Is this true?

Is this true?

I wonder who could be behind this post.

gamma positive famalam

I mean.. Whatever works for you!
Life is absurd anyway, so, if that spook makes you feel beter.. Whatever, muh dude!


I mean at some point if you wanna try for a case study you *might* use the clasifications for simplicity's sake.

Obviously. That's why communism can't work

Classifications need to have a basis in reality though, otherwise its like dividing people up by skull shape.



For world communism to work, every human must be a gamma positive.

Yeah it is. But Holla Forums blames capitalism for all hierarchies instead of genetics.

I have the capitalist gene. I have an instinctual tendency to hire workers for wage labor and then reinvest some of the profits into production.

We need to graph this shit.

To be perfectly honest, the ones on that chart who really stick out to me as being at the top of social hierarchy are the gamma positives. At the risk of sounding full of myself I reckon this board is mostly filled with gammas, both positive and negative. To what proportion, I don't know.

I think there are also more shades of grey rather than people being able to be pegged into one category or another. I can say for myself, I'm certainly somewhere between beta+ and gamma+, mostly due to a lack of drive, which I do hope to amend.
Took a brief stint as a hikikomori, but i no longer feel like a depressed loser, thank fuck
Hopefully, I can manage to do the shit I find fulfilling, not be poor, and work to raise class consciousness.

Jesus is nothing on earth not a spook on Holla Forums

no, Holla Forumsyps and liberals just keep posting spooks here.

If people by into the notion that everybody cleanly fits into one of those 10 categories, and/or "it's just human nature", then, yes, they are indeed spooked.

But it may prove to be a useful abstraction to define people by a rather narrow set of traits in relation to one another.

Many things are not spooks.

It's just that Holla Forumsyps are obsessed with spooks.

Communism won't liberate these folks. They are way too greeā€¦ I mean "individualistic" to perform simplest group tasks and we live in a society where this shitty behaviour is encouraged, so they need someone who put them in their place.
For this I have to sacrifice my hobbies though. Time which I'll never get back. And there are people who actually enjoy this kinda stuff?

All unironic leftypol posters belong in the omega minus group obviously.

Sadly, yes. Retards keep posting them.

His chart is apure abstraction forced in realuty, thwrefore its shit. It has absolutely no basis on reality or any study behind it, its the Austrian economics of meme charts.

Pure unscientifc trash, do not post it again.

This chart is a pure abstraction forced in reality, therefore its shit. It has absolutely no basis on reality or any study behind it, its the Austrian economics of meme charts.

Pure unscientific trash, do not post it again.

Is this true?

It's not our fault so many people on the right use spooks as a replacement for political insight.

Thanks for the laugh. I wonder if it's true, though.

It's 100% true just like horoscopes. List enough traits and anyone is bound to fall in a category somewhere.

Well I'm a communist and a furry so am I a gamma negative or an omega negative? checkmate atheists.

as cringey as I find furries tend to be, I don't think personal fetishes determines where a person stands in this contrived heirarchy. There are many alpah+ people who like participating as a sub during s+m.

almost nothing from pol isn't.
It's a fixed idea so yes tis a spook


It's exactly as true as those charts characterizing the traits of different races that Holla Forums is fond of posting