Why are niggers so jealous?


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Niggers are genetically superior to cumskins


Why is Arnie so hot? No homo.

t. butthurt black boy

Checked for truth. Niggers are known as the feces people in China.

Fact check:false

whatever you say faggot

Slavs can't be white, slavs are snow niggers. Ol' Arnold there is a slav, and therefore he is a snow nigger. Sound logic tbh fam.

But "snow nigger" is actually a general derogatory term for whites tho- all of Europe is pretty much cold and snowy, except the mediterranean.

Oh, my mistake. Slavs are a subspecies, Snowniggerus Slavicus or otherwise known as the Third World Snow Nigger.

pick one

Arnold is a kike

Fact check:False

your nan stinks of piss m8

Try again using the English language.

It has a lot to do with the fact that the negroid races have a lot of genetic baggage left over from from their time in Africa. What I'm referring to by this are the genetic errors that steadily accumulate when natural selection isn't really playing as much of a role as it should be. Remember that Africa is a pretty hospitable climate, so the main obstacle to reproducing was competition with others instead of simply surviving long enough to reproduce, as was the case in the northern lands.

Essentially, reproductive success in prehistoric Africa boiled down to the sheer number of offspring produced, and many examples of the consequences this had are readily apparent even today. Take for instance the negroe's high sex drive, or his incredible willingness to take risks, or even his inability to delay gratification. These traits were obviously advantageous in prehistoric times, but it's the complete opposite today, as these traits, both mental and physical, aren't compatible with civilization and fit the profile of habitual criminals. This is why those of Negroid descent commit a disproportionate amount of crimes, and all the evidence is particularly compelling when one reviews rates of sexual assault based on the racial background of the perpetrator.

Moving on, we also have to remember that in Africa, physically or mentally superior people weren't particularly favored by natural selection. Unless a trait dramatically increased the number of offspring one was able to produce, it was unlikely that it would be represented in a greater proportion of the next generation. (Note: This is why both negroes and chimpanzees have large testicles in relation to their body size, as sperm competition frequently occurred in prehistoric Africa. Contrast this to Gorillas, which have comparatively small testicles and the reduction in sperm count to match, but secure reproductive success in other ways.)



Are niggers cursed?
I was reading about the Curse of Ham and it made a lot of sense to me, that they be condemned to be a slave class the rest of their lives. It would make sense of why they can't get their shit together, why they seem to be genetically designed to be rude and insolent, and why after several generations their still exists a black dialect which is basically a retard's form of English. Like how has ebonics survived this long? Will they ever assimilate?


literal autism

Arnold's father was literally in the Wehrmacht.
He was part of Panzer group 4 and received the Iron Cross First and Second Classes for bravery, and the Eastern Front Medal.


africa sounds lit haha

That's a really good quality post.
I'll be hanging that around my 75% black school.

So he was born in Graz of Austrian parents?

Schwarzenegger is literally the definition of Ubermensch.
not only he's a 6'2 super /fit/ Aryan, he also has 3 PHDs.

a PhD in bodybuilding?

no, real PhDs

He has achieved a lot. Was a rugby player. Moved to America. Become bodybuilder. Won Mr. Olympia 7 times. Became actor. One of the most iconic ones that is. Became governor. Don't know about PHDs tho.

He has a real honorary degree.


bahahah you're so triggered it's hilarious

butthurt phd detected