Was the sea lion /ourguy/?

was the sea lion /ourguy/?





your mom

your pappy

It's a girl you asshole..

if it's a girl, then it's a sea tiger

Sea Lions can be agressive and eat a little girl.

t. marine biologist

did she dieded

did you used to work for Blizzard by any chance?


This pervert.

No she was rescued by her family, good thing the sea lion didn't drag her underwater, and she wasn't bite. Sea lions bites are really dangerous *it can result in a serious infection by the bacterium leptospirosis, commonly known as "seal finger.

Too personal information, I can not divulge this sort of things.

t. marine biologist

it's okay, Greg. I understand.

Sea Lion Bites a Dog & Throws it 10 feet up in the Air - Must Watch!!!!

Plus hijack a boat and throw away human.

The sea lion is not your friend.

t. marine biologist

OMG that's somebody who knows me :'(

That girl is lucky she didn't get part of her stomach torn off.

Sea lion just wanted a piece of dat ass.


just like my japanese animes

Pervert Alert!


What's up with the sea lion posting as of late?

Looks like meats back on the menu dogs!

more like lolion posting hehe hehe

It was the top trending video on Youtube for the last few days.

Ok, thanks.
Youtube is blocked in my country.

looks like the reddinormies overran us


the fug? I thought was making things up when he said seal finger

So is this a Gamergate thing?


Well at least she's still alive.

for now

You don't need to be Marine Biologists to know that Sea lions attack. There are lions. Lions attack on the land, it's obvious they attack on the sea.


Does that mean she is going to turn into a sea lion too now?

Real life is perverted

this sounds like it's asking us to watch them treat her naked butt

Jesus Christ, the 70's man

what thefuck


He said he was a marine biologist, why wouldn't you trust him?

Cuck Burr talked about it



Sadly young girls these days crave sex with sea lions :'(

t. marine biologist

WTF is this shit!

Why would I lie? I really love my field of research that is all.

t. marine biologist

Disturbing fact, sea lions and seals in general are perverts and they try to mate with penguins, killing them in the process.


That's a big BLACK sea lion…

I hope you will be gang raped by the Ngogo chimps.



feels pls take a seat over there

alright, uh, that one really did catch me by surprise.

too bad the girl is asian, shadman is a fucking hack

I though this retard learned his lesson about drawing real little girls

Someone needs to stop this madman.

does he want to be banned for life or what?


has he made more of the loli?

Wasted cool Hitler quads…
We all have yellow fever here, you're not welcomed anymore.

Yes I know, we have to masturbate them from time to time in the park I am working in.
We collect semen samples to deliver in other aquatic parks.
t. marine biologist

(good thing I don't work with terrestrial elephants though :')

105k followers, how could this happen?

Are you allowed to take some samples home?

Why would we do that? Take your mind out of the gutter, you are on a really dark path Son…

t. marine biologist

to impregnate your wife with superior sea lion genes?
you're right tho, you don't need to take home his sperm samples, since all human women are naturally attracted by that BSLC


based shad strikes again

God bless this man

Have you fucking watched the video? Those bigots say this may be learned behavior? Learned?! For your information you pinguphileophobe seal are

Of course the biologists in this video are biased ideologically.
Yes, seals are born this way, I am not saying that it is right or wrong, I am just stating the obvious fact: seals are not our friends.
Always keep your distance as they may bite or rape you at any opportunity.

t. marine biologist

My wife is not a depraved whore.

is that a sea cow?

It was just to illustrate how women should dress in the presence of a Sea Lion.
Here, he can't rape but he can still bite.

t. marine biologist

Yes she is.

Reported for harassment.

Please no, it was just a joke man, really.
Come on, don't be like that.
Please, my mom can't find out about this!

Let me talk to your mother!

Slavs swear at sealion, more at 11.

Man it's 2009 all over. Those are some good feels.

Fuck I love shadman.



t. bad drawing devianrt intern

t. faggot who can't draw

Why don't you post an example of a good porn artist if shadman is so bad?

Apostle, simon, and Fuchur are great. Shad is funny though and he's not that bad.

Can't argue with those.
I really don't get why people say shadman is so bad though.

His early stuff was pretty rough but he's got much better now. I think the reason that he has so many detractors is that his edginess triggers some people.

No this is a sea cow. If you ever see a sea cow on land then something has gone very wrong.

He puts too much piercings and tattoos and everything.

the pit

*on everything

Fuck, i had a feeling someone would draw this.

He does, but that's just part and parcel of his edginess, I think.

It's just a meme, really. He's a competent artist.


Just look at the joy on his face. Who knew art could be so powerful?

i never though this meme would make such a come back, especially after it was outlawed by police

I'm not Shadman, though


you knew someone would make a drawing of a real girl?
only Shad could be so edgy

Nice freedoms there, Merika


I've seen through your lies, Hayao Miyazaki, you wicked, wicked DEVIL

what did he mean by this?

Truly like one of my japanese animes.

Paused it at the exact same frame as well

Is anime finally becoming real?

Do you want it to be?

not when it takes a year for something new to be posted

can't we get some higher quality screencaps?

btw, what does this expression convey?

there is literally nothing wrong with light fondling with with a girl 8-13 years old as long as there is no penetration and you intend to marry her

check this file name

Ramadan mubarak, brother.

Yes, this man is clearly a true artist.
Only those of the best taste enjoy his work.

Only those of the best taste enjoy his work
Congratulations you just made a new meme, now everyone's gonna post "Shadman is kino xd" for 3 years straight.

the webm is 100/10

Shitskins are shitting all over the English language, and are only good for kike schemes like televised basketball. Niggers also ruin the environment. It's a very profound message tbh

the english language was shit since the beginning, anglos were a mistake

Fuchur >>> Shadman


Hello Mordochai

god i wish she was naked

Where are the fathers are these young girls to kick this guy's teeth in?


Wanting the eradication of other nations is typically Jewish.

i never said that, i simply said you're an aberration

I can read between the lines.
You're a Jew, just admit it already. I have never felt so much hatred in my entire life.



Yes she is

t. sea lion

I ain't clicking that, what is it?

70s canadian tv show with creepy host who likes to kiss children

the english language is shit though…

Then why are you speaking it?

Reported for harassment

Those pesky sea lions must be removed.

t. marine biologist

A tv host called Fergie Olver, a total paedophile.

And this coming from someone speaking Yiddish.
Mein sides


Explain why English is better than Georgian then…

Native speakers‎: ‎4.3 million

Fucker please…
English is the Lingua Franca these days and it is not going away, why won't you stay on your Georgian imageboards and make the world a better place?


But you can't even see her vag

You just have to photoshop it a little ;)

Fuchur is a snooty dick who thinks he's above it all
At least Shad knows what he is

I dunno, where was the father when the director told the little girl to masturbate to older men on camera?

shut up you pedo retardfucks

I was just giving him advice …
No paedo.
No paedo!

I saw my sister naked enough when I was younger.
The whole appeal of lolis is they don't have ugly worn-out roasties