Why did they jump?

Why did they jump?

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Thank you for not assuming their gender OP


Because unlike most people on this board, real human beings have balls and when faced with imminent death would rather go out on their own terms rather than to allow fate (or some shitskin) to decide.

No, it's because they were being cooked alive and couldn't breathe because of the smoke. It's not like they sat there and pondered death and then made a rational decision to jump.

Yeah so they'd rather go out on their own terms than fate (in this case fire or smoke).

You're literally proving his point dumbass.


real human bean

the relevant question is;
why do they hijack planes?

While I admire your attempt to make it sound noble the fact is it was a nicer death than being roasted in the flames.
If you have ever been near extreme radiant heat you can understand why people would jump if there was no other way to escape.

bcumz they made a shit post on a chan and eveyone said kys and they did

Umm, fire? You know, that orange and yellow flame-y stuff?


free skydiving

To get away from you, OP.

they didn't, 911 was a psyop

big if true

Because George Bush was in Florida reading to school children for some reason and Larry Silverstein owned the buildings but wasn't around and neither was his family and he made two insurance claims just a month before and America invaded an entire country over 2 buildings for some reason and Operation Northwood…

Enjoy your Autism… you seem very adapt with it.

Everything I said was factual and happened, if this bothers you then good, it actually should, you're just projecting it onto me


CIA had to make a money selling out America

I hate when people say shit like this, it's grossly oversimplifying

The United States government just realized sometime in the 1960s and 1970s that people cannot be forced to do what you want (otherwise its fascism and will never work) and that telling people rarely works either

They realized you need to suggest people to accomplish objectives, manufactured crisis and incentives are simply too effective a means of doing this shit

The US governments intentions is more likely a "Disneyland" model of the world where people are too distracted by the environment itself by bombarding people with distractions so they don't give a fuck. I think they're overall trying for this model but wither or not they're succeeding depends on where you are.

And for fucks sake this shit isn't "conspiracy theory" there's no conspiracy going on at all, this shit is very well known, it should be common knowledge, the government doesn't care if you're aware, that's the point, if you're one of those "Ha I know what you're doing I'm sure smarter than you!" types it only means its working, because you're too satisfied with being aware so you inadvertently remain complacent regardless. Also the term "conspiracy theorist" was coined by the CIA

bigly if true

You can either die by fire or jump to your death.
Well, Holla Forums? What do?

hold breath until i faint at edge of building, die in sleep on impact

If you jump from such a high building you'll go unconscious long before you hit the ground anyway.

[citation needed]

Big if true


Really big if true

bigly if true


horseshit. ppl will do *anything* to escape the pain of fire user.

niggers in the building


In hope they would survive the brutal fall.


That's pretty brutal if true