Tfw you realize global warming is a scam made by the elites so people don't waste their oil reserves and make the...
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.. this is the worst "global worming is a scam" argument I've heard.
also worst girl
Yeah, no.
They fucking control the world with it, why would they want to let it go fast.
Also oil is extremely needed for cargo ships, global trading and traveling, take oil away and all this thing would be way more inefficient and slower.
How would they use the US to deploy armies everywhere they wanted and take out ebil dictators that oppose them.
Oil usage is accellerating daily. Why would they actively promote cometitive technologies and reduce demand? Every extra dollar per barrel is an extra dollar into researching photovoltaics et al.
All those things could use nuclear power. They use oil cause oil is profitable. If anything, global warming is being sponsered by oil executives to deal with the consequences of what they are doing, but yes also perhaps to extend the supply of oil.
Dude, all vehicles and power stations in the world will not start running on another fuel by the daylight, and it will still be the most efficient and know model, and oil is not just used for fuel, it will not reduce value.
Without counting "carbon taxes" and other shit they can come up with.
All those things would be way more expensive and unpractical with nuclear power, that's why they want the plebs economizing oil so they can have it for their own use.
I know this is bait, but literally retarded.
Kneesocks is best girl.
You can come up with all the economic and social reasons you want, but unless you can find some scientific evidence to refute the exsistence of the phenomenon of global warming I will sage this thread.
Keep believing the establishment telling you that normal change in climate = end of the world through CO2 emissions.
That shit is so ridiculous and people keep buying it.
The fucking media and academia is being bought by the elites, without counting the appeal to the status quo by individuals.
Show me the peer reviewed paper on why it's a farce.
You're a retard. If you think pumping vast amounts of a chemical into the atmosphere won't have any effect on the atmosphere you're intellectual dishonest.
Refute this
Didn't Ghenghis Khan cause global cooling because of his wacky hijinks?
Yes, Panty is worst girl.
Stocking a cute.
Those scientist you take so much as truth are just some losers who kept a few years spouting whatever they were told to on some university, then are paid to do a "research" of it, or just plain sucking on the status quo dick.
oh wow
And than you play it down simply as "not have any effect", dude, if I fart it will change the atmosphere.
Now, will it destroy the world as the climate change scam actually claims.
Quit bumping this thread with your shitposts faggot
She's definitely the kinkier of the two. Panty just wants to fuck anything which is vaguely dick-shaped. Stocking would rather get to know you over dessert and then beg you to tie her up and spank her.
That's the same argument for anti-vaxxers and anti-flouride, anti-gmo and generally all anti-science sentiment.
The sad part is some of those are probably true, see how big Tobacco kept research confirming correlation to cancer from going public for decades, it's really our fault for not having overthrown Capitalism yet, what can you do.
yep, that's about it. Are you denying that CO2 traps heat?
In major warming events Temperature and CO2 work on a positive feedback loop, we're not "causing" global warming, we're speeding it up, how much is up for debate.
btw, it's not "plant food", CO2 available is not a limiting factor for their growth at the moment (it's actually toxic to them in excess quantities) and that excess carbon will probably take millions of years to be reabsorbed by the biosphere.
interesting new twist on an old classic
So global warming isn't a real threat, but running out of fossil fuels is. So they want to switch to alternative energy even though that wil cut into their profits and render oil obsolete
This is the definition of autism
How does it feel to be a normalfag?
I don't know about anti-vax/fluoride as it's not a thing around here but food companies do maintain huge monopolies on strong grow crops and defensives that only them can sell, if not creating illnesses that only they can sell the solution.
But then again, just like the climate change, they shift the talking point to all evolved plant is bad and not their business practices.
As I said of course it influences the atmosphere but it is not the apocalypse they sell, not all is burned and even if it was it would never reach a point it would be poisonous.
Oil is finite.
Do you even read my posts?
Alternative energies will never fully replace oil fuels as long as it exists and it still used for various other things than energy, which would make it retain it's value and make the monopoly hegemony last longer.
evolved plant = g.m.o
Word filter
So you don't deny man is causing the globe to warm at an increasing rate?
What are you talking about? Do you think rising temperatures will burn shit or CO2 will make the air poisonous? That's retarded. The first concern about global warming is that the melting of polar ice will cause the sea level to rise destroying coastal communities and infrastructure. The second is that a warming ocean will stop the ocean currents that regulate global temperature resulting in an ice age that would cause even bigger problems than rising sea levels.
I don't think stopping the ocean currents would cause an ice age. In fact, the ocean currents will only change course. They won't stop.
Another important concern is the extinction of hundreds of thousands of species due to temperature changes and ocean acidification. It's already happening to corals.
Then who is behind the peak oil movement? Jews? Reptiles? Even solar powered jew reptilians?
Changes in temperature have not being a constant anything, and any kind of obvious influence it may be having is nothing radical.
In my very own post I said it wouldn't make the air poisonous, talk about strawman. All these coastal communities like the Netherlands, Venice didn't existed during the warm roman period and were created during colder times with lower sea levels, they are bound to be fucked no matter what, also nothing of value was lost.
So you're not a climate change denier - you're a value of human life denier.
Good to know.
I doubt that but if thats true, nuclear here we come
Jeez the dozen of people who still live on these places cannot move somewhere else from the slowly raising sea level.
And now The Solomon islands don't exist because of man made climate change
There's that lie again
Shitty meme m8. To quote Carlin: "The planet is doin fine! The people are fucked!"
Provide evidence that global warming is not occuring and I'll believe. After all, you were the first to make the claim.
Keep in mind that if you go against the scientific community and/or science itself, you are going against the very thing that has advanced the world to the modern age. And capitalists, please understand that it was mere human beings who made every technological breakthrough in history, not the "invisible hand".
This isn't to say you're wrong for speaking against science while using a device created by science, only that you are likely to be hypocritical. That depends on you're argument, of course, but I'm warning you in advance so you don't make a mistake.
You gotta be thinking about The Maldives, and those were first contacted during lower sea level period.
It's not about saying the climate is constant and never change, is about misconceptions, fear mongering, and false causes with political and economical interests in mind.
And I'm not referring to science itself, groups always tend to circle jerks and people submitting to authority and the status quo for self affirmation or escape ostracization.
Ah, so you do accept that global warming is true?
The "Climate Change" issue they push is not about the climate doing some insignificant change or simply changing at all, it's a scaremogering campaign about a irreversible worldwide disaster CAUSED BY CARBON DIOXIDE which people use for political and economical interests, which I oppose.
Got it? It's like saying someone believe in aliens coming to earth because they believe there is life elsewhere in the universe.
So…you don't accept climate change?
We're back to the issue. Politics and economics are completly irrelevant to this. Do you or do you not have evidence for your claim?
Global superpowers are doing everything they can to pretend it isn't happening. Environmental groups only get a grant now and then for publicity's sake.
If we actually cared, we would be getting rid of coal and transitioning back to nuclear. Because it's not profitable, porky plays on fears of muh nukes.
Give it up.
He's just going to skirt the issue.
These people don't care about evidence.
Environment, resources and specially taxation based around it are not relevant to politics and economics now? What the fuck.
Oh sorry if I can't pay for my own team research in the case, that would still be considered invalid because of all the "evidence" that just point at any current quirk in the climate and blame the boogeyman.
It wouldb't cause a general ice Age, only a local one in Europe because gulf Stream
Thanks for ruining my waifu, faggot.
No they aren't. We're talking about the exsistence of climate change
Post quality and I'll respond with quality. Post shit and I'll insult you with image macros.
Holy shit you have these people here too?
A few simple questions 4u OP.
Is the greenhouse effect real?
Is co2 a greenhouse gas?
Is human activity leading to an accumulation of co2?
Now you can question by how much we shall warm and the likely effects of it. But that it is happening and we are accelerating the process is a given.
I think at the very least, whether or not climate change is real, we can agree that renewable energy would be preferable. Climate change is only the question of urgency.
If you don't saw that by now, I AM talking about all the political and economical consequences of it and created the thread about it. If you weren't a complete moron and could interpret what I am talking through the whole thread you wouldn't think otherwise.
What a cute denial and non argument.
Stupid to correlate something that is already happening and making fuss about a certain fate with little influence till now.
Except you don't belive it exists. So I disregard all of your arguments, as you have failed to demonstarte that it doesn't exists. All of your political and economical consequences depend upon it being a conspiracy.
I apologize. I misread the post.
This is actually what it boils down to
Done it
Global warming denial is a plot to keep cash milking petrol continuously while increasing its price as the supply becomes increasingly sparse. Once this happens only then would they allow alternative energy sources to hit the market in mass because at that point there is no choice to continue using petrol so this new source too can have its price hiked up greatly due to having no competition from the then outdated energy source.