Is there an e-celeb out there that respects his fans LESS than Spoony does? I'd feel kinda bad for the guy if he wasn't such an asshole.
Is there an e-celeb out there that respects his fans LESS than Spoony does...
He's already dead inside. That redhead sucked his soul out and the tumblrtard owns his body. It's just a puppet going through the motions at this point.
Man, I miss prime Spoony.
I don't even care that he's a dick in his livestreams. Of course he is, he's always been a snarky cunt, that's his thing. I just want him to get off the Patreon life support and produce real content again.
Sammy(BOY) Hyde.
DSP, maybe.
DSP is less of a asshole to fans in real life.
If i was a massive cunt and people wanted to watch me, i wouldn't respect them either.
Has he ever met any fans in real life? I thought he isolated himself on a gated community since Jaha threatened to kick his ass after some EVO bullshit.
He's gone to a few cons and such. Also, people have apparently shown up at his doorstep back when he lived with his cop brother.
This is deep
I meant DSP, not Spoony.
He could've had it easy and made $5,000 a month but he just couldn't produce anything like his life depended on it. Now he's sub $1,000 and making less than DSP, a guy who is constantly in the red and danger of quitting youtube every month.
what a amazing world we live in and he's missing out on it for no reason
DSP makes decent money on Youtube + Paymetons + Twitch (someone calculated it around $2.4k+). His problem is that he spends too much for his own good (2 mortgages, house in a gated community, a leased BMW, 2 internet lines for 2 people, etc.)
So did Spoony studied for a useless Degree like Doug walker, miss Lindsay had a abortion for a feminist film project and Linkara? I'm began to loss respect for college graduates thanks to channel awesome.
make fun of Doug walker all you want. He at least went to film school. Linkara wasted time and money on a degree worse than liberal arts.
I think he dropped out of college, but wasn't he doing Computer Science? Hardly as useless as Linkara, Lindsay, or Cuck in the Shadows.
Spoony does look like the community college drop out type.
Good luck getting a good job with Computer science nowadays. take the poo to the loo crowd flooding the market. And they willing to work cheap.
film school is fucking awful and no one who goes to film school makes good movies, only low effort shlock, just like video game design school
being an auteur is not something that can be taught
Wait so DSP's brother is a cop too just like Spoony's brother?
Where have you been? College degrees are fucking useless in this day and age. Bachelor degrees net you nothing including half of the STEM spectrum of degrees. You have to do a ton more and that means risking more student loans to make it work for you and that eats up the prime of your young adult life.
It's part of the STEM field, so as long as you are good and willing to learn, you can find a field that isn't truly outsourced (pajeet can codemonkey, I guess, but you can't trust him to either not poo in the street nor develop something really usable).
Now compare that to English Literature + Philosophy, Films & Crafts, Theater, Gender Studies, and whatever the fuck Nigger From The Shadows graduiated into.
No, DSP doesn't have a brother as far as we know. I was talking about him, the other user was thinking I was talking about Spoony (the only one with a beaner-killing brother, Miles "The Mexican Massacrer" Antwiller)
Unless it's a criminal justice degree. There always work in law enforcement or intelligence agency. homeland security alone is growing without showing no sighs of slowing down.
IIRC Obama made departments made criminal justice degrees required
Criminal justice one of the few B.S degrees still worth a damn. You get a pay increase by just having it. Even as a rookie officer.
Damn shame what happened to him.
Massive cunts usually are
WOw. What a asshole