Yo, this artist has some really good songs on soundcloud. He's got a YouTube too. I think y'all should check him out. He goes by Daniel, kinda like Drake or Kyle.
Those were fire, but I think "Rise to Notoriety" was probably more fire, but the other one was catchy.
Dubs check em mate
So you aren't just a shill, you are a shill for a retard.
i just listened to a litte of them - i think OP might have schizophrenia or something tbh
How is it a retard when he is better than Drake?
One one of those were by me.
Yeah as OP this is only my second post in this thread.
all me
I like this song better
You fucking halfchan kids don't even realize that fullchan btards were making fun of Soundcloud wannabes before you were out of diapers.
Do you have any idea how many of these Soundcloud macros I have in my folder?
Soundcloud is to music what MySpace is to the internet.
you sound kinda autistic tbh
I'd rather sound autistic than sound like OP's link, tbh.
gtfo out shill piece of trash