Cringe thread

Browse this.

Post how long it takes you to nope out.


Damn,cringe worthy AF. This one is OK, though

Okay, this one was actually good


Here's another way of looking at it- there's only apples for food and all the apples are controlled by loggers with trucks, and the vast majority of them are dicks.

Also tools aren't fucking means of production.

Isn't a factory just a giant tool?

Some guy is paying someone a single apple to load wood on to a truck? And this is suppose to paint the capitalist in a positive light? Loberts are fucking retards.

No. It's means of production, not utensils of work. Factories produce. Trucks carry.

ur a giant tool

lol ya'll are triggered by Ghoul. That's funny.

That's such an arbitrary distinction.

No it fucking isn't, homogay. The saw he's going to use is a tool, unless it's one of those giant industrial ones, then it's a mean. If one person can acquire it on an average budget and can find a use for it, it's a tool. If its use is limited to industry it's a mean. Regardless this type of rhetoric is getting less and less important to socialism as the shift to service jobs continues.

This not exatly how i understood personnal/private property.
if buy a tool, hire someone to do something with that tool, does it become a mean of production? On the other hand, if you build a factory and run it all by yourself,does it become a tool?

Is it a shitty MS paint thread? Can i play?

First pic is right about IQ though.


Maybe this is a better way of explaining it.
If you're selling what you're making with it, it's a mean.

I'm sure if you insult me more this will suddenly be reasonable

Would you load a pile of wood into a truck for an apple? I know I wouldn't.

He was right when he called you autistic. Paint comics aren't known for their meticulous details, you're being intentionally obtuse by pretending you don't understand the idea the apple was meant to convey. I don't agree with the comic, but you playing make believe with some irrelevant detail is dumber than the comic itself.

If someone has resources you need to survive and they refuse to give them to you, there is no reason you should not take them by force.

The distinction between personal and private property is one of possession, in the sense of fully controlling (and operating) something. You can easily control a single tool, but not a whole factory. You need multiple people in order to operate such a thing.

Of course, the apple represents what is needed to survive. The MS comic effectivly depicts slavery at the threat of starvation.

underrated thread here

That's stupid and also wrong.


why is castro a pile of bones? he's the only one of them that's still alive.

Simultaneously disappointed and not surprised

We should probably stop them before they take over imgur too. They're starting to fill the site with ebin racial realism memes.

Because of countless soviet-style jokes anout Fidel's age as well as the rumours of him being dead and replaced with one or more body doubles.

A factory is a space that workers and sometimes the owners cooperate to produce a good.

Can someone kill whoever invented because it has ruined every picture on the planet with that retarded watermark

Are you surprised? Really?

