Sick perverts with nothing better to do, why not get a fucking job? Why do you choose to disgust me? I'm freaking out. Like, I'm lost..
Sick perverts with nothing better to do, why not get a fucking job? Why do you choose to disgust me? I'm freaking out...
I don't care about any of those shitty books. Work progresses the world and gets things moving.
Din't watch. Do something for your country
Niggawut? This isn't Jewbook, f4990t!
What the hell are you talking about? All I'm saying is, improve yourself pedophile, and I'll be willing to help!
Theres an asshole hiding behind the above post
nice try
u cute
I hope you cracked your neck dodging nothing. My post is criticising the harsh reality. Only job you sick perverts have is to spread your disease.
Why don't
give me something that's cute now buddy
Alright, I know it's bait.. but OP is kinda right. If you're not gonna invest your time into thought, creating media, writing something, or I don't know.. SOMETHING other than this shit, it's pointless. I like shitposting as a side activity… but if it's all you do…. maybe watch anime or some shit…. what's the point of living at all?
the steve miller band fucking blows
Rock N Me's a super catchy along with 5 others I really like. Their music is kind of robotic and stiff though, I stick to Joe Walsh or the Eagles or Lynyrd Skynrd tbh tbh
Finally, someone with half a brain. Fuck pedos, they create shit tbh
I took the money and ran :^)
Oh I get it hahahaha
what did he mean by this
Fuck off hippie
I'll bet you didn't even bother to actually read any of those books.
I'll bet your mummy didn't love you
My father was a soggy cum sock, fuck you!
waaaahh i hate books
Can you shut the fuck up. Pedos aren't funny
this is the most incorrect opinion ever
nah we just hate fags like you
lol dumbass
anyway what are some funny pedos buddy? weinstein