German Holla Forumslack here. I work as a trainee at the ZDF capital studio in Berlin. Nothing fancy but I just came out of the editorial meeting for the political agenda for today which I attended as part of my traineeship. They decide which political topics make it into the heute journal. US elections are a new focus ever since Hillary collapsed, several journalists were given tasks to suggest and write contributions that could be used for the show today.
"Editor looks at his co-editor with raised eyebrow, he slightly shakes his head."
Guys, what has been set in motion will destroy the Lügenpresse and the entire system with it. They cant ignore it, but they cant adress it. As of today I am more certain than ever that we will prevail. They have no idea that there is one of those ebil whait subremasists participating and blogging about their meeting. Also I am posting while shitting.
Brody Diaz
Cameron Wood
Feels good man
Ryan Torres
called it twelve years ago
Angel Flores
Insulting a jester doesn't get very far.
Daniel Allen
praise kek
Isaac Perry
don't need to repeat yourself m8
But yes, this really is great news. The media in my country (Shitpostistan) has been talking about the body double/health conspiracy theory, but they haven't covered Pepe just yet - I'm honestly curious to see if they'll try.
Sebastian Hall
We’re too ridiculous for even the LEFT to address They still don’t understand that’s why we’re winning
Ryder Bennett
Praise him.
Andrew Williams
Good news thanks for the info.
You krauts and your scheiß
Bentley Fisher
Jeremiah Morales
That first image is why we will win. The Deplorables We turn every attack back against (((them))) with memes that are better and funnier than ANYTHING they can come up with. I remember reading a quote from some spirituality type author who said after years of seeking, learning, evolving, his best advice was: "When they come at you with negative energy, come back with all the positive energy you have" And that is what we are doing here, (((they))) come at us with hate and lies, and we come back with humour and truth. They come at us with negative, destructive energy, we come back with positive, creative energy. Never forget, we are in a SPIRITUAL WAR as much as a physical war, and we have been equipped with everything we need in order to win
Cooper Bennett
Among others This is why we'd LOSE.
Cameron Morales
It's almost like we're mentally blitzkrieging them.
Nathaniel Reed
Wer hat das vorgeschlagen? Die Quotennegerfrau oder wer? Hat sie angefangen zu weinen als der Chef das abgelehnt hat? Was genau ist deine Stellung im ZDF? Wirst du dort aufsteigen und eventuell der neue Propagandaminister?
Justin Morris
Speak English Kraut.
Brody Martinez
Why don't you try to learn a real language instead Inselaffe?
Xavier Peterson
Because i'm on an English imageboard.
Evan Hill
Hope you had a good shit OP
Henry Bailey
See if I care.
Ich verstehe ja wenn du Ärgerlich bist. Wäre ja auch wütend wenn mein Land dermaßen mit Muslimen überrant wäre wie England.
Joshua Howard
OP könnte man sich mal in Telegram austauschen?
Julian Baker
teilen&erobern schill. fick dich weg, homofürst
Jack Wood
milo, alex jones etc represent the inevitable splitting apart of our greater movement that will happen as soon as we start having decisive victories.
It's inevitable, and we should not chase after some perfection in its stead.
Dominic Rodriguez
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Nathan Nelson
Cooper Cook
Speak arabic elsewhere, mudshit.
Jack Richardson
OP here. Die Tokennegerin ist auch nur eine die in die Vollversorgung bei den ÖR gegangen ist. Sozialwissenschaften studiert und jetzt eben Fachmann für Onlinerecherche bei Neuland-Netzthemen. Völlig unbedeutend.
Ich genau so, ich arbeite da in der Technik, soll aber die ganze Hütte kennen lernen, weil ich eine Führungskraft ersetzen soll, die in 2 Jahren eine traumhafte Pension gesponsort von den Zwangsabgabenzahlern bekommen wird.
Chase Anderson
You mad you crooked teeth subhuman scum? It seems that you are the one who needs to learn Arabic for your daughters.
Nathan Collins
Cringiest Google Translate attempt ever.
Josiah Russell
Milo is a FAGGOT KIKE and was never part of us. Alex Jones is a CIA PLANT and was never part of us.
Fucking do your research.
Bentley Walker
Eli Parker
Talking about how a Cartoon Nazi Frog is the face of the a movement makes you sound insane, & by the time you've found out what Pepe actually is you're already one of us.
There's no middle ground.
Christopher Howard
Christopher Cox
Sounds made up, OP
Verarsch uns hier nicht.
Brandon Smith
We know, fucking idiot learn to read.
At any rate, I've thought long and hard about our controlled opposition splinters, and I'm not convinced they're going to fuck anything up so long as we don't suddenly cuck up.
The problem with GG for instance was not that the kike fag showed up, nor that there were some PR cucks or reddit, the problem was that Holla Forums didn't recognize the core problem and stopped doing what was working.
Traditionally, the establishment wants to use controlled outlets to retard our momentum, to try and corral us into a pen. It doesn't actually matter if filterman and kikebart present some sanitized version of our ideals, so long as we ourselves keep steadfastly plowing ahead along our current trajectory. Controlled opposition isn't there to control the public, it's primarily there to control us, to make us rest on our laurels and allow them to take the fight off our hands. We don't so much need to stop them, since they are still moving the Overton window, but we do need to ourselves continue pushing forwards with it in mind that they are not on our side and we need to continue doing our own thing under our own strength, because it is working.
Nathaniel Rivera
So wahr mir kek helfe.
Jeremiah Clark
Jaxson Adams
Danke OP, auch wenn ich glaube, dass du LARPst, dein Fazit ist "spot on".