Wtf Britcucks, take your mudshits back

British Muslim's hijab 'set on fire' on New York's Fifth Avenue


I recall something else that was vulnerable in New York around this time of year about… oh… 15 years ago.

To me it look like a nignog to me, all you gotta do is look up at dat street, who all seen a nignog say yeaaah!



what should we call this hot new knockout game variant?

kebab charring? controlled detonation? the 9/11 challenge?

Some guy gets attacked by a crazy in New York and it's treated as a hate crime.
Some fat sheboon roasts a kid alive with a blowtorch and it's nothing.
I can't even reeeee anymore.

Clock tampering.



Urban Turban Burnin'

fuck off, they don't belong here as much as they don't belong in the US

The only crime here is that the suspect is wearing a mullet.

Looks more like a doo-rag to me lad





this was most likely a based civic nationalist
islam is the only problem. this is proof of based civic nationalism is the true and only path to salvation for the west. as we can see: the non-muslim immigrant is the solution to the radical islam problem.
once this promissing young man is educated with liberal values (west was always librel btw) then he will join the new rising generation of non-regressive leftists (sjws and commies are a radical problem theyre extremists not fundamentalists)

its a doo-rag, suspect is black

based blacks

You have to go back.

you seem to have a personal vendetta against blacks, probably "fuh stealin yo womyn" but you have to understand that blacks have been played by the Jew more intensely and with more rigor than whites have. if blacks start doing something helpful its in your interest to promote that behavior and good feelings between the races, because there is no fucking way 30 million blacks will be "removed" from the USA at one time, especially not if the Jews are still entrenched globally. why not work with them for now and see what happens.

they're retarded so it shouldn't be too hard to convince them that its "the jew," not "the man" whose resposible for all their problems. then you have 30 million expendable low-inhibition violent foot soldiers who arent afraid of going to jail



And stay they you nigger-loving shill cuck.


Kebab Cooking
Muslim/Mecca Match heads
Raghead Roasting
Islamic Inferno
Haram Hot Spotting
The 5th Avenue Special

who turned on this meme machine? have you ever had an original thought?

Burka Barbeque

blacks vs burkas

fucking britroaches, I thought we told you to fuck off 200 years ago or so?!

Burka Barbeque
Best propositions so far.


I can't wait for everyone's favourite prank channels to do this on youtube.

Did you guys hear the one about the 1500+ 9 year old girls that were raped by muslims?

The Hated Headrag Heater