I have a mask file that includes every major piece of code poettering has touched. I will NEVER allow systemd...

I have a mask file that includes every major piece of code poettering has touched. I will NEVER allow systemd, pulse or avahi on any of my Gentoo systems. gconf and dconf have also been masked as they create a lot of "systemd compatible" crap, polluting my system for no good reason.

Here is my mask file, in case anyone is interested: pastebin.com/dLiu4wSZ

Other urls found in this thread:


systemd is good.

No one cares what you think, anti-systemd SJW

install Debian

Debian is dogshit. Gentoo and Slackware are all that's left of Linux, apart from a few tiny niche distros.

Pretty much this.

arch linux though



Where do you think we are?


You need to go back.

What are your gripes with Debian? I used it quite a long time ago, and found their system of grouping packages to be retarded, which ultimately lead to a confusing mess when you needed to mix and match stable and unstable packages. I thought apt was pure shit, and became a BSD and Apple fag.

Of course, we're already here.

Linux is dogshit.

Unix is dogshit

you're not supposed to do this, all you have to do is pick either stable, testing, unstable.
just pick manjaro you fucking memelord

Linux is not Unix.

Computers are dogshit.

Downgrade to pen and paper.

Life is dogshit

Kill yourself.

Humanity is dogshit

Gas them all.

Autism is dogshit.

You're not alone. I even managed to purge boost from my system.

Consciousness is dogshit.

Attempt to destroy the universe through vacuum death.

At this point you're better off just using OSX.

Thanks for your work. Going to be installing Gentoo on my Ryzen system once it's put together next week.

Don't you mean... macOS?

You're doing God's work, user.

What about void?

that's what he meant by
void is a hobbyist toy distro

Why would you make a mask file for this? I've never installed any of this shit by accident. How is that even possible.

howabout gno

you can get it and make it systemd free


If you ask why it's because pastebin.com is part of the cloudflare CIA scheme
Anyway good work but please avoid cloudflare when possible.

The init why not.
The project on the other hand is cancer
Those this look like a sane design ?

Wut ?

Shit pastebin.ca use cloudflare now.
wtf ?!

How is it the systemd project's fault that developers/packagers of other projects want to make it a dependency for their projects/packages? It's not, your argument is shit.

You might want to up the dosage on those pills you're taking.

More than 4 millions website are in the cloudflare botnet

This is pasta
Why cloudflare is cancer to the internet

-cloudflare makes it extremely difficult for Tor users and users who disable javascript. This difficulty was originally just a simple CAPTCHA, that progressed into impossible CAPTCHAs (CAPTCHAs that would reject all answers), and finally outright blocks in the case of archive.is; this effectively bans the most security and privacy-conscious users from your site.

-cloudflare arbitrarily bans whoever they want. Today, it is Tor users who disable javascript. Tomorrow, it could be all Firefox users, Linux users, VPN users, Brazillians, Germans, Snowden supporters, filesharers, anons, children, women, homosexuals, Christians. The exact criteria doesn't matter, because it is completely at the whim of cloudflare.

-cloudflare completely breaks SSL

Standard SSL handshake
User -> website's key -> website
User cloudflare's key -> cloudflare -> website's key -> website

Wow, who would have thought that providing anti-ddos services means certain properties of the Internet will stop working! We can now conclude that the cia did it!

Forgot the rest:

Untraceably, because unlike a standard MitM, which can always be detected by saving and comparing public keys between sessions, cloudflare is always in the middle and is always either forging a fake public key or even TAKING YOUR PRIVATE KEY.

-cloudflare centralizes the internet, creating a single point of failure. If cloudflare goes down, every server routing through them goes down.

-cloudflare does not actually protect against hacking. They can be bypassed using any proxy other than Tor, let alone nation-state botnets of hundreds of millions of compromised systems.

-cloudflare costs money. You are paying for the privilege of giving away your domain, SSL key and server traffic to a third party.

The rational conclusion to the above would be that cloudflare is attempting to consume the entire internet, like cancer.

As cloudflare is a US corporation, which appeared out of nowhere with more bandwidth and better hardware than most ISPs and has rapidly spread across the internet, it is highly likely they are an NSA front designed to completely take over the internet. Use cloudflare or be DDoS'd, that is the definition of a protection racket. Do not let them succeed, if you value the internet.

OF course not it could be the NSA or any spy agencies.


Here's two .onion bins
Requires JS

Requires JS and use the google botnet

pure cancer, enjoy your honeypot sites

Still better than cloudflare websites.
I am trying to find one that doesn't require JS if I know one I would have already shared it.

If I pull that off, will you die?


If all you ever do is browse youtube and Holla Forums, why not?

What's the point of using tor if you are gonna open yourself up to javascript exploits that can de-anonymize you? You really think these sites are 100% secure? Holla Forums was just hacked a few weeks ago, the hacker could have easily added malicious script to the site and de-anonymized you if he had an exploit, and he wanted to


I hate systemd has much as Julius Streicher hated the jews, but (((systemd))) can't be blamed for the idiocy of programmers outside their project.

nice try kike. system d is cancer and goes against everything good about open source

That's Red Hat, not Pottering. RH always hated the linux world not being homogeneous.

its probably both
daily reminder the tech fields are flooded with jews, masons, blue haired thots, and cucks. Everyone who calls themselves a "hacker" has about a 75% chance of being in antifa. most of the defcon staff/speakers are antifa or really cucky. computers are an easy way to gain "power" so weak people flock to "tech" fields like flys to a dead animal.

pulse is actually ok

pulse is actually ok. it's the only way i've been able to get multiple sound applications running at once without screwing up.

whopps :^)

False. Red Hat doesn't care. All they care about is RH Linux.



Nice shilling fags. You really blend right in with that dogshit.

Nice bumping of a 5 day old thread, summerfuck.


Wait, are you using GNOME and if so, why?

ALSA may or may not have issues running mulitiple audio streams depending on if your soundcard has hardware mixing or not, what output you use, and how retarded the distro's alsa package maintainers are. Fixing the problem is trivial though.

I just gonna post something said by SuperTramp83 on a thread at Trisquel forum:

I see no problem in systemd - it's free software, well tested. I have it on Debian and I'm fine with it. If you run servers you need to learn a lot of new things but if you use it on a home installation and do basic stuff as I do, you'll feel no difference at all other than a quite faster boot time.

One thing I can agree on with those who rant about it is it goes against the KISS (keep it simple stupid) philosophy of GNU: do one thing and do it well. From what I've read this new init system is much more than that and it has extended to so many parts of the OS that it is glued to so many things. So those who don't like it find very difficult in many cases getting rid of it.
I prefer keeping things simple (generally speaking) and giving everybody the choice on whether to use something or not and systemd makes this tough for many.

That being said, I guess in five years everybody will use it and forget about the controversial intro."

Consider reading it, please.

It keeps changing all the time, so it's not well tested.
What, exactly was it that you couldn't do with all the countless other inits/process managers that was necessary for admins and only systemd could provide?
A sligltly slower boot up is a small price to pay for a simpler OS.
systemd is the text book example of scope creep. It should be taught in school.
systemd-less alternatives: without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Free_and_Open-Source_.28FOSS.29_operating_systemswithout_systemd_in_the_default_installation I use GuixSD, and it's fantastic!
Nuance: systemd and distro maintainers make this tough for many. The DMs are also to blame for the systemd infiltration/infestation.
I think that there will continue to be a hard core of anti-systemd programmers out there that will maintain shitstemdless systems.

except systemd is made up of a multitude of daemons and utilities which each do one thing and do it well.

if we listened to retards, the GNU core utils would be violating this philosophy. they are, but just because GNU doesn't care for this in general. to elaborate, "do one thing and do it well" is not GNU's philosophy. It's the UNIX philosophy. And that was abandoned quite a long time ago anyways in traditional UNIX lineage, let alone the clones.
Stallman himself admits that he never cared for the UNIX philosophy. GNU was only made as a clone of UNIX because UNIX won, and Lisp lost.

How fucking retarded are you people? What are you doing on Holla Forums? Why are you responding to "babby's first systemd shitposting thread" despite not knowing anything?

call me when I can use other init systems to manage services in process group interfaces provided by the kernel, and not have to have hacked together scripts to find all instances of forked processes which may or may not work right half of the time and leave dangling services.
I'm sure you'll respond to this post with your autistic anger though, deal with it you know-nothing sysadmin larper.

Some people don't think init should need a hundred daemons. As for doing it well, in the last years (((systemd))) had more really bad bugs than the stable alternatives.
The core utils is a set of independent tools. (((Systemd))) tools are anything but independent, they don't play nice with standard tools. You can't even cat or grep the logs by default. Which is fine, Microsoft does the same and people like their OS, but don't pretend it's anything remotely resembling unix because it doesn't.

LMAO, larper detected

It doesn't NEED any of them, the only thing majorly required for systemd is dbus and udev and logind if you're going to log into via vt or remotely. You need a device manager anyways, so now your only complaint is dbus and logind (which is sort of optional, it's started on-demand, it all depends.) Everything else is optional, and are only helpers.
How does it feel, being incompetent?

Also, I forgot journald. That's sort of required as well. You can disable the binary logs and have syslog either read from a compatibility socket or have syslog read from the non-persistent journal. Either way, systemd uses journald for some its monitoring features as far as I recall. But on-disk, persistent "binary logs" are optional.

Pretty impressive level of autism.

Technically udev and journald (logging) would not be required on embedded but you'd likely not want to have the slight additional weight of systemd on real embedded systems anyways. If we're talking about ARM "embedded" though, it'd probably be worth it.

You are confused if you believe that systemd's goal is only init. Systemd's goal is to provide a system management platform on top of Linux.

That's a really nice feature but does the colossal scope and size of systemd justify its features? In my opinion no, and as I said it keeps changing all the time.
Of course we all want robust solutions, that's only reasonable.
Not an argument Lennart. What I want is something that manages services sensibly without the huge bloat and catastrophic security record that comes with systemd. With you Lennart it's
there is now middle ground and it's always the fault of the user. So, given the choice between sinit and (((systemd))), I'll take sinit, the feature-richness of ((((systemd))) doesn't make up for the complexity and lack of good documentation.

Just because coreutils doesn't make it simple to install a select few of the programs [wich should be simple] doesn't make it ok for systemd to be complex.

You're a larper because you haven't actually compiled the GNU core utils yet saw fit to argue that they're not complexly intertwined with internal dependencies.
systemd does complex things, it allows me to start services or jobs when a device is hotplugged with two lines of declarative instruction. It allows me to limit, track, and seamlessly restart process groups with an API provided by the kernel. If you weren't a larper you'd know how racey and fraught with peril restarting apache used to be. Sometimes it would be dangling, sometimes it wouldn't. You'd have to have arcane scripts to track the resource usage of all of the forked processes, it didn't work right.
You're a moron, now fuck off back to Holla Forums.

lel. go back to your safe space.

I should have been clearer, that it's not ok for coreutils be this complex as well, but if you don't like it, you can easly swap it with for example BusyBox. uselessd development was halted because systemd changed so rapidly, why should a process manager/whatever change this often? If it's 1 part of the OS you want stable it's the PM. So yes, unfortunately coreutils is not as simple as it should be, but it's stable and swappable, very much unlike systemd.

You also seem to imply that it's either sysvinit or systemd, with nothing inbetween, that's not true. There have been many PMs before systemd: blog.darknedgy.net/technology/2015/09/05/0/
If you are looking for service managers, but don't want (((Lennart))) having a backdoor into your system, look here first: without-systemd.org/wiki/index.php/Init#Service_managers

pic related: it's your soul


Instead now you have a pseudo-scripting language that will be parsed by an init system that assumes a lot of things about the environment and may or may not break because of those assumptions. Congratulations, you just made state of the art worse. A lot of people use wrapper scripts with unit files because of how limited they are so it doesn't bring anything new to the table anyway.

This is bullshit, you need at least journald if you want logs at least ([r]syslog support was removed because the API changes way too much and supporting things other than journald in the core systemd was getting hard, so it's handled in journald now). For a lot of things you also need the other binaries (resolved, timedated, machined, etc etc) unless you're installing a pre-imaged system. There's almost no way to set up some parts of the GNU/Linux system with systemd and WITHOUT its tools, because tools from other init systems are not compatible with systemd.

Also, I'm not the user you're talking to, but
Resorting to insults when you're out of arguments just show that you have no arguments and nothing else. It's sad really.


That's not what cgroups are, or entail, moron. You're not a sysadmin, stop pretending you are one, you're a NEET with a workstation purchased with NEETbux.

Also, I can't count the number of times racey or forking behavior fucked sysvinit.

Just deal with it, no one cares if you use systemd or not you stupid autist. But if you don't know the specific problems that it solves, or never have encountered them, then you don't get to discuss this.
rsyslog is still supported, both over a compatibility socket and rsyslog can read right from the journal in later versions. This is a performance optimization, not anything to do with some Red Hat conspiracy, because the compatibility socket still exists.
No, you do not. Fuck off, retard.

Ah, right, you're a dark n' edgy forumfag. The same drooling, incompetent NEETs responsible for systemd shitposting on 4chan/g/ and Holla Forums/tech/ years ago.
Go back to your forum and stay there, you retarded faggot.

No one's triggered here, except the moron who had to concede that even something as basic as the GNU coreutils has internal dependencies.
Did you know that OpenSSH on Linux is basically a fork because of internal OpenBSD dependencies?

Most of what retards are criticizing with systemd is the cathedral development model, and not even "muh UNIX philosophy." But even the UNIX philosophy is nonexistant in modern UNIX, especially with clones like GNU.
It's a myth that lives on, but only superficially through file descriptor tricks and the shell.

I mean, I use Slackware, so I had to patch i3lock not to use PAM.
But, I've never really understood what is actually wrong with PAM? It's not potteringware, and while I'm not really sure what it's supposed to do, I've never even noticed it's existence in other distros.

Also, another thing
Key-value declarative configuration is not a "scripting language". If that were the case, let's make the same argument about any configuration files with any program.
By your (incorrect) armchair expert analysis, it'd simply be the same as the status quo, except it's:
1) faster
2) uses solid kernel APIs to completely eliminate this race behavior in restarting or killing services
3) uses solid kernel APIs to completely eliminate racey behavior and allows me to actually know what's running on my system

So, even by that token, it's better. There's no "scripting language" involved in the context of grouping processes and then restarting/killing/getting the status of these processes.

And even with your dumbfuck armchair interpretation, can you please point to a single historical instance of systemd failing to restart/kill/get the status of a process group because of this "scripting language" you believe exists?
Even one post on a mailing list or a bug report will be sufficient.
Protip: you won't be able to provide even a single instance.

UNIX would be as dead as LISP machines if Stallman didn't make GNU. The "UNIX vs LISP machine" meme is ignorant Lisp-centrism anyway. Traditional portrait monitor workstations were killed off by (or became) UNIX workstations but the LISP machine people didn't care until it happened to their own project because they thought it was reducing the competition. UNIX workstations were later killed by Windows PCs and Macs. Without GNU/Linux, all UNIX-like systems would be a niche "cult following" like Plan 9 and there would be more innovation in OS design. A lot of OSes from the 70s and 80s aren't used much anymore either even though they have a better design, such as VMS.


Few times in my life have I seen so many non-arguments cooked by a completely double-lobotomized retard together in one shitpost so abyssmal one has to stand in awe.
>triggerd by a list
If you managed to connect the two braincells you may pretty generous or may not have, and just speedread through blog.darknedgy.net/technology/2015/09/05/0/ , you would have seen the following mentioned (ordered by year of introduction):
1. IBM System Resource Controller (1992) (18 years before systemd)
2. daemontools (1997) (13 years before systemd)
3. rc.d (2000) (10 years before systemd)
4. simpleinit (2001) (9 years before systemd)
5. minit (2001) (9 years before systemd)
6. depinit (2002) (9 years before systemd)
7. daemond (2002) (9 years before systemd)
8. GNU shepherd formerly dmd (2003) (7 years before systemd)
9. pinit (2003) (7 years before systemd)
10. initng (2005) (5 years before systemd)
11. launchd (2005) (5 years before systemd)
12. Service Management Facility (SMF) (2005) (5 years before systemd)
13. eINIT (2006) (4 years before systemd)
14. Upstart (2006) (4 years before systemd)
15. Asus eeePC fastinit (2007) (3 years before systemd)
16. OpenRC (2007) (3 years before systemd)
17. Android init (2008) (2 years before systemd)
18. systemd (2010) (year 0 of the ongoing systemd infiltration)
19. procd (2012) (2 years after systemd)
20. Epoch (2014) (4 years after systemd)
21. sinit (2014) (4 years after systemd)
sinit source code:
# MIT license.#include #include #include #include #include #include #define LEN(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof *(x))static void sigpoweroff(void);static void sigreap(void);static void sigreboot(void);static void spawn(char *const []);static struct { int sig; void (*handler)(void);} sigmap[] = { { SIGUSR1, sigpoweroff }, { SIGCHLD, sigreap }, { SIGINT, sigreboot },};static char *const rcinitcmd[] = { "/bin/rc.init", NULL };static char *const rcrebootcmd[] = { "/bin/rc.shutdown", "reboot", NULL };static char *const rcpoweroffcmd[] = { "/bin/rc.shutdown", "poweroff", NULL };static sigset_t set;intmain(void){ int sig; size_t i; if (getpid() != 1) return 1; chdir("/"); sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL); spawn(rcinitcmd); while (1) { sigwait(&set, &sig); for (i = 0; i < LEN(sigmap); i++) { if (sigmap[i].sig == sig) { sigmap[i].handler(); break; } } } /* not reachable */ return 0;}static voidsigpoweroff(void){ spawn(rcpoweroffcmd);}static voidsigreap(void){ while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) ;}static voidsigreboot(void){ spawn(rcrebootcmd);}static voidspawn(char *const argv[]){ pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); } else if (pid == 0) { sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL); setsid(); execvp(argv[0], argv); perror("execvp"); _exit(1); }}

Opinion discarded

Holy fuck stop parroting that shit, you insufferable faggot. This is like, too subtle and retarded to be trolling. The things cuckflare do are not done by a single other anti-ddos solution or CDN.
-cuckflare blocks tor, this has nothing to do with anti-ddos since tor doesn't have the capacity to launch ddos unless the target's layer 7 is full of garbage that consumes resources quadratic to the amount of input.
-cuckflare provides antiscraping snake oil. this has nothing to do with anti-ddos
-cuckflare blocks you if you accidentally type ' in a URL (exaggerating, but this is pretty much what their WAF snakeoil does). this has nothing to do with anti-ddos
-cuckflare leaks private data from one connection to your cuckflare-backed site, to their other unrelated customers. no other anti-ddos solution in the history of the internet has fucked up this bad

Are you memeing? If someone only uses tor as good practice or to assert his right to privacy, there's nothing wrong with enabling JS once in a while. Ideally, no sites would require JS, since the web is only really good for serving static documents, but we don't live in that reality :(

Who are you quoting?


This is blatantly wrong. Slackware uses PulseAudio so it must be avoided.

removepkg pulseaudio xfce4-pulseudio-plugin alsa-plugins pavucontrol pamixer sox MPlayerrm -rf /etc/asound.conf /etc/pulse /etc/rc.d/rc.pulseaudio /etc/mplayer /usr/share/mplayerchmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.alsagpasswd -a audio
Both MPlayer and sox link to libpulse and would need a rebuild to work properly. I'm unsure how KDE would react to this setup, since I don't install it.

/etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager stopchmod -x /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanagerremovepkg NetworkManager network-manager-applet mobile-broadband-provider-info-20151214-$(uname -m)-1rm -rf /var/run/NetworkManager /var/lib/NetworkManager /etc/NetworkManager /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanagerslackpkg install wicdchmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.wicdgpasswd -a netdev


Oh, I forgot to add, after removing pulseaudio:
slackpkg install xfce4-mixer xfce4-volumed
Or for KDE (I haven't tried this): docs.slackware.com/howtos:multimedia:pulseaudio_non-default#kde_4

So you're saying that we should prefer the distro that contains the cancer instead of the distro that doesn't. Fuck off will ya? Slackware is dead for most folks.

Debian includes PulseAudio
Gentoo includes PulseAudio
Literally every other distro includes PulseAudio
What do you even use that doesn't have PulseAudio?

Gentoo doesn't have pulseaudio by default, lol. I use pure ALSA lad.

Because it has literally nothing by default, not even X. That's like saying "hurr, Ubuntu minimal doesn't have PA, because it doesn't even have X". Well, guess what: A base slackware install with only the "a" package set doesn't have PulseAudio either. Who would've guessed?
I'm using pure ALSA as well.