JUST-ice League

How will DC ever recover?

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Zack was off the project for a long time, just look at the trailer, no trademarks of his but all of Whedon's, they just made up this explanation to cover up them fucking Zack because he failed them.

BvS was the last D.C. movie, get ready for Marvel shit.

Well shit

I don't want to see Social Justice League.

adopted daughter.

Wheepdon is such a fucking wormy rat. First he gets boo'd out of Marvel and now he crawls to DC so he can fuck their shit up. Cancerous fucking bobble head.

For a moment I thought that Family Tragedy meant the Batman story.

Why not Boom and Tobias?
Mortal Kombat Injustice is shitty but is a epic classic next to what Pozz Wheldon will commit.

Thinking to freshly and tragically deceased people are the best FAP, thank you OP ;)

Dude, Ed Boon and John Tobias stopped their partnership like 20 years ago. Only Ed Boon is in charge with his NetherRealm Studios. Besides if you saw BvS, they're going to pull the Injustice plot.


Too soon!
fap fap fap


That response is only valid when someone post "Pleb leddit memeia" and "kike cucklasa" in a RLM thread

wtf, my image was not the right one.
Not faping to this gook.
Ew :'(


I'm not defending RLM you idiot. Learn to read

Of course you are.

JUST Whedon my franchise up
Didn't think my expectations of capeshit could sink lower tbh


DCEU is screwed, should have put David Ayer in charge.

Adoptions shouldn't be separating kids from their own people.

DC fags on Suicide Watch!

Even if DC's capeshit was legitimate shit, at least some of the films were trying to be different. Now it's all going to be one homogeneous pile of sludge you can't tell one end from the other.


Wow, DC really couldn't wait for that JUSTice League/ Suicide Squad crossover huh?

Holy shit DC what are you doing. That's like eating marvel's leftovers and going full cuckoldry while doing it

I can't stop laughing


If I was related to the guy who made BvS i'd kill myself too


Disney scared so utterly shitless by his kino that they murdered his fucking daughter

Somebody's got to stop these kikes


How the fuck has Joss Whedon become so ingrained in "nerd culture." It is getting to the point, if not already there, that if you think of comic book movie you think of Whedon.

They're just looking for a safe place to live!

Calling it now: they're gonna make Superman blond and talk like Trump.

When I think of Comic book movie, I don't think of Whedon, I think of things like Superman Doomsday and such. Animated movies are better for comics than live-action.

I have no issue with the trump talk, but he being blond would make it a no go. Superman is a dark brunette with blue eyes, and pale white skin, and that is that.

Oh boy, can't wait for sassy quirky quips like a bitter teenage girl from superman and batman every 30 seconds and for stronker womyn to save the day at the end.

Nigga, Zack's every trademark is lost since Man of Steel. He gave them all up

And you've wanted to see it in the first place? Why?


This man speaks great truth!

Because Snyder is a great director.

So the DCfags want to be members of the suicide squad

nice meme

he got lucky and turned in a crappy Avengers movie riding in off the hype of multiple set-up movies directed by more competent people, normalfags only liked it because it had Iron Man, Thor, etc. together. the movie has no other good traits other than a gimmick that is no worn out

*now worn out

Firefly meme hype. I liked the show but it's not transcendent and the movie was meh. I've never met anyone who watched buffy or angel. His Shakespeare movie was a pretty good adaptation but not as good as branaghs.



Seriously though, no reason to watch it anymore.

Poor guy…
not financially, but still

We all remembered what happened to that movie that wanted 'additional scenes'

lmao, it will be even worse than the last one

Batman and Superman look like the actual characters. Cyborg looks like CGI with a nigger face pasted in. The other 3 are cosplay.

Live action was a mistake.