[serious] life choices

Soon I'll have to enroll in university and there are two subjects I'm interested in. One is chemistry and the other is CS/Information Engineering. One of the few reasons I wouldn't take CS/information engineering is that the whole industry or subject is filled with trannies, cucks, hipster, faggots, stacies, feminists, betas and mostly people that don't know shit. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just look at the picture and you know who I mean.
In my country, where I live the market for people with a degree in CS is actually very good compared to other countries where supply is higher than the demand, but every company here that has something to do with IT is a fucking marketing company full of the mentioned people and all they do is web design/SEO and it's full with the people I mentioned. The companies that do the real, valuable and interestng work are very rare and far away from where I live. I can't really decide for myself and people here often tell me it's not worth, except if you're self-employed like consulting. The other thing is that the field doesn't really look exciting either for people that want to start their own business. I don't really know what to do and will probably take chemistry or chemical engineering over CS, but I fear that I'll regret my decision and hope some of you guys can help me a bit more with that.

1. Forget about doing "valuable" work. 99.9% of work out there is not impressive, not noteworthy, not innovative, not exciting, and not impactful. That isn't going to change whether you're a CS guy making a CSV generator for some dildo marketing team, or a Chem guy making some crap pipe glue for a dildo factory. What's important is that it PAYS YOU MONEY.

2. CS is a meme. Don't even bother, what you want is to decide between Electrical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. EE will get you everything you need in CS and more. Chem is still Chem.

I thought about electrical engineering too and talked to some people which I know personally and even they told me that the work they do isn't really different from that what they do in IT. As you already said, I shouldn't care about the work I do since it's not notable and I don't mind it, but what bothers me is that the whole industry changed from developing software for planes and satellites to making a fancy website for some stupid online shop that sells muffins. The other thing is that the whole field is full of people that studied CS, but don't know what a for loop or others that got the job because they have a cunt. I don't want to work in such a place. The thing with chemistry is that it might be something useful to learn and intersting, but without a PhD you hardly can find work, atleast here in europe. So I'm torn between working a horrible job or not working at all.

I'm in cs in the Midwest, I don't think it is a meme like everyone here likes to say, but it is full of faggots just like you mentioned. they get filtered out second year usually, also you should add "I've got a great idea for a video gaem" to your chart, those guys are shit tier. when it comes down to it, cs is a branch of mathmatics, even though many schools including mine put it under the school of engineering. As for jobs, I think there are many to be had; they aren't "ground breaking" but almost every moderately sized business has records to protect, update. Some people say that sounds just like the cmis guys, but the difference is you can automate your processes, so you do nothing for most of the day, then you can pick-up​ multiple jobs. I don't know about your area, but I'm near st Louis and Boeing among others makes routine stops at our career fair, there's a number of jobs here for it.

I can imagine that there are still many decent workplaces for IT people, the thing is just that those are just like you said, data managment for some other company. There was once a greentext of some guy that worked in there and all he did was playing gba emulator games because all the work has already been done by a little script he wrote. I know similar stories from friends that are the IT head of a school or other company and work on their own projects while at work. What I'm interested in, is for example security software, but those jobs are scarce to find and I think I'm better served to work behind a computer than in a lab. What are your experiences so far ?

It shouldn't matter what the IT market is doing. Computer science is not a degree in IT.


Why don't you go back to leddit and ask them?

Yeah but it leads to a career in IT.

It's serious because people like you and are too autistic that you can't express anything and are only able to post animu and shitposting. I didn't even know that this is used as a tag on reddit until you mentioned it. If we were on your favorite website redddit, I'd have given you gold.

It's stupid shitposting but it basically explains the dilemna. I don't want to end as a pajeet.

We don't use tags here. Of course I'm aware of the cancer at reddit that grew out of the caner that was digg which grew out of the cancer at /. If you knew anything about this place you'd have known a tag would just invite shit posting. If anything you've gotten off easy.

I didn't answer you wall of text because if you were anyone worth responding to you wouldn't have posed a question like this to anons on a Filipino basket weaving board. You're just going to smoke pot, chase used up 3DPD, and fail out no matter what path you choose. Enjoy the student debt.

You call me the redditor, but you know actually everything about that site and pretend to be some old fag.
Speak for yourself

Complaining about 3DPD just shows how much of a fucking inept autist you are and unlike you I'm not from burgerland where people are dumb enough to go to college and take loans for it. If you actually read what I said you would know that I'm going to university and that I don't live in the US. Only idiots go to college that why every burger has a college degree, I aim for university and I don't need to take a loan since university here is like 500$ per semester.

I actually made the thread because I hoped to get some insight in thw industry and the people, but you wouldn't know that since shitposting and fapping to drawn pictures of woman that are trapped in the binary dimension is the only interaction you have with other people.

take your meds fucking /g/oon.

2D is just one step away from 3D, and it's already compromised with AI bots. Only 1D is safe.

Funny thing that you mention autism and bash other people that they have no social interaction. Yet you are here and complain about cucks and hipsters in the industry. Why didn't you ask one of your facebook friends for advice? Perhaps you could visit one of those university fairs? Maybe there is a nice discord group that specializes in those types of issues? I wonder why of all places you could ask for advice you decided to post your question here?

Here is my advice: living in current time is designed with normalfags in mind. You can either become one or pretend to be one. No matter what field you end up pursuing there will always be people you don't like and with whom you will be forced to work with. For the part of the day that you work, you will just have to deal with it. Find yourself a hobby and focus your mind on it. It's a big waste of time going against majority, you won't change minds of people you can only change your own.

I was talking about you. Nothing wrong with autism and people that lack social skills, I prefer them over smug cunts that tell me I need to check out their new iOS Uber alternative app and join their vegan coding festival. I have a problem with you and your sperging about me being a redditor.

tell me more about 1D.

But still thanks for your advice. I still have to say that the normalfaggotry in IT is extraordinary, for a field that takes usually intelligent and decicated people that actually care about their work. More than other fields like medicine or mathematics.
I want to work with people that are similar to me.

I've been programming,reverse engineering, and exploiting since 2006 or so and I don't know any of those people in your pic except zuckerbro in the middle. You probably spend way too much time following e-drama.
If you're competent you can learn everything of a typical CS degree yourself. If you're going to spend money and visit a place to learn, spend it on something that actually makes sense like chemistry or medical, where there should be labs and equipment you don't normally have access to. For programming, you already have a computer, it's retarded to go to a school to learn it, plus most programming schools are extremely sub par. Maybe if you want to learn theoretical computer science it would make sense to go to a good school but even then you could just learn it from a book. I went to a college for CS/SE and I didn't learn anything new, it was a waste of money and 3 years. At year 4 I quit and joined some trendy hipster startup in my city, starting at $60K/year. That was in 2010.

For such companies you don't need CS at all. You need software engineering skills. Most places labeled "CS" are actually just teaching software engineering and maybe they'll get you to regurgitate a few "CS" facts along the way. Most of the people who graduate and get small business/enterprise/startup jobs (which are all mostly web now) don't understand CS at all let alone SE. The "CS" knowledge places want you to understand is just some basic knowledge of linked lists, binary searches/trees, and hash tables.

oh shit we're onto something

yuo guys are complaining about trendy web faggotware and you want to work on trendy faggotware which you have no idea about. what do you even consider "security software"? a web application firewall? antivirus? some bullshit enterprise threat detection suite? kek

CIS or Digital Science is more of an IT degree. CS is more for programming and high level sys admin stuff.

Regular chemistry is fucking worthless unless you are going for your PhD. Most companies won't even look at your resume if you don't have Masters at least. Bachelors will get you washing beakers and doing tech work; generic science degrees are worthless and are dime a dozen. Stop being a fag and do chemical engineering with emphasis on petroleum industry. Big money there.