holy shit leave won and a porky resigned?! Now the labor party just needs to become more popular..
lol, how does it work in the UK? Will there be a new election or do the cuntservatives just pick another pig?
Boris will be the new PM.
"An"com believing in the Representative democratic system.
I miss him already considering
No, the Conservatives will pick a new leader, probably Boris Johnson, who is closer to Donald Trump for anyone who doesn't know him.
Cameron at least acted like what he was, an upper class aristocrat, Boris went to the exact same graduating class as Cameron but he pretends to be relatable to the working class.
I seriously hope nobody here is happy about this. And now I have to change my flag too, fuck.
i heard boris johnson is most likely to be next prime minister
isn't he quite disliked?
on retrospect was it a mistake for the left to leave extreme right wing ukip to claim full ownership of the leave vote?
if he is, it will just serve as a catalyst for the coming decade of revolution comr8
I'm so done
He's disliked by anyone with even basic intelligence but as we can see today that's not the majority of the population…
boris is like trump, the majority doesn't like him. he won't lead to a fascist uprising, he'll galvanize the left
"B-b-but leaving will set back global capitalism!"
Ewww liberal, go back to tumblr
nobody handed him a victory, it's just the conservative party politics. we're going to hand this fascist faggot a resounding DEFEAT by getting Chairman Corbyn into office
nah, he's a better leftist than you
The left in UK have been ripped apart by the nationalist juggernaut that has built up in the past few years. creating class division by destroying any support for the left with SJW bullshit, immigrants, etc. has got them into power.
Fighting for leftism is impossible alone. We are so busy bitching about statism and anarchism and other small differences between eachother. Some members of the Labour Party in the UK keep trying to get rid of Corbyn god damn.
yeah fucking right, the tories and ukip are going to merge now and be unstoppable, they've already positioned themselves as the working mans party
The leave voters certainly handed him the victory, and simultaneously took away many of the checks on his power.
i don't agree with that narrative
blaming working class people for voting against eu
anyway it's more of a mistake of the left for not anticipating this current and offering an alternative leftist path
well revolutions need lots of preparation work and i don't think this has been done in the uk
but then again i was certain they will vote remain so i could just be out off touch
Who else can I blame? How much work can we do when people wont do the smallest thing, not the simplest thing, to educate themselves or see who is really their enemy?
When the current is being created by the media telling outright lies, the only proper leftist response can be to point out those lies and explain the real causes of the world's problems. Of course that was interpreted as preaching to the working class from an ivory tower. You can't win against a right-wing media as powerful as that in the UK.
To be fair, it isn't really useful to blame anyone.
We should be figuring out what the most rational, tactical course of action is. Not looking for people to blame.
We did. That's what Corbyn's been going up and down the country telling people, but the media didn't report on it so they could lie and say Corbyn wasn't saying enough. Varoufakis' leftist alternative was precisely what we needed.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?
I'm tired.
m8 the working class is not a savior in itself. If it fails in the historical juncture provided it, responsibility ultimately resides in its own inability.
This is the tough lesson communists have to learn and have learned in the past: the working class can make fatal, devastating moves. It's actions are not in themselves identical with the revolutionary process and can even act antithetically to that movement.
i though brits had a good level of class consciousness
i see, i'm greek so i know how media shamelessly lie through their teeth
anyway i hope the labour party can propose a good solution against the nationalist rise
i know but brexit is not by itself a move against working class
Not really. Most people recognise their lives are kind of shit, but don't really understand why. Class gets talked about, but usually only in terms of social customs or family background. Many people genuinely think Boris and Farage are working class because they drink beer and watch football. People stumble aimlessly around the ideological landscape, only getting close to the truth by mere chance.
UK just trading its Brussels branded shackles for some Washington branded shackles. Nothing to see here.
Well, they think they do, just blame it on immigrants and salute Oswald Moseley while wanking off to the Queen.
Don't worry, we didn't need the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights anyway.
Liberals please go, I remember it was merely a few weeks ago that Holla Forums were resoundingly anti-EU and were for Brexit.
Yes with the exception of the Morning Star and some minor actually socialist parties and trade unions, Labour (and the Greens) have confined themselves to the wrong side of history just to appease some straggling irrelevant neoliberal shills within the Labour Party.
Corbyn is probably kicking himself for ceding this much power to them on such a pivotal issue and for what? So they can continue to smear him even more so now, they'll claim it was his SOLELY his fault alone that Brexit won.
I'm hoping this will blow over by the time of the next general election, but the Conservatives under their presumably new pro-Brexit leader will remind everyone that the Conservatives were the ones who held fast to their promise on holding the referendum and helped Britain for the better (from their narrative), all the while reminding us that Labour backed the wrong horse.
Particularly relevant (and not covered by the ECHR):
We're still a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights:
EU membership is irrelevant here.
This kind of disingenuous obfuscation was the kind of crap peddled by anti-EU types ironically enough ie ECHR = EU
Read the post immediately above yours.
UKIP have just made themselves entirely redundant, a merge with the Tories in terms of MPs means nothing at this point, except a swing of voters away from UKIP, not necessarily towards the Tories though. Voters won't necessarily dog tail MPs.
The conservative campaign will be all about how they helped the working class by giving us the referendum we asked for. There will be a lot of UKIP voters who end up voting conservative for that reason.
Don't worry, the tone is still overwhelmingly in favour of accelerationism and handing power to the right because it'll totally help the revolution u guiz. Those of us pointing out that this isn't actually a good thing are still in the minority.
Only bright side is we'll have the UK broken up in a few years as Scotland goes independent and Ireland reunifies.
Is minimum wage mandated in there?
If not then what good are those two vague statements for? They can be so open to interpretation.
Also we've already skirted around point number 2. We cap maximum working hours to 48 on average over 11 weeks, with any excess hours paid at a punitive government mandated overtime rate.
Which essentially means that you could work 60 hours for 9 weeks in a row, then just 48 hours for the 10th week and have one week without work at all if you're on a zero hours contract.
Whilst this example may not be typical, but at my work place, permanent staff work 60 hours one week (12 hour shifts) and then 36 the following week. Where day and night shifts are alternated every two weeks. This is perfectly legal under the EU and yet is fucking horrid if you're having to do this kind of drudgery.
I'm not condemning the goals and intent of that legislation but it's so open to interpretation that at best you can only say that it's better than nothing.
Are you retarded?
I'm not claiming that it's particularly wonderful legislation. I'm simply saying that without it you won't even have those most basic protections. What kind of worker protections do you think the conservatives will write into their new British Bill of Rights?
I just want you to know that I despise you and everyone like you who is too fucking thick to think beyond the confines of their rudimentary linguistic abilities.
I'm not saying it'll be perfect, all I'm saying is there's different reasons for breaking up, and they make the act of breaking up good or bad. If we were leaving the EU because there was an overwhelming public movement against capitalism and for opposing the financial elite, then I'd be all in favour.
really? what exactly did he win? Any concrete policy?
Not for long, lad.
Not for long.
That's what voting for remain would have done, if anything Brexit is a stabilising anti-revolutionary pro-reformist event as it increases accountability of the domestic government to its people albeit still within the confines of gerrymandering and first past the post of British politics, but without the pro-capitalist and pro-austerity mandate of the EU (these will probably go ahead anyway, but in the unlikely event we elect a socialist, he at least will have some leeway to do something else).
The right have the momentum now, because they can neither blamed or claim absolute credit for Brexit, whilst the left will definitely be seen as EU collaborators.
The next goal of the left if it genuinely cares about the working class rather then promising feel good bullshit like welfare, is to smash the hegemony of the right (neoliberals included) by getting proportional representation approved and abolishing the House of Lords. Otherwise you'll always have untouchable wealthy elitists doing as they please, I believe they will continue to with PR as well but it would be much harder for them to get away with such behaviour and we'll actually manage get out of the 2 party election deadlock that we've been stifled by.
We already have these provisions in law, it's just that now, there's nothing to stop any government upon cessation of EU membership from removing them if they choose to. I concede that it's not unlikely that this will happen.
None, they don't want to add any more, unless it's some capricious bullshit like the "National Living Wage" where people under 25 deal with a diminishing minimum wage for themselves whilst society thinks that we're finally doing something to reward work.
Not going to happen. We had a referendum on voting reform and the idiotic masses opted for the status quo.
Won't achieve much without voting reform. Most of the bad shit is done by the elected government - not by the lords.
This is most likely to be the case for the next 20 years at least.
No they were offered an improvement over the status quo with AV and idiotically rejected that. This will have to be forced through by government, unfortunately it is in none of the major political parties interests to do so, unless someone like Farage starts a reformist movement like UKIP to make it happen.
Actually I can easily imagine the House of Lords being abolished before we get proportional representation, as a leftist token measure to improve politics even though the House of Commons is the priority to reform.
And your latter statement is true, but we should have such an institution anyway.
*We should NOT have such an institution anyway
The problem when it comes to PR is that UKIP is no longer going to be a political force. I can envision UKIP drifiting back to the Tories now that their raison d'etre has been achieved (with some support drifting around maybe back to Labour depending how things go). But those people are now no longer going to give a fuck about PR. I don't like UKIP or what it stood for, but the fact that 12% of the population voted for them and they had one MP should have been a great help in getting a fairer voting system. There should have been far more UKIP MPs around.
Whilst we have a Royal family, trying to argue against unelected people in government is going to be a struggle. Maybe once we have King Charles we might get something of a republican moment happening.
This. Scotland's gonna be out of here so fast.
Hppy about Brexit but shame about Cam. What comes next is probably worse.
here we go