America is WHITE

America is NOT a third world country. In fact we are the most powerful and richest country on earth. Americans have huge IQs, I knew a guy once who could do algebra, smartest guy in town, he even knew where Europe was on a map, I never met anyone who knew that (It's west of Germany). Get in here if you're part of the American Master Race.

OP is a fag

You're just jealous that I live in the Greatest Country On Earth.

I live there too and I'm Black

Are you a Based Black MAGApedo? As long as you support The God Emperor Trump you are based.


This image is completely inaccurate. Anyone who posts on Holla Forums is a 6'+ aryan with blonde hair and blue eyes who works out 8 hours a day and lynches niggers every night.

you're not very good at satire but i hate burgers so have some more

"The biggest mistake we ever made was coming down from the trees in the first place" - Douglas Adams.

Were at war 95% of the time bringing freedom to the world


Bravo America, greatest social experiment ever. And they're starting to implement it world wide.

Some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans.

"Everything was a mistake"

"Well, That About Sums It Up For God"





All me

big if true

Big if true

US actually is only one country where being born matters. If world to have bright future, US must survive the kikery and lead the way.
t. eurofag

This shouldn't discount those that truly are of pure Bavarian genotype.

I don't exercise at all.

Yeah, realistically all 500 of them.

Bigly if true

Skinnyfat. Dirty blonde hair, 6'2", German-Polish. Roman nose. Bad eyesight. Medium sized dick. Thinning hair.

,blue eyes.

You're not white. White people don't go bald.

Big if true

It's going in more of a widow's peak, really.

big if true

If this is true, this has the potential to be really, really big

Fuck off kike

If you have you are white


wait, so most jews I know have blue eyes… does that mean jews were white all this time?

No, it means they stole some genes along the way.

jews are white, fuck off with your disinfo zionist shill

no wonder we have the post quality we have


actually having blue eyes is a jewish thing


Jews are not white you filthy kike

I'm American, I know what a bidet is, I know who Aristotle is, and I know what haggis is.


Big if true

Hol up

I be white u say?

I'm an alcohol dependent Injun mutt.

That's like saying "I'm a child rapist white", it's obvious all injuns are alcoholics and all white men are dirty child predators.

Oh yea, almost forgot. That shit about drunk indians is true though.

But this is true. Slavs aren't white, you butthurt barbarian.


Fuck America