Well episode 7 of better cuck saul came out and it was shit...

well episode 7 of better cuck saul came out and it was shit. thing whole thing of saul not being able to do law for a year is gonna make things boring and kim feeling guilty about chuck feels like it comes out of nowhere

With a bit of luck they'll just pass the time with the Hector assassination plot, alternatively it's what sets him up to work more with Mike/Gus (because appearantly he's pretty broke) and possibly get his real law license pulled, which is why he uses one from Barbados or w/e in BB.
Jimmy becoming a low budget commercial producer feels like Gilligans inserting his own life or some shit tbh.

I liked the commercial stuff cause it shows how desperate and loser-y Jimmy is right now. It was JUST fuck my life up: the episode. I still wish after two and a half fucking series they would give us more slippin' Jimmy though, I think he needs to break bad really soon or it's gonna get ridiculous.

Shit is going to hit the fan long before that.
We already see how financially fucked he is.

I'll be surpised if Saul doesn't end up working in law unofficially somehow.

looks like someone listened to me.

The series is moving slower than these threads. At this pace we'll understand Jimmy's full daily schedule including which vending machine purchase is his favorite, which show he likes to fall asleep to, and where he washes his clothes.

This pacing is punishment to the viewer. Everything in the past 2 episodes could have easily been condensed into one 22 minute story.

I keep saying I'm done but at this point I'm too invested to give up.

I hope that this season ends with the final straw so Jimmy finally just has enough and proves Chuck right and goes back to Slippin' Jimmy/Saul. It would seem we're getting there but its been far too long.

As Kim's paralegal?

Redditors keep thinking that Kim is this amazing character and they've latched onto her thinking she's this amazing woman character "done right" but in reality she's the most inconsistent character that both BB and BCS have ever seen. She's whatever the writers need her to be at that moment, knowing that the betafag audience will follow her cues and change their mind on a dime:

I could go on but those are just the biggest examples.

People keep defending the padding but it's so obvious that the padding is there to cover up for the lack of story. The cinematography meme in Breaking Bad is applied here as if BCS deserves it but in reality it's lazy and only serves to pad out the running time. I'm convinced that by the end of this season you could cut everything down to four episodes and that's being generous.

I'm only watching it to see how bad it's going to get and to see if they're going to retroactively change anything in Breaking Bad. Even though it's a prequel series, some things can easily arise that will alter the context of some important events in BB. I almost wish the show could get worse so it can be more interesting by default. But for now it's stuck between this weird grey area between decent and bad and is flat out boring. They better not make the black lady who played the medical examiner from SVU a recurring character.

What is up with this dreary backstory for Mike? I don't care about him volunteering for a church or anything to do with his useless daughter (in-law?). They're trying to expand him beyond the wise old grunt and it's just making him look like a 2 stroke character.

You're right about Kim, she fits in whatever cracks have developed in the story. There was almost something interesting that happened at the restaurant but no, it was just talk. Just like this entire fucking series.

I hope that happens next episode already.

I feel like as we're getting to the end of this season, another problem is coming clear and should explain the padding - or if you're a redditor, the "cinematography" or "buildup." Keep in mind this is also not an excuse and strictly an explanation. If true, it should at least explain this problem. The reason for all the padding is that they only have a few end-ideas and nothing else.

They know how to get from Point A to Point B but nothing as to what to do in the meantime. So right now they're just fucking with the audience; repeating the same scenes over and over, placing extended shots of mundane/banal/ordinary shit with "quirky" music, having pointless character moments that add nothing to what we know about them already, and plebbit defends it because they associate long takes and extended scenes with "deep" movies.

Just a few examples:
Returning BB audiences know that Mike is very handy and that he loves spending time with his granddaughter, what kind of granddad wouldn't?. So this is what the writers do:
Instead of having both those scenes we should have gotten a shot of the truck getting its tires rekt and then a close-up of the hose with nails in them. Then the BCS-only audience would have been like, "Wow!" and the BB audience would have just shrugged because they know Mike has ingenuity.

Kim and the Bank. Why did we need two scenes of Kim going to Mesa Verde if all that mattered was the latest one? You might give the benefit of the doubt and think, "buildup, right?" No. All three scenes could have been condensed into one with Kim meeting with the guy who owns it and the sociopath lady. The lady could have brought up the BAR thing with Chuck and then it could cut to Kim's face expecting her to blurt out the cassette recording part - actual suspense. Then the lady skips that and bashes Chuck to the guy's amusement. Then Kim could have had her guilt moment or skip that. Basically the last scene but with the guy there.

Gus and the laundry building. We didn't need a long extended scene of Gus visiting an empty building then see him go visit the legs sociopath chick from BB. He isn't going to get that building operational for almost half a decade wherein BCS takes place. He doesn't set up an underground lab until the year BB starts. That was nothing but pure BB pandering filler. More importantly, why would it take half a decade to set that building up? Walmart supercenters get built in less than half a year. Madrigold, the pharmaceutical company is multinational. They can't help build his laundromat front in less time?

I am so fucking sick of this pretentiousness. It wasn't shit because what you wanted to happen didn't happen. And the cartel scenes aren't bad. Fuck you.


so far the series has been:
and repeat the process forever.

Also, did they receive criticism for the lack of "diversity" in the first 2 seasons? how come season 3 is full of strong black wymen? I hate how they're shaping things up for Mike to fall in love with a negress

Calling criticism of the show pretentious doesn't suddenly invalidate the criticism. You could try proving in carefully thought out detail why the show is actually good, why the criticism is invalid on its own merits, or even why the show is good in spite of its criticism. Instead you yourself have no way of defending it and saying the equivalent of "I said it wasn't bad so it's not bad," and offer a Fuck you. Absolutely juvenile.

No one said they were. The criticism is so heavy that it's even in your delusional mind. Speaks volumes of people who at the very least think the show doesn't have its flaws.

I seriously hope they don't do this. The worst thing wouldn't even be that she's a negress, it would be absolute confirmation that they don't know what to do with Mike.

Judging form the comments i am very happy i dropped in season 1. I like slow shows, but this was just painful.

Most of the "criticism" here is not actual constructive criticism. It's just bitching. As in all Saul threads, there are people yelling that X did not happen to character Y, that the show is soooo slow, that chuck or jimmy are such assholes, that there's not enough Kim scenes, that there's too many cartel scenes. This is just SHIT and purely nitpicking. Do you honestly think that someone in the writing room sees a post here and says, "One guy says more Kim scenes, add more. Another guy says that there are too many cartel scenes, reduce that. Oh, and they do not like the pace of the story, tomorrow we're compressing 4 episodes into 1." The guys writing these episodes are clearly competent, they aren't brain dead, so they should know better.

And it's a fucking TV series, not a live poll. What you want to happen will not happen, because it's meant to surprise you, which is why you are watching it in the first place. People think that because you watched Breaking Bad already, everything should just fall into place in BCS. But the writers realized that they still need to introduce something that you did not expect or that is not completely related to BB, so you have a god damn reason to watch it. So every time I see some guy here say, "Jimmy is such an asshole, this is too slow! I dropped this show at season X." I just go, fuck that guy. He's a pretentious asshole who can only nitpick and has no patience. I'm watching this show and I really like it so far, and I like the cartel scenes too. I'm not gonna go complaining about too many Kim scenes or how I don't like Chuck's imaginary disease. Those are really small things. I did love BB a lot more though.

Why is bitching invalid? Why do you have to suggest an improvement when you point out a flaw?

The improvement is to stop bitching about stupid shit. What people need to actually bitch about is stories that don't make sense, characters that are cartoonish, leftist propaganda, diversity, nothing interesting happening in the show, and so on. Not because, "oh my god Jimmy is such an asshole, I dropped this show!" Do you understand this or not?

But all that stuff goes without saying, its TV. But seriously, we need more Kimfu scenes.

I'm just saying that people in these threads do not get this basic logic. They can have legitimate reasons to hate shows and movies, and I've seen so many cases like that, but with BCS, they just sperg out and nitpick stuff. And yes, Kim is hot.

When did you become the arbiter as to what is bitching and what is constructive criticism? Your main thesis as to your complaining over people's complaining is that you somehow know this particular difference.

I don't think anyone believes that the writers will see the posts here. This is a discussion thread on a particularly notorious board for absolutely absurd things known as Holla Forums.

I'm not sure if you're reassuring yourself that this is true or if you're flatly proclaiming this as if this was a reminder that anyone needed mentioned.

I'd give you a sarcastic quip with me pretending to be shocked that you felt the need to mention this but I'd rather just let you know that this is more revealing to your inability to grasp criticism and the activity of venting disappointment and frustration towards a series, that despite being a prequel is a follow-up to Breaking Bad. You're not as insightful as you may believe.

Actually that's an absolute assumption on your part. Things happening in a way that nobody expects is not an achievement nor a significant sign of good writing. You may (wrongly) assume that people are asking for things to turn out the way they expect, but actually people are sick of how things are turning out - in general.

It sounds a lot like you're more upset about people disliking the show and mentioning reasons why than anything else. It may come to a surprise to you but that so many people can come up with many and various reasons why they don't like the show is a significant sign that the show is very flawed.



Again, it sounds way more like that you're upset people are upset towards the show. It's the inverse of the common criticism on Holla Forums, (Stop liking what I don't like) "Stop disliking what I like." I'm amused that you're also focused on using people not liking Jimmy as an example.

Except ones you don't approve

And that just proves my point. You're incapable of proving that anyone is sperging out or nitpicking and you're only upset that people are finding many reasons to not like this show. On the contrary from what you've said, there's already handful of posts in this short thread deconstructing the show and delivering constructive criticism and undoubtedly not expecting any show writers to see it. You can proclaim that these people "do not get this basic logic," as if that means anything but you're failing to see that people have genuine and well thought out reasons to be upset with the show. Have you considered that the reason they're upset with this show is that they cared about Breaking Bad, expected at least quality more or less on par with it, and are seeing a setting and returning cast performing in a very below sub-par TV series, and that they're more than capable of listing why? Perhaps it is you that doesn't get this basic logic.

Your two lengthy autistic posts are about as empty as mine. What you did is also simply say that I'm just unable to accept criticism, or that what I say is just not true. If you wanna go on like this fine, I can tell that you're the one who's wrong too but there's no point.

No shit it sounds I'm upset, but I am upset because people don't find good reasons. You don't need to completely analyze my personality to guess that, especially if you've seen previous BCS threads before. Your whole post is basically one big insult as to how incapable I am. So, fag, very good arguments for someone being so "good" at criticizing, "I just don't get it."

With each passing thread I am more and more glad that Reddit Bad and Better Call Upvote were worth not watching.

This is why you don't let reddit rum amok. They cuck over but still try to have it their way.