I know that this may not be met with approval from some members of the Holla Forums community, but I implore you to return to 4chan.
I am primarily addressing the National Socialists among you, but I urge you to spread this message to all. 4chan is worse than ever before, and I'm tired of constantly giving ground. Therefore, I returned, as did some others, and we have reestablished s minor NatSoc foothold on 4chan's Holla Forums. We wish to fight back against the degeneracy that has engulfed the board, and we know that the Holla Forums NatSoc community would greatly magnify our presence, and deepen the understanding that people gain on 4chan. Even in NatSoc threads, there is nowhere near the same level of discussion and understanding on 4chan that you find here.
Why now? In light of the recent media attention on the alt-right, we have an unprecedented opportunity to spread the truth to the masses. Holla Forums has got some attention, true, but 4chan is where the focus is concentrated.
So, I urge you to return to 4chan, take up arms, and drive out the degenerates, to reclaim 4chan's Holla Forums, and proselytize the masses.
This is the same fucker that's been going around to other boards, with the exact same message. Fuck off shill.
Liam Gray
i haven't been there in years. are things a lot worse now?
Lucas Ortiz
Asher Murphy
Then do so. That is your land. Deal with it.
Adam Wilson
Why would you do that
Cameron Clark
I've only posted here m8.
Why does this make me a shill anyway? Why are you all such faggots? Are you really so scared of a few newfags and kikes?
Kevin Fisher
Oh yeah. But I'm not letting those newfags from r/The_Donald dictate what the alt-right is.
Owen Allen
Gabriel Cook
You literally cannot begin to imagine what people here have been through.
Jose Ross
This affects all of us. If they completely take over 4chan, they'll subvert the alt-right and we'll be in the crosshairs next.
Kevin Martinez
where were you when
1. Warrant canary went missing 2. VPNs were banned 3. Moot sold out 4. Posts ended in XXX 5. Holla Forums's moderation was compromised
You are not even a newfag.
Oliver Morales
Cameron Gutierrez
Why would I post on an objectively inferior board?
Matthew Reyes
Nice dubs, but where the fuck have you been? Why do you think the OG's are here?
Carson Hernandez
Forgot my sage.
Zachary Bailey
I remember Holla Forums harbour myself.
But moot's gone, and the new owner seems decent.
Josiah James
D & C D & C D & C D & C D & C D & C D & C
Justin Myers
Hiroshimoot, I will literally never bend my knee to you. You can suck a cock.
Cameron Reyes
There's still a number of them here.
It's mostly the intelligent posters I want to come back. Don't care if you've never been on 4chan tbh
Xavier Howard
Nigger I'm never coming back. End of discussion.
Benjamin Roberts
Anthony Torres
I'm the opposite, fag.
I'm trying to unite us on the most relevant chan.
You're the D&C shill here.
Kevin Hill
Fine. Enjoy your basement.
Eli Sanders
Fuck off, shill.
Hunter Reed
Your mouth is not upon my giant magickal cock. Please make it so.
Gavin Rogers
mods have got a little better actually
not as good as before but better than the aftermath
Austin Baker
Elijah Ross
I'm trying to fight the fucking redditfags, you nigger.
You can mope around here or actually fight back, and 4chan's the front line.
Ayden Gutierrez
Just join us here. The posters on cuckchan aren't even from your site, they're not worth fighting for. But we were from 4chan. Sites come and sites go, but what's important are the people. And you'd better believe we'd jump ship the second Hotwheels goes full Joot. You're fighting a losing battle user, cuckchan is dead.
Come home.
Noah Peterson
Much though I'd like to see most of you edgy fucks piss off back to halfchan and allow for Holla Forums with actual non-hugbox discussion you'd be fools to go back.
Gavin Kelly
Back to halfchan, kike.
Zachary Edwards
Anthony Martin
I've been here since moot's autism manifested itself in Holla Forums harbour, I've not just come recently from 4chan.
I went back to 4chan a short while ago. That place is getting tons of attention at the moment, and I want to get NatSoc the attention it needs to convert more. We're holding back a little until after the election, obviously, but we need to go back to the front line.
Kayden Reyes
Holla Forums is not the alt right. Fullchan was also invaded early September 2015 by r/The_Donald and labeled as the alt-right. It is no coincident that many e-celebs of the alt-right are kikes, degenerates or both. They will come up with dumb shit like "4D chess" when you point out his jewish ties in his staff and family. They will completely ignore that he campaigns with being the best goy for israel.
The only solution is to wait it out like every election cycle. Do not respond to them, they will leave when Trumps sells them out to the kikes.
Halfchan has been a lost cause for a long time, you daft mong. You are wasting your time there, and you are wasting our time here. Shit or get off the pot.
Pic related is you.
Jackson Anderson
I was using alt-right in it's traditional form, not the 'alr-right' that it's become.
Those newfags irritate the fuck out of me, but they'll be gone soon. I want to be ready to fill the vacuum with NatSoc. If we take back 4chan, we're on our way to winning the culture war.
Aiden Reed
Yes, please go back there. This board has become insufferable ever since the retards of cuckchan came here because it was shut down. Don't ever come back here, instead go to reddit. BTW OP no way we're going back where the moderation are known SJWs
Zachary Kelly
No thanks for the offer. Whoever is interested finds to this place. I was tipped off late at night on a certain European image board and from time to time, somebody makes cloaked references. That remark in that speech was like an DDoS on our mental space.
Anthony Russell
Tell you what, why don't you go take it back and report to us how that worked out. I look forward to your reports.
Hunter Ward
I would, but my whole country is blocked from posting in that other shithole so
Nathaniel Lopez
Kill yourself for using that kike label that is an attempt at a co-option of what Holla Forums does.
Julian Perry
Now, hold on here. for many of us, myself included, cuckchan Holla Forums was our clay. Should it not be our solemn duty and responsibility to take back our clay?
Julian Morales
Nigger, you are a newfag. I know this because the cut off point for oldfags is ~2006.
Trying to find an oldfag is like trying to find a rare pepe.
you call imageboards "chans".
you need to
lurk moar
and shit up the catalog less
Ethan Walker
4cuck was compromised and ruined two years ago. You're fighting a pointless fight. You should stay here with us on the board with higher quality posts, high quality moderation and self moderation, and no tolerance for shill derailment or sliding.
Hell, the fact that the mods sticky breaking stuff that is likely to get slid even though kampfy stikies some AJ-tier shit sometimes makes this place the clear winner in quality.
Basically if you still use 4cuck over this place, and think you can take it back, then you're a dumb nigger that deserves to dwell in a garbage quality board.
Kayden King
No. Let the cucks burn.
Camden Reed
Regarding fears about the mods, we will keep our normal discussion here, so if they do ban us en masse we don't get too frustrated.
This is more about fighting shills and converting normies and newfags than having discussing what we discuss here.
Leo Jackson
Don't invite them here, they fucking lack the ability to lurk for 6 months and assimilate. Most 4cucks think it's the same as back there just slower.
Jaxon Flores
So you're just going to throw them down the memory hole, then?
Cameron Walker
You know what? Those sad sacks of shit make their choice. I don't care about them. To hell with them.
Jaxson Fisher
We don't want your shitposting, it's already bad enough here without the new influx of newfags shitting up the place with cancer.
Jackson Peterson
Anthony Kelly
There are terms to describe people in between newfag and oldfag.
Holla Forums is my preferred board, I returned to 4chan only recently. I know it's cancer, but we will eradicate the cancer. Or at the least, cause enough attention to convert a few more normies to NatSoc (after the election of course)
Isaac Cruz
No, because unlike them we saw the warning signs and subversion, the ones that remained didn't see it or didn't care. 8/pol/ contains the better quality posters and the shit ones stayed, it's simple as that.
I'd like to see them try. Didn't the last one who tried a
thread get banned?
They are inferior posters and their style sucks. There's a reason why all the top quality posters came here at first, and 4cuck is still a steaming pile of shit.
Oliver Parker
Buh bye then. Good luck.
Sebastian Reed
Fuck off, don't come here. Holla Forums here is getting worse even without you morons.
Luis Jones
That is enemy territory now.
Deal with it.
Nathan Turner
The alt right is a kike label.
Holla Forums is Holla Forums
Michael Morris
You had your chance. You stayed because you tittered at "gloobityglabbers making their own chan" like any other dyed hair marxist while gladly following moot the cuck down the socjus hole.
You shit your bed, and now you must lie in it.
Leo Gonzalez
clearly you show no sign of good judgement; you aren't welcome here.
Josiah White
4chan - quantity 8ch - quality
Alexander Sanchez
I know, and we're taking back.
Is anyone actually reading the OP?
Kayden Robinson
Most of us here did at some point, there's no need to lie. It's just that the 4chan we knew and loved is long dead. There's nothing to go back to.
Gabriel Mitchell
Half chan was literally founded by a kike.
Why would I want to return to a literally jewish website.
If I wanted to be a kike I would just impregnate a jewish slut (it isn't hard).
Colton Ortiz
No you're not. You're just shitting up Khmun's catalog.
Ian Cooper
No, you aren't.
You're going back to the woman that cucked you, hoping you can fix her.
You can't.
You won't.
And that's why we mock you.
Tyler Sullivan
Sebastian King
We are, you're just a fucking moron.
Justin Green
I couldn't care less about 4chan in the long term, I just want to utilise the attention they're getting for our benefit.
if we take back 4chan for good, that's a bonus.
Lincoln Baker
You cannot take back something that is infiltrated from top to bottom. Natsoc ideology requires reading and watching a lot of material to fully grasp it, which the average retard on cuckchan and even half of those here won't do because they have no attention span.
Luis Baker
Its /s4s/ except with Nazi memes and shills, it's dead user, this is our newer better bunker, I advise you to stay here and boogeyman on the liberals like a ghost that's there but can't be seen with the naked eye.
Adrian Barnes
Personally, I want you to suffer.
Nicholas Ross
The point is that those normies that would never find this place but they do find 4chan. I just want a presence over there to educate them. I'm not proposing a full scale move.
Grayson Cox
I'm proposing a full scale memeing you into the ground. I don't think I like you on my earth anymore.
Nathaniel Evans
you have to go back
Brody Harris
Fucking THIS.
Saying you're going to 'take back' halfchan Holla Forums is like saying you're going to take back reddit or faceberg.
Your enemy owns, manages and runs that environment - you aren't going to win any ground there, because your enemy will simply cut you off at the knees. Just like Moot did.
I was there nigger. I remember. And no, I will never go back to halfchan.
Andrew Rivera
Caleb Morris
4chan serves us as a buffer. All the newfag plebbitors will go there and cancer that place up, while here it is more or less untouched. Any leaks, operations, etc. that originate here will be blamed on them and they get all the credit. This is a perfect setup and you propose to ruin it.
Even though we are getting named in the media alongside 4cuck, they are more famous and they are easier to find. They are the perfect decoy.
Basically, fuck you.
Wyatt Nelson
Go do that, never come back here and most importantly never ever link to here.
Julian Harris
Ayden Gomez
I wonder if direct links here is still an autoban?
Brayden Bennett
Fucking hope so, I just wish it was the same on plebbit
Robert Barnes
I don't care, you just have to go back
Alexander Brooks
That place is lost
Xavier Davis
Not impossible to imagine.
Jayden White
You think I'm retarded enough to let the cancer spread?
For the last time, all you faggots, I just want to temporarily set up a presence there to educate the normies who arrive from the media coverage.
This place will not change. We'll stay here, just post over there as well to help convert some who will never find this place.
Brody Parker
Chase Allen
I definitely don't like you on my earth.
John Sanders
Jason Martin
No. Look, I didn't want to leave, but that place has become completely awful. Plus, look at it this way: we can still spread our propaganda, the only difference is, now we have a scapegoat - 4chan.
We can meme 4chan back to NatSoc.
Joseph Harris
Consider it white flight. 4chan's Holla Forums is as blue pilled as they come, Christian fundies just killed it for me. "Heh, h-he thinks you need proof for a claim to be true! A-atheists btfo again!" Yeah, no thanks, I don't need a bunch of people following a middle eastern religion to keep coming in and interjecting their outrageous demands and standards into discussions.
I'm not a huge fan of banning certain topics in discourse, but I have to say, it's amazing how a country like Singapore manages to border to the Islamic world, have the highest religious diversity index in the world, and yet have almost no terrorism, or violent crime period, as a result of banning religion from public discussion. Can't say anything good, can't say anything bad, just ignore it. A lot of the temples there serve three or more faiths at a time, Muslims regularly marry people of other faiths, and Atheism is the second most popular religious stance behind Buddhsim (and tied with Christianity). How do they do it …
Joshua Fisher
Holla Forums was my first Anonymous Imageboard. I've been here since New Years Day of 2015. I only heard of (((4chan))) after GamerGate and how (((Moot))) would give up his position so (((SJWs))) can suppress any opposing opinions. I got my new computer for Christmas and spent most of Christmas Break playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I heard about how Holla Forums was a safe haven for free speech. I went there and the top board of Holla Forums was Holla Forums. I clicked on it and it changed my life for the better. I'm not going back to your nigger infested 4chan so some (((SJW))) can ban me for calling them out on their bullshit. 4/pol/ is the equivalent of Holla Forums. So (((you))) can go fuck off back to your shit site.
Brandon Hall
I know the place is cancer, I just want to set up a little shop to convert normies from the media attention. I'm not proposing that you should all move back there permanently, as everyone seems to think. That would be retarded. Here is just better.
Austin Edwards
Tbh, Christianity here in the South was pretty based during Jim Crow. Most White church pastors believed that Whites were superior (as most Protestants did back then). Shits gone downhill within Christianity, but then again, EVERYTHING got shittier.
Sebastian Cook
Tyler Ortiz
I want everything you love to die. kys.
Brody Powell
What's important is the message. Not the venue. Fuck cuckchan. It's good for mass downloads of degeneracy from it's /s/ and nothing else. Right now fullchan Holla Forums is the best venue. If that changes tomorrow, we shall move on to greener pastures.
Cameron Watson
I just want to set up a little shop to convert normies from the media attention. I'm not proposing that you should all move back there permanently.
Bentley Lewis
No fucking shit. You're probably writing an article for WaPoffington Timesfeed and you want to raid 4cuck with a bunch of natsoc memes to "prove your point" about how pepe is a white nationalist or something.
It's like you've never heard of the in D&C
Theres nothing special about any specific imageboard. Their administrators, moderators, and userbase define what is inside the container.
This is why kikes and their good goys are running around trying to destroy anonymity and go to war with memes.
Juan Evans
No, you're misunderstanding me. I literally wish your demise.
Hudson Lewis
We're going to really go for it after the election. I'm not CTR, m8.
Ayden Smith
lolno, cuck
Logan Thompson
Well shit's gone downhill because it was hijacked by slaves and later by foreigners from Central/South America. The hispanics aren't nearly as bad because they at least have a strong family-focused culture that helps them get jobs and stay out of gangs, but it's all still within a framework of relative poverty. But culturally they are compatible with whites. Somehow the culturally incompatible blacks managed to adopt their masters' religion let it go to shit all the while. Seriously, unless he's just plagiarizing a white person, no black preacher is going to have the cognitive ability to understand actual theology.
Xavier Murphy
Nathaniel Stewart
Do you prefer fire or water?
John Fisher
The rest of your posts go like this: GAYGAYGAYGAYGAYGAYGAYGAYGAY
Jeremiah Hill
Daniel Ward
We aren't (((alt-right))). Fuck off
Mason Cox
If only I got payed as much as you shilling fucks, maybe then I would go back…
Kind of funny how "reward" programs for stupid shit that sells ones data gives out something like 20$ a mo, yet they make far more then that from us… Wish I could willingly sell my own data, but then I would get some money, rather then some bobbles worth less then shit.
Tl;Dr: Die in a fire nigger.
David Martin
Kevin Sanchez
Bentley Lewis
never thought of this but yeah that's true. As time goes on you're more likely to get banned and thus rebel against the cucked moderation. They're the tutorial
Mason Bailey
Sweet fuck thank you user 1488/10 post
Brayden Foster
NO But before you have to go back check my digits
Ian Jackson
Noah Jones
Juan Martinez
says the faggot that didn't sage
Cameron Evans
Id rather not have my data sold by a nip, thank you.
Justin Stewart
Uh '04 oldfag reporting. Before long cat, there was Osaka, cockmongler, happy negro, and xbox is hueg.
Wtf are you talking about, we aren't that rare here in fullchan.
William Green
Evan Lopez
Anthony Bell
Gavin Stewart
There is a reason we left faggot, you might not be able to concede ground on a battlefield but we have and it has allowed the boogeyman hacker known a 4chin to take the fall for most of the shit we do.
I can tell from your post you were one of the PR faggots from GG too. you belong there, you have to go back
Brayden Wright
Just because you're not native born, filthy refugee.
Gabriel Johnson
kek half chan has been abandon for a while OP it's ded and full of cancer
you're welcome here but we're not going back
Thomas Williams
Didn't we have this discussion years ago and agreed that it's pointless? This is not how imageboards work.
Samuel Martin
Fuck you, i left 3 months ago and am not going back. You should too, you won't regret it. Dont bring the shills with you tho.
Parker Thomas
You should go back until you learn to sage shit threads.
Tyler Martin
oh the irony
Joshua Rodriguez
you and OP ought to get going if you're going to make it back to halfchan by sundown
Sebastian Brooks
I turned away from 4chan, and I will never go back.
Fuck off.
Landon Ward
James Murphy
Gabriel Morris
Feature, not bug.
James Garcia
Never going back. I checked the catalog earlier when it came back online and its nothing but what you would expect at this point. Holla Forums is comfy as fuck and has a higher tier of content, fuck you OP
Dylan Davis
Early '04 Holla Forumstard reporting in.
I miss when Moot would troll us by embedding soundfiles. Kept the cancer to a semi-minimum since newfriends couldn't figure out how to block it.
I'm on my phone so I don't have the version of this labeling that kid as Moot, and the squirrel as Holla Forums.
Anthony Fisher
There's a reason we're here. 4chan is lost. It's an incurable cancer (and furthermore a honeypot); of course there is nothing we can do to stop the D&C, nothing we can do to stop the shilling, and nothing we can do to stop the cucks who make up the boards userbase.
Holla Forums is a ground that we still have. We don't want newfags (because of muh sekrit club mentality) but we can still teach people who are learning right from wrong. Go back to 4chan or lurk here for a few months before you start posting here.