
Does it work? I was looking at the Keto diet but I work as a cook so I have to try the food there, do you guys have some good diet plans? plz help

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never heard of Keto, I just usually switch up on my usual Coke. friend of mine drinks diet Pepsi, no big deal tbh

Eat little enough to where your body feels the need to burn its fat stores for energy and you'll lose weight, its not rocket science it just feels horrible and you'll hate it.

keto works very well if you're committed and don't cheat (exept for thhe ance a week chheat day). though I wouldn't recommend it if you have to be cognitively at your peak level because it becomes very hard to fuel your brain if you're not eating carbs. Just don't eat like a phat americunt, skip the processed foods and do some exercise. If you're american, i recommend going vegan altogether because holy fucking hell your meats, eggs and dairy are FULL of nasty nasties

this will save your life and it doesn't involve any sort of snowflake specifications to annoy people or discourage you

If you have an appetite problem, start smoking. Lost 10lbs in the first month without major effort. You could argue that smoking is expensive, but when it reduces you to 1.5 meals a day, it doesn't affect costs too much.




And if you have appetite problems in the other direction you could always smoke weed instead of tobacco.
I always had problems gaining weight growing up, my doctors thought I was anemic.
But ever since I became a pothead thats no longer been an issue. In fact I'm considering quitting for awhile because the weight gain just doesn't stop as long as I keep smoking and I'm sure I'll end up fat if I keep it up.
Its helped me understand why fat people have such an issue losing weight though, resisting the munchies sucks and I couldn't imagine having them even while sober like fat people do.

cut out diary until you reach your desired weight, go for a walk for an hour a day and that is all it takes

also suck your own cock if you can instead of candy



fuck that, all my favorite foods have ghosts in them.

Good diet?
Yeah, it's called stop eating shit food and stop eating so much food.
Unless you are hunting and foraging the whole day, you don't need 3-5 meals a day.
Most humans in modern society can easily live off 1-2 meals a day.
Given a typical plateful of food, you can split THAT up in to more meals a day. Eat off small plates to help gauge this.
Eat your veg and whole grains primarily. This should be most of your diet. Whole grains in particular. Our brains evolved from eating these. Without them, it fails, HARD.
Then protein sources, GOOD ones, not processed shit. Whole fish, white meats, eggs, fungi, nuts and legumes.
Then fruit and dairy.
Then everything else below. (that includes every single thing you consume outside of the above list)
Drink a sip of water every 15 minutes. Literally just enough water to cover your tongue and no more. Basic dehydration is responsible for mild headaches in millions of people every single day, as well as lethargy.

Exercise won't help you for shit, so ignore anyone that tells you this.
Not silly 1 hour sessions that is, no matter how hard you push yourself. You'd DIE if you were able to reach the levels required to lose weight from a massive heart attack if not internal bleeding all over your body. We're speaking a blood pressure well in excess of 400. Almost guaranteed strokes happen above 200 if chronic.
Exercise can make you HEAVIER, in actual fact. It produces bulkier muscle, but you are still absorbing more than your diet needs, leading to quicker weight gain.
Exercise only improves overall fitness, but you should still strive for that anyway.
Every wakened hour, do 5 minutes jog on the spot, or jumps.
At most, roll these activities in to 15 minutes. (3 hours in to one)
People that over-exercise to the extremes regularly end up in hospital because of this.
The only way to exercise to lose weight is exercise over the whole day which is not practical in modern society.

The trick to loose weight is to eat less. Easier said than done, though.

Count calories. Fruits and vegatables are your friends. Avoid meat and cereals (any kind, bread and pasta included, not onlu breakfast cereals).
The oven, the microwave and boiling are your friends. Avoid the frying pan.

When you are prepare your meal, serve yourself a normal portion, then put everything else back in it's place. You don't want food around tempting you for a sencond round.

Now, the killer of diets: sometimes you'll go hungry, go to the fridge and start eating a lot. Some people are strong enough to resist this urge for weeks. Most of us aren't. The solution? Boiled potatoes. Appart from your regular three or two meals (dinner and luch, with breakfast being optional), you can eat boiled potaotes whenever you want.

-"user, I'm hungry"
-"Ok, body, let's go eat something"
-"Then I guess you aren't that hungry after all, body"

I lost 5kg in a month and a half this way. It's reliable and easy to folow, and it's pretty clear if you are deviating from the path.

Now, about the potatoe diet, it's ideal for people like me, unable to stick to any kind of schedule. If you are able to follow this kind of diet, stick to it. Chances are, if you are fat, you won't be able to follow it.

Potato diet works great to help you starve a little (since you can only eat potatoe and you'll despise eating unless you are incredibly hungry) and loose weight quickly.

be aware of the bounce back effect; you don't get a blanck pass afterwards.

The diet the other user sugested works great as a lifestyle, but if you want to loose some weight, it will take a lot of time and effort.

Keto knows no cheat day. Cheat days kick you out of ketosis which is what you don't want. You can however cheat a bit on days you have a long workout. I can eat about 70g of carbs when I do my 60 minute interval rowing while staying in ketosis.

irc ,you need a cheatday to keep metabolism high


Sugar doesn't make you fat. Dietary fat makes you fat. I'm on a high sugar, low polyunsaturated fat diet with most sugar coming from from orange juice and milk (lactose) but also honey/table sugar to give me enough fuel. It builds muscle and gives me clarity of thought. Keto makes people hypothyroid and leads to diabetes. The only reason there is confusion about sugar and fat is people get hung up on observational studies and propaganda from the vegetable and fish oil industries instead of paying attention to what experimental research is showing. Most people who "diet" never try a low fat diet, and they tend to think that when they don't get the results they want, the problem was that they weren't masochistic enough like a religious cult that practices self-flagellation.


calories make you fat

You need that when you do diets with a high caloric deficit. Not really needed in a keto diet.


having a cheat day on keto will break ketosis

De novo lipogenesis requires more work than storing dietary fat into fat cells.