothing unnatural in nature… Order is observed cause and effect. And Chaos is unobserved cause and effect (a mystery of events and thus fearful).

Why does Holla Forums allow /fringe/ to cuck up this board yet we can't have a Pepe is Satan thread?

Get the fuck out of here you Moloch worshiping Kike.

Not falling for your shit.


1) Norse people did engage in many forms of blood sacrifice. I already addressed this.

2) Occult human sacrifice is a worthless tool for instilling fear, because it is not known to the public. Yet the groups practicing blood sacrifices run the planet. Thus it is observable that blood sacrifice has power far beyond fear.

Interesting but clearly retarded.

If we're going by sacrifices, then the Aztecs would be the most powerful Empire of all time.

Intentionally sacrificing tens of thousands on some days, unheard of numbers, actually cutting someone up and showing their heart to the Sun.

Yet they were smashed by a group of 400 some Europeans and neighboring tribes.

I swear to god these fuckers are trying to push human sacrifice in an attempt to destroy us. We're not going to stoop to the level of Carthaginian baby murderers or Moloch bull worshiping Kikes.

Utterly barbaric Semitic garbage.


Your theory is retarded OP

Explain how the Aztecs got completely conquered by 500 Christian whites guys?

Explain how Christian Europe became the most powerful civilization in human history and conquered 95% of the planet?

This is just Kike propaganda trying to pervert Kek worship.

The fact the Aztec's built any sort of civilization with indigenous shitskins is proof of the power of blood sacrifice.

Also explain how Carthage got got utterly and completely fucking destroyed by a civilization that largely justified it''s merciless crusade with the fact that Carthage engaged in ritual child murder?

That's wrong and gay. The only thing that increases mimetic resonance is spreading the memes.


Blood magic is pretty fucking weak if all it takes to destroy a civilization based on it is 400 dudes who don't engage in it at all.

Fuck off Moloch.

The religion was founded in india, but the buddha is from nepal, not poo in the loo.
Indians are primarily hindu, in fact, both christianity and islam are more popular in india than buddhism (which is less than 1%)

There were occasions in the middle ages where templar arrested and killed jews who had kidnapped goy children and crucified them in blood ritual, When you consider the still present practice of releasing the blood of a boy's sexual organ for the sake of their god, you have to wonder if things have really changed at all, maybe the conspiracy theorists are right, maybe the tales of illuminati abduction and torture for blood magic are real, and they have just been blaming the wrong people the whole time.

I personally think that abortions are their latest scheme to hide sacrifice in plain sight. You cannot get a more innocent blood than that of the unborn, right?

Well…. "pagan" technology really

And no blood sacrifice.

While I agree with you in basically everything, I think the Christianity we have today, tired and exausted from USSR subverting it is distant from Christianity of Old.

Tell me, what has blood sacrifice provably done for you?

Meme magic has a storied history of success, not just on this board, but within history and within religious texts (in the form of prophecy)
…yet, no power has shown itself to those who spill blood, why is that?
The kikes and muslims both spill lakes of blood every day in sacrifice to the moon, what has this yielded? Perhaps some victories have been attained, but they not only failed to capture the mind of those who follow the sun's path, but the tide now turns against them.

Sol Invictus, semite.

Yeah. The only thing that "works" about blood sacrifice is that it traumatizes the participants into believing that it works. That trauma is then exploited by the group. In the end, blood sacrifice is just another form of peer pressure and "want to believe"-style cult brainwashing. It is nothing more than lies and manipulation, and like all lies and manipulation can be easily broken by strong men simply standing their ground and saying

Whoa there kiddo …

Aztecs were no more when Cortez came, Mexicas had taken their power structure and did some ruthless new rules
Cortez got himself allied with a bunch of tribes and towns that absolutely hated them, some of those which included old jaguar warriors (ancient taco spec ops)
Read more, Cortez found himself in a very particular time and he was himself lucky and intelligent to play with all these factors
Majority of those "christian white guys" (moorified spaniards and a few ex-cons) died in the process

very true user….it has been Jewish doctors doing the abortions and bringing it into our countries…I remember this asshole from Canada (pictured with the NDP leader of course)