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I thought Phasma died? Is Disney so stuck on /theirgirl/ that they are trying again by bringing her back? Weird little smug asian. Finn confirmed for getting
Who is the girl in the third pic?
Will be see fapable?
Please be no a material
Nice cuckoldry
too bad.
Why would Phasma show here face before it happens in the movie? Is there a reason that anyone with a mask on the dark side would willingly show their face? They had more presence when they had the mask on than off. They just look pale and anemic now.
I'm guessing they had enough material with Fisher for The Last Jedi but I'm guessing they had to change the script a little so she'll be removed from the movie since she died in real life. I'm guessing the big secret they are hyping is that she'll die in the movie when they probably would have planned for Buke to die instead because of how much they copy the originals.
Chinese Money.
This. Literally, "Go Asians."
They couldn't make those women look more dykish and unattractive even if they tried. Why even bother casting women, when those characters are basically dudes played by females?
Uh-oh, that's not very progressive!
is she the adopted daughter of Eddie Money?
Preview of the Boyega romance scene.
>father-daughter father-son force team
This will be a yuge step for trans people remember that.. ;)
What do you think, s it gonna make significantly more than 2 billion ?
The look on Mark Hamill's face. That poor guy.
Looks like Leo Fong
It will underperform the first movie, but do better than Rogue One.
daisy is so fucking ugly and she can't even fucking act what a joke
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her face?
Seriously who falls for this shit and thinks shes attractive
if they wanted to get the chinks to buy tickets, why didn't they cast an attractive one? also, they should've kept her far away from the nigger.
Phasma's character was such an androgynous failure they removed her helmet.
Even without the helmet, her face is so fucked up you can barely tell she's a woman. Looks like a 100 year old cancer patient with a bad wig.
Is the car one supposed to be the bad one?
The last Star Wars movie I watched was the Phantom Menace.
They both are do you think she looks good in the OP?
Carrie Fisher looks like Johnny Cash in that photo.
Unironically probably a good thing
Why did silver bitch have to take off her mask too? It just shows how ugly and boring they are, really kills what little character they had. Also, who is the midget chink in pic 3?
because star wars is lame now
A vain attempt to bring in the Asian market, while making sure not to offend the snowflake market.
Lolling that they brought in the game of thrones diesel dyke to play the space version of the same character it takes all kinds folks
Gotta have that one manly looking bad guy on what ever was bad guy group name.
How is that ugly hobgoblin going to bring in the Asian market?
game of thrones is for plebs and they wanted more of the pleb audience, she literally cant fucking act
Neither can the majority of the GoT cast.
Wait a minute doesn't the asian actress confirm the leaks since she was in the script?
What about the older cast? They can act can't they? Like the guy who plays Tywin Lannsiter and Stephan Dillane.
Why the dark side look like ubermensch?
But user… chinks prefer white actors.
(Pic related)
Was thinking the same thing
How will it pander to the chinks when she's portrayed as a major TR8-TOR ala any HK businessmen PLUS negro's love interest, that's pure asian poison
And Del Taco dies
I know
Also, Rey is confirmed the chosen one.
Yes but when it's their money they want one of them to be in the cast in return. Disney/Marvel needed chinese investment for their movies, look at Avengers 2 (the asian scientist), or Dr Strange (Tilda Swinton's character was supposed to be from Tibet but had to be rewritten to appease the chinese).
Also they could have a special cut of the movie without the nigger. Boyega's character was taken out of TFA official poster for example.
And she's ugly as sin. I don't know if the yids noticed, but Chinese shows aren't exactly overflowing with ugly females.
How are chinks as bad as Jews again?
Everyone looks ugly
It's even worse than Jar Jar.
Dark Jedi
Darth Jew
Hardly a subtle spoiler
Why is everyone so fucking ugly? Fucking look at them.
Why are actors nowadays either pure mediocrity or just plain ugly as sin? Compare these with the cast of the originals or the prequels. Who spends money and goes to the cinema to look at deformed goblins for two hours?
Muppets don't hold up under harsh lighting.
Lucas had the sense to make Mos Eisley Cantina and Jabba's palace dark and dank.
Finn and whatshisname are so fucking gay for each other.
Who the fuck is this?
why are you virt-sigging as a racist cuckservative?
what is her endgame?
loving those mosquito bites
I don't understand why they don't use any of the original alien designs. These all feel like Star Trek.
Someone said that tall dragon thing might be a bothan but its a shit spy if its that large
Mace Windu?
An asian jew.
I think it's ok to create new alien characters but these new alien designs don't feel like if they belong in the Star Wars universe.
It all just feels…wrong. Soulless. I was a diehard fan of the old EU. It just makes me sad. All of it. The cynical parading of Luke and Leia when you know that this isn't "their story", and they're only there to drag in the OT fans. The shitty new characters with nothing interesting done with the costumes and Kylo having an Episode 3 Anakin scar ripoff.The chink just standing there grinning as Disney tries to rake in the Asian money. The terrible new alien designs that nobody wants action figures of.
Why would you want Thrawn to be ruined even further?
they somehow fucked up all the faces on covers
she is so fucking cringe
those are prop weights. they're filled with helium.
This, it will definitely hit the $1bn number, but probably end up about on par with Avengers 1, so just a few hundy more than Rogue One.
I was expecting her to lift it up to her chin and do a pop with her legs.
That bugs me so much. They don't use aliens from the universe but just make up some random ones it annoys me.
is that why they almost completely cut her out of TFA?
because (((Disney))) is memeing irresponsibly
dear god the memes are out of control
I dont think they had anything written for the character to begin with that wasn't just because
Is she related to Dr. Tran?
That's what many people in here ask themselves when the munterfaggots derail threads
This. The Bicondovafag is complete cancer and is ruining Holla Forums.
She reminds me of Mass Effect Andromeda.
mashed in trash
As semi-disappointing as the prequels were at least they had vision. This soul-less cannibalism of the past is just depressing. "Resistance"? Yeah, liked it better the first time around. I gave TFA a shot but SW is dead to me now.
what a cunt
Her face is tired.