Leaked emails from Colin Powell: "Hillary is working herself to death"

Newly leaked emails from Clinton Powell and mega DNC donor Jeffrey Leeds show the two discussing Hillary's health and her email scandal

Jeffrey Leeds to Colin Powell, March 14, 2015:

>"Sheldon Whitehouse, who is a huge Clinton supporter, said they were both giving speeches at the same event a few months back and she could barely climb the podium steps."

Clinton Powell to Jeffrey Leeds, March 14 2015:

>"Not sure, but she has launched a story line that will be picked up. I think there is something to it. On HD tv she doesn't look good. She is working herself to death. (…) She will turn 70 her first year in office."


Jeffrey Leeds to Collin Powell, March 14 2015:


Jeffrey Leeds to Colin Powell, March 6 2016:


Other urls found in this thread:


Bump due to possibly being useful today.

Anyone can confirm?



A certain % of Hillary supporters genuinely believe most of the media is pro-Trump and anti-Hillary, not the other way around.

Don't worry, it's just allergies :^)


They're the same people who think

Nice information but nothing great if real. Most sane people realize by now that she is weak, so more substantial information would be nice.

Because he was trading some CP.

Bill needs his stash.


Too bad, in bodybuilding there is a saying "you need the constitution of a horse" to make it to the olympia.


If only it was "that boy".

Kek is fucking delivering today

Powell is literally running full on damage control big time. He's trying to turn the narrative into "Trump's a Racist".

He knows he got fucked big time and he's doing his damndest to pretend this didn't happen


This might be helpful for turning Obongo-lovers against her.

Oh, man have I got a story for you. This one comes from my dad, who was in the Navy during the Persian Gulf (((Conflict))) as an EN3.

And that was how my dad once told Gen. Powell to fuck off.

I know it's not necessarily relevant but I thought it was a fun little story, if true. Though, I've never known my dad to outright lie to me.


You buy that man a beer for me.

Why in the fuck would a celebrity be emailing Jeffrey Leeds?

The clintons dont care about niggers, bill actually expanded the private prison program, he let the Rwandan genocide happen.
Hillary referred to blacks as "super predators"

For some reason the narrative has been bill was the first black president xDD for some reason.

I bet she was fucking pissed when obongo stole her spot.

And now she is on deaths door.
And emails reveal she will probably undo everything obama did.

I think this is a chance to turn blacks against her.

He is friends with that pedo Epstein guy, isn't he?

i actually met one of these people the other day. here i am asking about the next quest and she's rambling on about the troll problem which was fixed about 30 levels ago. damn shame irl doesn't have console commands.

This is such an extremely amusing election, it's unbelievable.

Back in 2008, it was supposed to be Hillary that was going to be president but some nigger out of nowhere came and stole it from her as niggers usually do.

Now in 2016, it is supposed to be Hillary that is going to be president as the leaks have shown but this orange guy shows up out of nowhere and cucks her harder than Bill did with Monica Jewinsky.

do they honestly believe this shit is going to work anymore when it didn't the past 32950431932 times?

Who is this jeffrey leeds, he has a big mouth.

He agre

What was an Army officer doing inspecting a Navy ship?

That pic gotta be shooped, no human body can be that fucked up.

Based Bill.

I like him tho.

What is wrong with that woman?

Well, Drudge seems to like this angle the most.

Thank you I was thinking exactly the same thing.

So it's been about a year and a half since when other politicians have been noticing her health has been declining and it's not going to get any better. Other countries are going to love watching her fall over to a slight gust of wind.

Also I'm fucking shocked that Sanders is more then likely going to outlive hillery

Makes you wonder why Obama is shilling so hard for Hillary considering the animosity. If Obama were his own man, he'd just say fuck it and let her collapse into inevitable failure.

The puppeteers have other plans of course, and Barry O must dance to their tune.

Of course it is, they removed most of her torso.

She suffered from photoshop.

Sounds like spin. (((Purely coincidental))) those leaks happen now, with all eyes on Hillary's health. Oh, Hillary's health seems bad because she's working sooo hard for you, goy, you should feel bad for her and be sure and vote. Working herself to death my ass, she's just dying.

Seriously, though, where's the unshooped version?

Not only if Hillary deathly sick, she's a dying megalomaniac that wants to be Queen.


Yes, and so is your favorite orange clown Trumpstein.

If you reply to this post




#~ dd if=universeBerenstein.iso of=/dev/universeBerenstain

Hillary clearly has had? some major leverage over (((tptb))). She knows where a lot of bodies are buried. She was likely promised that it would be her turn next time back at that Bildeberg event where her and Barry disappeared for a few hours (leaving the idiot press on some plane). It was supposed to be a cakewalk with Jeb or some other loser putting up token resistance and letting Hillary become president essentially unopposed. Obama is likely just following orders to hold up his part of the bargain.

However, the year of the Fire Monkey and the boundless gifts of Kek threw their slimy kike plans. Not only did one of the few people on the planet with the resources and will to take on their machine enter the fray, but Hillary's meat-suit has fallen apart.

So tptb are between a rock and a hard place. They can't replace their candidate and she likely has a dead-man switch so they can't assassinate her. If either of those happen, she takes them down with her.

If anything, they are probably relieved that she is dying/has died without them getting involved. At least now they have a chance of getting her out of the way so they can try something else.

It was from when he was a Joint Chief.

That's so far from based it's laughable

Do you think Trump ever runs in cuck mode? No of course not, he is in God Emperor mode 24/7.

Shill found.

We are watched as possibly the sole opposition to the Jewish final scheme. Allowing root at all times is a good way, if you're suddenly under some JIDF+NSA cyber attack, to completely fuck your security latent in Linux.

And no, no firewall. Just very good opsec and an assload of preventative measures.

sage for offtopic

Use this wedge to get the niggers to stay at home or spite vote Trump.

Haha, is she going to kill this Iraq war starting nigger or what?


It was clearly a joke post.

>I was just pretending to be retarded (^:

I just think of this image whenever I see the :^)

Who's to say she won't trigger her dead -man switch anyway, just out of pure spite?


I don't know how such things work, my post is all speculation. But knowing what a terrible cunt she is, that is a big possibility.

Hell, maybe the body double and fake CNN interview are not for our benefit.


Planning assassinations, bullshitting 24/7 and setting up play-to-pay scheme sure is hard work.

The hag ruined her health and sanity with drugs before bonking her head.

She can't ruin something that doesn't exist - her health.

If we knew when that story happened, then I guess it wouldn't be impossible to check out which American generals were in Australia at that time.

They only need to pretend that they are on their side, then they will tolerate anything.

Does anyone have a cap of the deleted comments?

Shameful display lad

Thanks for this.


Fucking retard You meke me kek out loud in the bus

Wait? So Obama is now against her?


Whole thing reads like some sort of shalespeare style cautionary tale.

I'm gonna agree with this and call fake, especially if they contradict with a future Wikileaks leak.

Sketchy, seeing as how Obama is taking over campaigning for her already and the leaked medical records.

You got to be crazy, gotta have a real need
Gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street
You got to be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight
You got to strike when the moment is right without thinking.

And after a while, you can work on points for style
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye, and an easy smile

You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older
Yeah, and in the end you'll pack up, fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer.

And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone.

I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze?
Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.

Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone.

rumor has it that they were so livid she kept talking about how "30 years ago that nigger would be shining bill's shoes" when king ifififififif won


During my time in Aussie uni (it was worth it alone for all the IRL shitposting stories I have gained), the process for registering as an Abbo is laughably bad. The worst example I have is a coursemate studying to be a geneticist being given abbo scholarships despite being:

1) A foreigner. He's a half pajeet half island nigger from the French colonies (He only gotten his permanent residency on his last year during the degree)

2) Looks to be the most pajeet abo ever.

I've known an Italian man who was claiming aboriginal benefits, if rumour is true they aren't supposed to check family trees and an aboriginal elder can make you 'aboriginal' even if you're white. Dunno if it's bullshit or not though.

Man, some of the stories I've heard and experienced about aboriginals…

She's suffering from work-shock. She's not used to earning a title through proper competition.

not particularity imaginative, next time ask us to say something with a bit more lulz you lazy faggot.

Top tier taste user.

I can't imagine for a second someone wouldn't record that to blackmail her. I would shit diamonds if a recording of that ever surfaced.


absolutely proper


I see HRC and BHO pretty much as employees that hate each other. They're still obliged to make nice in public for the sake of the (((company))) but that doesn't count for shit in private. Hillary hates Obama for being an uppity nigger and stealing "her" election in '08 and for his part Obama hates Hillary for being a vindictive cunt who will shit all over his precious posterity as payback - he's been expecting her to win in '16 ever since '08 and has been quietly yet thoroughly fucking her over since then because he knows what she's going to be up to and even though he can't stop her he can make her pay. If she kicks the bucket now it's perfect because he looks like a saint who was a friend to the end and his legacy is secure; if things implode (for whatever reason) under Trump then it'll be Trump's fault and if things go swimmingly then at worst he was a "decent" president.

People that like Obama are too stupid to think critically.

KeK is that you?

It's the ID Tor users have

It is always 000000 with Tor? Neat, didn't know that.

Is it me or is Powell turning whiter and whiter?

He's even more white than Trump.

They are the same tards who think freedom=self destructive hedonism


Lmfao that fucking nigger is getting his legacy destroyed either wat

The newest of fags, is that you?

Nice OP, Breitbart's front page looks like pic related.


Reported man.

I sincerely doubt anyone on capitol hill that isn't some newfag diversity hire hates the fuck out of him. he was given everything in life and got pushed hard to the top at the expense of everyone.


>Clinton Powell
Has science gone too far????

This is the product of their equivalent of meme magic. Seriously.

The Bill as the first black President meme started because Monica Lewinsky had a fat ass.

I'm pretty sure it was the saxophone thing

I don't get that. Did Clinton steal his saxophone?

It was a multi-dimensional meme backed up by a lot of different confirmation bias. You're both right.

Sax = Jazz = Niggers

That's the 'association logic' that reinforced the "bill clinton is black" meme anyway.

I like how Chris Rock (IIRC) said it

You've ruined my brain, thanks

Apparently obama already hates her according to the leaks

Infact, if he's not part of the scheme, he needs to turned on Clinton.

2 dubs in a row!



What if these donors didn't fit with Clinton's plan?

That would infuriate her.


Colin Powell to Jeffrey Leeds, 26 July 2014

Top fucking kek

hi schlomo, how's the weather in tel-aviv?

woah, woah, woah..

he's still fucking bimbos? kek

The Clintons did groom peons.

Then Chelsea's as good as raped and OD'd.


Bet they never read any of the leaks..

fucking christ.

From the man himself..

Why would They? The leaks are fake :^)

I think your dad told a porky user.

And 2+2 = 5 :^)

Sometimes I just want to do it you know.. get that rope and swing low ;_;

Virtually every thing of that nature during the last eight years can be attributed to Clinton, now that I think about it.

In the past, I used to think the Obama, while a leftist, was not natively a bad person trying to destroy the country. He was not very clever, of course. But in his heart, he was a community organizer who just moved to far. He was trying to apply the same policies that let him keep blacks in Chicago in line to a whole nation. He was trying to help those he viewed as being oppressed. At his absolute worst, Obama was not evil. He was stupid.

But Clinton? She has none of those ideals. She is an actively malicious and terrible person, and has used every string she has to tear things apart. She truly is evil. She knew Obama loved the Muslims, and so she tore Islamic nations apart in front of him. She did everything in her power to destabilize things for Israel. Obama, on the other hand, despises Israel. He pays lip-service to them because he needs to for his office, and because they back him, but he would have had the entire nation swarmed with brown people if he thought he could get away with it.

Then here comes Trump. He's someone who radically opposes the ideologies that Obama has, and while no genius, is certainly more clever. Obama loves to protect the "oppressed", while he sees Trump as the oppressor. If Trump wins, he watches everything he worked for fade into dust. But even then, while he despises Trump, he still cannot bring himself to like Clinton. He can at best give her an endorsement.

In a way, I almost feel bad for Obama. I can't like him, because he represents so much that I despise, and because his policies are responsible for my family having to suffer a lot it shouldn't have. But I think there was once a person with good intentions there.

I have no such feelings for Clinton. She is a heartless bitch who has love for nothing but herself. No one who had ever met her personally will mourn her death.

Big man, pig man
Ha, ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel
Ha, ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying 'Keep on digging'
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find
Down in the pig mine?
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry

Bus stop rat bag
Ha, ha, charade you are
You fucked up old hag
Ha, ha, charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel
You're hot stuff with a hatpin
And good fun with a hand gun
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry

Hey you, White House
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street
You're nearly a real treat
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
You got to stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside
Mary you're nearly a treat
Mary you're nearly a treat
But you're really a cry

You're a dumbass, he's clearly involved in some way. Why would he call to transfer ICANN?

As much as I love animals (it's pink floyd's best album in my opinion) it's basically let me tell you about your politics: the album

Running root all the time is how you get hacked fool.

To throw a bone to other countries that have expressed a desire to move away from the american internet.
Most notably china and russia.

I couldn't tell you the pro's and con's of this aproach, but there is a possibility he is doing it because of this.


read his book, he more or less was not raised as an American and thinks he has special insight into humanity because he lived in multiple countries

He's been stumping for her for literally months, shitting on Trump for even longer and is acting as her surrogate while she's "recovering". That's well beyond "an endorsement".

On user, my sides nearly flew into space.

Its because he got his dick sucked by a fat white woman, and his wife just shrugged it off. The only way black people could have related more to that story is if he beat them both and left her to raise Chelsea alone while quitting his job and paying for nothing while living off of a third woman he also impregnated.


Imagine the stress on this witch. Does she sleep, knowing there's 4 different actors with a Sword of Damocles above her head and she'll be responsible for exposing her whole cartel if she doesn't lose? And that's not counting the cartel members who have dirt on her.

I have to imagine she hasn't gotten a non-drug induced sleep since August.

I recall an user spelling put over a month ago how King Nigger hates her and is planning her demise. I don't have the cap,but I know someone else capped it.

having trouble finding a Peggy Noonan article from that date. does anybody have it?

I also remember both of them attending the same bilderberg meeting before Barry won.
I believe she was told to wait until after Barry. She agreed, but has hated him since. Barry, on the other hand, does whatever he is told.

never mind, found it



This is it. This is it. We've successfully found all the symptoms for Hillary's mysterious illness and it's severe. She's done for.

Many blacks get whiter as they age. Especially if they're high-white admixture, like octaroons. If you look at Powell's features you can see he has much smaller lips, a much narrower nose =, and a much higher forehead than the average black. There are plenty of old white men who look just like him.

Even if they're pozzed shitheads or political careerists, generals tend to have genius-level IQ. There isn't a purebred African on earth who can make the cut.

You might know a lot about niggers from meeting your mother's boyfriends, but you know shit about military people. Yeah, I'd wager you have losers in your family that signed up for it. You mindless fucks are all the same so let me take you to the woodshed.

The generals… tend to suck more cock than your father. 'Genius level IQ' hahaha fucking keks. Have you been in a coma the past twenty years? Even the four stars get fired left and right and there's no shortage of cunts to replace them and you think there's some genius conveyor belt? PSYCHOS are what generals tend to be. Because it isn't normal to want to kill people especially in huge batches.

You think flanking someone or a pincher move blah blah takes a genius level IQ? Because small children play war games. It's about being nuts and a cuck who will do what they're told. Maybe also a little anal and OC what with 'discipline' and keeping count of bullets and such haha.

Oh and your hero nigger Powell is 100% COON nigger.

This, nearly every black who has accomplished anything noteworthy is half breed at least, black history month should be renamed mulatto history month.

Jesus dude, angry much?

What's interesting to me is that American blacks, through breeding with whites, and then back with each other, have become their own race. You can tell the difference between them and Africans at a glance.

I still can't tell which group is smarter. I've seen the spectrum of American blacks, but only met a few token Africans. I'd assume the average African is dumber, but the tokens I've met tend to be smarter than the average US negro.

I really need to spend a weekend reading those race IQ studies.

ohhh, hot new pasta

This is the most ridiculous shit iv'e ever seen in my life.

Reality is cracking.

New pasta is born

All niggers will be killed.

Africans that can afford to come over here are by far the smartest niggers.

They don't compare to the smartest American niggers.

Oosh, if Alex Jones starts hanging out here…






If that's true your dad is a pretty cool guy


"I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home" -Colin Powell

Holy shit, that pastebin from earlier today was for real. She's actually dead (or brain dead and being kept alive artificially, at least).

What pastebin?

Go back a little on this stream:

Right after this part, the blood thinner is Coumadin (warfarin) and the antibiotic is Levaquin.


This one:


I almost wish I could request a copy of the security videos. I haven't felt this smug in quite some time.

Twitter not believing media dismissal of the blood thinner.



What the fuck. Where did this come from, some leak or some autist trying to ruse us?

Can we get that shit trending?

We should use these to either discredit her doctor or show that Hillary is lying as is the media. Knowing Hillary, she'll throw the doctor under the bus. And knowing doctors, they'll kill and rat out anyone to protect their medical license.


i wonder what her dreams are like

I bet they are shilling.

Do people with drug-induced sleep even dream?

from this thread you decide

Bye, bye Miss Globalist Lie

Powell fucking leaked those emails himself

There was no such thing as a hack

Then why on earth is this stupid nigger doing damage control over it?

I really don't know how it could get any better.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Depends on the drugs.
High doses of antihistamines can cause profound realistic dreams. :^)

These leaks make him look like an asshole, there's literally zero reason for him to do so.

I think we need "that man" to lead Holla Forums just look how good a job he did in America.

She got her party page to do it, so the punishment wasn't as bad as she deserves

Still, Rea strikes again. If we pray hard enough, Kek shall finish the job

Underrated post.

This leak is the worst of them all.

clinton being "black" is all engineered to appeal to that time's youth
nigger even played sax

Hillary is pissed with obongo that much is true

Trump just needs to take more pics with spics and niggers

Alex Jones must be having a field day.


that nigger knows what scrotum tastes like

This was written by a former CIA agent (retired) quite recently, you may find it of interest:

"There are some topics that will get you labelled as a conspiracy theorist and other topics that will get you thrown off of Facebook and then there are those that will get you killed. So let me dive right into what will be the most outlandish and truthful fact that has come to my attention. And remember this – I am not a fan of Hillary or Bill Clinton, the criminal enterprise that they call the Clinton Foundation nor am I in contact with the former employee of Bill and Hillary one Dick Morris.

Let me begin by setting the record straight that the killing of politicians and their influence on others has been with us from time immemorial. Julias Ceasar is a name that most have at least heard of and his death by murder is something that is the stuff of legend and poetry and books galore. There is a long list of influential people whether on the throne or behind the throne of power that met an unfortunate end. Of more recent note there is the murder of the Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko a former FSB officer who went public with the knowledge that he had been poisoned with a radioactive element (plutonium or polonium) and the gruesome pictures of a mans skin almost falling off before our eyes are not pretty.

Let me remind folks that the Clinton criminal conspiracy has amassed over 2 billion dollars in the largest slush fund being administered by any public figure in American history. Bill and Hillary turned the Clinton Global Initiative and its antecedent spin offs to aide Haiti (and other scams) and all the power and cash that if funnelled into her brothers pockets and a few other sycophants into a giant next generation pay to play/ influence peddling racket. But many an error took place as the arrogance of mostly Hillary took her into a place where her short tempered willfulness and pig headed assurance that her doodoo didn’t stink, set her up to become the target rather than the beneficiary of all the crooks who wanted access to the White House again. She let them down, double crossed them and frankly like the aforementioned spy Litvinenko, they conspired to kill Hillary.

The coughing and spluttering Clinton showed time and again to the American people her gradual downward spiral of breathing problems and the most recent episode had doctors announcing what others had been suggesting, that she had pneumonia. Previously the word was spreading that she had Parkinsons but as with the Russian spy the early diagnosis depended on the presenting evidence at the time. But nobody was looking at the possibility of an airborne poison that had been planted in her humidifier used to ease her ever worsening breathing condition. Now a warning – we have lost Justice Scalia, Breitbart, Clancy, Hastings to suspicious events – Hillary crossed the wrong people and it has been determined that they no longer need her. She will most likely remain on the ballot and quite possibly will win the election (the voting machines can still be rigged) but know this, she will never be inaugurated. Her death after the election and before her swearing in would give Obama the perfect opportunity to have the crisis he will need to get his third term.

Of course this may all come off the rails and they will have to go to plan B if this little expose missive makes its way around the world. Sorry Barry, I just had to tell the truth. America deserves that."

Which CIA agent?


Goddamn my niggers. Huma munched that rotten, fungal, moldering stank for YEARS to get where she is today, so close to complete Saudi ownership of the White House she can almost taste it while she's flossing Hillary's pubes out of her teeth. And now it's all over.

Kek exists and he loves us and he wants us to be happy.

Nigger, I don't think Huma was ever on Hillary's side, she is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, and at best was using Hillary as a means to an end,determined to the point where she would hold her nose and munch that witchy cunt for years just to get decent intel. Huma if anything stands to benefit from Hillary dying or being close to dead.

Trump will throw that bitch in Leavenworth when he takes office. She'd better be on a Gulfstream back to the Saud within an hour of Hillary's death, if she has any idea what's good for her.

Hes doing it because Soros wants to police speech on the Internet, make "hate" illegal and make it illegal for nations to restrict access to social media coup agitprop of the kind for which Soros is famous . That "Russia and China" are supposedly the threat involved is the signifier of the pure evil kikery driving the handover.

We dedicate and sacrifice our lives for our country but we find out that we, the people, do not own our country. It is owned by malicious interests who would rather harm and outright sacrifice the American people, many times for certain foreign states and interests such as exist in the Middle East, for profit and political prostitution than give a damn about the future of this (formerly) great nation. I have no doubt they'll rig the machines, which makes any effort, no matter how honest for Mr. Trump, pointless. But I say, that this election has been the most amusing in possibly US history, along with all the well intentioned young people, not just in America but all over the world, care about making their countries great again, involved in the most curious and interesting ways. I can't call it a victory, but I hope that it will be a sign of something actually good to come and free us from them once and for all. God bless.


Well, mankind has an uncanny thirst for truth, even if its political truth..

Really? CP was US Army and your dad was in the Navy…. why was CP on the ship telling sailors anything? NOT HIS JOB

Keep reading the replies, you get your answer.

Greetings, Holla Forums.

Oh joint chief… ok sure
