Offfical Brexit Celebration Thread



Other urls found in this thread: myths about the European Union

All the bourgies are panicking, from the economist to the bankers.

What does this tell you Holla Forums? Anything other than pure collapse is breadcrumbs to the globalist elites Also reformism never works.

>Thread theme
We're taking back britannia from the hands of these capitalist dogs, lets hope this spreads across the world and let them do the same

And handing it to Boris and Nigel, who totally aren't capitalist dogs, right?

You guys are fucking idiots. I'm simply thankful that I can easily leave before you make things even worse.

You can thank the left-wing in the UK for that.

THE POINTS SO MANY OF US LEFT-REMAINIANS HAVE BEEN MAKING FOR WEEKS. playing a fucking anthem decrying today as a start of a movement is very nationalistic of you, face facts, you commies arent in the position of power and cant help us.

Triggered socdems need to be quiet and read this piece by Owen Jones:

Rule Britannia comr8.

It's not going to be Britannia after Scotland leaves.

They tried that once already. They're too cucked to leave.


Why do I even bother?

No idea. Is that semen on your picture of Adorno?

Feels bad, comrades

Do you remember the 1848 revolutions?

We need to appropriate the new 1848 happening in Europe against global capital to our own cause, like the socialist back then did.

You mean the revolutions that succumbed to reactionary forces and died within a year?

Without 1848 there wouldn't have been an 1917

uwotm8 Sargie?

There's no such thing as a perfect culture bucko.

Fucking stop this shit.

Oliver Cromwel wasn't speaking english, or something.


the fact that so many leftists are celebrating is very bizarre to me. the brexit movement is based on nationalism and will undo a number of workers' rights provisions established by the eu. nigel farage even admitted that the uk's eu funding will not necessarily go to the nhs as brexit proponents initially claimed. uk may be able to keep out more migrants but studies have shown that migrants do not actually affect wages as the populist right would have you believe.

this is a win for the populist right and has nothing to do with opposing capitalism. just because the 'elite' have taken a hit doesnt mean you should be celebrating. a bad economy is bad for everyone, especially workers since they cant afford to lose much.

To be fair, he refers to the elites as "bourgeois" twice in his video.
Is he waking up?

Agreed. #Brexit was a hard-right conservative win. Holla Forums should be celebrating, not us. The elite will not be hurt by an economic recession. The workers will suffer and lose their jobs.

Do you even #Accelerate?

No. He's a lumpenprole.

Good, that will give them class consciousness

isnt that putting the cart before the horse?


The workers will suffer and lose their jobs no matter what.

As the saying goes "nothing to lose but their chains".


Instead they foster tyrants onto the rest of the world.

I'm a dumb prolie, is Brexit good or bad? I heard it was bad from Mr. Current Year but how will things really play out?

You literally cannot make it up.

Yup. They're limousine liberals cosplaying as socialists and communists.

the working class in america supports trump. should we as well?

You should vote for him but you don't have to support him politically.

no, i just realize that supporting a nationalist movement and handing the reigns to the UKIP does not help advance the socialist agenda.

no because he is a man, not an issue

There's nothing wrong with nationalism m80. Marx wasn't right about everything. Actually he was wrong about most of his solutions. His only real contribution to socialism was the fact that he provided a good critique of capital.

you dont think there's anything wrong with trump wanting to deport 12 million people? does your support for the working class only extend to people who were born within the same set of arbitrary borders as you?

your movement to disrupt global capitalism comes at the expense of the working class. you seem to be the one out of touch.


he's a man who represents policies on issues.. by supporting trump the working class is supporting a lower tax rate for the wealthiest. should we support that as well?

And without 1917 there would not have been 1933…

Can anyone explain why the fuck Australia didn't get a vote? Aren't we still technically a Brittish colony?

Nope, we were federated on 1st January 1901.
However we are constitutional monarchy which places the Queen as head of state.

what state do you live in so i can come and smash your leftist head in cuck

Never mind the fascists.

Yes, and the Queen is represented by the Governor General, who is basically a British spy for the monarchy, and occasionally known to depose Australian governments when it suits them. See Whitlam.

Nope, class consciousness predate revolution.

So, the EU is damaged. Won't this just impede Europe's ability to tell the US to fuck off? Particularly when it comes to:
-food safety
-privacy and surveillance
-shitty trade deals

PS: the UK just got hijacked by right-wing populism and will inspire other such movements to try similar stunts.

Are you even trying?

Exactly. UKIP are single-minded to the point where they are dedicated largely out of pride instead of determination. This makes them sufficient as useful idiots.

Corbyn only said he wanted a Remain vote to keep Labour from destroying his character for good. In reality, he always supported leave before because the EU is anathema to a socialist movement.

say it m8 whats your address come on


Jesus Christ…. what has happened to Holla Forums? The UK leaving is an awful thing. The main arguments to leave came from the alt-right fuckheads complaining about immigrants and

Honestly, the negatives far outweigh the non-existing benefits that come from leaving. This result has royally fucked an entire generation and will continue to fuck us over for at least a decade. The country has lost far more money in the first 24 hours since it passed than the UK could have ever have saved from not paying the EU.

This was the result of right-wing nationalism feeding propaganda to the people.

The people celebrating this include Trump, Boris Johnson, and the BNP.
And then there are some alt-right porkies such as alex jones saying

Also to the Holla Forums shitposters pretending to be on the left to make this appear to be a good thing, you idiots arguing that this helps the far left's fight against capitalism have no fucking clue what you're talking about. This doesn't do anything to help that cause, it just does harm to millions of innocent people

The real issue with leaving the EU isn't that it's the EU being left, but that it's the UK that is leaving.

Bongistan will revert to being the same oppressive de facto empire it was under Thatcher.

Boris Johnson is the front runner for next primeinister now that Cameron is going to resign. Then we have Trump possibly winning in the US.

Trump and Boris would be like Bush and Blair, but probably worse.


Moving to Scotland asap bye comrades


What is this supposed to prove?


Left wing voted remain, right-wing voted leave

There will be no revolution

Once EEA is in place, all argument for leaving because of capitalist EU laws will be gone

Enjoy the rise of fascism or escape while you can


Murdoch vs Globalist International Financiers

I wonder who wins

How does one indicate the other? What is your thesis here?

whoever wins we lose

I'm saying say goodbye to your socialist utopia

EEA won't change anything to do with EU capitalist laws

The majority of people who voted leave are right wing, if you seriously don't think this will end up causing a fascist uprising then you're blissfully ignorant

This was solely the result of right wing propaganda

If you still think that this is a good thing I don't think I'll be able to change your mind, just watch and see I guess

you're not even trying tbh

ok m8 keep being delusional and enjoy EEA sovereignty britain

i'll have fucked off by then

I'm sure you will, m8.


Definitely trading in "british" for scottish
Fuck england, it's just so fucking right wing.

Scotland welcomes you mate


literally the first one I can across, hundreds more say the same thing

What is it like to be a retard?

If you had listened to twitter the remain would have won.

this is REALLY bad news for labour though.


I see a lot of peoole claim brexit will lead back to thatcherdays. How and why will this happen?

People also say it's a defeat to fascism and seem to think the EU is the only thing that can curb the rising fascism in Europe. How and why?

Why aren't people asking themselves "why is fascism on the rise? Why is the working class, especially those up in the years so angry and malcontent?"

People also act as if britbongistan won't be allowed to trade with other countries. Why is that?

Britbongistan has been in the EU for quite some time, why is it assumed that they will automatically regress to pre-EU society?

Also, I read on FB about disabled people crying because they're about to be stripped of all benefits, like everyone else. Why will brexit make britain an ultraamerican dystopia?

I dun' get it…

You will see for yourself that you are wrong when you lose again.

It is. Labour has seriously let the working class down, it's also dead in Scotland after their stance on the referendum + the fear mongering.

I had hope for Corbyn but I'm not sure how to feel at the moment

If Scotland goes and since the Tories won't satisfy English demands UKIP's rise will become inevitable. If the English start to see themselves as victims of a hostile Europe as well this could easily become ultranationalism.

ok m8 sound

Twitter got both the referendum and the 2015 election wrong. Using twitter is retarded.


I also don't get these people, what many of them say is completely senseless and very much makes me question the intellectual capability of my fellow man.
I would argue if anything that racism and fascism have been on the rise due to people being forced into the EU and the main voices against of which are far right fascists instead of the leftists that used to be there. This has caused the working class to feel betrayed by the modern bourgeoisie European left which has abandoned socialism in all but name and now caters to the interests of porky more than those of the poor, it is only natural that the far right racists would grow in power under this kind of environment.

It is because the Left in the UK let the right dominate the dialog.

Powering the Imperialist shithole known as the EU and being able to more "easily" make political change because you will only have one not two governments trying to fuck over socialism.

It is too early to tell what the impacts of brexit will exactly be, while it is undeniable that the economy has negatively been affected it is not certain by how much as 24 hours is not really enough time to tell the full impacts of this. It will take weeks, months maybe years to see the full impact of this. I personally think it will eventually rebound a bit and stabilise once porky has stopped panicking due to the unexpected changes (porky was expecting EU to remain and is no freaking out and rearranging it's investments). I very much doubt it is going to end up being the complete doomsaying levels of disaster that people are currently saying. It is overall worth the current economic shortfall in order to leave the neoliberal imperialist hell that is the EU before it is too late.

It would be a good thing if the left would take advantage of the situation and explain to the workers why leaving the EU is good for the works from a socialist prospective. In In Portugal and Spain the left are Anti-EU so they will leave on a leftist working class narrative.

You can not bring any socialist change under the current EU, they simply will tell you what you can and cannot do, all the position are appointed nothing about it is democratic.


It also cannot be reformed.

Like the EU already does in its does in its current form?

Its the EU's fault that their able to even do this. myths about the European Union

The EU will collapse regardless if the UK stays or not, staying will only power the Far-Rights propaganda as the working class is crushed under the EU elite. Staying with the EU is suicidal for the Left and Fascism will rise once again in Europe. If UK stays only a future of austerity awaits

It is because the Left in the UK let the right dominate the dialog.

Not powering the Imperialist shithole known as the EU and being able to more "easily" make political change because you will only have one not two governments trying to fuck over socialism.

It is too early to tell what the impacts of brexit will exactly be, while it is undeniable that the economy has negatively been affected it is not certain by how much as 24 hours is not really enough time to tell the full impacts of this. It will take weeks, months maybe years to see the full impact of this. I personally think it will eventually rebound a bit and stabilise once porky has stopped panicking due to the unexpected changes (porky was expecting EU to remain and is no freaking out and rearranging it's investments). I very much doubt it is going to end up being the complete doomsaying levels of disaster that people are currently saying. It is overall worth the current economic shortfall in order to leave the neoliberal imperialist hell that is the EU before it is too late.

It would be a good thing if the left would take advantage of the situation and explain to the workers why leaving the EU is good for the workers from a socialist prospective. In Portugal and Spain the left are Anti-EU so they will leave on a leftist working class narrative.

You can not bring any socialist change under the current EU, they simply will tell you what you can and cannot do, all the positions are appointed nothing about it is democratic.

It also cannot be reformed.

Like the EU already does in its current form?

Its the EU's fault that they're even able to gain influence in the first place. myths about the European Union

The EU will collapse regardless if the UK stays or not, staying will only power the Far-Rights propaganda as the working class is crushed under the EU elite. Staying with the EU is suicidal for the Left and Fascism will rise once again in Europe. If UK stays only a future of austerity awaits

I don't see left wing in there

who the fuck cares, labour are liberals

It may be a good thing in that it may give corbyn the government. People will probably blame the exit camp which will soon have control over the conservatives for any economic problems thereby moving them into labour's camp, and corbyns skeptical attitude about the EU may also win him votes from the leave camp

The right hijacked the conversation but that doesn't mean the left should support a centralized neoliberal institution run by a bunch of technocrats.

I want to believe

This decision has definitely got the champagne socialist 'left' incensed, hopefully they go to the polls in a GE

The challenge for labour will be to get the working class on their side and not voting for far right fascists

I think this was a vote of desperation from the working class, who have been completely left out in the cold by british and european politics, and not an endorsement of the far right.

He is just going legalize them and bring them right back anyway. The wall and the deportations are all just populist rhetoric to get the idiot nationalists to back him.

Trump is just an american Berlusconi 2bh.
